College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

World Languages and Cultures

Spring 2025 News and Events

WLC Study Abroad Photo Contest

Internationalization has long been core to the CSUMB student-learning experience. Many of WLC’s students return from study abroad with new understandings of both the world and themselves. This photo contest is intended to share their expanded perspectives with the campus and encourage the next class of global thinkers. 

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
– Marcel Proust

Photo contest fall for photos 2025


Call for Study Abroad Photos!

The 2025 photo contest asks current CSUMB students to share up to three photos from their recent study abroad experiences. Students should match each image and accompanying description with a LESCANT category. LESCANT is an acronym for a framework for exploring cultural values and perspectives according to Language, Environment, Social Organization, Context, Authority, Non-verbal and Time. Please submit a 50-200 word description of your image when you upload your submission. Only one submission per category is allowed, up to three photos total. All images remain the property of the original author and you will grant CSUMB permission to use them for this photo contest. Please see the consent details on the photo submission form. Submissions will be accepted between December 12, 2024 at 8:00am and February 17th, 2025 at 11:59pm.

Submitted photos will be juried before the show. Selected photos will be displayed in a special exhibition in the CAHSS Gallery from March 25–April 18, 2025. Photo contest winners will be announced during the WLC Spotlight on Culture event in March (date TBD). 

Congratulations and Thank You for your service!

Five WLC employees celebrated for service milestones

WLC faculty and staff were recognized for reaching these service milestones in 2025:

  • Carolyn Gonzalez, 5 Years
  • David Bennett, 10 Years
  • Darby Brown, 10 Years
  • Michele Santamaria, 10 Years
  • Tomoko Ogaki, 15 Years

Fall 2024 News and Events

Barbosa textbook for heritage speakers

Congratulations to WLC’s Alumnus and Faculty member Mr. Marco Barbosa on the publication of his Spanish language textbook “La lengua y sus secretos: Manual de la lengua castellana para hispanohablantes” for heritage speakers of Spanish. The book is already in use in Marco’s classrooms with positive reviews. Felicidades Marco!

Author holding new textbook

Saito-Abbott recognized for Leadership in World Language Education

Congratulations to Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott for her recognition as the 2024 ACTFL Wilga Rivers Awardee for Leadership in World Language Education! This award recognizes her lifetime of contributions and achievement in world language education at local, regional, state, national, and international levels and the organizations and communities who have benefited from that engagement. We are so grateful for her leadership, continued support of our field, and dedication to educating students everywhere. See the official ACTFL announcement at 

Announcement of Saito-Abbott award

Wilga Rivers Award For Leadership In World Language Education (Postsecondary)

Dr. Saito-Abbott has served in leadership roles in numerous contexts, including AATJ and California Language Teachers Association. She has published more than 50 works, including video-series on advancing teaching practices, manuals on curricular modules, instructional strategies, and using technology, and her many scholarly articles can be found in journals such as Foreign Language Annals, The Modern Language Journal, among others. Dr. Saito-Abbott has had a significant impact on the advancement of Japanese language study through activities such as her design of a certification program for licensure in Japanese, her pioneering efforts in coordinating the first multi-campus online courses within the California State University system, delivery of seminars and workshops for professional development at state and national levels, and her critical contribution to the College Board’s AP Japanese program in the US. She has provided keynote presentations, invited lectures, and workshops in the United States and Japan for many different organizations and universities and has given over 180 conference presentations, including regularly presenting at ACTFL Conventions. Dr. Saito-Abbott has demonstrated commitment to serving the field throughout her career, and her leadership has had a profound impact on world language education.
- Dr. Cassandra Glynn, Chair

I am honored to receive the Wilga Rivers Award for Leadership in World Language Education (Postsecondary) and extend my heartfelt thanks to the award committee for this incredible recognition. This award is a personal milestone and reflects the unwavering support of so many individuals. I am profoundly grateful to my mentors, colleagues, and students, whose insights and collaboration have inspired me to pursue excellence. To my family and friends, thank you for your steadfast support, understanding, and patience throughout my journey. This recognition motivates me to continue my work with renewed vigor, underscoring the importance of world language education in preparing responsible global citizens who will shape the future. By empowering students to connect across cultures and understand diverse perspectives, we contribute to a more inclusive and interconnected global society. I am committed to advancing this mission, knowing that together, we can help create a better future for all.
- Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott

Congratulations to Davis (JLC '21) accepted to ICU Japanese language program

Alyssa Davis, JLC '21, was accepted into and has begun study in the Stanford University Inter-University Center (IUC) for Japanese Language Studies 10-month program of intensive Japanese language study located in Yokohama, Japan. 

Davis joins Nicholas McCullough, JLC '19, as the second CSUMB student to be accepted into this competitive program. 

  • Join language professionals across California for:

    Warm-up Routines That Build Community

    Description: How do you start your class each day? The first 5 minutes of class are a golden opportunity to build connections. Come learn simple strategies that make kids want to attend, want to use the TL, and want to interact from the very first minute of class. These warm-up strategies support SEL practices, social justice, and help build communicative fluency and accuracy.

    Date: Monday, October 7, 2024

    Time: 4:30-5:30 p.m. via Zoom

    Download the flyer

    Presenter Liz Matchett, NBCT,

    has been an educator for over 35 years dedicating herself to the promotion of world languages at every level. Awards include Palo Alto Educators Association 2024 Outstanding Leadership Award, 2023 AATSP Teacher of the Year (Secondary), 2016 CLTA Teacher of the Year, and the 2012 McGraw Hill/CLTA Outstanding Teacher Leader Award. Service activities include co-chairing the California World Languages Framework Committee and being a Team Member for the Stanford World Language Project. She is currently a Teacher on Special Assignment for World Languages and DLI for the Palo Alto Unified School District, is an instructor for the Stanford Teacher Education Program, and is the Executive Director of the California Language Teachers’ Association. She lives in Redwood City with her husband.

    Co-sponsored by CSUMB's School of World Languages and Cultures; California Language Teacher Association; American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese; and the Monterey Bay World Language Program 

    Woman posed with classroom behind


2024 Study Abroad in Japan Information Session Oct 18

Join WLC Faculty and Students on October 18, 2024, at 4:00 pm to learn more about study abroad opportunities in Japan. This information session will include presentations from students who have recently returned from studying abroad and can give you advice based on their first-hand experiences. Details about each of our partner universities will also be presented in order to help you find the right school for you. Learn more at MyRaftLink RSVP

Flyer for study abroad in Japan info session featuring image of woman by temple gates and 5 students posing in front of tapestry for event on Oct 18 2024 4-6pm in 504/1302


Japanese and Spanish Meet and Greet Aug 28

The Japanese and Spanish Majors Meet and Greet will be held on Wednesday, August 28, 2023, from 2:00pm - 4:00pm in the CAHSS Building 504, Room 1302.

This is a great opportunity to make new friends, get to know peers and meet our departmental faculty and staff. We will have icebreakers and activities to get to know each other better. We need all students to attend so they can answer new students' questions. Registration 

We look forward to seeing you there! Wednesday, Aug 28, 2024 ⋅ 12pm – 2pm at CAHSS Building 504, Room 1302

2024 Meet and Greet Spanish and Japanese majors and minors


Congrats to Dr. Christine Fernández on new publication

Congratulations to WLC’s Dr. Christine Fernández and co-editor Dr. Maria Villasenõr on their publication of The Routledge Handbook of Latinx Life Writing (2024). 

The Handbook provides an in‑depth introduction to Latinx life writing, taking a historical approach to the study of a variety of key Latinx life writers, genres, and thematic concerns. The publication also includes a chapter by Dr. Fernández entitled “Cartographies of Hispanic & Latinx Travel Writing," presenting an overview of the evolution of the genre-spanning early 15th-century travel writing to contemporary examples of the genre.

Book cover illustration for Latina Life Writing Handbook with tile mosaic on black background

Dr. Christine Fernández is Associate Professor of Spanish Language and Latin American Culture and Literature in the Department of World Languages and Cultures. She earned her Ph.D. in Hispanic Languages and Literatures at UC Santa Barbara.

Dr. Christine Fernández, Ph.D. in Hispanic Languages and Literatures


Spring 2024 News and Events

Dr. Vila Dieguez awarded by Arts Council for Monterey

Congratulations to Dr. Vila Dieguez for award from Arts Council for Monterey to complete video series! 

Dr. David Vila Dieguez will write and film 10 scripts to accompany a recently released album by The Rumba Madre. The project is conceptually organized around the song “Abuela” which tells the story of a girl born in Spain during the Spanish Civil War. This girl ran the risk of being kidnapped or killed, and her parents sent her as an exile to Mexico (as so many parents had to do). There, she grew up and married a Mexican man with whom she had various children and grandchildren, each with their own story of emigration, and the rest of the songs of the album are based on each of their stories. See and hear more at or view released videos from the series at and

Actor surrendering to border patrol with hands in air


Congratulations to 2024-25 District TOY, Kelly Martinez

District Teacher of the Year, Kelly Martinez (née Stone) JLC ‘11 teaches Japanese at Rosemont High School in Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD) and credits her undergraduate and credential training and mentoring at CSUMB for her success. Learn more

Smiling Teacher holding recognition certificate


WLC Alumni to study in Panama

Congratulations y Felicidades to two SLHC grads attending The Ohio State University’s Summer Seminars Abroad for Spanish Teachers (SSAST) this summer! Kassandra Rizo and Gabriela Murillo Cerna (both Class of 2022) will spend July in Panama City analyzing and practicing the Spanish language in a natural linguistic and cultural context. More information at


Seven named to Japanese honor society

Congratulations and おめでとうございます to seven JLC major students recently inducted into the Japanese National Honor Society for their outstanding efforts in the study of Japanese Language and Culture! Learn more about JNHS
Pictured (L to R) Faye Fielder, Caleb Robbins, Carlos Rodriguez, Dr. Shigeko Sekine, Hannah Fulton, Gabi Dobrzynska, Charlene Roberts, Sara Vernetti

Seven students holding certificates of induction to Japanese Honor Society posing with instructor


Bennett ('10) named 2023-24 Student Club Advisor of the Year

Congratulations to 2023-24 Student Club Advisor of the Year, Mr. David Bennett, for his service to the Anime Club! David is a staff member in WLC and has been active with Anime Club ever since he was a student at CSUMB. He majored in WLC–Emphasis in Japanese ('10), and Teledramatic Arts and Theater ('10) (now Cinematic Arts & Technology). He took on the role of Anime Club advisor following his 2014 hire at CSUMB. Anime Club is the longest-standing continuous student club at CSUMB thanks to dedicated leaders like David.
Staff member and certificate


Other WLC Faculty and Staff members including Shigeko Sekine, Carolyn Gonzalez, Christine Fernandez, Gus Leonard and Nanda Warren provide leadership to CSUMB Student Clubs and we are grateful for their service!
Awardees pose by fireplace


2024 Spotlight on Service SLI Awards

Congratulations to WLC major students Carlos Rodriguez (JLC ‘24) and Susan Braga (SLHC ‘24) recognized with service learning awards from their respective majors. CSUMB service learning students contribute back to our community by providing community service with over 500 community volunteers! Learn more about CSUMB’s Service Learning at Carlos and Susan are pictured here with other students in the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, and with Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Professor of Japanese.
Awardees on Stage


Robbins named 2024 Future Alumni Award recipient

Congratulations to the 2024 Future Alumni Award recipient, Mr. Caleb Robbins, JLC class of 2024, awarded by the CSUMB Alumni Association!
Caleb is pictured with Dr. Shigeko Sekine from WLC and Ms. Joanna Iwata from Associated Students. As a major in Japanese Language and Culture (JLC) at CSUMB, he has been accepted by Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program and placement is pending for next year. Caleb also served as the Associated Students representative from the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) this academic year.
Student selfie with two advisors


Rosales, SLHC '24, Ethnic and Gender Studies Research Project Award

Congratulations to Brisa Rosales, SLHC '24, for her project "Hasta que el cuerpo aguante" recognized by the Ethnic and Gender Studies Research Project Award!
Ms. Rosales completed her degree in Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures from the Department of World Languages and Cultures with a Capstone Project exploring "La identidad mexicana del siglo XXI a través de las obras de Fernanda Melchor | Mexican Identity of the 21st Century through the Works of Fernanda Melchor"

おめでとうございます and Congratulations to WLC's JET Participants in 2024!


4 students smiling in WLC lobby

Fielder, Robbins, Rodriguez & Fulton (JLC '24)

Four Japanese major students have been accepted to the Japan Education and Training (JET) program for placement across Japan in 2024! The students, Fay Fielder, Caleb Robbins, Carlos Rodriguez, and Hannah Fulton, are all from the Japanese Language and Culture major class of 2024 and worked with Dr. Shigeko Sekine to prepare applications and conduct practice interviews with great success. We wish you all the best in your placements and opportunities to work in capacities such as Assistant Language Teacher (ALT), Sports Exchange Advisor (SEA), or Coordinator for International Relations (CIR) across multiple locations in Japan. おめでとうございます and Congratulations!

WLC Major students spend Spring Break with McNair Scholars

WLC major students Levi Mahler (JLC) and Yeritzi Victoria (SLHC), participating in the McNair Scholar program, spent Spring Break visiting ASU and UT–El Paso campuses to network with faculty and graduate students.

At CSUMB, the Department of Education-funded McNair Scholars Program is embedded within the UROC Scholars program. It prepares academically talented and motivated CSUMB undergraduates from all majors for doctoral-level studies through engagement in research and other scholarly activities that support the successful transition to graduate programs.

Read more in the UROC Newsletter

2024 FLCI Events

The 2024 FLCI Speakers Series events were recorded and are available for viewing. See for more information. 

View the 2024 FLCI and AATSP presentation by Adolfo González and Anne Fountain, Ph.D., "Indigenous America in our Community and in the Spanish Classroom." 

Man presenting and 3 people celebrating successful event


FLCI–Indigenous America in our Community and in the Spanish Classroom

WLC, in conjunction with American Association of Teachers of Spanish & Portuguese (AATSP) Northern California Chapter, welcomes special guest speakers, Adolfo González and Anne Fountain, Ph.D. who will discuss Indigenous America in our Community and in the Spanish Classroom at the Sixth Annual Festival of Languages, Cultures, and Ideas on Thursday, April 11, 2024 from 4:00pm - 5:30pm in the Tanimura & Antle Family Memorial Library, Room 1188 and on Zoom at Presentations will be in English and Spanish.

Alumnus holding diploma and woman smiling with event logo

Adolfo González, CSU Monterey Bay Alumni
The Life of Adolfo Gonzalez: A Story of Tenacity
As an indigenous Zapotec child from Oaxaca, Mexico, I dreamed of obtaining a good education and breaking the cycle of poverty in my family. After many years of fighting and suffering, I made the difficult decision to emigrate to the United States, where I worked in agriculture, in the fields of Salinas, California. Here, I learned English as a third language at the Salinas Adult School, obtained my high school diploma, and later studied Spanish at CSUMB, where I graduated with honors.
Anne Fountain, Ph.D, Professor Emerita at San José State University
Indigenous America in the Spanish Language Classroom
Indigenous populations from the American continent belong to its future. Indigenous communities today (Zapotec Aymara, Mapuche, Mayan, speakers of Quechua, and many more) that are descendants of the first settlers of the hemisphere play an important role in many countries including the United States. It is essential that we value their contributions.

The School of World Languages and Cultures strives to make events accessible for all. For additional information or accommodation requests, please email

FLCI 2024 Speaker: Indigenous languages in the Ryukyu Islands

Save the Date for FLCI 2024 Speaker Dr. Madoka Hammine "What about intersectionality? An Experience of Language Reclamation in the Ryukyus" in TAFL, Room 1180, on March 7, 4:30-6:30 pm. Event registration


The silencing of Indigenous languages has been part of assimilative efforts to suppress Indigenous cultures and deny Indigenous knowledge. Colonial and postcolonial language policies have resulted in many people feeling a loss of self-worth and pride. This talk focuses on analyzing current language reclamation and revitalization efforts in different islands in the Ryukyus, an archipelago to the south-west of Japan.

Madoka Hammine headshot



An Associate Professor for the Faculty of International Studies in Meio University, Japan, Dr. Hammine earned her Ph.D. at the University of Lapland in Finland, where she researched minoritized (endangered) language education in two contexts of Indigenous languages in Finland and in Japan. Dr. Hammine is also a member of Ryukyuan Heritage Language Society, works in the content management section for GCLR (Global Coalition for Language Rights) and serves as a member of the General Council for Endangered Language Project. 


Globe with spelled out FLCI 2024 featuring various cultural icons


Spring 2024 WLC Meet and Greet

The faculty and staff of World Languages and Cultures welcome new and returning major and minor students to attend the Japanese and Spanish Majors Meet and Greet, on Friday, February 2, 2023, from 2:00pm - 4:00pm in the CAHSS Building 504, Room 1302.

This is a great opportunity to make new friends, get to know peers, and meet our departmental faculty and staff. We will have icebreakers and activities to get to know each other better. We encourage all students to attend, so they can answer new students' questions.

Refreshments include a baked potato bar, where you can add your favorite toppings. Don't forget a cookie!

We look forward to seeing you here!

Meet and Greet logo Hola Konnichiha


WLC Faculty Recognized for Service

Congratulations on reaching 5 and 10-year milestones at CSUMB, and Thank You for your service to our community! Our WLC faculty members (counter-clockwise from top left) An Pham, Ryoko Ohnishi,  Sara Cisneros, Dustin Wright, Rebecca Pozzi, Christine Fernandez (5 years each), and Marco Barbosa (10 years) were recognized at the Annual Employee Appreciation Breakfast for their years of service and contributions to our campus by University President Vanya Quiñones and Provost Andrew Lawson. This excellent bunch has contributed to keeping our OtterRaft afloat by continuing to grow our students’ intercultural and multilingual capacities! We are so grateful to work together in this diverse and engaged department.

7 faculty members headshots with president around text the wlc bunch 5 and 10 years service


Levi Mahler ('24) presents at AHA '24

Levi Mahler, majoring in Japanese Language and Culture, presented on 'Gods and Bases: US Military Presence and Its Impacts on Japanese Spiritual Customs' at the 137th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association held in San Francisco, CA January 4-7, 2024. Congratulations, Levi!

Fall 2023 News and Events

Writing Waves volume articles from WLC Majors

seascape with rocky ridge and sunset


Students in SPAN312 during Fall 2023 published their essays in Writing Waves.
Congratulations to Samantha Camacho on their creative work!
And JLC's Jocelyn Chavez-Diaz wrote about her path as a McNair scholar in the volume. Read more in Writing Waves 

Day of the Dead / Día de Muertos 2023

World Languages and Cultures has long recognized Día de los Muertos (All Souls Day) through poetry, the creation of altares and sugar skulls. This year Dr. Carolyn Gonzales elaborated on the humor that can be found in the cultural expression of calaveras in an interview with the Monterey County Weekly. In 2023 the campus celebrates Dia de los Muertos and offers a variety of events on the campus calendar

2018 Día de los muertos altar, by Casas-Ruiz, in the WLC Lobby

2018 Día de los muertos altar, by Irene Casas-Ruiz, in the WLC Lobby

The 2018 altar remembered two of our former faculty members, Dr. Jon Strolle and Ms. Ava Willet. 

The Global Base Studies Project Symposium


The Tyler Center for Global Studies presents the Global Base Studies Project Symposium. Learn about CSUMB students conducting research in Japan.

Tuesday, October 10th, 2023, 2-3:50 pm in CAHSS Building 504, Room 1302, CSUMB Tyler Fellows will present their fieldwork projects and share their experiences researching the complicated history of U.S. military bases in Japan.

See CSUMB Events for more and RSVP for the event.

Study Abroad in Japan Information Session

Join WLC Faculty and Students on October 20, 2023, at 4:00 pm to learn more about study abroad opportunities in Japan. This information session will include presentations from students who have recently returned from studying abroad and can give you advice based on their first-hand experiences. Details about each of our partner universities will also be presented in order to help you find the right school for you. Learn more on RSVP here.  

CSUMB's International Programs office will also be there to help answer questions. 


HSI Week in the CLC

Members of CSUMB's Spanish Club hosted students, faculty, and staff to play ¡Basta! in the Cooperative Learning Center (CLC) as part of Hispanic Serving Institution Week (HSI) at CSUMB.

Participants from Spanish Club, Faculty and Staff display their score cards after playing rounds of Basta


Ready for the Academic Year 2023!

We're ready for the new Academic Year! How about you?
WLC faculty are back to work and classes start Wednesday. We are excited to see new and returning students in just a few short days.
Staff members Gus and David ready for Fall 2023 in lobby of 504/2400 East Wing


Fall 2023 Meet and Greet

Please join WLC Faculty and Staff for the WLC Majors' Meet and Greet  student event Friday, September 1, 2023⋅2:00 – 4:00 pm in the CAHSS Building (504), Room 1302RSVP here. This is a great opportunity for new & continuing students to get to know their peers and senior students & meet with departmental faculty and staff. Japanese and Spanish majors and minors are welcome!

Banner for JAPN and SPAN meet and greet event



Cervantes ‘08 presents DEI work to campus community

WLC’s own Alma Cervantes, class of 2008, returned to campus to take the stage in the University Center Auditorium during the University Day of Welcome for faculty and staff as part of the start to CSUMB’s new academic year.

Alma on stage at University Day of Welcome


Alma shared in a dialogue around this year’s topic of  “Building Community in Uncertain Times: Roles and Responsibilities in Recruiting and Retaining a Diverse University” stemming from her work with Action Council & Building Healthy Communities, Monterey County, a nonprofit focused on the work that addresses the many challenges facing communities who are committed to building a more equitable and inclusive future. 

Thanks for helping CSUMB work toward our vision of an inclusive and diverse community, Alma! You’re always welcome back!

Mahler presents at Summer UROC

Levi Mahler presented initial findings at the UROC Summer Research Symposium on their work related to Dr. Dustin Wright's Global Base Studies Project (GBSP). The project included travel to Japan for two weeks that was supported through the Tyler Center for Global Studies. The research will be expanded upon during an October 2023 presentation event.

3 individuals pose in front of classroom projector screen


FLAMCO to host CLTA 2024

The Monterey Chapter of the California Language Teachers Association (CLTA) will host the 2024 CLTA Annual Conference in March 2024 at the Hyatt Regency Monterey. Several WLC faculty members are serving as Conference Committee Chairs. A big thanks to Foreign Language Association of Monterey County (FLAMCO) members Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Ms. Tomoko Ogaki, and Mr. Gus Leonard for their support of this amazing conference forwarding the study of language and culture in California. 

Spring 2023 News and Events

2023 GBSP Scholar Cohort

In 2023, the first cohort of Global Base Studies Project (GBSP) Fellows will conduct field research in Japan related to the continued presence of military bases. Three students were selected to conduct research and fieldwork in Japan, supported by funding from the Tyler Center for Global Studies. 

Students and faculty pose outside lobby to Department of World Languages and Cultures


WLC Alum recognized with Provost Award

Congratulations to Ana Maria Treadwell-Delgado, Class of 2004 B.A. in World Languages and Cultures, Emphasis in Spanish, and 2023 M.S. in Instructional Science and Technology, to be recognized for her academic excellence with the Provost’s Graduate Award for Exemplary Academic Achievement at the 2023 graduation ceremonies. In the CSUMB announcement of the award, Treadwell-Delgado recognizes the impact of her studies with Dr. Maria Zielina, WLC faculty emeritus, as transformative to her understanding of literature. 

Treadwell-Delgado's 2004 Capstone project explored Colombian culture through the work of Fernando Botero, the renowned Colombian artist, painter, and sculptor known for large and exaggerated figures. 

2023 Capstone Festival

Please join the School of World Languages and Cultures faculty for the 2023 Capstone Festival where major students from Japanese Language and Culture and the Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures will present their Capstone projects.  The 2023 WLC Capstone Festival will be held live in Building 504, Friday, May 19, 2023, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm and streamed on Zoom and Facebook Live. Please see the event website to RSVP and for schedule and project descriptions. 

2023 Major students in Japanese Language and Culture

2023 Major students in Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures

Six Japanese Major and Minor Students Accepted to JET for 2023!

おめでとうございます and Congratulations to six Japanese major and minor students accepted to the Japan Education and Training (JET) program for placements starting as soon as May! The students, including Judy Kim (JLC '23), Alyssa Powell (JLC '23), Steven Hickman (JLC '22), Meghan Morrison (Minor in Japanese Language and Culture '22) and Jeremy Ruiz (JLC '21), worked with Dr. Shigeko Sekine to prepare applications and conduct practice interviews during Fall 2022 with great success. We wish you all the best in your placements and opportunities to work in capacities such as Assistant Language Teacher (ALT), Sports Exchange Advisor (SEA), or Coordinator for International Relations (CIR) across multiple locations in Japan. Read more about other JET successes and opportunities.

WLC's Class of 2023 JET Placements

WLC's Class of 2023 JET Placements




Vila Dieguez publication

Congratulations to Dr. David Vila Dieguez's recent publication in Hispanófila comparing punk to other youth cultures in Spain when the country was transitioning to a democratic state. 

Dr David Vila Dieguez publication in Hispanofila on The Movida Madrileña vs Spanish Punk Culture

Citation: Vila Diéguez, David. "The Movida Madrileña vs Spanish Punk Culture: Disenchantment, Hedonism and the Youth's Political Commitment During the Spanish Transición." Hispanófila, vol. 196, 2022, p. 113-133. Project MUSEdoi:10.1353/hsf.2022.0052.

Global Base Studies Project announcement

Dr. Dustin Wright is accepting applications from CSUMB students to participate in the first research trip for the Global Base Studies Project. This project is supported by the Tyler Center for Global Studies, which allows full funding for approximately three students to join Professor Wright in Japan for two weeks in Summer 2023 to explore and research base town histories. 
Student applicants can see the project description and the application form. Applications due February 28 at 11:59 PM.
Two on-campus information sessions this Friday, February 10:  
  • 2PM: Global Studies Club, OSU Room 208 (MyRaft Link)
  • 3PM: Japan Club, Coast Hall Room 103.

Students do not need to attend one of the information session in order to apply.

Global Base Studies Project, Typer Center for Global Studies provides fully funded 2-week study in Japan. QR codes for project and application


KDH 2023

The conference Kantatzen Duten Herriak (People that Sing) is returning for its 6th edition. This time, it will be held on a different date, 22, 23, and 24 of March 2023, at the Biscay campus of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in a mixed format of in-person and virtual attendance. As always, participation is free and open to all.

The conference will approach music and its social impact from diverse academic perspectives. At the same time, it will also provide space for experience and experimentation, with musical proposals also being accepted.

The deadline to submit academic, musical, and experimental proposals (free theme) to the conference is February 17.  You can send your proposal, stating your preferred format (in-person or virtual), to For more information, see the Kantatzen Duten Herriak website or download the CFP. Learn about similar events.


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Prior News & Events

Curious about what we were up to more than 2 years ago? Check out our Prior News and Events page