College of Science

Watershed Geology Lab

Doug Smith's Publications

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Recent publications

Journal articles, abstracts, and reports are divided into five research subjects:

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River/watershed assessment and restoration

Paddock, E. and Smith, D. 2010. 2010 Annual Report: Hydrologic Conditions in Baseflow Reaches Pursuant to Conditions 14 and 15, Santa Lucia Preserve, Monterey County, California. Prepared for The Santa Lucia Conservancy. The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2010-5, 28pp.

Smith, D., 2010, Emerging Technology for Reservoir Capacity Studies: Water Efficiency: July-August, 2010.

Paddock, E., and Smith, D., 2010, Summary of Precipitation and Streamflow for Potrero and San Clemente Creeks in Water-Year 2009, Santa Lucia Preserve, Monterey County, California: Prepared for the Santa Lucia Conservancy. The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2010-02, 30pp.

Spear, B., Smith, D., Van Dyke, E., & Vaage, (2010) Twenty-nine years of geomorphic change at Elkhorn Slough, California. Prepared for Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve. The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2010-01, 54 pp.

Smith, DP., Daniels, M., Frank, D., Holloway, R., Kowalski, B., Krone-Davis, P., Quan, S., Stanfield, E., and Young, A., 2010, Can Los Osos Valley Groundwater Basin Provide a Sustainable Water Supply?: Prepared for The Los Osos Valley Sustainability Group. The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2010-04, 78pp.

Smith, D.P., Kvitek R., Quan, S., Iampietro, P., Paddock, E., Richmond, S.F., Gomez, K., Aiello I.W., and Consulo., P., 2009, Skiff-based Sonar/LiDAR Survey to Calibrate Reservoir Volumes for Watershed Sediment Yield Studies: Carmel River Example: AGU Fall meeting.

Paddock, E.. and Smith, D., 2009, 2009 Annual Report: Hydrologic Conditions in Baseflow Reaches Pursuant to Conditions 14 and 15, Santa Lucia Preserve, Monterey County, California. Prepared for The Santa Lucia Conservancy. The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2008-6, 28pp.

Smith, D.P., Diehl, T., Turrini-Smith, L.A., Maas-Baldwin, J, and Croyle, Z., 2009, River restoration strategies within channelized, low-gradient landscapes of West Tennessee, USA; in James, A., Rathburn, S., and Whittecar, R., eds, Management and Restoration of Fluvial Systems with Broad Historical Changes and Human Impacts: Geological Society of America Special Paper 451., p. 215-229..

Smith, D.P., Kvitek, R., Aiello, I., Iampietro, P., Quan, C., Paddock, E., Endris, C, and Gomez, K., 2009, Fall 2008 Stage-Volume Relationship for Los Padres Reservoir, Carmel River, California: Prepared for the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District. The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication no. WI-2009-2, 30 pp.

Castorani, S. and Smith, D., 2009, Summary of Precipitation and Streamflow for Potrero and San Clemente Creeks in Water-Year 2007, Santa Lucia Preserve, Monterey County, California:Prepared for the Santa Lucia Conservancy. The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2009-1, 30pp.

Smith,D.P., Frank,D., Zertuche, M., Paddock, E., and Los Huertos, M., 2008, Post Basin-Complex Baseline Monitoring of the Big Sur River (October, 2008): Report commissioned by Pelican Network, 43 pp.

Smith, D.P., Castorani, S., Dillon, H., Dillon, L., Illse, J., Ritz, C., Spear, B., Stern, J., and Frey, J, 2008, Post-Fire Baseline Monitoring of Big Sur River Lagoon: November/December 2008: Final class report for Watershed Science and Policy (ESSP 660), The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2008-7, 45 pp.

Castorani, S. and Smith, D., 2008, 2008 Annual Report: Hydrologic Conditions in Baseflow Reaches Pursuant to Conditions 14 and 15, Santa Lucia Preserve, Monterey County, California. Prepared for The Santa Lucia Conservancy. The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2008-6, 27pp.

Smith, D.P., 2008, Stokes Creek (Dyer County, TN) Restoration Feasibility Study: Submitted to West Tennessee River Basin Authority and Buchart-Horn, Inc., Memphis TN, 24pp.

Spear, B., Smith, D., Largay, B, and Haskins, J., 2008, Turbidity as a Surrogate Measure for Suspended Sediment Concentrations in Elkhorn Slough, CA: Prepared for the Elkhorn Slough Foundation and the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve. The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2008-04, 26pp.

Smith, D., 2008, Imminent Geologic and Hydrologic Hazards on Fort ORd BLM Land, CA:. Prepared for Fort Ord BLM. The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2008-2, 13pp.

Croyle, Z. and Smith, D., 2008, Summary of Precipitation and Streamflow for Potrero and San Clemente Creeks in Water-Year 2007, Santa Lucia Preserve, Monterey County, California: Prepared for the Santa Lucia Conservancy. The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2008-1, 30pp.

Smith, D.P., 2007, Crooked Creek (Carroll Co., TN) Restoration Design: Report in support of the Carroll County lake project, File no. 000420030, South Fork Obion River 00-003[tf], Carroll County Watershed Authority, 59 pp.

Smith, D.P., Anderson, T., Clark, C., Croyle, Z., Maas-Baldwin, J., and Largay, B., 2007. Initial Hydraulic Modeling and Levee Stability Analysis of the Triple M Ranch Restoration Project: Final class report for Watershed Science and Policy (ESSP 660), The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2007-6, 32 pp.

Croyle, Z., and Smith, D., 2007, 2007 Annual Report: Hydrologic Conditions in Baseflow Reaches Pursuant to Conditions 14 and 15, Santa Lucia Preserve, Monterey County, California. Prepared for The Santa Lucia Conservancy. The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2007-3, 28pp.

Smith, D.P., Turrini-Smith, L.A., Maas-Baldwin, J, and Croyle, Z., 2007, River restoration strategies within the regionally channelized, low-gradient landscape of western Tennessee, USA: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v.39, no.6, p.107.

Smith, D.P., 2007. Re-evaluation of proposed Canadian National Railroad Hatchie River Bridge Modification, Rialto, TN--Tennessee Aquatic Resources Alteration permit Application NRS 96.667: Report prepared for the Tennessee Chapter of The Nature Conservancy January 29, 2007, 14 pp.

Casagrande. J. and Smith, D. 2006. Garrapata Creek Lagoon, Central California: A Preliminary Assessment, 2005-2006. Prepared for the California Department of Fish and Game and the Garrapata Creek Watershed Council. The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2006-1, 62pp.

Smith, D.P., Casagrande, J., and Ramsey-Wood, C., 2006, Garrapata Watershed, California: Water and Sediment Monitoring in 2004-2005. Prepared for the California Department of Fish and Game and the Garrapata Creek Watershed Council: The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2006-2, 27 pp.

Hampson, L., Smith, D.P., and Huntington, P., 2005, Relationships between channel morphology and large wood: A look at natural and anchored wood in the Carmel River, CA: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, n. 4, p. 87.

Smith, D.P., Vincent, M., McDermott, J., and Carlson, Z., 2005, Quantified chronic sediment load from road construction in Garrapata Watershed, a steep coastal trout stream on the Big Sur Coast, CA: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, n. 4, p. 40.

Smith D.P., Rosgen, D, Turrini-Smith, L.A., and Hameister, J., 2004, Contrasting river restoration strategies in west Tennessee: Decommissioning hundreds of kilometers of large, failing drainage canals: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, no. 2, p. 144.

Smith, D.P, Casagrande, J., Vincent, M., McDermott, J., Martin, A., Price, A., and Carlson, Z., 2004,Garrapata Watershed Assessment: Hydrology and Sedimentology (2001 to 2004): The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2004-14, 49 pp.

Casagrande, J. and Smith, D.P, 2005, Garrapata Watershed Steelhead Barrier Assessment: The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2005-2, 76 pp.

Smith, D.P., and Diehl, T.H., 2002, Complex channel evolution in West Tennessee and northern Mississippi: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs v. 34 no.6, p.104.

Spencer, W., Gregory, S., Hayes, G., Kareiva, P., Launer, A., Moyle, P., Reolofs, T., Smith, D., and Goldstein, B., 2004, Science Advisory Report for the City of Santa Cruz Habitat Conservation Plan, prepared for the City of Santa Cruz, 78 pp.

Smith, D.P., Newman, W.B., Watson, F.G.R., and Hameister, J., 2004, Physical and Hydrologic Assessment of the Carmel River Watershed, California. The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2004-05. 83 pp.

Newman, W.B., Smith, D.P. and Watson, F.G.R., 2004, The Carmel River Watershed - Map Set. The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2004-04. 5 maps.

Smith, D.P., Huntington, P., 2004, Carmel River Large Woody Debris Inventory from Tularcitos Creek to the Carmel Lagoon, Fall 2003: The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No.WI-2004-1, 72 pp., includes ArcMap GIS Project, and PDF web document.

Smith, D.P., Williams, R., Hall, E., McDermott, J., Mauck, C., Carlson, Z., Langford, K., Michie, M., Martin, A., Summers, J., and Elia, J., 2004, Introduction to Geomorphic Monitoring on Fort Ord BLM Lands: 2001 to 2004: Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2004-11, pp 37.

Smith, D.P., Huntington, P., and Harter K., 2003, Carmel River Large Woody Debris Inventory from San Clemente Dam to the Lagoon Fall 2002: The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No.WI-2003-13, 39 pp., includes ArcMap GIS Project, and PDF web document.

Watson, F, Anderson, T., Casagrande, J., Kozlowski, D., Newman, W., Hager, J., Smith D.P., and Curry, R., 2003, Salinas Valley Sediment Sources: The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2002-10, 193 pp.

Smith D.P., Curry, R., Jackson, D., Thistle, A., and Marin, C., 2003, Steelhead Habitat Assessment and Restoration in Upper Williams Canyon Creek: Mitteldorf Redwood Preserve, Monterey County, California: The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2003-07, 31 pp, includes ArcMap GIS Project, and PDF web document.

Smith D.P., River Morphology and Watershed Issues in the Southern Monterey Bay Area: Field Guide for Applied Fluvial Geomorphology (Short Course): Wildland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs, CO, 30pp.

Smith, D.P., Detka, J., Mackenzie, N., Knesl, Z., Michie, M., Newman, W., and Williams, R., 2002,Road and Trail Resources Inventory: Bureau of Land Management Lands, Former Fort Ord, Monterey County, California: The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2002-09 (September, 2002), 15 pp., Arcview GIS Project, and PDF web document.

Smith, D.P., Curry, R., Kozlowski, D., Williams, R., Watson, F., Turrini-Smith, L.A., and Newman, W., 2002, Watershed and Riparian Assessment Report: Bureau of Land Management Lands: Former Fort Ord, Monterey County, California: The Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2002-01, 75 pp., includes Arcview GIS Project, and PDF web document.

Smith, D.P. and Turrini-Smith, L.A., 2001 Feasibility and design of the Crooked Creek channel/floodplain restoration project in support of the Carroll County Lake project, File no. 000420030, South Fork Obion River 00-003[tf], Carroll County Watershed Authority, 13 pp.

Smith, D.P., 2001 Geomorphic monitoring plan for the Crooked Creek restoration project in support of the Carroll County lake project, File no. 000420030, South Fork Obion River 00-003[tf], , Carroll County Watershed Authority, 18 pp.

Smith, D.P., and Turrini-Smith, L.A., 2001, An example of post-channelization "self-restoration:" Cypress Creek, McNairy Co., TN: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs Vol. 33, No. 6, p. A-147.

Smith D.P., and Diehl, T.H., (2000), An example of river self-restoration?: Cypress Creek, McNairy County, TN: Proceedings of the Tenth Annual TennesseeWater Resources Symposium, Nashville, p.1C-13-1C-17.

Turrini-Smith, L.A., Smith D.P., and Diehl, T.H., (2000), Development of western Tennessee fluvial geomorphic regional curves: Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Nashville, p.1C-1-1C-9.

Turrini-Smith, L.A., and Smith D.P., 1999, Stokes Creek, Crockett County, Tennessee: A stream restoration demonstration project: Proceedings of the Ninth Annual TennesseeWater Resources Symposium, Nashville.

Smith, D.P., 2001, Blue River-Indian Creek near DOE Kansas City Plant: Recommendations and Feasibility of Restorative Work: Advanced Infrastructure Management Technologies, Grand Junction Office, Western Operations, 2597 B3/4 Road Grand Junction, CO 81503, 4 pp.

Smith, D.P., Post-channelization Stream Management of Cypress Creek (McNairy County): A Model for Watershed Management in Low-Gradient Rivers of West Tennessee: West Tennessee River Basin Authority, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, 33 pp.

Smith, D.P., and Turrini-Smith, L.A., 1999, Western Tennessee Fluvial Geomorphic Regional Curves: Water Management Division, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV, 41 pp.

Smith, D.P., and Turrini-Smith, L.A., 1999, Cross-Sectional and Planform Geometry of Selected, Unmodified, Low Gradient Rivers of Western Tennessee: Wetlands Section of Region IV U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 7 pp.

Smith, D.P., 1998, Aquatic and Riparian Habitat Restoration Within the Doe River Watershed: Carter County, Northeast Tennessee: Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency, 33 pp.

Smith D.P., and Rosgen, D.L., 1998, Recommendations for River Restoration and Watershed Management in West Tennessee: Technical Report submitted to the Tennessee Environmental Policy Office, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, 21 pp.

Smith, D.P., 1998, Natural stream recovery in northern-Tennessee: Definitions, rates, and mechanisms: Proceedings of American Water Resources Association Conference, Nashville, p. 2A/19-2A/24.

Turrini-Smith, L.A., and Smith, D.P., 1998, Geomorphic Approach to stream evaluation: Case study of Humphreys County, TN: Proceedings of American Water Resources Association Conference, Nashville, p. 2A/25-2A-30.

Submarine and Coastal Geomorphology and Processes

Quan, S., Kvitek, R., and Smith, D.P., 2010, An application of vessel-based LiDAR to quantify coastal retreat in Southern Monterey Bay, CA during the 2008-2009 year and the 2009-2010 El Nino: AGU Fall meeting.

Smith, DP., Kvitek, RG., Ross, E., Iampietro, P., Paull, C., 2010, Seven years of geomorphic change in the head of Monterey Canyon, CA: steady state equilibrium or monotonic change?: AGU Fall meeting.

Smith, D.P., 2010, Marine Geomorphology: Geomorphic Processes, Hazards, and Paradoxes in Monterey Canyon, in Bierman, P. and Montgomery, D., eds., Teaching Geomorphology in the 21st Century, Topical Resources, Geomorphology Vignettes, [web site]: On the Cutting Edge Program, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota.

Smith, D.P., 2010, Coastal Geomorphology and Policy Applications along Southern Monterey Bay, California, in Bierman, P. and Montgomery, D., eds., Teaching Geomorphology in the 21st Century, Topical Resources, Geomorphology Vignettes, [web site]: On the Cutting Edge Program, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota.

Smith, D.P., and Spear B., 2008, Do large winter storms erode or construct beaches? Observations in southern Monterey Bay, CA: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v.40.

Smith, D.P., 2008, Storm-Driven Natural Beach Replenishment Processes near Fort Ord DunesState park, CA: Sanctuary Currents Symposium, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, April 5, 2008, CSU- Monterey Bay.

Xu, J., Wong, F.L., Kvitek, R., and Smith D.P., and Paull, C., 2007,Sandwave Migration in Monterey Submarine Canyon, Central California: Marine Geology, v. 248, p. 193-212, doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2007.11.005.

Smith, D.P., 2007, Environmental Monitoring of Fort Ord Dunes State Park, Web site initiated in January 2008.

Smith, D.P., Kvitek, R., Iampietro, P., Paull, C.K., Astilla, J., and Spear, B., 2007, Rapid slope evolution following the 70,000 m^3 2003 Astilla slide in Monterey Canyon: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v.39, no.6, p.71.

Smith D.P., Kvitek, R., Iampietro, P. J., and Wong, K., 2007, Twenty-nine months of geomorphic change in upper Monterey Canyon (2002-2005): Marine Geology, v. 236, p. 79-94: doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2006.09.024.

Smith D.P., Ruiz, G., Kvitek, R., and Iampietro, P. J., 2005, Semi-annual patterns of erosion and deposition in upper Monterey Canyon from serial multibeam bathymetry: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 117, no. 9/10, p. 1123-1133; doi: 10.1130/B25510.1.

Hutson, L., 2005, Getting to the bottom of things, Materials World, November 2005.

Bradley, D., 2005, Canyon Can, Spotlight, the monthly science magazine from PSIgate.

Smith, D.P, Gref, K., and Hofmann, A., and Turrini-Smith, L.A., 2005, Are "Stable Shorelines" and "Broad Beaches" Mutually Exclusive Management Goals Along Southern Monterey Bay? Report to the Southern Monterey Bay Coastal Erosion and Armoring Workgroup. Watershed Institute, California State University Monterey Bay, Publication No. WI-2005-09, 46 pp.

Smith, D.P., Vincent, M., McDermott, J., and Carlson, Z., 2005, Sand for the Sanctuary? Quantifying Annual Sand Production in Disturbed and Less-Impaired Regions of Garrapata Watershed: Sanctuary Currents Symposium, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, March 12, 2005, CSU- Monterey Bay.

Smith D.P., Ruiz, G., and Kvitek, R., 2003, Geomorphic similarities between upper Monterey Submarine Canyon and terrestrial river systems: A look at new high resolution, 3D, serial imagery:Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs v. 35, no. 6.

Gilmore, S.J., and Smith D.P., 2002, Informing environmental policy with sound science: Curriculum and theses of Earth Systems Science & Policy, California State University Monterey Bay: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs v. 34, no.6, p.104.

Paleomagnetic and sedimentologic studies in Baja California

Kimbrough, D.L., Grove, M., Smith, D.P., Mahoney, J.B., Moore, T.E., Gehrels, G.E., 2006,Contrasting cratonal provences in Upper Cretaceous Valle Group quartzite clasts, Baja California, Pacific Section SEPM v. p.

Vaughn, J., Kodama, K.P. and Smith D.P., 2005, Correction of Inclination Shallowing and its Tectonic Implications: the Cretaceous Perforada Formation, Baja California: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 232, 71-82.

Li, Y., Kodama, K.P. and Smith D.P., 2004, New paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, and petrographic results from the Valle Group, Baja California, Mexico: Exploring the causes of anomalously shallow paleomagnetic inclinations: Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, 2004JB003127R, p. 8-18.

Kimbrough, D.L., Smith, D.P., Mahoney, J.B., Moore, T.E., Grove, M., Gastil, R.G., Ortega-Rivera, A., Fanning, C.M., 2001, Forearc-basin sedimentary response to rapid Late Cretaceous batholith emplacement in the Peninsular Ranges of southern and Baja California: Geology, v. 29, p. 491-494.

Vaughn, J., Kodama, K.P., and Smith D.P., 2001, Preliminary paleomagnetic and magnetic fabric results from the Lower Cretaceous Perforada Formation (Valle Group), Baja California: EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 82, p. S136.

Busby, C.J., Smith, D.P., Morris, W.R., Fackler-Adams, B., 1998, [An evolutionary model for convergent margins facing large ocean basins: Mesozoic Baja California (Mexico)](;2): Geology, v. 26, p. 227-230.

Smith, D.P., Busby, C.J., and Berry, K.D., 1993, Lithostratigraphy of Cretaceous strata, Cedros Island, Baja California, México: Vargas and Pinos Formations defined: Cretaceous Research, v. 14, p. 337-364.

Smith, D.P., and Busby, C.J., 1993c, Shallow magnetic inclinations in the Cretaceous Valle Group, Baja California: Remagnetization, compaction, or terrane translation?: Tectonics, v. 12, p. 1258-1266.

Smith, D.P., and Busby, C.J., 1993a, [Mid-Cretaceous extension recorded in deep marine half-graben fill, Cedros Island, Mexico:](;2) Geological Society of America. Bulletin, v. 105, p. 547-562.

Ufnar., D.F., Smith, D.P., and White, J.D.L., 1995, Preservation potential of ultrabasic volcanic sand in an arid, intracontinental setting: Will the Hopi Buttes Maar-Diatreme field be preserved in the rock record?: Journal of Sedimentary Research_,_ v. 65A, p. 99-104.

Other studies

Smith, D.P., 1994, The sphere as a tool for teaching statistics: Journal of Geological Education, v.42, p.412-416_._