Teaching, Learning & Assessment


Monthly examples of successful collaborations between Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, to inspire more!

Summer 2017 TLA-CATNIP ~ June 5th and 6th

TLA-CATNIP (Center for Academic Technologies - New Instructional Powers): Opportunities for faculty and student affairs professionals to learn about and play with new ways to enhance student learning. There will also be a joint session with Health and Wellness Services and the Personal Growth and Counseling Center on institutional wellness. Read more...

Reading Apprenticeship faculty leadership opportunity for fall 2017 ~ apply by May 24

Are you teaching FYS, GE Area A1, or entry-level Mathematics or Statistics in the fall of 2017? Do you want to learn more about how to support student success using Reading Apprenticeship in your courses? Would you like to be part of an effort to improve students' academic reading, class grades, and retention? Read more...

Critical Thinking Workshop for Faculty and Students ~ Friday, April 14, 3-5 p.m., Reading Center (Building 59):

For faculty and students to foster a shared understanding of what critical thinking is and how to apply it in different contexts.

Innovation in Teaching and Learning Grants due April 3rd, 2017

A total of $100,000 is available for awards! The purpose of the CSUMB Innovation in Teaching and Learning grant program is to support innovative approaches to teaching and learning aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of teaching and learning methods and pedagogy at CSUMB. Innovation Grants are available to all CSUMB faculty, including tenure‐line, lecturers, full‐time and part‐time.

Teaching Cooperatives & other opportunities for spring 2017

Teaching Cooperatives ("co-ops") are groups that meet to explore and advance approaches to better supporting student learning and success. They are open to faculty (lecturers and tenure-line), co-curricular professionals (in academic and student affairs), and other university staff who work directly with students.

Teaching in the current political climate

The current political climate creates challenges and opportunities for curricular and co-curricular teaching and learning. Here are some resources to help. Also learn about AAC&U's new initiative, "Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation." Have ideas and resources to share? Send them to tla@csumb.edu. We will update this page as we learn of new resources.