Babita Gupta & Christina Zhang present at AACSB Innovative Curriculum Conference
Dr. Babita Gupta and Dr. Christina Zhang presented on "Using Student Voice to Improve the Quality of the Program” in the session on best practices for utilizing the ‘student voice’ as a meaningful indirect measure for data-driven continuous improvement" to an international audience at an AACSB Innovative Curriculum Conference held on March 20, 2023.
March 31, 2023Outreach: Sustainable Hospitality Management Program encourages the next generation of hospitality and tourism leaders
SHM Program Executive Director Dr. Paige Viren and Professor Dr. Angel Gonzalez presented to six different classes at Marina High School's Culinary program.
March 24, 2023Chef Beat Giger presents to Hosp 200 students
Sustainable Hospitality Management Students gain real-world insights from Pebble Beach Company veteran Chef Best Giger through Adventures in Hospitality & Tourism Guest Speakers Series.
March 7, 2023A fond farewell to visiting professor Kentaro Azuma
Professor Azuma expressed his appreciation to Dean Shockley and the COB faculty: “It has been a fantastic experience working on research projects... I greatly enjoyed interacting and exchanging ideas with COB faculty."
March 6, 2023Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) Sustainable Tourism Training Program
Sustainable Hospitality Management students are training to become trailblazers.
February 10, 2023COB Awards at 2023 Annual Employee Appreciation Breakfast
Congratulations to College of Business staff and faculty, Mary Jo, Sumadhur, and Aaron for recognition received at this annual event.
January 18, 2023