College of Education

Department of Education and Leadership


This timeline illustrates the typical evolution of Teacher Candidate performance from the beginning to the end of their Co-Teaching experience.

The timeline describes a typical sequence of increasing responsibility on the part of the Teacher Candidate. The timeline provides descriptions of actions by both the Cooperating Teacher and the Teacher Candidate that characterize what this sequence looks like within the context of Co-Teaching. The unique features of Co-Teaching in Clinical Practice include collaborative planning, teaching and reflection. In addition, the timeline suggests a typical pattern of progress in the designation of roles within the five Co-Teaching strategies.

Cooperating teachers and supervisors should become familiar with this timeline in order to support and prompt the Teacher Candidate to gradually assume more responsibility within Co-Teaching until they independently demonstrate competence in teaching performance.

  • Stage 1

    Beginning of semester

    Activity Teacher actions Candidate actions
    Planning Teacher leads all planning conversations related to all areas of instruction. Candidate participates in planning conversations.
    Teaching Teacher takes the lead in all Co-Teaching approaches. Candidate provides/takes supportive, parallel, or complementary role in the Co-Teaching approaches. Team teaching is likely not used.
    Reflection Leads all reflection conversations Participates in reflection conversations.


    Activity Teacher Actions Candidate Actions
    Planning Leads most aspects of planning conversations Begins leading at least one part of the planning conversations as related to an area of instruction.
    Teaching Leads most of the time in the Co-Teaching approaches. Begins taking the lead periodically, beginning with small groups and moving to whole group activity.
    Reflection Prompts most aspects of reflection conversations Contributes to the reflection conversations


    Activity Teacher actions Candidate actions
    Planning Equally shares leadership of planning conversations. Equally shares leadership of planning conversations.
    Teaching Equally shares taking the lead in the Co-Teaching approaches. Equally shares taking the lead in the Co-Teaching approaches.
    Reflection Equally shares leadership of reflections conversations. Equally shares leadership of reflections conversations.

    Stage 2

    Introductory week

    4 half days and 1 full day + collaboration

    Activity Teacher actions Candidate actions
    Planning Leads all planning conversations related to all areas of instruction Participates in planning conversations.
    Teaching Takes the lead in all Co-Teaching approaches. Provides/takes supportive, parallel, or complementary role in the Co-Teaching approaches. They concentrate on getting to know the students and classroom management/procedures.
    Reflection Leads all reflection conversations Participates in reflection conversations.

    Week 2

    4 half days and 1 full day

    Activity Teacher actions Candidate actions
    Planning CT participates in planning conversations Begins leading at least one part of the planning conversations as related to an area of instruction
    Teaching Leads most of the time in the Co-Teaching approaches. Leads most of the time in the Co-Teaching approaches.
    Reflection Prompts most aspects of reflection conversations Contributes to the reflection conversations.


    The five weeks of full time begins. Continue as above.

    Solo teaching

    Solo teaching as part of full time experience 2 weeks

    Activity Teacher actions Candidate actions
    Planning Participates in planning conversations Initiates and leads planning conversations
    Teaching Provides takes supportive, parallel, or complementary role in the Co-Teaching approaches. Takes the lead in all Co-Teaching approaches.
    Reflection Participates in reflection conversations. Leads all reflection conversations.

    Final month of semester

    Teacher actions Candidate actions
    Takes the lead back to finish the year Assists and reduces time back to 4 half days and 1 full day
  • Stage 1

    Beginning of practice

    Activity Teacher actions Candidate actions
    Planning Leads all planning conversations related to all areas of instruction. Participates in planning conversations.
    Teaching Takes the lead in all Co-Teaching approaches. Team Co-Teaching likely is not used. Provides/takes supportive, parallel, or complementary role in the Co-Teaching Approaches. Team Teaching is likely not used.
    Reflection Leads all reflection conversations. Participates in reflection conversations
    Roles in co-teaching approaches Supportive: Cooperating teacher in lead role
    Parallel: Cooperating teacher plans groups Supportive: Candidate in support role
    Parallel: Candidate follows teacher plans

    Early in the clinical practice

    Activity Teacher actions Candidate actions
    Planning Leads most aspects of planning conversations. Begins leading at least one part of the planning conversations as related to an area of instruction.
    Teaching Leads most of the time in the Co-Teaching approaches. Team Co-Teaching is likely not used. Begins taking the lead periodically. The Team Co-Teaching is likely not used.
    Reflection Prompts most aspects of reflection conversations Contributes to the reflection conversations.
    Roles in co-teaching approaches Supportive: Cooperating teacher in lead role
    Parallel: Cooperating teacher plans groups Supportive: Teacher candidate in support role
    Parallel: Teacher candidate follows teacher plans

    Middle of clinical practice

    Activity Teacher actions Candidate actions
    Planning Equally shares leadership of planning conversations, as in Team Co-Teaching planning phase. equally shares leadership of planning conversations, as in Team Co-Teaching planning phase.