World Languages and Cultures
2018 Capstone
The 2018 WLC Capstone Festival was held Thursday, May 17, 2018, in WLC-North, Room 118. Students earning the B.A. in Japanese Language and Culture, and the B.A. in Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures presented their Capstone project work.

Back Row: Evan Elias, Michelle Ortiz, Jocelyn Dueñas, Kate McGill, Keiko Freeland, Carmen Armendariz, Lillian Asbury, Citlalie Tello, Daniela Villanueva, Heather Stewart, Jonathan Phan Front Row: Ana Paola Ruiz, Angélica Paredes, Dinora Martínez, Roseanne López, Leslie González, Dr. Christine Fernández, Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Maria Paola Ferreyra, Gillian Ohta, Yuma Kaida, Dalia Calvillo, Patricia Carrillo
Faculty and Advisors
The WLC Major Capstone (WLC400) was taught by Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Christine Fernández in Spring 2018. Capstone project advisors were Dr. Christine Fernández, Dr. Rafael Gómez, Dr. Rebecca Pozzi, Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Dr. Shigeko Sekine, and Dr. Donaldo Urioste.
Presentation Times, Presenters, Titles
8:30 Angélica Paredes and Ana Paola Ruiz
Las actitudes de los estudiantes en una universidad en California hacia el espanglish en un comercial | The Attitudes of Students in a University in California Towards Spanglish in Advertisements ☀☀ ePortfolio ePortfolio
Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Pozzi
9:05 Keiko Freeland, Jonathan Phan, and Yuma Kaida
- 北朝鮮問題に対する日米の大学生の見解 | Japanese and American College Students View on Issues with North Korea ☀☀
ePortfolio ePortfolio ePortfolio - Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine
9:50 Leslie González
La ontología en los cuentos de Julio Cortázar | Ontology in the Short Stories of Julio Cortázar ePortfolio
Advisor: Dr. Christine Fernández
10:15 Carmen Armendariz and Gillian Ohta
日系アメリカ人のアイデンティティーに関する日米大学生の見解 | Japanese and American University Students’ Perceptions towards Japanese-American Identity ePortfolio ePortfolio
Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine
11:00am Kate McGill
Lenguas en contacto: El uso del cambio de código entre hablantes de herencia de español en el condado de Monterey, California | Languages in Contact: The Use of Code-Switching Among Heritage Language Learners of Spanish in Monterey County, California
Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Pozzi
11:25 Evan Elias
ドナルド・トランプに対する日米の大学生の意見 | Japanese and American College Student’s Perspectives on Donald Trump ePortfolio
Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine
11:50 Patricia Carrillo
El español intergeneracional de Boñar, España | Intergenerational Spanish of Boñar, Spain ePortfolio
Advisors: Dr. Christine Fernández and Dr. Rebecca Pozzi
12:40 Lillian Asbury and Daniela Villanueva
日米の女子大学生によるジェンダー問題とフェミニスト概念に関する認識 | Awareness and Perceptions of Gender Issues and Feminist Concepts by U.S. and Japanese Female College Students ePortfolio ePortfolio
Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine
1:15 Dalia Calvillo
El multilingüismo en el cuento “Un peón” de Horacio Quiroga | Multilingualism in the Short Story “Un Peón” (A Peon) by Horacio Quiroga ePortfolio
Advisors: Dr. Rebecca Pozzi and Dr. Christine Fernández
1:40 Jocelyn Dueñas and Maria Paola Ferreyra
La identidad lésbica en la literatura Chicana de Gloria Anzaldúa y Cherríe Moraga | Lesbian Identity in Gloria Anzaldúa and Cherríe Moraga’s Chicano Literature ☀☀ ePortfolio ePortfolio
Advisors: Dr. Christine Fernández and Dr. Donaldo W. Urioste
2:30 Dinora Martínez and Roseanne López
La inmigración mexicana y los efectos en las familias basado en dos obras de Reyna Grande | Mexican Immigration and Its Effects on Families Based on Two of Reyna Grande’s Works ePortfolio ePortfolio
Advisor: Dr. Donaldo W. Urioste
3:05 Heather Stewart and Citlalie Tello
Literatura infantil censurada durante la Guerra Sucia en Argentina | Censored Children's Literature During the Dirty War in Argentina ePortfolio ePortfolio
Advisor: Dr. Rafael Gómez
3:40 Michelle Ortiz
La influencia de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz en Frida Kahlo y Lila Downs | The Influence of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz on Frida Kahlo and Lila Downs ePortfolio
Advisor: Dr. Christine Fernández
☀☀Indicates WLC Capstone Award Recipient
View All Project Title and Abstracts
Capstone Festival event photos on Flickr