Ocean Science REU

Announcement Regarding the Summer 2025 Program Operation:
The CSUMB Ocean Science REU Program will be pausing operation for one (1) year. This program will not be operating for the Summer 2025 cycle and will resume operation the following summer (Summer 2026). We anticipate applications for Summer 2026 will open sometime at the end of 2025. We apologize for not delivering this world-class hands-on research training for the Summer 2025 cycle, but we will come back stronger and more equipped to support students in the Summer 2026 cycle.
Please check back here on our website for updates at the end of 2025 when we should have more information about the Summer 2026 application cycle. Thank you for interest in the CSUMB Ocean Science REU Program!
-The CSUMB Ocean Science REU Team
Welcome to the Monterey Bay REU Program
California State University, Monterey Bay offers a 10-week REU in the beautiful Monterey Bay Region. Students collaborate with mentors at local host institutions to develop hypothesis-driven projects and receive critical feedback from mentors. Throughout the program, students complete a suite of professional development workshops and training. The summer culminates with our celebratory Summer Research Symposium. After program completion, students are provided funding to present their completed research at a conference.
Learn more about our program from our 2025 CSUMB Ocean Science REU TriFold Brochure. In addition, here is a PDF of our REU 2024 Info Webinar Slides.
2025 Dates and Details
- Applications open on TBD and are due on TBD.
- Program dates are: TBD (includes travel days)
- $6,000 stipend, travel, and housing support are provided by the program
- More details on the application process is on our Application Page
- This program targets sophomore and junior-level students at 2-year or 4-year institutions of higher education
- The Monterey Bay REU encourages applications from individuals who are members of a group(s) that is historically underrepresented in the marine geosciences and related sciences, including students who are Black/African American, Chicano/Latino, Indigenous American, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, Asian/Asian American, mixed-race POC, female, first-generation college students, veterans, and students with disabilities. The Monterey Bay REU welcomes applicants of any race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status; students who have experienced and worked to overcome educational or economic disadvantage and/or have personal or family circumstances that may complicate their continued progress in science careers.
The goal of the Monterey Bay REU program is to increase the diversity and number of students pursuing Marine Geosciences (Atmospheric, Earth, Ocean, and Polar Science) careers.
We work towards this goal by:
- Recruiting students from underrepresented groups and those with limited access to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) research
- Preparing students in advance for the rigors of an original research project
- Engaging students in authentic and innovative research
- Providing high-caliber mentoring and professional development support for students during and after the REU to maintain interest and involvement in the Ocean Sciences
Depending on their research interests (see themes below), students can choose to work with mentors at one of our six partnership institutions:
- Oceanography - Trace Metal Analysis, Biological Oceanography, Internal Wave Dynamics, Ocean Analysis and Prediction, Ocean Modeling, Nearshore Processes, and Coastal Circulation
- Marine Biology and Ecology - Marine Landscape Ecology, Marine Microbiology, Fish Ecology, Marine Physiology, Population Genetics, Invasion Ecology, Conservation Biology, Thermal Stress Physiology, and Biomechanics
- Ocean Engineering - Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs), Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs), Ocean Instrumentation, Computer Programming, and Artificial Intelligence
- Marine Geology - Coastal Erosion, Sediment Transport, Seafloor Mapping, Biogeochemical Analysis, Sedimentology of Upwelling Biogenic Sediments, and Geomorphology of Coastal Environments
Students collaborate with mentors at host institutions to develop hypothesis-driven projects and receive constructive feedback from mentors. Students engage in reviewing original literature, formulating a hypothesis, understanding study designs, testing hypotheses, and conveying their research to a scientific audience. Post-REU training and support is also available to students.
2025 REU Timeline and Key Dates
Date/Deadline Task 1/27/25 Applications due 4/15/25 Final notice of admission 6/2/25 REU program starts 8/9/25 REU program ends
Curious to learn more?
You can check out our many research adventures told through students' photos, tweets, instagram posts and more. For current news and information, check out our social media platforms!

Funding for this REU site is provided by the National Science Foundation’s Division of Ocean Science located in Arlington, VA (Award #1950871). The NSF contact for this program is Elizabeth Rom. NSF does not handle REU applications; please contact each REU site directly for application information.