College of Education

Department of Education and Leadership

Bilingual Authorization Program

para información en Español

California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) is now accepting applications for the Bilingual Authorization Program (Spanish-English Emphasis), which aims to prepare teachers, so they can meet the needs of both the region and the state’s Emergent Bilingual or English Language Learners population.

This program provides opportunities for current teacher candidates and credential holders to obtain the Bilingual Authorization while cultivating the knowledge, skills, and abilities exhibited by effective bilingual education teachers.

The focus of the CSUMB program will be the linguistic, social, racial and cultural factors in educational experiences of culturally and linguistically diverse students and how factors are considered for effective and culturally sustaining learning practices. Other areas of concentration include primary language development, second and simultaneous language acquisition, evaluation and current research.

Each candidate is ensured a highly individualized, relevant experience through ongoing, structured mentoring from a support provider, mentorship, university coursework, and university/district collaboration.

CSUMB Bilingual Authorization Program Philosophy:

The CSUMB Bilingual Authorization Program includes a purposeful coursework and field experience which includes a comprehensive assessment to effectively prepare candidates to teach K-12 students.

The program trains candidates to:

  • Value knowledge which leads to effective teaching practice to serve our diverse student population
  • Understand methodological practices that support the first, second and simultaneous language acquisition of Spanish-speaking students and emergent bilinguals
  • Support and advocate for primary language programs for bilingual students
  • Meet instructional needs of bilingual learners in multilingual settings
  • View multilingualism as an asset, resource and a right
  • Recognize the rights of multilingual students in the Tri-County area which includes Indigenous languages and Spanish
  • Commit to social justice work which includes discussing how to address anti-Blackness racism in the classroom and other social and structural inequities that affect students from marginalized backgrounds

Who is eligible to participate?

Bilingual Authorization is available to both Credentialed Teachers & Teacher Candidates currently completing a CSUMB credential program.

Admission Requirements

Concurrently Enrolled Credential Candidates

  • Meet all of the admission requirements for respective credential program
  • Interns concurrently seeking the Bilingual Authorization must first:
    • Must request the Bilingual Authorization when applying for the intern credential
  • Interview in-person at CSUMB on April 9th between 3pm - 6pm (sign up coming)
  • Complete a short essay in Spanish at in-person interview

Post Credential

  • Valid California Elementary, Secondary Education, or Education Specialist teaching credential that authorizes instruction to English learners (2042 authorization, a CLAD, or equivalent)
  • Interview in-person at CSUMB on April 9th between 3pm - 6pm (sign up coming)
  • Complete a short essay in Spanish at in-person interview
  • Step 1: a. Fill out Interest Google Form (at the bottom of this website) b. BiAu program coordinator, Suzanne García, contacts interested applicants with application directions. Registration begins via regular university registration periods and via Extended Education for applicants who are not a part of CSU-Monterey Bay.
  • Step 2: Interview with BiAu program coordinator, Suzanne García.
  • Step 3: Interested applicant e-mails documents to Darlene Moitoso at or Shawna Gannon at Documents include: passing of edTPA or teacher credential.
  • Step 4: Darlene or Shawna will email an email approval letter in the form of a PDF from the coordinator, Dr. Suzanne Garcia, needed in order to register. The PDF letter is required as part of the Extended Education (EE) registration process (click on hyperlink above).
  • Step 5: Extended Education will finalize registration.
  • Step 6: Bilingual authorization program coordinator will email letter of acceptance to applicant. Letter will contain additional details about the courses, textbook requirements, and summer start dates.

Bilingual Authorization (BiAu) Courses

Courses can be taken in any order

SPRING 2025 & Fall 2025 - 1 BiAu course being offered

  • ED 604A/B Bilingual Clinical Experience: Students will apply theoretical understandings regarding bilingual approaches for students and the adaptation of both curriculum and the environment to meet individual needs and abilities. Includes observation, participation, planning and practice teaching (online and/or face-to-face) in K-6 or 6-12 bilingual public school classrooms. The clinical experience will include a total of 20 hours of planning curriculum, meeting with students and a co-teacher, and creating lessons in Spanish for a bilingual classroom. *Students have the option of using their own classroom if they are part of a bilingual program and can work with a colleague to provide mentoring on their campus. *School placement dates are subject dates subject to change depending on local schools' summer schools summer schedules.
    • Spring 2025 & Fall 2025: students will add an additional 20 hours to an existing bilingual education placement. 
      • Offered: Local Public School
      • Modality: Local Public School/Zoom with instructor
    • Summer 2025 Dates: June 9th through July 18th
      • Offered: Local Public School
      • Modality: In-person
  • ED 629 Culture and Education of Latiné Students: Examining the impact of historical, social, political and economic forces of Latiné students in the U.S. Developing an understanding of cultural influences on learning and creating culturally sustaining classrooms
    • Summer 2025 Dates: July 7th thought July 18th (Hybrid: in-person & asynchronous)
  • ED 610 Methods and Inquiry for Bilingual Teachers: Developing knowledge of the effectiveness of bilingual education and bilingualism in the United States. Building knowledge of how to plan, develop, implement and assess standards. Developing knowledge of the influence of intercultural classroom climate, school community, and students’ individual linguistic, cultural, and immigration history on students’ participation.
    • Summer 2025 Dates: June 16th through June 27th (Hybrid: in-person & asynchronous)

Bilingual Authorization Interest Form

If you would like to receive updates about the program, please complete the Google Form below.

Test Preparation and Availability: CSET

For More information Contact:

CSUMB Department of Education and Leadership


Suzanne García, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Director of the Monterey Institute for English Learners (M.I.E.L),

Project Director of El Centro

COE Bilingual Authorization Program Coordinator
