Campus Health Center

Coronavirus Information

A student wears a mask while scrolling through his ipad outside.

COVID-19 reporting

Complete the confidential and secure COVID-19 reporting form if you are informed that you have tested positive, test positive with an at-home test, or have been exposed to a positive individual.

COVID-19 reporting form

CalOSHA COVID-19 Campus Requirements

In compliance with CalOSHA COVID-19 Prevention Non-emergency Regulation, CSUMB will continue to provide the following COVID-19 resources and services on campus through 2/3/2025.

Resource Service Campus Locations
COVID-19 Tests: Single Flowflex rapid test

Free single tests - Pick up to self administer. - free tests - free tests

1. Campus Health Center, building 80, M - F, 8 am to 5 pm

2. The HUB, building 12

COVID-19 Testing: Antigen (rapid) A rapid test may be administered (for free) by medical staff from the vehicle in parking lot 80 - if the person is symptomatic. Call the CHC to request an administered test.

Campus Health Center, building 80,

M - F, 8 am to 5 pm


COVID-19 Testing: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) PCR tests (insurance/at cost) are administered inside the CHC. Make an online appointment through the scheduler (select COVID-19 Test). Must wear a mask to enter the CHC for service.

Campus Health Center, building 80,

M - F, 8 am to 5 pm


COVID-19 Vaccines: COVID vaccine Moderna/SpikeVax is administered at the CHC. Call to make an appointment. Other COVID-19 vaccines are widely available -

Campus Health Center, building 80,

M - F, 8 am to 5 pm



Free masks, including 3-ply surgical and KN95 options, are available at:

  • Mask-Friendly Campus Policy

    CSUMB is a mask-friendly campus policy.  Anyone who chooses to wear a mask in most indoor spaces is welcome and encouraged to do so. Read the policy announcement.

    When and where masking is still required:

    • Face masks are required for patients with respiratory symptoms when accessing health care services at the Campus Health Center in Bldg 80. Masks are available.
    • Living in student housing and are symptomatic and awaiting test results and when COVID-19 positive and fulfilling an isolation period
    • Exposed to a COVID-19 positive person, are asymptomatic or symptomatic, and are awaiting test results
    • Any place where official signs indicate masking is required

    If you are a student who may need accommodations, email Student Disability and Accessibility Center (SDAC) or call 831-582-3672.

    Availability of free masks:

    The university will continue to provide free masks, including 3-ply surgical and KN95 options, at these eight on campus locations:

  • For AY 2024-2025, employees and students are still required to complete the confidential and secure COVID-19 reporting form if:

    • If you test at an off campus testing site and the test result is positive.
    • If you test off campus and your result is negative on a rapid test and you are waiting for the results of a PCR test.
    • Regardless of presently being on or off campus, if you are exposed to someone who is COVID-19 positive.
    • Anyone can submit the COVID-19 Positive Reporting Form for someone who is too ill to self-submit or have disclosed to you that they are positive and they have not submitted a report. Either inform the student or employee to submit a COVID-19 Reporting form or tell them you will do it for them. You will need to keep them on the phone until you complete the necessary information on the report.

    Report a Case

  • CSUMB Exposure Tracing consists of interviewing the positive case, documenting the campus locations where the case has been during their infectious period, and collecting the names of individuals who meet the definition of a close contact. 
    CSUMB follows the California Department of Public Health's isolation and close contact guidelines. 
    CDPH defines close contact as someone sharing the same indoor airspace, e.g., home, clinic waiting room, airplane etc., for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period (for example, three individual 5-minute exposures for a total of 15 minutes) during an infected person's (laboratory-confirmed or a clinical diagnosis) infectious period.
    Exposure locations are captured during the exposure tracing interview and are listed on the Campus Locations Exposed to COVID-19. Anyone at that location can take extra precautions and follow the close contact guidelines.

    Actions that initiate Exposure Tracing

    • If an individual, regardless of presently being on or off campus, is exposed to someone who is COVID-19 positive, they are to submit their own COVID-19 Positive Reporting Form
    • Anyone can submit the COVID-19 Positive Reporting Form for someone who is too ill to self-submit or have disclosed to you that they are positive and they have not already submitted a report. Either inform the student or employee to submit a COVID-19 Reporting form or tell them you will do it for them. You will need to keep them on the phone until you complete the necessary information on the report.

    When a COVID-19 Positive Reporting form is submitted, an Exposure Tracing Analyst, and Human Resources or Corporation Human Resources will contact the positive student and/or employee. The Exposure Tracing Analyst will also contact the confirmed on campus close contacts.

    For details on Exposure Tracing, see the CSUMB COVID-19 Prevention Plan.

  • Effective April 6, 2023, per the revised California State University (CSU) COVID-19 Vaccinations and Other Safety Measures policy, CSUMB students and employees are no longer required to register their COVID-19 vaccination status in the Otter Vaccination Registry.

    CSUMB students and employees are
    required to continue to comply with all other related health and safety measures established by the campus, or federal/state laws and regulations.

    The updated CalOSHA COVID-19 requirements also include the services that will continue to be available at CSUMB through 2/3/2025, such as vaccines, masks, reporting of recent cases, etc.

    OVR Security

  • CSUMB values openness and inclusion. The CSUMB community does not accept xenophobic behaviors expressed through speech, harassment, the spreading of misinformation, or misinformed decision-making.

    Anyone experiencing incidents of xenophobia or harassment may report the incident, and seek additional support from the CSUMB Personal Growth & Counseling Center, Otter Cross-Cultural Center and the Office of Inclusive Excellence.