Department of Marine Science
Faculty Projects (Current & Past)

Project | Faculty PI | Collaborators |
Anthropocene Research Award in Marine Conservation | James Lindholm | |
Assessing the Potential for Rapid Adaptation to Climate Change in Rockfish | Cheryl Logan | |
Assessment of Abalone and Urchin Populations in Monterey | Alison Haupt | |
California Collaborative Fisheries Research Program - Monitoring and Evaluation of MPAs | Sal Jorgensen | SJSU |
California Undersea Imagery Archive ( | James Lindholm | OPC, CDFW |
Center for Applied Atmospheric Research and Education [CAARE] | Sherry Palacios | NASA |
COAST Scholars-In-Training | Cheryl Logan | |
Collaborative Research: Decomposing the Effects of Diversity on the Abundance of Marine Parasites | Alison Haupt | UW, SIO AMNH |
Earth System Education for Climate Resiliency in the Salish Sea | Sherry Palacios | NASA [ESTEEM] |
Engaging Non-Science Majors in Authentic Research through Citizen Science | Alison Haupt | |
Galapagos Coral: Canaries in a Coal Mine | Cheryl Logan | SFQU |
Image-based Approaches to Surveying Corals at Mid-depth Rocky Reefs in Central California's MPAs | James Lindholm | MBNMS |
Justice-centered | Sal Jorgensen | |
Landscape Ecology of Fishes on Southern Carmel Bay's Deep Wall & Reef | James Lindholm | MBNMS |
Landscape Ecology of Nearshore Biological Communities Along CA: From Video-based Diver Transects to Spatial Modeling | James Lindholm | PISCO, RCCA, State Parks |
Monitoring & Evaluation of Mid-depth Rocky Reef Ecosystems in MPAs | James Lindholm | MLML, UCSB, HSU |
Preliminary Assessment of Shark Overlap with Potential Sea Otter Reintroduction Areas in Oregon | Sal Jorgensen | Elakha Alliance |
Quantifying Drivers and Stressors of Intertidal Biofilm Resources at the Largest Tidal Wetland Restoration on the US West Coast | Sherry Palacios | USGS |
REU: From the Intertidal to the Deep Ocean | Sherry Palacios | ESNERR, HMS, MLML, MBARI, NPS |
San Clemente Island Deep Water DFMPA Monitoring | James Lindholm | MLML |
Using Citizen Science to Understand 30 Year of Change in Kelp Cover | Alison Haupt | UMass, NASA |