College of Education

Department of Education and Leadership

Preliminary Education Specialist Credential Application Checklist

Submit all required application items as a COMPLETE package:

  • Download the necessary forms at
  • Completed Information Cover Sheet
  • $25 check or money or made to CSUMB for the Application Processing Fee (No cash or credit/debit.)
  • Advising Form signed off by CSUMB Program Coordinator (Email your Program Coordinator to request this form.)
  • Verification of CSUMB account clearance. Print a screenshot of your Account Summary by going to Oasis > Student Center > Account Inquiry, then print the page that shows your name and account summary. Summary must state that “Your account has no outstanding charges at this time” in order for your application to be processed.
  • Copy of RICA passing score report. (Please retain the original for your records.) (This item is not needed for those who hold a valid California Multiple or Single Subject Teaching Credential that required student teaching. Include a copy of the credential in place of RICA.)
  • TPA Passing Verification
  • Child/Infant/Adult CPR. Must be valid at the time the credential application is recommended. Must include Child and Infant and Adult CPR. A copy of the front AND back of the card is required. (Keep your original.)
  • Copy of either an Intern Credential, or Multiple or Single Subject credential. If you do not hold one of those credentials, submit all items listed below:
    • 1. Unofficial transcript with U.S. Constitution course marked, or exam certificate
    • 2. CBEST
    • 3. CSET
    • 4. Copy of a valid Certificate of Clearance or Emergency Permit
  • CTC Exit Survey Certificate of Completion
  • Copy of this checklist with ALL items checked off. Incomplete applications will not be recommended.

Preliminary Education Specialist Credential Application Checklist

Submit all required application items as a COMPLETE package:

Please note: It is the responsibility of the applicant to gather ALL necessary materials into one, complete application package, and submit it to the office of the Credential Analyst. No appointment is necessary to drop off an application at the College of Education, Building 3. Applications will not be evaluated on the spot for completeness. When the application is evaluated, an email will be sent if items are missing. It is the responsibility of the applicant to be checking the email address they have given on their Information Cover Sheet for any communication regarding their application or recommendation. Processing time is two weeks from the time any missing items are received. Items submitted for an application will not be returned to the applicant. Reminders will not be sent.


You may mail or drop off complete application packages to:

Christy Hanselka or Chris Villanueva, Credential Analysts

Department of Education and Leadership

100 Campus Center, Building 3
Seaside, CA  93955

Got questions?

Christy Hanselka, Credential Analyst

(831) 582-3638

Chris Villanueva, Credential Analyst

(831) 582-3613


Rev. 12/4/2018