School of Computing and Design
Computer Science Capstone Festival Fall 2020
Dec. 18, 2020 at 10:00AM - 11:30AM
Edward Montoya | Sean Towne

The focus of our project is to modernize the method by which the STOQS software renders a 3D model of the ocean floor. By doing this we will contribute to the durability and speed of the STOQS software as well as its extensibility. That is our mission, to increase the educational, and research value of the STOQS software by future-proofing it.

Virtual Aquarium Tank System
Isaac Torres | Lewis Truong | Derek Iniguez

Many creatures are difficult to exhibit in an aquarium setting. These include large creatures, nocturnal creatures, or deep-sea creatures. A virtual environment will allow aquariums to exhibit and study these creatures in new and exciting ways. This kind of environment would also provide users with the chance to interact with and see the effects of pollution, acidity levels, temperature, pressure, and its effects over time.

Two Factor Authentication - CIG
Marco Rosales | Justin Betts | Jonathan Munz | Howard Agui

CIG (Capital Insurance Group) wants to improve its user authentication policy to provide a modernized user experience for Enterprise Applications and Microsoft Applications such as Outlook, Teams, and OneDrive. Our project will focus on upgrading the Single Sign-On (SSO) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for CIG’s Identity and Access Management (IAM) system. CIG is currently using Azure Active Directory and Microsoft Intune for their authentication solution and is looking to improve upon the current user experience while still providing a strong security posture. This would minimize login fatigue while increasing user productivity. There are many Identity Providers in this space, and CIG wants to compare their existing solution with OKTA, the current industry leader in Identity and Access Management.
Google App for Attention Management Excellence
Meriya Leon | Joseph Barker | Christopher Cautivar

Students and faculty often deal with issues of procrastination, multitasking, and low productivity in the classroom. With the advent of COVID-19 and distanced learning becoming the norm, this problem has only been magnified. Furthermore, poor study habits and external stressors can impact a student’s learning environment and academic objectives. Our project, Google App for Attention Management Excellence, aims to help alleviate these obstacles by providing suggestions and streamlined tools for effective time organization, communication, and collaboration. Attention management goes beyond planning out your time, encompassing not only when you do something, but also keeping track of how well you’re doing it. It involves effective time use and full engagement for completing a scheduled task. Regulating attention is a means of gaining control over one’s schedule and attaining higher levels of productivity. Our application will give students and faculty the tools they need to form beneficial habits that will aid them in their academic endeavors.

Market Driver Data Communicator
Mikal Whaley | Antonio Felix | Jun Ming Tan

The current method of data entry leaves a lot to be desired. It is inefficient and requires a lot of manual data entry with the passing around of spreadsheets. The goal is to streamline the process by creating a system that will allow for dynamic data entry based on an admin’s specifications before a harvest. Then, workers will be able to enter data based on the admin’s fields. After this, the data will be consolidated into a larger table. This will help not only make data entry easier for the workers and lower the chance for error, but also free up resources in other areas making the overall cost of food lower.

Remote Check-In
Christopher Garcia | Janelle Uganiza | Rogelio Rodriguez

When a truck arrives at their shipping destination they must submit various credentials and documents to the location’s management for verification before they’re allocated a dock to unload/load their cargo. This unnecessary downtime can cost both the shipping company and the destination company money, as the truck driver is being paid to wait for documents to be verified and the truck’s dock is open, yet the shipment can’t be delivered yet. The lengthy process can produce backup at the dock, resulting in an even longer situation for the drivers and workers. This problem can be avoided by transmitting all the required information while the driver is still on the road, which would allow the staff to verify and allocate space for the driver. It will save money, decrease the truck turnaround time, and improve the warehouse’s overall efficiency. This is an application designed for "REMOTE CHECK IN".

Our Mission is to allow non-technical users to access GDELT( data according to their areas of interest for the purpose of analyzing data and identifying news sources within a given region or country. GDELT provides datasets of every broadcast, print, and web media articles of every country around the world and identifies people, locations, themes, emotions, organizations, quotes, and events (“The GDELT Project.” GDELT, To elaborate, our tool will be able to filter out non-relevant news sources and be able to identify the main sources of information for the query parameters given.
James Barquera | Rudy Cruz