College of Science

Department of Applied Environmental Science

AES Student Lands Job with Catalina Island Marine Institute

Nathan is smiling for the camera while holding a bundle of sticks


Nathan Ito, a current Environmental Studies major, landed a job with the Catalina Marine Institute. He will work as a divemaster and marine science instructor, and credits his work with Dr. Victoria Derr in ENSTU 365 for helping him secure the job. 

We recently touched base with Nathan to learn more about his upcoming jobs and overall experience as a CSUMB student. Check out his interview below! 

How did you hear about this job opportunity, and what are you most looking forward to in your job?  

The positions I got hired for are divemaster and marine science instructor. I heard about these opportunities when Catalina Island Marine Institute came to the CSUMB dive locker to hire on dive staff for Catalina Sea Camp. In the summer, I will be working as a divemaster and will be tasked with assisting in the teaching of scuba classes and leading tours of certified divers. In the school year, I will be working as a marine science instructor and tasked with teaching classes of up to 12 students grades 4 through 12. I am an environmental studies major with a concentration in education and community outreach, so I am thrilled that my relevant degree got me this position straight out of college.

Does this experience contribute to your career goals? 

I am an environmental studies major with a concentration in education and community outreach, so I am thrilled that my relevant degree got me this position straight out of college. I look forward to strengthening my leadership and communication skills through these wonderful opportunities!

What is your favorite part of being an AES student/undergraduate here at CSUMB? 

My favorite part about being an AES undergraduate here at CSUMB is the passion that both students and faculty share. Those involved in AES are passionate, solution-oriented people that truly care about our environment. Their passion inspires you to want to learn more and bring about change. 

What is your favorite part of the Environmental Studies program? 

My favorite part of the environmental studies program is the balance between ecological and social justice. We aim to make the world a more sustainable and just place for all, both of which are of equal importance.

What are your future plans (career, academic, etc.)? 

Going forward, I hope that my experiences as a student at CSUMB and my jobs at Catalina Island will make me a more competitive candidate to work in environmental education.


Congratulations, Nathan! We look forward to seeing where your professional endeavors take you!