Research at CSUMB
Cayuse is Coming!

Sponsored Program is moving from Kuali to Cayuse! This change is expected to occur in March, and will bring with it some new forms, new training opportunities, and new ease of access to all of your information. We are thrilled to bring you state-of-the-art support for your sponsored program activity, with a user-friendly platform that will link pre-award and post-award functions. Please check back soon for our FAQ page for more information.
Research Highlights

CSUMB faculty brought nearly $24 million to CSUMB last year to support scholarly activities in the name of advancing knowledge, the arts, and student success. Research is the time-honored practice of creating new knowledge or aesthetics. There are myriad ways that the mind molds existing materials and knowledge into ideas and products that never before existed in this world. The process is exhilarating! Our creative activities leave a lasting benchmark and legacy that we, our students, and others will build upon.
Take a look at some recent faculty publications.
Explore our faculty and student publications at the CSUMB Digital Commons.
The Sponsored Programs Office (SPO) is your one-stop shop for internally- and externally- funded faculty research at CSUMB. You will find guidance on grant writing, and the full process from the search for sponsors to the completion of your successfully funded project. The support includes contract negotiation, and budget creation. Extensive post-award support is provided by University Corporation staff. University Advancement works with college deans to secure philanthropic gifts to support your research initiatives.
All CSUMB faculty must demonstrate scholarly progress in “Discovery, Creation, and Integration.” Review some recent CSUMB publications in the digital commons. We use our research to provide meaningful, hands-on, real-world research opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students. And, we integrate our research into the curriculum, providing engaging case studies to train all students in the art and science of original research.
California State University System is known for engaging students in research. CSUMB faculty are leaders in this endeavor, engaging both graduate and undergraduates in significant research.
Congratulations to all the presenters at the CSUMB Fall Research Competition! The three winners were: Pepper St. Clair, Paige Siegel, & Daran Towns!
Congratulations to Marine Science (MS) alumna Juliana Cornett for being nominated for the prestigious Western Association of Graduate School's "Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award in STEM disciplines."
Send us your CSUMB research news!
Recent Awards
Dr. Nathanial Jue, Associate Professor- Bio & Chem
Dr. Shahidul Islam, Assistant Professor- Computer & Design
National Institute for Health
GREAT Opportunities in Genome Science - $1,538,021 over 5 years
Proposal to establish two-year mentored research program in genomics targeting underrepresented students in collaboration with UCSC Genomics Institute
Dr. Dan Fernandez, Professor – Applied Environmental Science
US Dept. Education – Title V HSI
Building an Effective Ecosystem for Equity in STEM Careers $3M over 5 years
A Mechatronics Engineering program will produce graduates who can take advantage of these economic opportunities, while keeping the investment in our local population within the region. Mechatronics is an emerging interdisciplinary area of Engineering combining electronics, mechanics, computer science, and software to improve design and function of engineered solutions. The College of Science already has a strong Computer Science program that can contribute to this degree, and we have started conversations with our feeder community colleges (Hartnell, Cabrillo, MPC) to form seamless articulation with their programs in Engineering.
Dr. Lisa Stewart, Professor-Social Work
Centers for Disease Control
My Choice: Developing a Workplace Disclosure Decision Aid and Resources for Working Parents of Children with Mental Health Disabilities - $324,000 over 3 years
Working parents of children with mental health disabilities (MHD) experience chronic stress linked to unique environmental stressors that lead them to not disclose their child's health status because of fear of discrimination, retaliation and job loss. Activities proposed in this project seek to mitigate decisional conflict and reduce stress related to disclosing their child's health status at work by developing and testing a web-based decision aid.
Dr. Maria Gurolla, Professor-Social Work
City of Salinas/US Dept. Treasury
American Rescue Program Act (ARPA) Emergency Motel Program - $302,669
Community Health Engagement (CHE) shall continue to provide intensive case management within housing needs, wellness services, and wrap-around care for 90 clients residing at a Project Room Key motel in Salinas, California.
Dr. Chrissy Hernandez, Assistant Professor – Service Learning
California Volunteers - U.S. Dept. of Treasury
American Rescue Program Act (ARPA) Emergency Motel Program - $302,669
The Californians for All College Fellowship program will support 70 CSUMB Fellows who will be immersed in a year-long civic leadership program that will prepare them with skills to make meaningful contributions to the community. Supported by project staff, service learning faculty, and community partners, the Fellows will work alongside community members in K12 civic engagement projects, climate change actions and services for immigrants.
California for All College Fellowship-Dreamers $690,000 over 2 years
This portion of the California for All College Fellowship program is for Cohort 2 Dreamers. The 2nd year of the program will support 21 CSUMB Dreamers who will be immersed in a year-long civic leadership program that will prepare them with skills to make meaningful contributions to the community. The focus is on developing the talents and gifts of AB540-eligible students, reducing their student debt, and enhancing their leadership skills. Supported by project staff, service learning faculty, and community partners, the Fellows will work alongside community members in K12 civic engagement projects, climate change actions and services for immigrants
Dr. John Banks, Undergraduate Research Opportunity Center
U.S. Dept. Education
Ronald E. McNair 2022-2027 $1,309,440 over 5 years
This 5-year project, proposed under the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program, will provide a comprehensive suite of services to 29 McNair Scholars annually at CSUMB. These services - which are rigorous, comprehensive, and customized to the particular needs of our target population - will prepare McNair Scholars for successful doctoral study. Our robust suite of services will include: Faculty mentoring; summer research internships; doctoral preparation workshops, seminars, and educational activities; academic and financial counseling; writing advising and tutoring; cultural events; presentation of research at national conferences; and publication in peer-reviewed journals.
Kim Barber, Pre-College Programs
U.S. Dept. Education
Upward Bound North Monterey County and Pajaro Valley Upward Bound-$1,488,000 over 5 years
UB will serve 60 students from the North Monterey County High School and Pajaro Valley High School area to assist with retention, graduation and college enrollment.
Upward Bound Watsonville High School and Soledad High School Upward Bound-$1,832,155 over 5 years
UB will serve 74 students from the Watsonville High School and Soledad High School area to assist with retention, graduation and college enrollment