Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Research and Internships

In the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, we believe strongly in experiential learning, whether through service learning, research experiences, or internships. We encourage each student to pursue experiences that will prepare them for their future careers, whether in education, industry, or academia.
Internships are a valuable way to gain experience and explore possible career paths prior to graduation, often with the opportunity for pay while learning. Students have found internships at insurance companies, in agriculture, and with tech firms in the past.
If you would like support in looking for internships, remember to use the resources and people at the Science Internship Program and request an appointment.
Many of our students engage in research during the summer or throughout the academic year. Our faculty regularly work with students on research projects - often providing paid mentored research experiences through our own grants or through the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center (UROC) at CSUMB. Students often go on to present at conferences or to publish their research in academic journals.
In addition to local opportunities for research, many students travel to other universities for 6-10 weeks during the summer to engage in Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs). Past students have gone to Harvard University, Occidental College, and UC Irvine. Most summer REUs have application deadlines in January/February.
Contact Mathematics and Statistics
Phone: 831-582-4118
Email: Send an email
Building: Rm S216, Chapman Science Center (Bldg 53)
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9 am - 4 pm
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