Graduate Programs
Graduate & Credential Student Forms
Tuition reduction for some out-of-state students
Some western states and Pacific Island regions are eligible to pay in-state-tuition.
Additional Unit Authorization Form Grad Cred
Request permission to enroll in more than the maximum allowable units for your program. Advisor or Program Coordinator approval is required. Completed form is submitted to the Office of the Registrar (
Enroll in Grad 699. Approval from Graduate Faculty Program Coordinator or Graduate Faculty Advisor is required. Completed form is submitted to the Extended Education Academic Credit Programs Office (
Graduate Academic Objective Change Request
Change your academic objective from graduate degree to credential or certificate. Approval from the current Graduate program coordinator is required. Completed form is submitted to the newly requested department.
Graduate Petition for Extension of Seven Year Limit
Request to validate coursework taken more than seven calendar years before the completion of your degree. Approval from the graduate program coordinator or department chair and college dean is required. Completed form is submitted to the department.
Apply for graduation or change your graduation date to a term that is not currently open online. This form should only be used when an online application cannot be completed. Completed form may be submitted electronically to
Petition for Exception (Graduate & Credential Students)
Petition for an exception to university academic policy. Completed form is submitted to Graduate Studies & Research for review (
Appeal for reinstatement to your program after you have been academically disqualified. Completed form and supporting documentation is submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies (
Withdrawal Request (Graduate & Credential Students)
This form is used by graduate and credential students to request to withdraw from one or all courses. Approval from Instructor is required and additional approvals may be required. Completed form is submitted to Graduate Studies & Research for review (
This form is used for submitting an "I" grade. Signatures from Instructor and Student are required. Completed form is submitted to the Department Chair.
Authorization to Release (OASIS online form)
Designate one or more trusted persons—your third-party designee(s)—to receive information about your records when they contact the University.
Request permission to register for two classes which overlap in scheduled meeting times. Approval from Instructors for BOTH classes are required. Completed form is submitted to the Campus Service Center (
This form is used by students to request to AUDIT a class. Approval from course instructor is required. Completed form is submitted to the Office of the Registrar (
Students have the right to appeal a final course grade if it is wrong because of clerical error, prejudice, capriciousness, arbitrariness or misalignment with the course syllabus.
CSU Application for Visitor Enrollment
Apply for concurrent enrollment at another CSU campus. Approval from CSUMB Office of the Registrar is required. If approved, application will be forwarded to Host Campus for approval.
CSU Application for Cross Enrollment
This form is used to apply for cross enrollment at a California Community College or University of California campus while enrolled at CSUMB. Approval from CSUMB Office of the Registrar and Host Campus Instructor are required.
Late Registration Request (OASIS online form)
ADD or SWAP (change sections of a class only) after the add/drop deadline of a term. Instructor and department approvals are required. After enrollment census, college approval is also required. Completed form automatically routes to the Office of the Registrar. Only available after the add/drop deadline.
Request a Leave of Absence from the university. Program Coordinator approval is required. Completed form is submitted to the Office of the Registrar (
This form is used to request a Nonresident Tuition exemption. Completed form is submitted to the Office of Admissions (
Outgoing Student Placeholder Enrollment Form
Enroll in a placeholder course if you are participating in the exchange program through MIIS. Approval from Faculty Advisor, Program Coordinator, or Department Chair is required. Completed form is submitted to the Office of the Registrar (
This form is used to establish residency status or to request a residency reclassification. Completed Residence Questionnaire is submitted to the Office of Admissions. For students requesting a Residency Reclassification, completed form is submitted to the Office of the Registrar (
Student Personal Information Change (online form)
Update or correct your legal/primary name, Social Security Number, date of birth, or gender.
Please note: Active students can update their preferred name and contact information in their OASIS Student Center.
If you choose not to (or are unable to) submit the online form, you can submit the paper version of the form to the Campus Service Center (Building 47).
If you cannot find the form you need, please review a more complete list of forms here.