College of Education

Department of Education and Leadership

Interfolio Program Application Instructions - MAE Special Education Track

After submitting your Cal State Apply, you will receive a link to complete the program application via Interfolio in email and on your Dashboard. You will submit the following materials. Some will be documents you upload, others will be entered into the application form.

Before you begin the program application

  • You must have already submitted an application via Cal State Apply.
  • You must submit your official transcripts to the CSUMB Office of Admissions
  • International students will also need to submit additional documents to Admissions.

What you will need for the Interfolio application

Resume or CV

You will need to upload a resume or CV detailing your educational and work history to the Interfolio Dossier. If applicable, include current teaching position and grade level taught.


You will need to upload your bachelor's degree transcript, and transcripts from every college or university you have attended, into the Interfolio Dossier.

Personal statement

You will upload your personal statement. It should be 2-3 pages typed. It must address why are your interested in pursuing a Master of Arts in Education degree, why are you selecting this program, and how this degree would contribute to your own professional goals.

Letters of recommendation

Three references will need to submit letters of recommendation and complete recommendation forms.

Reference contact information

You will need to enter contact information for your three references. For each reference, you will need to provide:

  • First and last name
  • Job title and employer
  • Email address

Credentials you hold

If you already hold teaching credentials or education specialist credentials, you will need to upload a copy of the credential.

You will also need to enter information about

  • what type of credential
  • when credential was issued
  • the name of the university that issued the credential


If you have completed the BTSA, you will need to upload a copy to your Interfolio Dossier.

Educational history

You will need to enter information for every university you have attended. For each university, you must provide:

  • Name of university
  • Total units completed
  • Total grade points
  • Total GPA

English proficiency

If you are an international student or your previous education was primarily in a language other than English, you will need to upload a scanned copy of your TOEFL/EILTS to the Interfolio Dossier.

You will also need to enter the following information into the application form:

  • Date you took or will take the TOEFL
  • Your TOEFL Total Score
  • Date you took or will take IELTS
  • IELTS Band Score