Diversity Celebration Series
The College of Health Sciences and Human Services Diversity Celebration Series webinars concur with national observation months and feature respected speakers from across the country. This series provides a unique opportunity for students, staff, and our professional community to engage and identify with national thought leaders and diverse role models to promote health equity for historically underserved populations nationwide. The events represent a collaborative effort between CSUMB, the College of Health Sciences and Human Services, and sponsors throughout Monterey County.
Past Events
April 19, 2022 - Minority Health Month: Navigating a Minority Experience Through a Na Pou Kihi Indigenous Framework
Misty Pacheco

May 4, 2021 - Mental Health Awareness Month: Perspectives on Managing Mental Health and Wellness
The College of Health Sciences and Human Services virtually hosted Esmé Weijun Wang, novelist and essayist, to speak about her journey with mental health and living with Lyme Disease.

December 1, 2020 - World AIDS Day: Applying Lessons Learned from HIV to COVID-19
Francisco Ruiz of the CDC and Dr. Scott Rhodes, Professor of Social Science and Health Policy at Wake Forest joined us to identify ways to approach the COVID-19 pandemic using lessons learned from HIV/AIDS over the last four decades.

November 18, 2020 - National Rural Health Day: Building a Diverse Health and Human Services Workforce
CHSHS welcomed Dr. Joan Reede, Inaugural Dean for Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Partnership at Harvard Medical School, as we discussed building diversity and equity into the health and human services workforce.

October 22, 2020 - Infectious Disease Week: Understanding and Mitigating Emerging Pandemics
CHSHS was thrilled to welcome Sonia Shah, investigative journalist and award-winning author of "Pandemic" & "The Fever", to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic and the lessons that can be applied to the global response to future infectious diseases.

September 22, 2020 - Hispanic Heritage Month: Protecting Civil Rights and Wellbeing by Building Identity
CHSHS is proud to have welcomed Dr. José Angel Gutiérrez, one of the founders of La Raza Unida Party, and Eduardo Chávez, grandson of César Chávez and filmmaker of "Hailing César" to delve into César Chávez's legacy and modern civic engagement.
April 28, 2020 - Minority Health Month: The Yanomami, Protectors of the Amazon and the Microbiome
The College of Health Sciences and Human Services virtually hosted David Good, MA, founder of The Good Project, to share his experiences among the Yanomami people of the Amazon and his research on the diversity of the human microbiome.

February 11, 2020 - African American History Month: A Focus on Human Trafficking
The third installment of the Diversity Celebration Series welcomes Dr. Sharon Cooper and Lisa C. Williams for African American History Month to share their experience working to combat child exploitation and human trafficking.