Faculty Excellence & Publications
College of Business Faculty are active scholars, authors, and researchers as well as skilled and caring and instructors.
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Award-winning Research and Publishing by College of Business Faculty and Students
World-Class Research at CSUMB: College of Business faculty and students form a CSU and regional powerhouse for excellence in applied research.
Feb 8, 2021 (updated) – The College of Business is delighted to announce Dr. Liz Adair's article acceptance at the Journal of Applied Psychology and Dr. Jenny Kuan's article acceptance at Academy of Management Review, both top-ranked journals. This follows Heiko Wieland's 2018 article which won the Maynard Prize award for best conceptual paper in the Journal of Marketing.
Business professors in the College have published a series of articles in marketing, accounting and finance, information systems, management and strategy, international business, supply chain management, and agribusiness in leading business journals in these disciplines. Over 70 articles have been published by COB faculty in 60+ unique peer-reviewed journals with acceptance rates of less than 20%. This is an outstanding achievement for a small college with only 29 full-time faculty members.
“The CSUMB College of Business faculty have completed “thought-leader” applied research in each one of their disciplines that is changing research and management practice while making them better teachers providing strong industry practice lessons and examples in the CSUMB classroom for their students. Their prolific research agenda is among the best in the CSU and has impacted business, teaching practice and fundamental knowledge in their disciplines.”— College of Business Dean Shyam Kamath
Faculty Awards and Achievements

Dr. Jenny Lin (L) and Dr, Karlee A. Posteher (R) participated in the Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, a top conference in marketing, held on October 28 - 30, 2021. The session and research papers presented have great implications for responsible business. Read more.
Dr. Babita Gupta recognized as leader in Information Systems
Professor of Information Systems Dr. Babita Gupta has been made a Distinguished Member - Cum Laude of the Association for Information Systems for her research in industry journals and her leadership service in AIS for over a decade. The Association for Information Systems (AIS) is a...
Adair & Kuan Co-Authored Article is Accepted for Publication in the Journal of Applied Psychology
Feb 2021 – The College of Business is delighted to announce Dr. Liz Adair's article acceptance at the Journal of Applied Psychology and Dr. Jenny Kuan's article acceptance at Academy of Management Review, both top-ranked journals. Dr. Adair is an Assistant Professor of Management and Dr. Kuan is an Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship.
Dr. Scott Fausti & co-authors win 2020 Outstanding Paper Award in Natural Sciences Education
November, 2020 – Dr. Scott Fausti co-authored won the 2020 Outstanding Paper Award in the peer-reviewed international journal Natural Sciences Education. The paper is titled "Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities in the Precision Agriculture Workforce: An Industry Survey." Dr. Fausti shares the award with co-authors Bruce Erickson, David Clay, and Sharon Clay.

Dr. Gary Schneider wins Best Education Paper Award
January 2020 - Dr. Gary Schneider and co-author receive Best Education Paper Award at the 2020 AIS/SET Section Midyear Meeting.
Dr. Gary Schneider Receives 2019 Innovation in Accounting Education Award
This Ernst & Young Foundation-sponsored award recognizes significant programmatic changes or a significant activity, concept, or set of educational materials. We congratulate Gary on his outstanding achievement.
In addition to receiving this prestigious award, Dr. Schneider also joined the board of the Editorial Review Board of Accounting Education in January 2020. Accounting Education is a journal published by the International Association for Accounting Education & Research (IAAER) and is one of the most respected accounting education journals in the world.

Dr. Babita Gupta Published an Editorial Article on Gender in the Information Systems Discipline
December 2019 - Dr. Babita Gupta and her co-authors published an editorial article in the December 2019 issue of the Journal of Association of Information Systems (JAIS): A Field-Based View on Gender in the Information Systems Discipline: Preliminary Evidence and an Agenda for Change.
Dr. Babita Gupta invited to serve on Cybersecurity Workgroup
May 2019 - Dr. Babita Gupta has been invited to serve on the Cybersecurity Four Year Education Program Workgroup initiated by the Cybersecurity Task Force (GCTF) Workforce Development and Education (WDE) Subcommittee.

Professors Nick Dahan and Dante Di Gregorio Coauthor Article
Professors Nick Dahan and Dante Di Gregorio coauthored an article entitled "Beyond Beauty Contests: Benchmarking Undergraduate International Business Education Programs According to Best Practice Adoption" published in the Thunderbird International Business Review. The article makes the case for more meaningful benchmarking of undergraduate program quality in the field of international business as a means of continuous improvement.
Dr. Mohamed Abouzahra Presents to Global Audiences
Dr. Mohamed Abouzahra, Assistant Professor of Information Systems, was invited to speak to graduate students in the MBA program at DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, in July 2019. He also presented two papers at the 2019 Americas Conference of Information Systems (AMCIS). Read more...

Faculty Mentor Students in Research Projects
Dr. Angelina Nariswari, Dr. Jenny Lin (bottom row, L to R), Dr. Angel Gonzales (top right), and Dr. Roberta Aztori (not pictured), mentored UROC students on research projects. Brishna Nader and Cris de los Santos (second row, L to R) went on to win first place at the statewide CSU Research Competition in Fullerton in April. Read more.

Dr. Shakya's Classes Get Inside Look at Local Ag Businesses
Dr. Sumadhur Shakya's BUS 437: Applied Logistics class visited D'Arrigo Bros., Monterey Mushrooms, and Floricultura. Mr. Don Howell, manager at Floricultura, explained the nuances of Orchids, customer demand, day to day operations, and managing inventory year round. Learn more on the Supply Chain Management page in the News & Updates section.

Dr. Babita Gupta co-authors article in Information & Management
Sept 2019 – In the article "Espoused Organizational Cultural Values as Antecedents of Internet Technology Adoption in an Emerging Economy," Dr. Gupta and her co-authors found that the success of an organization, both in the public and private sectors, depends on increases in efficiency due to acceptance of information technology. This has focused attention on factors that influence individuals’ acceptance and subsequent use of information technologies in organizations using the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model. In this research, we investigate the role of espoused organizational culture traits as an antecedent to the UTAUT model. We found that espoused cultural traits influence users’ acceptance and use of the Internet technology in a government agency in an emerging economy, India. Read the abstract and full article at ScienceDirect.com.
Dr. Angelina Nariswari co-authored article in the Journal of Service Management
August 2018 – Dr. Nariswari's research article, "Shaping service ecosystems: exploring the dark side of agency," offers the first service-dominant (S-D) logic-based investigation into the dark side of actors’ agency in shaping service ecosystems. Read abstract.
Dr. Shwadhin Sharma publishes article in Computers & Security
In Dr. Sharma's article, "Do I really belong?: Impact of employment status on information security policy compliance," he explores recent incidents of temporary employees such as seasonal employees, contractors, and subcontractors engaging in information security violations, once again the focus lies on motivating the people within the “organization's wall” to comply with information security. This research paper studies the impact of employment status on organizational commitment and perceived organizational support of employees and how those will affect behavioral intention to comply with Information Security Policies (ISP). Read abstract.
January 2019 - CSUMB's Academic Senate presented Dr. Jenny Lin with the Faculty Award for Excellence in Discovery, Creation, and Integration. She is an assistant professor currently teaching BUS 322: Integrated Marketing Communications and BUS 425: Global Marketing. She holds a Ph.D. in Marketing from Iowa State University as well as an M.S. in Biomedical Science, M.B.A. in Marketing, and B.S. in Veterinary Medicine.
Dr. Lin's main research interests are consumer behavior, consumer psychology, decision-making, and information processing. Her focus is on studying individual differences in sensory (olfaction, haptic, visual) processing mechanisms, consumer decision-making, and consumer well-being outcomes. A multi-method research approach is taken to explore these topics, with a combination of behavioral experiments and physiological methods, such as EEG and eye-tracking, supplementing with qualitative and survey methods.
Her work has been published in the Journal of Advertising, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Affairs, and Journal for Advancement in Marketing Education, among others.
As an educator, Dr. Lin strives to connect her passion for teaching with research and has conducted pedagogical research on sales management and retail-service education.
Congratulations to Dr. Jill Hosmer and Dr. Amado Mabul for earning their doctorate degrees.

August 2018 - Jill Hosmer, Ph. D. received her Doctorate from Northcentral University, Business Administration - Management.
Jill held management and executive positions at Charles Schwab for 12 years before becoming a consultant and eventually entering academia. She started teaching at CSUMB in 2008 and has played key roles in the College of Business, participating in curriculum and course development as well as working on special projects including the Executive MBA program. Dr. Hosmer also holds an MBA from Simmons College, Boston MA.

December 2018 - Amado Mabul, Ph. D. received his Doctorate in Business Administration from Argosy University.
Amado's background includes working for a Philippine trade promotion organization for 14 years as a business adviser for export companies and developing and participating in export-related programs and activities initiated by the agency. He also managed a division that handled North and South American markets, consulting on market entry strategies and traveling overseas on business missions. Dr. Mabul also holds an MBA from the University of the City of Manila and Bachelors of Science Degree in Management and Industrial Engineering from the Mapua Institute of Technology (MIT), both in the Philippines.