College of Science

Department of Marine Science

Faculty Profile: Andrew DeVogelaere, Ph.D.

profile picture of Andrew DeVo
Title   Adjunct Research Faculty
College/Department   Science/Marine Science
Phone   831.647.4213
Mailing Address   Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, 99 Pacific Street, Bldg 455A, Monterey CA 93940
Areas of Expertise   Dr. DeVogelaere oversees the MBNMS Research Program, facilitating collaboration among over 20 research institutions in the region, providing technical information to decision makers and the Sanctuary staff, and initiating research on resource management issues. He also leads the Sanctuary Integrated Monitoring Network (SIMoN), a critical program that assesses how populations of marine organisms and habitats (deep-sea to estuaries) are changing over time. 
Courses Taught   MSCI 475: Marine Conservation Biology