Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Finding Success in Mathematics and Statistics

Our goal is for you to find success in your program! Check out the following resources if you need support in your mathematics or statistics courses.
Office Hours are times specifically set aside in a faculty member's week to meet with students and provide feedback, support, and answer questions. Generally, there is no need to ask if you can meet with your instructor, just look at the syllabus for your course for the time and mode (in person or virtual) and show up prepared with your questions.
Here are the current office hours for our faculty.
In our collaboration with the Science Student Success (S3) Program and the Cooperative Learning Center (CLC), the Mathematics and Statistics Cafes create opportunities for students to build communities of learning to support their success in their mathematics or statistics courses. Each Café is staffed with faculty or students who are knowledgeable about a variety of topics including statistics and calculus. Students are welcome to use the space to work on assignments, ask questions, or work in groups of classmates (even if they don’t have any questions), while eating pizza and enjoying community.
Fall 2024 Schedule
- Math/Stat Café
- Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 12-1:50pm
- Chapman Science Center, S222
- Math/Stat Café
The Cooperative Learning Center provides tutoring for most of our lower division and service mathematics and statistics courses. Students can get mathematics and statistics tutoring through group study sessions, one-to-one appointments, and study halls. CLC sessions give you a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and the chance to explore questions about the material presented by your instructor. CLC tutors are also available in each of our Support Classes.
Tutoring sessions are not meant as replacements for classroom instruction. Tutoring sessions will support you for the duration of your course. All of our tutors are highly knowledgeable in their subject matter and are trained in a variety of techniques to support your learning.
Mathematics and Statistics Courses Supported Mathematics (MATH) MATH 100, 115, 130, 150, 151, 170, 265, 308, 309 Statistics (STAT) STAT 100, 250 Book appointments, find hours, and more on the Cooperative Learning Center webpage!
Peer Liaisons work with our lower division mathematics and statistics service courses to provide additional support when a student starts to fall behind. We recognize that often students are struggling in their courses for a variety of reasons. When we notice a student is struggling, a Peer Liaison will reach out to the student to offer to connect them to resources on campus based on their needs. For example, if the attendance issue is due to mental health or food insecurity, the Peer Liaison would help students connect to the appropriate campus organization (e.g. Basic Needs, PGCC). If the struggle is academic, the Peer Liaison will connect the student to support within the department (e.g. faculty office hours, cafes) or at the CLC as needed. Peer Liaisons are 'connectors', not tutors or counselors. Feel free to reach out to them as needed!
The Peer Liaisons are in the Department Office (S216, Chapman) or you can email them at mathstatpeerliaison "at"
- Mondays 12-4pm
- Tuesdays-Fridays, 9am-4pm
The Center for Advising, Career, and Student Success provides advising for all majors, include Mathematics and Statistics. Learn more about advising, pathways, and registration for courses on the Academic Advising webpage.
Contact Mathematics and Statistics
Phone: 831-582-4118
Email: Send an email
Building: Rm S216, Chapman Science Center (Bldg 53)
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9 am - 4 pm
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