World Languages and Cultures
WLC Japanese Faculty
A School of World Languages and Cultures' Tenured and Tenure Track faculty member will serve as your faculty advisor while you are in our program, in addition to the academic advisor you work with through the Academic Advising Office. WLC faculty advisors are assigned by the first letter of your last name. WLC's Japanese courses are taught by a welcoming group of faculty members.

Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott
Ph.D. in Education: Foreign and Second Language Acquisition, The Ohio State University
Professor of Japanese Language more
Japanese Faculty Advisor for Students with Last Names Starting with A - F

Dr. Shigeko Sekine
Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, UC Los Angeles
Professor of Japanese Language and Linguistics more
Japanese Faculty Advisor for Students with Last Names Starting with G - O

Dr. Dustin Wright
Ph.D. in History, UC Santa Cruz
Department Chair and Associate Professor of Japanese Culture and Language more
Japanese Faculty Advisor for Students with Last Names Starting with P - Z
Ms. Tomoko Ogaki
M.A. in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Lecturer of Japanese Language

Dr. An Pham
Ph.D. in East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies
Lecturer of Japanese Culture and Language
Ms. Ryoko Ohnishi
Lecturer of Japanese Language
Ms. Alisha Romano
Lecturer of Japanese Culture

Junko Matsuda
Lecturer of Japanese Language