College of Science

Department of Applied Environmental Science

Equipment List

Below is a list of commonly checked-out items for classes and independent projects.


Kestrel anemomter
Kestrel anemomter



Compass- Brunton

Brunton compass
Brunton compass

Compass- Silva

Silva compass
Silva compass

Hand lens

Hand lens
Hand lens

Quadrats- strung/unstrung in sizes (m) 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, and 0.5 x 1

Quadrats of various sizes
Quadrats of various sizes

Salinity, conductivity, temperature meter- YSI 30

YSI 30 meter
YSI 30 meter

Salinity & dissolved oxyten (DO) meter- YSI 85

YSI 85 meter
YSI 85 meter

Tangent height gauge

Tangent height gauge
Tangent height gauge

Soil thermometer

Soil Thermometer
Soil thermometer

Transect tape

transect tape
Transect Tape

Waders- chest

Chest waders
Chest waders