College of Science

Department of Marine Science

Marine Science Celebration

Macrocystis kelp
demersal fish

Department web site -

This is the way.

Outreach (videos, apps, portals, social media) 
Marine Science Program Promotional Video Department Faculty & Staff
College of Science Virtual Tour (Google Poly) Lindholm lab
App: Xplore: Dive Into Point Lobos (Marine Protected Area) - Apple Store || Android App Lindholm lab
Drones as research tools (below) Garza lab
Interactive 3D Photo Panoramas: Ocean Cove || Del Mar (Sonoma coast) || Stillwater Cove (Sonoma coast). Images were captured from a drone while mapping bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) distribution for the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. Garza lab
Interactive Map Portal for the California Undersea Imagery Archive Lindholm lab
Research & Recreational diving using Immersive VR (below) Lindholm lab
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Social media

msci twitter

MSci Twitter @CSUMB_MSCI

msci instagram

MSci Instagram

cmep instagram

CMEP Instagram @cmep_csumb

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Research Mapping using Drones [Garza lab]

Launch videos: DJI Mavic Pro 2 || DJI Phantom 4 Pro V2 || DJI Matrice 210

Research using VR/360 Video [Lindholm lab]

Immersive VR: " Quick Looks" to view from home (no headset required)

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Peer-reviewed Journal Publications

Title/Authors (CSUMB Faculty in bold, student co-authors in italics)Journal
Effects of Hypoxia on the Behavior and Physiology of Kelp Forest Fishes / E. Mattiasen, N. Kashef, D. Stafford, C. Logan (2020) Global Change Biology.
Integrating Oceans into Climate Policy: Any Green New Deal Needs a Splash of Blue / S. Dundas, A. Levine, R. Lewison, A. Doerr, C. White, A. Galloway, C. Garza, E. Hazon, J. Padilla-Gamino, J. Samhouri, A. Spalding, A. Stier, J.W. White (2020) Society for Conservation Biology.
Early Conservation Benefits of a de Facto Marine Protected Area at San Clemente Island / M. Esgro, J. Lindholm, K. Nickols, J. Bredvick (2020) PLOS ONE.
Effects of Multiple Climate Change Stressors on Gene Expression in the Blue Rockfish (Sebastes mystinus)A. Cline, S. Hamilton, C. Logan (2020) Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology.
Landscape Ecology in the Rocky Intertidal: Opportunities for Advancing Discovery and Innovation in Intertidal Research / C. Garza (2019) Landscape Ecology of Aquatic Systems.
Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Can Have Opposite Effects on Rockfish Otolith Growth / S. Hamilton, N. Kashef, D. Stafford, E. Mattiasen, L. Kapphahn, C. Logan (2019) Journal of Experimental Biology and Ecology, 521.
Preliminary Results Assessing Movement Patterns of Select Demersal Piscivores at the Sub-tropical Reefs of Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary (NW Atlantic, Carolinian Province) / P. Auster, J. Lindholm, J. Pereira, S. Fangman, H. Bolton, A. Cramer, L. Jensen, J. Moye (2020) pp. 98-114, in Review of Scientific Research in and Around the Designated Research Area of Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary (NW Atlantic). Marine Sanctuary Conservation Series ONMS-20-8

Other Publications

Chris Black Ocean Adventure novels, by James Lindholm

into a canyon deep novel
blood cold novel
dead men's silence novel
mass of sea stars
fish nd anemones
poofball something