College of Science

Watershed Geology Lab

Storm of January 3 and 4, 2008 (D. Smith)

A severe storm hit Monterey Bay early in 2008 with local winds gusting to 80 km/h (50 mph) and driving rain. My rain gage in Marina recorded about 6.35 cm (2.5 in) for the storm.

Weather Forecast Map
Weather Forecast Map

Oceanic Buoy 46059 registered 12 m (40 ft) swells and the Monterey buoy (46046) registered 10 m (33 ft) swells. Wave forecast models predicted that swells near 30 ft would reach the coast near Fort Ord Dunes State Park (white arrow in figure below.)

Graph of Wave Heights
Wave forecast

I took a series of photographs of the sea cliff along the park before the storm hit (Jan. 3) and after the storm had passed (Jan. 6). I also shot some stills and short digital movies at the peak surf and tide combination (8:00a Jan 5). I hope to add images shot by Steve Moore, Suzy Worcester, and Bruce Delgado, who were with me for the excitement on Jan 5.

JAN. 5 Below are stills and short movies showing slope failure near the Eighth St. parking lot on the morning of Jan. 5. Swells were probably close to 30 ft, so the faces might have been closer to 35...or more. The tide was peaking at 5.7 ft, so the wave swash was crashing against the base of the sea cliff. Some of the files are large. I advise downloading to your computer before viewing.

1 ) 30 ft swells breaking 1 to 1.5 km offshore from Dunes Park parking lot (15 Mb-mpg).

2 ) Entire sea-cliff failing, enlarging toe of existing slide. Side_view (11 Mb-mpg).

3 ) Head of the slide that failed in above footage (3 Mb-mpg).

4 ) A minor slip following swash attack on slide toe (11 Mb-mpg).

5 ) slide enlarges with moderate slope failure (9 Mb-mpg).

6 ) Minor adjustment on new slide (5 Mb-mpg).

7)Observation crew (Suzy, Steve, Kyle, Doug, photo Bruce Delgado).

8) Summary clip of several scenes edited by Paul Heller (3.7 Mb-mov)

JAN. 3 compared to JAN. 6 Below are pairs of before-after photo pairs showing the sea cliff from the beach. The storm changed the beach profile in curious ways. Slope failure of all dimensions are present. In the after pictures...1)the sea cliff slope surfaces have slid downward,2) the intersection for the inner berm with the sea cliff gained considerable elevation, 3) the seaward beach slope increased markedly, and 4) sand was removed from low in the swash zone, exhuming old pilings (1.5 m) that had been buried.

January 3---before storm

Before Storm

January 6---after storm

After Storm

Other Photos and Surveys from storm of January 3 and 4, 2008

1) Ivano Aiello (MLML) surveyed and photographed the old footing of the Moss Landing pier located near MBARI.

The image shows the site in December 2007 and shortly after the January storm. There is much more sand on the beabeach despite the strong surf. Ivano calculated that over 330 cubic meters of new sand are present, based upon an a high resolution xyz scan.

Moss Landing Pier footing comparison

2) Steve Moore (CSUMB) photographed the toe of a large sea cliff slide

Sea cliff slide

3) Jeff Myers (WOU) caught the "Butterfly House" under siege. It is (was?) a $20 million home. I do not know if any sustained damage occurred during this event, but the house took several large waves "across the bow." Click on images for larger view.

Waves crashing against house
Waves crashing against house