Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center

UROC Scholar & Faculty Mentor Agreements

The UROC Scholar Agreement and UROC Mentor Agreement below describe in detail the expectations of both Scholars and Mentors who are associated with the UROC/McNair Scholars program. These documents are typically reviewed in detail and signed at a meeting shortly after the Scholar is accepted into the Scholars program. At this meeting, the Scholar, Mentor, and a UROC Staff person review the expectations outlined below and discuss the resources and guidance UROC provides to assist Mentors and Scholars in achieving these goals.

The expectations outlined below represent a combination of activities that can be accomplished on both short and long time scales. UROC Scholars are not expected to accomplish these goals all at once. Instead, UROC expects consistent progress to be made every semester towards these goals.

UROC Scholar Agreement

UROC Scholars are expected to excel academically and to serve as exemplary members of their respective communities within UROC, CSUMB, their research disciplines and beyond. In all matters, Scholars will apply themselves to the fullest, demonstrate scholarship and leadership, and maintain the highest academic and ethical standards. In their actions they will exhibit maturity, honesty, sound judgment, and respect for others. This is a big investment and a brilliant future that YOU need to drive. your initial responsibilities and deliverables are listed below -- this list will grow and evolve as you begin working with your Mentor.

Students who are unable or unwilling to perform at this level will not continue to receive funding for research or ravel. Repeated failure to meet the standards described in this document may result in dismissal from the Scholars program.

UROC Mentor Agreement

Faculty Mentor plays a critical role in the Scholars Program. The Scholar’s success depends on an effective Mentor-Scholar relationship. The Faculty Mentor’s goals are to develop the Scholar’s confidence, research skills, communication skills, knowledge of ethical conduct in research, professional networking skills, and critical thinking abilities in preparation for doctoral studies. To accomplish these goals, Faculty Mentors will:

  1. Meet regularly with the Scholar following a pre-determined meeting schedule.
  2. Alert UROC staff at the first sign of academic, programmatic, or personal difficulties (such as missed meetings or late assignments). As appropriate, work with UROC staff to develop an intervention strategy.
  3. Introduce the Scholar to seminal research in their field. Identify scholarly work for the Scholar to review and work with the Scholar to develop their research interests. Recommended deliverable: Literature review or research introduction.
  4. Assist the Scholar with developing a Research Planning Guide (RPG) and Graduate School Planning Guide (GSPG). The RPG is due 2 weeks after the Scholar starts their summer research experience and is a deliverable for RSCH 294 and RSCH 300. The GSPG is also due 2 weeks after the start of their summer research and is a deliverable for RSCH 394 and RSCH 400.
  5. Monitor and, as appropriate, guide the research process. Scholars are expected to be engaged in research or creative activity in the summer of 2022 and, if feasible, in the spring of 2022. Note: Scholars have a $2,800 research scholarship available per fiscal year that can be used during the fall semester, spring semester and summer. 
  6. Assist the Scholar in the identification of and with applications to viable summer research experiences. Scholars who graduate after the spring of 2022 semester are expected to submit applications to at least 5 summer research experiences. If an alternative research opportunity is needed for the Scholar, UROC Scholar Faculty Mentors and Scholars must work with the UROC Research Associate, Jessica Bautista, to identify an opportunity. If a research opportunity is not secured, UROC Scholar Faculty Mentors must commit to serving as the Scholar’s summer Research Mentor and work with UROC on a financial plan to support the student’s research
  7. Assist the Scholar in preparing research posters, oral presentations, and/or peer-reviewed publications.
  8. Help the scholar identify and apply for undergraduate scholarships, funding for undergraduate research, graduate school programs and graduate school funding opportunities.
  9. Review and sign the mentor agreement. In order to receive mentor compensation, you must complete the required forms i.e. this mentor agreement and University Corporation hiring paperwork. You can find a full, detailed description of the UROC Mentor Compensation policy at the following webpage: https://csumb.edu/uroc/uroc-policies.
  10. Monitor and assess the Scholar’s Individual Learning Plan to ensure that it is in line with requirements for graduate study within the Scholar’s intended field of study.
  11. Acknowledge UROC. During the course of their undergraduate research activities, UROC participants may be supported directly and indirectly by multiple grants stemming from UROC during the course of their undergraduate research activities. We ask that Faculty Mentors acknowledge any and all support provided by UROC when they and/or their students disseminate results of their research (including poster presentations, oral presentations, peer-reviewed publications, grey/white papers, etc.). To this end, we request that you visit the UROC Mentor FAQ webpage https://csumb.edu/uroc/mentor-faqs for more information about acknowledging UROC support and/or email UROC uroc@csumb.edu with any questions or concerns.