The story of Valerie Anthony, a student, a mother, a veteran
Valerie Anthony, who is studying at CSUMB to become a writer, shares part of her story to offer insight to what it's like to be a veteran who is also a student.
November 8, 2021CSUMB and United Soccer League bring pro team to Monterey Bay
CSUMB announced in February 2021 that professional soccer is coming to the Monterey Peninsula in 2022.
November 8, 2021Science senior strives to ensure Black students will succeed at CSUMB
Growing up mainly in Inglewood in the greater Los Angeles area, Judah Young envisioned leaving home for school and studying science.
November 8, 2021College of Extended Education and International Programs focuses on Afghanistan
CSUMB celebrates International Education Week with a film about the human rights and self-determination of women and girls in Afghanistan.
November 8, 2021Monterey County's indoor mask mandate amplifies CSUMB's own policy
Monterey County officials have implemented an indoor mask mandate to take effect this Friday, Nov. 5.
November 3, 2021CSUMB earns distinction for work on the promise of higher education
CSUMB has been named a 2021 Equity Champion for Higher Education by the Campaign for College Opportunity.
November 3, 2021