Department of Applied Environmental Science
Applied Environmental Science News

ENSTU Student Explores Marine and Paleontological Research
Kaitlyn Tunick, a current Environmental Studies major, completed work with the California Killer Whale Project and is conducting research with Pacific Paleontology, which specializes in paleontological mitigation and archival services throughout the Monterey Bay Area.

ENSCI Student Presents Rattlesnake Research at Wildlife Society Conference
Katherine "Kat" Molinari, a current graduate student in the Environmental Science Master's program, recently attended the Western Section of the Wildlife Society's yearly conference in Visalia, California, from February 3-5, 2025. She had the opportunity to present her research and network with fellow scientists!

ESTP & AMWS Alumna Protects Ecosystems Through Environmental Consulting
Amelia Olson, an alumna of our Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy and Applied Marine & Watershed Science (now known as Environmental Science, MS) programs, works as a biologist and permitting analyst for Padre Associates Inc., an environmental and geoenvironmental consulting firm.
AES Staff Supports Graduate Programs and Science Internships
Kierra joined the CSUMB community in 2015 and is a valued staff member in the AES Department as our Student Services Professional. She is also an alumna of both the Marine Science, B.S., and the Environmental Science, MS programs.

AES Lecturer Brings Passion for Teaching and Ecology to CSUMB
Dr. Kelly Barr joined the CSUMB community in 2022 and is a valued lecturer in the AES and BIOC departments. He teaches various classes, including ENVS 240: Environmental Biology, and will be offering a new class, BIO 395: Ornithology, this upcoming fall semester.
AES Highlights
In an effort to stay connected, we created a bi-semester highlights newsletter series to keep all AES students, staff, faculty, and alumni informed of current AES news & events. Check out our previous issues below and keep an eye out on your inbox for our next newsletter!
Highlight Stories
ENSTU Student Studies Abroad in Japan
Eric Fondriest, a current Environmental Studies major, recently studied abroad in Japan, where he had the opportunity to conduct a study on sustainable agriculture and sustainable communities in Japan.
ESTP Student Conducts Wildfire, Microplastic, and Botany Research
Audrey Longan, a current Environmental Science, Technology, and Policy major, recently competed in UROC's Annual Research Competition, where she presented research on how increases in fine sediment due to wildfire impact populations of filter-feeding benthic macroinvertebrates. She also conducts research with Dr. John Olson in the Watershed Environments and Ecology Lab.
ENSCI Student Explores Conventional Fertilizer Alternatives at UC Santa Cruz
Lucas Raymond, a current graduate student in the Environmental Science Master's program, is completing his 400-hour internship project as part of his Professional Science Master's (PSM) requirement at UC Santa Cruz under the Next Gen Fellowship Program.
ENSCI & ESTP Alumna Advocates for Climate Smart Management Practices in Agriculture
Stefanie Kortman, an alumna of our Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy and Environmental Science, MS programs, works as the Senior Lab Technician at the Haffa Laboratory of Agricultural Biogeochemistry.
AES Staff Keeps AES Department Running Smoothly
Michelle Ericksen joined the CSUMB community in 2022 and is a valued member of our administrative staff as our Administrative Support Coordinator. Michelle supports students and faculty by assisting with all department administrative matters, travel paperwork, grant support, and supporting classes.
AES Faculty is Dedicated to Science Education and CSUMB’s Mission
Dr. Natalie Zayas joined the CSUMB community in 1999 and is a valued lecturer in the AES Department. She is also an alumna of the Liberal Studies program. She currently teaches ENVS 201: Introduction to Environmental Science.
ESTP Student Conducts Research for the USDA
Samantha Kozlo, a current Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy major, is completing research at the USDA-ARS in Salinas in Dr. Peter Henry’s Soilborne Pathogen Lab. She is conducting research focusing on the fungus Fusarium oxysporum and how various environmental factors can increase its rate of spread.
ENSTU Student Studies Abroad in Chile
Karly Mai, a current Environmental Studies major, recently studied abroad at the Universidad Viña Del Mar (UVM) in Viña Del Mar, Chile, where she had the opportunity to develop her Spanish language skills and learn more about Chilean culture.
ENSCI Student Conducts Research on Rodents and Agricultural Fields
Emily Kelvin, a current graduate student in the Environmental Science Master’s program (ENSCI), has been working on her thesis project over the past year. As a thesis student in Dr. Jennifer Duggan’s lab, Emily is focusing her research on how ditch management practices influence the movements of rodents in and around local crop fields.
ENSCI Student Investigates Vernal Pools and Restoration Areas at Rana Creek Ranch
Katherine Hardisty-Cranstone, a current Environmental Science Master’s student, was recently featured for her work at Rana Creek Ranch alongside Dr. Fred Watson. Katherine will be completing her 400-hour internship as part of her Professional Science Master’s degree requirement at Rana Creek Ranch.
AES Lecturer is Dedicated to Student Success and Science Education/Access for All
Jane Silberstein joined the CSUMB community in 2016 and is a valued lecturer in the AES Department. She is known for her passion for science education and communication and her dedication to student success.
AES Staff Supports Courses with Expertise and Care
Jessica Valdez-Schulz joined the CSUMB community in 2009 and is a valued member of our Instructional Support Technician (IST) staff. She completed her BS in Biology here at CSUMB before joining as staff.
AES Alumni and Faculty Attend Mammalogy Conference
Alana Owings and Nicole Bonello, both alumni of our Environmental Studies program, recently attended the American Society of Mammalogists conference in Colorado this past summer, along with Dr. Jennifer Duggan.
AES Faculty Featured in Nature
Dr. AJ Purdy, a senior research scientist in the CSUMB/NASA Co-Op, is among the authors of a new study that appears July 17 in the prestigious science journal Nature.
AES Professor Featured in the News!
Dr. Fred Watson was featured in Monterey County Now for his work on the Fort Ord Regional Trail and Greenway.
AES Student Lands Job with Catalina Island Marine Institute
Nathan Ito, a current Environmental Studies major, landed a job with the Catalina Marine Institute. He will work as a divemaster and marine science instructor and credits his work with Dr. Victoria Derr in ENSTU 365 for helping him secure the job.
AES Student Conducts Water Monitoring and Sediment Transport Research
Ellery Charleton, a current Environmental Science, Technology, and Policy major, is conducting research with Dr. Jimmy Guilinger and Dr. John Olson in the Watershed Geology Lab and the Watershed Environments and Ecology Lab, focusing on water monitoring and sediment transport.
AES Professor Named Professor Emeritus
Dr. Doug Smith is retiring from CSUMB at the end of the 2023- 2024 academic year following 24 years of academic and administrative service at CSUMB.
ENSCI Sweeps the 2024 CSUMB and CSU Grad Slam!
Alyssa Anzalone and Gerhard Gross, both current Environmental Science Master's students, competed in CSUMB's third annual Grad Slam competition. Alyssa won first place for her presentation, while Gerhard won the People's Choice award.
Alyssa represented CSUMB at the statewide competition on May 3 and won the entire CSU-wide Grad Slam!
ENSCI Student Defends Thesis on the Removal of Arundo donax During Wet and Dry Years
Savannah Saldana recently defended her thesis research “Evaluating Ecological Conditions of the Salinas River after the Removal of A. donax during Wet and Dry Years” in front of her committee and a public audience on Friday, May 3, 2024.
ENSCI Student Conducts Research with California State Parks
Caroline Bolen, a current Environmental Science Master’s student, is currently completing a 400-hour internship with California State Parks as part of her Professional Science Master’s degree requirement. Caroline’s research focused on assessing species richness and abundance.
ENSCI Student Defends Thesis on Developing Ecological Integrity Metrics for Wetlands
Rebecca Baggott recently defended her thesis research “Developing Metrics of Ecological Integrity for Wetlands on the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation” in front of her committee and a public audience on Tuesday, May 7, 2024.
ENSCI Student Conducts Research with California State Parks
Caroline Bolen, a current Environmental Science Master’s student, is currently completing a 400-hour internship with California State Parks as part of her Professional Science Master’s degree requirement. Caroline’s research focused on assessing species richness and abundance.
AES Lecturer Reflects on CSUMB Journey
Erin Stanfield joined the CSUMB community in 2006 and is a valued lecturer in the AES Department. She is also an alumna of the Coastal Watershed Science & Policy (now known as Environmental Science, MS) program.
AES Professor Wins 2024 Marian Penn Partnership Award
Dr. Victoria Derr, Associate Professor in AES, received the 2024 Service Learning Institute's Marian Penn Partnership Award for her partnership/work with Juan Ramirez, Community Programs Manager at the Elkhorn Slough Foundation, and Alice Miller and Cynthia Torres, teachers at Hall District Elementary School, and Kenton Parker, formerly at Elkhorn Slough and now volunteer. Their collaboration allows Hall District Elementary School students to experience ways of knowing, being, and belonging in nature.
AES Professor Interviewed by KSBW-8 for Landslide Expertise
Dr. James Guilinger, assistant professor and PI of the Watershed Geology Lab, was interviewed by KSBW 8 for his expertise on landslides and how climate change has impacted the Central Coast, including the landslide at Highway 1.
AES Professor and ENSCI MS Student Featured in the News!
Dr. Fred Watson and Katherine Hardisty-Cranstone, a current Environmental Science Master's student, were featured in the Monterey County Weekly for their work at Rana Creek Ranch.
AES Student Completes Natural Resources Internship
Benjamin Pedersen, a current Environmental Studies major, completed an internship with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources this past summer.
ENSCI Student Conducts Thesis Research on Microplastics in Freshwater Ecosystems
Alyssa Anzalone, a current graduate student in the Environmental Science Master’s program (ENSCI), has been working on her thesis project over the past year. As a thesis student in Dr. John Olson’s lab, Alyssa is focusing her research on microplastic abundance in freshwater ecosystems and the influence of agricultural and urban activities on microplastic abundance.
AES Student Conducts Rock-Solid Research
Manuel Villa Alvarado, a current Environmental Science, Technology, and Policy major, is a member of Dr. James Guilinger’s Watershed Geology Lab. Along with Abraham Porras-Vargas (check out his interview here), Manuel conducts research focusing on earthflows in Hollister, California.
ENSCI Student Presents Research at Western Society of Naturalists Conference
Alicia Del Toro, a current Environmental Science Master’s student, recently attended and presented her research with Dr. Alison Haupt at the Western Society of Naturalists conference this year.
AES Professor Reflects on Her Career and What We Can Do to Make a Difference
Dr. Suzanne “Suzy” Worcester joined the CSUMB community in 1996 and is a valued faculty member in the AES Department. She has taught numerous courses in AES and other departments, and she served as the Chair of the School of Natural Sciences for many years.
BIO and AES Alumna’s Career Takes Wing
Amanda Preece, an alumna of both the Biology and Environmental Science MS program, now works as the Environmental Advocate with the Monterey Audubon Society. She will be our seminar speaker on March 18, 2024. The seminar will be in Chapman E104 at 4 pm.
AES Lecturer is Passionate About Earth Science and Education
Dr. Julie Martin, a lecturer in the AES Department, has been a member of the CSUMB community since 2014. She has taught numerous classes throughout the College of Science and the AES Department, including Integrated Physical Science (PHYS 121) and Intro to Earth Science (GEOL 210).
ESSP and CWSP Alumnus Works with NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center
Dr. Miles Daniels, an alumnus of both the Earth Systems Science and Policy (now known as Environmental Science, Technology, and Policy) and Coastal Watershed Science and Policy (now known as Environmental Science) alumnus, now works as an assistant researcher with the Fisheries Collaborative Program at the University of California, Santa Cruz and as an affiliate of the Southwest Fisheries Science Center.
ENSCI Student Attends CSU Water Conference
Mary Snook, a current Environmental Science Master’s student, attended the CSU Water Conference this past year.
ENSCI Student Conducts Research with BLM
Sarah Beilman, a current Environmental Science Master’s student, is currently completing a 400-hour internship with the Bureau of Land Management as part of her Professional Science Master’s degree requirement.
ENSTU Alumna Works Towards Environmental Education Access for All
Cecelia “Cece” Gutierrez, an Environmental Studies alumna, works as the Community Bird School & Nature Program Coordinator for the Ventana Wildlife Society.
AES/BIO Student Wins First Place at Freshwater Science Chapter Meeting
Ashley Rawlins, an Environmental Science minor and Biology major, recently attended the California Chapter of the Freshwater Science meeting in November, along with Dr. John Olson, Lexi Yokomizo (a current ESTP major), and Connor Quiroz (a current ESTP major).
AES/BIO Student Rocked at Geological Society of America Conference
Abraham Porras-Vargas, a current Environmental Science minor and Biology major, recently attended the Geological Society of America conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, this past fall. Abraham presented his research project “Creepy Hillslopes: Multimethod Analysis of Earthflows in Hollister, CA,” which was completed alongside Dr. Jimmy Guilinger, Dr. Doug Smith, Ellery Charleton (a current ESTP major), and Manuel Villa Alvarado (a current ESTP major).
AES Student Places Second at UROC Competition
Connor Quiroz, a current ESTP student, placed second at the 9th annual Fall Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Competition.
AES Faculty Awarded $1.13 Million Grant for CSUMB/NASA Water-Use Research
Dr. AJ Purdy and Lee Johnson, adjunct research faculty and research scientists in the CSUMB/NASA Co-Op, received a $1.13 million award from the U.S. Geological Survey for their work in scientific leadership and software engineering for the OpenET system.
Lisa Irvine, a current Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy major, recently won the Outstanding Research Poster Award at the UROC Summer Symposium for her research with Dr. James "Jimmy" Guilinger.
ENSTU Student Studies Abroad in Taiwan
Ánh Cao, a current Environmental Studies major, recently returned from studying abroad in Taiwan for a year, where she had the opportunity to learn more about the natural resources and natural resource management in Taiwan.
ENSCI Student Conducting Research for US Army Garrison
Skylar Wolfe, a current Environmental Science Master’s student, is currently completing a 400-hour internship with the US Army Garrison Fort Hunter Liggett as part of her Professional Science Master’s degree requirement.
ENSCI Student Conducts Research for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Sarah Winkel, a current Environmental Science master’s student, recently completed an internship with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife as part of her Professional Science Master's degree requirement.
AES Lecturer Reflects on CSUMB Experience
Monica joined the CSUMB community as a staff member in Fall 2002. She was also part of the first graduate student cohort of the Coastal and Watershed Science and Policy Master's program (now known as Environmental Science). She now teaches a wide range of classes in the AES Department.
ENSTU Alumna Named GrizzlyCorps Fellow
Candi Rivera (Whitehead) an Environmental Studies alumna, was selected as the GrizzlyCorps Fellow for the Western Shasta Resource Conservation District.
ENSTU Alumna Selected as GrizzlyCorps Fellow
Michelle Cone, a recent Environmental Studies graduate, was selected to be the Tribal Wildfire Resilience Coordinator with the Tribal EcoRestoration Alliance through the GrizzlyCorps.
AES Students and Faculty Leave Their Mark at International Fog Conference
Dr. Dan Fernandez and seven of his students attended the 9th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection, and Dew from July 23-July 28, 2023 in Fort Collins, Colorado.
AES Students and Faculty Present Research at Freshwater Sciences 2023 Conference
Dr. John Olson, Alexandra “Lexi” Yokomizo, and Connor Quiorz (both current Environmental Science, Technology, and Policy majors) attended and presented their research at the Freshwater Sciences 2023 Conference in Brisbane, Australia.
ESTP Student Named Ernest F. Hollings Scholar
Avalon Provance, a current Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy major, was named an Ernest F. Hollings NOAA Scholar.
ENSCI Student Defends Thesis on Relationships Between Apex Predators, Mesopredators, and Songbirds Along a Local Urbanization Gradient
Matt McGee recently defended his thesis research “Mesopredator occupancy and passerine richness along an urbanization gradient in central coastal California” in front of his committee and a public audience on Wednesday, May 3, 2023.
ENSCI Student Defends Thesis on Pesticide Remediating Microbes
Kieran Szelong defended their thesis research "The genomics of pesticide-remediating microbes relevant to agricultural specialty crops grown on California's Central Coast" in front of their committee and a public audience on Wednesday, May 10, 2023.
AES Adjunct Research Faculty Awarded NASA Outstanding Public Leadership Medal
Vince Ambrosia, a senior research scientist with CSUMB and the NASA Ames Research Center, is receiving the NASA Outstanding Public Leadership Medal in May.
AES Professor is Passionate About Sustainability and Fog
Dr. Dan Fernandez is a well-known professor in the AES and CSUMB community. In addition to teaching many physics and environmental science courses, he’s well known for his fog water collection research. Additionally, Dan created/founded the Sustainable City Year Program and runs the Fernandez Lab. When he’s not conducting research or teaching classes, Dan can be found hiking, riding his bike, and building things such as his fog collectors (some of which can be seen around campus).
ENSTU Major Makes Her Mark on Campus
Annie Jones, a current Environmental Studies major, is well-known for her work on and off campus. She works for the Office of Inclusive Excellence and Sustainability as a STARS (Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System) Reporting Student Assistant and assists HSP by organizing planning events and removing ice plants from campus.
ENSCI Student Defends Thesis on Relationships Between Apex Predators, Mesopredators, and Songbirds Along a Local Urbanization Gradient
Matt McGee recently defended his thesis research “Mesopredator occupancy and passerine richness along an urbanization gradient in central coastal California” in front of his committee and a public audience on Wednesday, May 3, 2023.
ESTP Alumni Awarded Service Learning Award and Reflects on Her Work with HSP
Bibiana Carrazco, an Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy alumnus, was awarded the 2023 Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy Service Learning Award for her work with the Habitat Stewardship Project (HSP; formerly known as Return of the Natives) as the Community Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator. Additionally, she works for Denise Duffy & Associates as an assistant biologist.
ENSTU Alumni Awarded the “Outstanding Senior for Social Justice” Award
Jacob Morales, an Environmental Studies alumni, was awarded the CSUMB “Outstanding Senior for Social Justice” award. Jacob was heavily involved with the Citizens Climate Lobby, Otter Cross Cultural Center, and Office of Inclusive Excellence and led the Native American Students United organization.
ENSCI Alumni Founds His Own Company
Danny Wright, an alumnus of the Coastal and Watershed Policy graduate program (now known as the Environmental Science Master’s program), was recently featured for his founding his own non-profit company.
ENSCI Student Places at Grad Slam
CSUMB recently hosted its second annual Grad Slam - a campus-wide competition for the best short oral research presentation by a graduate student. The Environmental Science master's program (ENSCI) was well represented by several graduate students during this competition. Most notably, one ENSCI graduate student was chosen as the winning recipient at the end of the competition.
ENSCI Students Present Research at American Fisheries Society Meeting
Michael Biedebach and Caleb Yakel, two current Environmental Science Master's students, recently attended the California-Nevada American Fisheries Society Conference in Long Beach, California. They also attended the conference with Dr. John Olson and Michelle Tarian, a recent graduate of the Environmental Science Master's program.
CSUMB Undergraduate Researcher Studies Valley Oak Regeneration on The Preserve
Mario Coronado Cartmell, an Environmental Science, Technology, and Policy major, is being recognized for his research by the Santa Lucia Conservancy.
AES Lecturer is Dedicated to Igniting Students' Interest in Environmental Science
Andria “Andi” Greene, a lecturer in the Department of Applied Environmental Science, is passionate about science and serving students. In 2023, she received the CSUMB Exceptional Level of Service to Students award. This award recognizes faculty who go above and beyond in enhancing the student learning environment for undergraduate and graduate students.
CSUMB Alum Tackles International Environmental Policy Graduate Program
Alan Sevin, an alumnus of the Environmental Studies program, is finishing his Master’s degree from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies and is set to begin an internship with the National Park Service. During his undergraduate career, he was an undergraduate research fellow with the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Center (UROC).
ENSCI Student Conducts Research for the Carmel River Watershed Conservancy
Erika Garig, a current Environmental Science Master’s student, recently completed an internship with the Carmel River Watershed Conservancy as part of her Professional Science Master’s project. Erika was tasked with developing a 400-hour internship that helped employ the skills she gained in the classroom. We recently touched base with Erika to learn more about her internship.
ENSCI Student Conducts Camera Trap Research for Big Sur Land Trust
Michael Biedebach, a current Environmental Science Master’s student, recently completed an internship with Big Sur Land Trust as part of his Professional Science Master’s project. Michael was tasked with developing a 400-hour internship that helped employ the skills he gained in the classroom. We recently touched base with Michael to learn more about his internship.
ESTP Student Attends National Leadership Summit
Elise Vasquez, a current Environmental Science, Technology, and Policy major, recently attended the 2022 Strategies for Ecology, Education, Diversity and Sustainability program (SEEDS) leadership meeting at the Arizona Institute for Resilient Environments and Societies (AIRES) at the University of Arizona this past November. The SEEDS program fully funded her airfare, housing, ground transportation, and food to participate.
ENSCI Student Defends Thesis on Understanding Salmonid eDNA Fate at Reach Level
Shawn Melendy defended his thesis research “Understanding Salmonid eDNA Fate at Reach Level” in front of his committee on Thursday, December 8, 2022. We reached out to Shawn to learn more about his thesis research and overall experience as an Environmental Science graduate student.
ENSCI Student Defends Thesis on Estimating Natural Background Water Quality in California Rivers
Emma Debasitis recently defended her thesis research “Estimating Natural Background Water Quality in California Rivers” in front of her committee on Monday, December 5, 2022.
We reached out to Emma following her successful defense to learn more about her thesis research and overall experience as an Environmental Science graduate student.
ENSCI Student Defends Thesis on Comparative Metagenomics Study on Bioreactor System in Salinas/Salinas River Valley and the Tijuana River Valley
Connie Machuca recently defended her thesis research “A Comparative Metagenomics Study on Bioreactor System in Salinas, CA, The Salinas River Valley, and The Tijuana River Valley” in front of her committee on Wednesday, November 16, 2022.
We reached out to Connie following her successful defense to learn more about her thesis research and overall experience as an Environmental Science graduate student.
ENSCI Student Defends Thesis on DNA Barcoding for Diet and Intestinal Microbiota of Juvenile Rainbow Trout/Steelhead on the California Coast
Bryan Van Orman recently defended his thesis research “DNA Barcoding for Diet and Intestinal Microbiota of Juvenile Rainbow Trout/Steelhead on the California Coast” in front of his committee on Wednesday, November 2, 2022.
We reached out to Bryan following his successful defense to learn more about his thesis research and overall experience as an Environmental Science graduate student.
AES Professor Reflects on His Career at CSUMB
Dr. Fred Watson, Professor in the Department of Applied Environmental Science, has been a valued part of the CSUMB Community since 1998. He’s been an advisor to many graduate and undergraduate students and runs the Watson Lab.
We recently touched base with Fred to learn more about his extensive career and what led him to CSUMB.
ENSTU Major Reflects on her CSUMB Experience
Olivia Equinoa, a current Environmental Studies major, is heavily involved in both the campus community and the AES Department. We recently touched base with Olivia to learn more about her campus involvement and what she enjoys about being a student at CSUMB.
ENSTU Major Participates in Summer Research Experience in Puerto Rico
Rafael Perez, an Environmental Studies major, participated in an undergraduate research experience project in Puerto Rico this past summer. We recently touched base with Rafael to discuss his experience.
CSUMB Faculty participates in the 2022 William R. Gianelli Water Leaders Team
Dr. Abby Ostovar, a lecturer in the Department of Applied Environmental Science, participated in the 2022 Water Leaders team. The 2022 cohort includes engineers, lawyers, resource specialists, and scientists from throughout the state. We recently touched base with Dr. Ostovar to learn more about her experience
ENSCI Student Conducts Research for Burleson Consulting
Jessica Sutton, a current Environmental Science master’s student, recently completed an internship with Burleson Consulting as part of her Professional Science Master’s (PSM) project. Jess was tasked with developing a 400-hour internship that helped employ the skills she gained in the classroom. We recently touched base with Jess to learn more about her internship.
Dr. Seth Gustafson joins Department of Applied Environmental Science as new Assistant Professor
Dr. Seth Gustafson joined the CSUMB Community this year. We recently touched base with Seth to learn more about his research and what he looks forward to doing during his time here at CSUMB.
AES Alumni Participates in 2022 William R. Gianelli Water Leaders Class
Kaitlyn Chow, an alumnus of both the Environmental Science, Technology, and Policy program (ESTP) and the Applied Marine Science and Watershed Science Masters program (AMWS, now known as ENSCI), participated in the 2022 Water Leaders team. The 2022 cohort includes engineers, lawyers, resource specialists, and scientists from throughout the state.
Dr. Jimmy Guilinger joins Department of Applied Environmental Science as new Assistant Professor
Dr. Jimmy Guilinger joined the CSUMB Community this year. We recently touched base with Jimmy to learn more about his research and what he looks forward to doing during his time here at CSUMB.
ENSCI Students Attend Summer Conferences
Over the summer, Environmental Science M.S. (ENSCI) thesis students from the Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology Lab engaged in sharing their research at national and international conferences.
RON teams up to provide outdoor experiences to Salinas
Salinas Together for a Healthy, Equitable Environment is a partnership program that will provide outdoor exploration and environmental stewardship opportunities for the community in and around Acosta Plaza, a low-income residential development in Salinas.
CSUMB Recently Recognized by the Bureau of Land Management
California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) was recently awarded the 'Making a Difference National Volunteer Award' (in the Group Category) by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
Spring 2022 Awardees
Congratulations to the Spring 2022 awardees from the Department of Applied Environmental Science: Matthew McGee (Environmental Science M.S.), Ethan Quaranta (Environmental Studies B.A.), Wendy Feng (Environmental Studies B.A.), and Olivia Equinoa (Environmental Studies B.A.).
Provost’s Award Recognizes Breadth and Depth of Student Achievement
When Matthew McGee entered CSUMB as an M.S. student, all he knew was that he wanted to study wildlife. Completing his undergraduate studies at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, he admits he had “two degrees, and a poor GPA,” and didn’t find his footing within academica and the sciences until he came to CSUMB.
ENSTU student Given Presidential Award for Civic Engagement
For Ethan Quaranta, college has never been just about taking classes. It’s also about making change. Since his first weeks at CSUMB, he’s jumped in to support a wide range of environmental, sustainability, and equity efforts – both on campus and in the broader community. Quaranta has led CSUMB sustainability initiatives, was campus lead in a CSU-wide climate action campaign, and stood up for issues of student equity and justice – while maintaining his summa cum laude standing.
ENSTU Student Awarded Outstanding Social Justice Award
Wendy Feng, a current Environmental Studies student, was recently awarded the 2022 Outstanding Senior Award for Social Justice. The Outstanding Senior Award for Social Justice is awarded each year to a student who coordinated or participated in a project with the objective of promoting equity or social justice and/or generated awareness, participated actively as a positive agent of change, and provided a service that benefited and/or improved the quality of life in local or other communities.
ENSCI Student Participates in Professional Project With Santa Clara County
Adrian Gonzalez, a current Environmental Science master's student, recently completed an internship with Santa Clara County Department of Agriculture as part of his Professional Science Master's (PSM) project. As a PSM student, Adrian was tasked with developing a rigorous 400 hour internship alongside his internship supervisor that helped employ the skills he has gained in the classroom.
Alumni Participate in Watershed Stewards Program
Kesley Trammell and Natalie Vaughn immersed themselves in environmental courses during their undergraduate studies at CSUMB. Following graduation, both have embarked on professional opportunities that have helped pave their early careers. Their paths recently crossed when they jointly participated in the Watershed Stewards Program.
AES Lecturer Uniquely Understands the Student Experience
David Minovitz has been apart of the CSUMB community since Fall 2013. He began his time as an Otter as a graduate student in the Applied Marine and Watershed Science master's program. Since completing his master's degree, David has been serving as a dedicated AES lecturer; teaching a wide array of courses to hundreds of students over the past 7 years.
Senior research scientist Forrest Melton awarded medal by NASA
CSUMB and NASA Scientist Forrest Melton was awarded NASA’s Exceptional Public Service Medal. According to NASA, the medal is “awarded to any non-government individual or to an individual who was not a government employee during the period in which the service was performed for sustained performance that embodies multiple contributions on NASA projects, programs, or initiatives.”
ENSTU Alumna Working Towards a Master's Degree in Landscape Architecture
Trinity Gomez, an alumna of the Environmental Studies program at CSUMB, has been busy pursuing her master's degree in Landscape Architecture following graduation. As a graduate student in Cal Poly Pomona's College of Environmental Design, Trinity hopes to apply her graduate studies towards a career as a landscape architect.
ESTP Student Tackles Wildfire Science, Pesticides, and Sustainability
Timothy Randazzo, a senior Environmental Science, Technology & Policy (ESTP) student, has immersed himself in a wide array of research experiences over the past few years. Throughout his undergraduate studies, Timothy has also served in various professional roles on and off campus in preparation for his career aspirations.
Associate Professor Engages Students in Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology Research
Dr. Jennifer Duggan, Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Environmental Science, has been actively engaging students in research through her Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology lab. In addition to lab experiences, Jenny also dedicates her Sunday afternoons towards informally advising students on Step & Prep walks throughout Fort Ord.
ENSCI Graduate Student Conducts Thesis Research on Soil Microbes
Connie Machuca, a current graduate student in the Environmental Science master's program (ENSCI), has been working on her thesis project over the past year. As a thesis student in Dr. Nathaniel Jue's lab, Connie is focusing her research on soil microbes found in a bioreactor system in Salinas, CA.
Celebrating the Career of Laura Lee Lienk
Laura Lee Lienk has dedicated the past 26 years of her career to educating CSUMB science students, local elementary and high school students, as well as the community at large. You may know her from her service learning courses or her strong connection with Return of the Natives.
Alumnus Leads Environmental Compliance Projects in Northern & Central California
Shawn Wagoner, a Biology alumnus with ties to the former Earth Systems Science Policy program at CSUMB, has been engaged in his professional career since graduating in 2010. We recently touched base with Shawn to gain insight into his career in environmental consulting.
ENSCI Graduate Student Collaborates with California State Parks
Michelle Tarian, a graduate student in the Environmental Science master's program, is currently immersed in a professional internship with California State Parks. As a Professional Science Master's (PSM) student, Michelle is tasked with securing and completing a rigorous 400-hour graduate internship as part of her degree requirement.
ENSTU Senior Leads CSU Movement on Divesting from Fossil Fuels
Ethan Quaranta, a senior Environmental Studies (ENSTU) student, has spent his time at CSUMB exploring his interests in politics and environmental policy. Over the past two years, Ethan has rallied together a student-led movement calling on the CSU system to divest from fossil fuels.
Graduate Student Uses Camera Traps to Collect Data on Carnivore Species in the Salinas Valley
As a thesis student, Matt uses camera traps to collect data on select carnivore species (coyotes, bobcats, gray foxes, and domestic cats) along an urbanization gradient in the Salinas Valley.
Graduate Student Selected as American Phytopathological Society Representative on Master Plant Science Team
Karla Jasso, a current Environmental Science graduate student, was recently selected to be part of this year's Master Plant Science Team representing the American Phytopathological Society.
Assistant Professor Leads Summer Research Projects Across Western United States
This past summer, eight undergraduates and one graduate student dispersed across the Western United States to conduct research alongside Dr. John Olson as part of the Watershed Environments & Ecology Lab (WEE).
ENSTU Student Participates in University of Massachusetts Boston Summer REU Program
Ahtziri Carranza Medrano, a current Environmental Studies students, participated in in the University of Massachusetts Boston Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program.
ENSCI Graduate Received CSUMB President's Graduate Award for Exemplary Regional Stewardship
Mikaela Bogdan, a recent graduate of the Environmental Science master's program, was awarded the President's Graduate Award for Exemplary Regional Stewardship in Spring 2021.
ENSTU Alumna Contributes to Book Chapter
Kianni Ledezma, an alumna of the Environmental Studies program, recently was selected to contribute to a chapter for the book titled "Latin American Transnational Youth: Experiences of Nature and Place, Culture and Care Across the Americas" by Victoria Derr and Yolanda Corona.
Graduate Student Conducts Bat Research for Thesis Dissertation
Bethany Schulze, a graduate student in the Department of Applied Environmental Science, is currently conducting bat research as part of her thesis dissertation. We recently touched base with Bethany to learn more about her unique research experience.
ENSCI Graduate Student Develops 3D Models of Maritime Heritage Sites
Ryan Solymar, a current graduate student in the Environmental Science (ENSCI) master's program, has been interning with the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) and CSUMB's Ecosystems Electronics Lab (EEL) as part of his Professional Science Master's (PSM) project.
AES Lecturer Recognized by Bureau of Land Management
Dr. Robert Burton, AES lecturer, was recently recognized at the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) National Public Land's Day for his work in Fort Ord National Monument (FONM).
Associate Professor Featured in Three-Part Interview with American Society of Landscape Architects
Dr. Victoria Derr, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies, was recently featured in a three-part interview with the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)