Department of Marine Science
Video Image Analysis Lab
Research Staff & Students

IAL Principal Investigator, Dr. James Lindholm
Student Researcher / Project
Paulina Salinas-Ruiz (Instructor)
Current Students:
Kameron Strickland (MLML Grad Student) / Thesis research: Comparing a novel use of underwater virtual reality imagery to traditional diver underwater census techniques for the study of temperate reef fish communities
Travis Leggett (MLML Grad Student) / Thesis research: The distribution of newly-abundant purple urchins with varying seafloor topography and water depth along the edge of the Carmel submarine canyon using stereo diver-operated video and diver observations
Justin Gill (MLML Grad Student) /
Denise Drachenberg / Honors capstone research: The co-occurrence of purple urchins and coralline algae using stereo diver-operated video and diver observations
Jordan Velasco / Honors capstone research: Focused on the distribution of kelp greenlings and lingcod using VR imagery and diver data
Lissa Giacalone (CSUMB Grad Student) /
Former Honors Capstone Students:

Tommy Dolan / Diel variation in demersal fish assemblages and microhabitat associations in the deep photic zone of the Carmel submarine canyon
Megan Salomonson / Drift kelp utilization by temperate reef fishes beyond the reef-sand interface
Kameron Strickland / Microhabitat associations of kelp rockfish (Sebastes atrovirens) along the reef-sand interface at central Californian reefs
Marisa Thompson / Variation in fine-scale habitat associations of vermilion rockfish (Sebastes miniatus) and canary rockfish (Sebastes pinniger) with latitude along California's coastline