Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center

UROC Peer Writing Fellows

UROC scholars and researchers who have successfully completed a UROC Program are invited to apply to be a peer UROC writing fellow.  Applications open late fall; position begins in spring. Writing fellows mentor incoming UROC scholar cohorts as well as UROC researchers, Koret Scholars, LSAMP, and UROC Research Rookies students to support them in undergraduate research and professional writing development. UROC Peer Writing Fellows are responsible for: 

Back row: Alex Jensen, Robert Castro, Katie Brown, Emily Smith & Gina Dabbah; front row: Madison Heard and Natasha Oehlman


  • Facilitating weekly professional writing groups of 3-4 UROC scholars to provide critical, yet constructive, peer feedback on REU applications, ePortfolio components, and scholarships and fellowships.
  • Assisting scholars in all stages of the writing process—from idea generation, to content organization, and delivery of final message.
  • Attending professional development orientations as well as bi-weekly professional development meetings focused on strategies for effective group facilitation, best practices for responding to written work; reading strategies for comprehending complex academic texts; and calibration of written work.
  • Collaborating with the campus-learning center (CLC) writing team to co-facilitate workshops.
  • Leading select UROC Workshops.
  • Assisting in UROC program planning and development.

Meet the 2024 UROC Peer Writing Fellows

Emily Donahue holding a white bucket

Contact: edonahue@csumb.edu

Emily Donahue

My name is Emily (she/her/hers), and I recently graduated with my B.S in Environmental Science, Tech & Policy with a minor in Statistics. I am also a UROC Scholar and LSAMP Alumni. During my undergraduate degree, I have worked to develop skills in science and outreach. I’ve participated in summer research projects with Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and a joint program with COAST and the California Department of Fish & Wildlife. During these experiences I got the chance to work on unique projects from fish chorusing to abalone restorations while also developing my own outreach events and materials. I also interned with a freshwater consulting company, FishBio, where I created blog posts and helped maintain the website. When I’m not typing away on my computer, I enjoy going on random adventures with friends, trying new foods, and playing games.

Next, I plan to further build my portfolio, particularly in research dissemination and scientific outreach. In the near future I will be applying to graduate schools to earn a PhD degree in Population Biology/Ecology. With this degree, I aim to become a professor and mentor to students pursuing research based careers. I started as a Writing Fellow in Spring 2024, and the experience greatly impacted my goals. I am eager to continue working with you all over the summer and be a part of your academic journey! 

headshot of lexi yokomizo


Lexi Yokomizo

My name is Alexandra (Lexi) Yokomizo, and I am so excited to be a 2024 Summer Writing Fellow.

I just graduated from CSUMB with a B.S. in Environmental Tech and Policy with a minor in Global Studies. Being part of UROC’s Research RookiesLSAMPResearchers, and Scholars introduced me to research and gave me the network to begin research at CSUMB. 

I was part of the Watershed Environments and Ecology Lab, researching watershed monitoring, post-fire impacts, sediment in estuaries, and many other topics.  Previous REU programs have included the LSAMP trip to Costa Rica and working at the UC San Diego Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics. My hope for my research is to understand watersheds and ensure equal and easy access to clean water for everyone. I will continue this work in the fall as part of my Masters program at UC Davis in Environmental Policy and Management.

In addition to academics, I was also the AS Sustainability Senator and was president for 2 different clubs. As a queer woman of color, I hope to use my experiences to provide mentorship and aiding others in being competitive in their academic and research pursuits. When I am not researching, studying or running between meetings, I can be found reading, taking care of my plants, or playing my Switch.