College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

World Languages and Cultures


Our approach to language education and instruction is outcomes-based, innovative, and technologically driven. Rather than simply learning grammar and vocabulary, you will develop the language skills and cultural proficiencies that are in high demand in business, government, and education. You will also benefit from our instructional use of new technologies and telecommunication networks to enhance language acquisition and promote language instruction for traditional and nontraditional students.

CSUMB Mission "To build a multicultural learning community founded on academic excellence from which all partners in the educational process emerge prepared to contribute productively, respsabatonsibly, and ethically to California and the global community..." Read more about the value of language learning

Study Language

Language GE Requirement Information

Placement Advising

WLC encourages students to place appropriately in order to match your current language abilities to the course most suitable for that level. Accurate initial placement is a key factor in successfully learning a foreign language.

Please see the Placement Suggestions on the current CSUMB Catalog, including links to the Spanish Language Placement Exam. Note that Placement Exam semester suggestions alignment is as follows:

Placement Score Course Options
Semester 1 0 - 295 SPAN 101
Semester 2 296 - 355 SPAN 102
Semester 3 356 - 439 SPAN 201 or SPAN 340
Semester 4+ 440 + SPAN 212, SPAN 312 or SPAN 340

Placement Notes:

  • Spanish Major or Minor students should NOT enroll in SPAN340/350
  • Non-language majors: See infographic for course options to meet the CSUMB World Culture & Language Requirement
  • BS degree-seeking and Liberal Studies students can meet WCL-P with SPAN 350: World Culture and Language: Spanish.

If you need more support with placing appropriately in your language courses, please contact academic advising or the department at or consult the following faculty:

Spanish placement advising (by last name of student).

Japanese placement:

American Sign Language (ASL) placement

Italian placement

List of CSUMB Language Courses meeting C2

Heritage Language Speakers can enroll in

about Spanish for Heritage Speakers

about Language and Culture for Heritage Speakers

Permission Numbers and Waitlists

Some language courses require permission numbers to add the course in Oasis. Students should work with their academic advisor for exact details. Learn more about permission numbers and who to contact for more information. If there are no available sections of a course you need, please add to the waitlist for a section. Course waitlists are in Oasis. 

Start of term Meet and Greet event

The department traditionally holds a Meet and Greet event for WLC Major and Minor students at the start of the term. See more information and photos from past events.

Major Advising

Please consult with the following JLC and SLHC major advisors by your last name (updated Fall 2024). For other course advising such as GE, etc., please contact Sharon Anderson, Academic Advisor for Japanese Language and Culture majors, or Teresa Nieves Espinoza, Academic Advisor for Spanish Language and Hispanic Culture majors.

Japanese Language and Culture (JLC) Majors

During Fall 2024 (Dr. Shigeko Sekine is on leave) 

Regular Advising

Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures (SLHC) Majors

During Fall 2024 (Dr. Carolyn Gonzalez is on Sabbatical) 

Regular Advising

Student Support

WLC has Specialized Language Instructional Classrooms in CAHSS 2408 and 2410. The classrooms are available for drop-in use when not in use during scheduled times for classes. See links below for schedules.

There is no printing from the computers in 2408 or 2410. However, IT maintains a list of printing locations across campus.

Language Tutoring is provided through the Cooperative Learning Center for many courses and disciplines at CSUMB, including language study! See their site for tutorial times, learning strategies, and other support.

WLC related library guide and progeram related library acquisitions

Japanese Input: Setting up and Typing

ASL Video Production in iMovie hints and suggestions

The CSU is committed to protecting the safety and well-being of all campus community members, without regard to their immigration status. The campus resource center supports our students and scholars.


WLC supports student research opportunities through various organizations, such as Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center (UROC). Read more about our Japanese and Spanish major experiences conducting research in collaboration with our faculty members through UROC. Others have participated in the Okinawa Memories Initiative (OMI) and attended the Santa Barbara Summer Seminar for aspiring language teachers through CLTA

Clubs and Student Organizations

The listed campus clubs have strong ties to WLC disciplines and faculty. There are many opportunities to engage with other clubs at CSUMB.

Social Media


Major and Minor brochures, etc. are available in our lobby and for download here. Available brochures include the following:

  • WLC Fast Facts
  • Both Major Programs | Japanese Major | Spanish Major
  • Japanese Minors: Culture and History | Language and Culture
  • Spanish Minors: Culture and History | Language and Culture | Latin American studies
  • Study Abroad