Science Internship Program
On-Campus Resources
Check out centers on campus that specialize in research experiences, career advising and development, and academic coaching. These are all things to consider when applying to or participating in an internship!
Research & Internships
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center (UROC)
About UROC
UROC pairs undergraduate students, who are interested in conducting research and ultimately applying to graduate school, with a faculty mentor closely related to the students' academic interests. They also offer workshops throughout the year open to all students (RSVP required), including Grad School 101, Poster Presentation Workshops, GRE Analytical Writing Workshops, Brown Bag Scholar Research Talks, and Summer Research Opportunities and REU Workshops.
CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science & Technology (COAST)
The CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science and Technology (COAST) was established in 2008 to integrate system-wide resources and promote interdisciplinary multi-campus collaborations to advance our knowledge of natural coastal and marine resources and the processes that affect them. The coastal zone faces a number of economic, sociological, ecological and technological challenges that require innovative solutions. COAST is uniquely positioned to provide an integrated, coordinated response to these challenges.

The goal of the CSU Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program is to increase the participation of individuals who face or have faced social, educational, or economic barriers to careers in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). The CSUMB LSAMP program is focused on increasing graduate school preparedness and readiness for all LSAMP participants.

About McNair Scholars Program
The McNair Scholars Program prepares academically talented and motivated CSUMB undergraduate students for doctoral level studies. The program engages students in research and other scholarly activities that support the successful transition to graduate programs. The McNair Scholars Program’s ultimate goal is to diversify the faculty at colleges and universities across the country.
CSUMB Oceanic Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
California State University, Monterey Bay, offers a 10-week REU in the beautiful Monterey Bay Region. Students will collaborate with mentors at host institutions to develop hypothesis-driven projects and receive critical feedback from mentors. Students conduct 10 weeks of independent research under the supervision of a research mentor. In addition, students complete a suite of professional development workshops and training. The summer culminates with our celebratory Summer Research Symposium.
CSUMB Professors

About CSUMB Professors
Talk to your professors! They are some of the most knowledgeable and connected people you know. Plus, many of them have labs on campus that host student research!
Career Development Office
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Career Development's dedicated staff will help you reach your career goals with one-on-one career counseling sessions, resume and cover letter reviews, workshops on career-related topics, internship or job search strategies, and more.
Cooperative Learning Center
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The Cooperative Learning Center (CLC) provides one-on-one and small group tutoring to all students in the areas of world languages, mathematics and statistics, sciences, technology and writing. ASAP provides free tutoring service for all CSUMB Students. ASAP is a great resource to use both for academic studies and formal non-academic projects (i.e. resumes, scholarship letters, cover letters, personal statements).
Student Disability and Accessibility Center (SDAC)
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The Student Disability Center promotes the empowerment, wellness, and full integration of students with disabilities into campus life and the campus community. They provide academic and personal support services to CSUMB students with disabilities.
Education Opportunity Program (EOP)
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The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) works with students who have the potential to succeed at California State University campuses, but who have not achieved higher education goals because of economic and/or educational background. EOP provides intensive services in the first year for entering freshman, an orientation for entering transfer students, and support services for all continuing students through graduation.