Department of Education and Leadership
Credential Requirements
The requirements below are for the following programs:
- Elementary Education
- Elementary Education +MA
- Secondary Education
- Secondary Education +MA
- Special Education (Mild-Mod & Mod-Sev)
Please see the admission checklist and the drop-downs for more detailed information.
Click here for the Admissions Checklist.
All of our applicants must have been awarded a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education. The transcript from the college where you received your bachelor's degree will note your degree and the date you received it.
If your GPA is below 2.67 or, you will be required to provide an explanation (in the online application) of why your GPA was lower and why you believe you will be able to be academically successful in our post-baccalaureate credential program.
For the Masters + Credential programs, your GPA needs to be at least a 3.0
**A Foreign Transcript Evaluation must be completed when the degree was obtained outside the United States. This process requires a fee and may take several weeks in order to verify that the degree is equivalent to a bachelor's degree in the United States. For credential program applicants, it is important to use one of the vendors named below. These vendors are approved by both CSUMB and the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC).
Official Transcripts from all Colleges Attended
Graduate Student Transcript Information
Applicants must demonstrate knowledge of their subject area(s). Subject matter competency may be met by the following options:
- Passage of the appropriate CSET exam.
- Successful completion of an academic major in the subject they will teach.
- For Single Subject credentials, the major must be in one of the subjects named in Education Code section 44257(a).
- For Multiple Subject credentials, the major must be in liberal studies or an interdisciplinary major that includes coursework in the content areas identified in subdivision (b) of California Education Code section 44282.
- For Education Specialist credentials, the major must align with one of the acceptable majors for the Multiple Subject credential or Single Subject credential.
Two or three evaluations by those who have observed you teaching or working with culturally diverse adolescents or youth.
In the Cal State Apply application, you will be asked to provide contact information for your evaluator who will then be emailed and requested to fill out your evaluation. It is your responsibility to inform the person that they will receive a form and that this needs to be completed within a timely manner.
US Constitution competency must be demonstrated by course or exam.
If you took an appropriate course at CSUMB, we will see it on your transcripts. If you received your bachelor's degree from another CSU, you have met the requirement and it will appear on your transcripts. If you took an appropriate course at another college, you will need to check with our credentials analyst and provide a course description from the college catalog.
One approved online option is offered at
You must have a Certificate of Clearance, issued by the State of California, or one of several California credentials. To apply for the Certificate of Clearance, download the checklist online. It contains directions for the Certificate of Clearance application and fingerprint form and a list of agencies that perform the livescan service. Note that the required FBI and DOJ review usually incurs additional fees. If you have been convicted of any violation other than a minor traffic offense, clearance may take two months. A criminal record may preclude you from getting clearance.
Prior to field placement, all students are required to document certification in First Aid for Children through Adults to include CPR. Here are some ways to become certified:
Complete training online. CSUMB offers a free, online CPR course through the Police Department:
Or sign up for and pass a course offered by the American Red Cross. Courses availability is listed online at Be sure to enter your zip code and click “Go”.
Other approved online CPR Certification programs can be found at,,,, Make sure to get certified for Adult/Infant/Child (Adult/Pediatric).
These are acceptable forms of documentation:
Valid certification card provided by the American Red Cross (or other authorized trainer) or valid certification card or print out provided by an online authorized trainer.
If you are uncertain whether a course meets this requirement, please first check with our credentials analyst, Christy Hanselka (formerly Jordan), via phone (831-582-3638) or email (
Prior to field placement, all students are required to document negative results on a test for Tuberculosis done in the last four years. Most local clinics and doctor’s offices will perform the test. The Tuberculosis skin test (also known as the tuberculin test or PPD test) requires one visit to receive the injection, then a second visit 48‐72 hours later to examine the tested area. In rare instances, a test is inconclusive or shows signs of TB; this requires a chest x‐ray for more accurate information.
These are acceptable forms of documentation:
- copy of official shot record showing PPD/Tuberculosis testing and negative results
- copy of PPD/Tuberculosis results form (frequently includes a diagram of the arm and injection site) from a health care facility
- copy of PPD/Tuberculosis results form (frequently includes a diagram of the arm and injection site) from a health care facility
- chest x‐ray form from a health care facility verifying negative results
Please note that any document you submit should clearly indicate your name, the name of your doctor or health care facility, and the dates, method, and results of the test.
An interview is required for the program. After applying, you will be contacted by the department to schedule an interview time.
Once assigned an online application, applicants will be required to respond to an essay prompt. The essay will then be uploaded to the application.
If you have any other questions or concerns please contact:
Shawna Gannon (