College of Science

Department of Applied Environmental Science


University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

The University of California's Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources works hand in hand with industry to enhance agricultural markets, help the balance of trade, address environmental concerns, protect plant health, and provide farmers with scientifically tested production techniques and Californians with increased food safety.

Monterey Bay master gardeners smart gardening

The Monterey Bay Master Gardeners offer grants of $500 to teachers who wish to start gardening projects for their classes. Please check above websites for more information and an application. Also, take a look at the School Garden Materials and Resource Guide.

Kids gardening

Excellent resource for school-based gardens, both vegetable and habitat. Small grants, garden resources, etc.

Las Pilitas Nursery

Native plant nursery site with information about planning and planting native habitat, bird, and butterfly gardens.

The GLOBE program

The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) program is a worldwide hands-on, primary and secondary school-based science and education program.

Patuxent bird identification infocenter

photographs, songs, videos, identification tips, maps, and life history information for North American birds.

US Geological Survey's water science for schools

Information on many aspects of water, along with pictures, data, maps, and an interactive center where you can give opinions and test your water knowledge.

Save our streams

Save Our Streams is a national watershed education and outreach program. For more than 30 years, the Save Our Streams program has developed innovative educational programs for groups and individuals. SOS has educated and motivated citizens to clean-up stream corridors, monitor stream health, restore degraded stream banks and protect dwindling wetland acreage.

The North American Association for Environmental Education

The North American Association for Environmental Education is a network of professionals, students, and volunteers working in the field of environmental education throughout North America and in over 55 countries around the world.

SLEWTHS: Science Learning and Exploration with the Help of Sea Lions

SLEWTHS, together with its parent company Animal Training and Research, International, functions as a "teaching aquarium" covering all aspects of the marine mammal industry: public display, research, entertainment, public interaction, elaborate veterinary care, and education at all levels. SLEWTHS, as the non-profit arm of ATR Intl., has three main program directions: Research, Classes & Internships, andK-12 Programs.

Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary

Designated in 1992, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) is a federally protected marine area offshore of California's central coast. Stretching from Marin to Cambria, the sanctuary encompasses a shoreline length of 276 miles and 4,601 square nautical miles of ocean, extending an average distance of 30 miles from shore.

Monterey Bay Aquarium

The mission of the nonprofit Monterey Bay Aquarium is to inspire conservation of the oceans.

Moss Landing Marine Labs

Moss Landing Marine Laboratories serves a consortium of northern and central California State University campuses and is dedicated to excellence in both education and research in marine science.

National Science Teachers Association

Through NSTA, you’ll find leading resources for excellence in teaching and learning and experience growth through robust professional development. Plus you’ll meet colleagues across all science disciplines, all grade bands and teaching stages, from the newest teacher to the veteran administrator, who share a passion for science education.

California Science Teachers Association

CSTA's mission is to promote high quality science education.

California regional environmental education community

CREEC brings together Environmental Education Providers, Businesses, Government Agencies, and Community Organizations to support environmental education programs throughout California. We help providers align to content standards and the Education and the Environment (EEI) curriculum and give educators access to high quality environmental education resources that enhance the environmental literacy of California students.