UROC Publications & Presentations
Peruse a selection of UROC materials prepared for conferences, publications, reports and other academic purposes.
Student(s) Year Journal Publication Major Faculty Mentor Jacob Green 2021 PeerJ Liu SYV, Green J, Briggs D, Hastings R, Jondelius Y, Kensinger S, Leever H, Santos S, Throne T, Cheng C, Madduppa H, Toonen RJ, Gaither MR, Crandall ED. 2021. Dongsha Atoll is an important stepping-stone that promotes regional genetic connectivity in the South China Sea. PeerJ 9:e12063 DOI 10.7717/peerj.12063 Biology Dr. Eric Crandall, Penn State Derek Lilienthal 2021 Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Lilienthal, D. & Gooch, E. Analysis of Foreign Media Influence on the South Pacific Environment. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 2021. 355-370. Computer Science Dr. Elizabeth Gooch, NPS Elya Kandahari & Emily J. Smith 2021 Journal of Chemical Education Kandahari, E., Smith, E.J., & Goeltz, J. (2021). Beyond the Textbook: Introducing Undergraduates to Practical Electrochemistry. Journal of Chemical Education Chemistry Dr. John Goeltz, CSUMB Randi Barton 2021 Proceedings of the National Academy of sciences Toczydlowski, R. H.,...Barton, R.L.,...Toonen, R. J.,...& Crandall, E. D. (2021). Poor data stewardship will hinder global genetic diversity surveillance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(34), e2107934118. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2107934118 Marine Science Dr. Eric Crandall, Penn State Cameron Battersby 2021 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology Dyer-Seymour, J., & Battersby, C. (2021). What is most important to focus on now for success after college? Students’ responses mirror and diverge from what employers consider essential skills. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/stl0000285 Psychology Dr. Jennifer Dyer-Seymour, CSUMB Nasreen (Naz) Toorabally, and Isabella Romero 2017 Personality Assessment Romero IE, Toorabally N, Burchett D, Tarescavage AM, Glassmire DM. Mapping the MMPI-2-RF Substantive Scales onto Internalizing, Externalizing, and Thought Dysfunction Dimensions in a Forensic Inpatient Setting. Journal of Personality Assessment. 2017; 4: 351–362. doi: 10.1080/00223891.2016.1223681. Psychology Dr. Danielle Burchett, CSUMB Parker Smith 2017 Electrochimica Acta Stanbury, M.; Compain, J.-D.; Trejo, M.; Smith, P.; Gouré, E.; Chardon-Noblat, S. Mn-Carbonyl Molecular Catalysts Containing a Redox-Active Phenanthroline-5,6-Dione for Selective Electro- and Photoreduction of CO 2 to CO or HCOOH. Electrochimica Acta 2017, 240, 288–299. Electrochemistry Dr. John Goeltz, CSUMB Parker Smith 2017 The Journal of Physical Chemistry B Smith, P. J.; Goeltz, J. C. Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer and Substituent Effects in Catechol-Based Deep Eutectic Solvents: Gross and Fine Tuning of Redox Activity. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2017, 121 (48), 10974–10978. Electrochemistry Dr. John Goeltz, CSUMB Daniel Kharlamov, Matthew Johnson, Brian Zimmerman, Joshua Shallow 2016 Proceedings of the 2016 Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (ACM) Kharlamov D, Pietroszek K, Tahai L. Ticktockray Demo: Smartwatch Raycasting for Mobile HMDs. Proceedings of the 2016 Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (ACM). 2016; 1: 169. doi: 10.1145/2983310.2989206. Computing & Design Dr. Krzysztof Pietroszek, CSUMB Isael Rubio 2012 Applied and Environmental Microbiology Schofield D.A., Bull C.T., Rubio I., Wechter P. W., Westwater C., Molineux I., J. 2012. Development of an Engineered Bioluminescent Reporter Phage for Detection of Bacterial Blight of Crucifers. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 78:3592–3598. Biology Dr. Carolee Bull, USDA Diana Hay 2011 Journal of Multivariate Analysis Hay D, Rastegar R, Roitershtein. 2011. Multivariate linear recursions with Markov-dependent coefficients. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 102:521-527. Math Dr. Rastegar Iowa State University Isael Rubio 2011 Plant Disease Rubio, I., Hiddink G., Asma M., Bull, C.T., 2011. First report of the crucifer pathogen Pseudomonas cannabina pv. alisalensis causing bacterial blight of on radish (Raphanus sativus) in Germany. Plant Disease. 96(6)904 Biology Dr. Carolee Bull, USDA Stacey Mauzey 2010 Plant Disease Bull, C.T., Mauzey, S.J., and Koike, S.T. 2010. First report of bacterial blight of Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea L. var. gemmifera) caused by Pseudomonas cannabina pv. alisalensis in California. Plant Disease 94: 1375 Biology Dr. Carolee Bull, USDA Stacey Mauzey 2010 Plant Disease Mauzey, S.J., Koike, S.T., and Bull, C.T. 2010. First report of bacterial blight of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) caused by Pseudomonas cannabina pv. alisalensis in California. Plant Disease. 95(1):71. Biology Dr. Carolee Bull, USDA Jessica Riggin 2010 Journal of Marine Animals and Their Ecology Maldini, D., Ward, C., Cecchetti, A., Riggin, J. Southern sea otter diet in a soft sediment community. (June 2010). Moss Landing, CA. Marine Science David Ebert, MLML Jessica Riggin 2010 Journal of Marine Animals and Their Ecology Riggin, J., Maldini, D. Photographic case studies of skin conditions in wild-ranging bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) calves. (June 2010). Moss Landing, CA Marine Science David Ebert, MLML Diana Hay 2010 Statistics and Probability Letters Ghosh AP, Hay D, Hirpara V, Rastegar R, Roitershtein R, Schulteis A, Suh J. 2010. Random Linear Recursions with Dependent Coefficients. Statistics and Probability Letters. 80:1597-1605. Math Dr. Rastegar Iowa State University Jessica Riggin 2010 AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment Maldini D., Riggin J., Cecchetti A., Cotter M. Prevalence of Epidermal Conditions in California CoastalBottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Monterey Bay. (May 2010). Moss Landing, CA. Marine Science David Ebert. MLML - Unruh, H., Haeger, H., Banks, J.E., Dong, W. 2024. Designing and Implementing a Successful Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Program. Routledge, New York, NY. ISBN 9780367724818; 190 Pages. Available from Routledge.
Banks, J.E., and A.M. Laubmeier. 2024. Modeling the effects of trap crop attraction strength, patch dispersion, and biological control on pest suppression. Arthropod-Plant Interactions. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11829-024-10106-0
Stark, J.D., and J.E. Banks. 2024. Deconstructing the IOBC tiered method: Are we overestimating the compatibility of pesticides and biological control? Biological Control 105630. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocontrol.2024.105630
Haeger, H., Banks, J.E., Christiaens, R., and L. Amador. 2024. Steps towards decolonizing study abroad: Host communities’ perceptions of change, benefits, and harms from study abroad. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad 36(1), 81–102. https://doi.org/10.36366/frontiers.v36i1.836
Veprauskas, A., Ackleh, A. Banks, J.E., and J.D. Stark. 2023 Assessing critical population thresholds under periodic disturbances. Ecosphere https://doi.org/10.
1002/ecs2.4650 .Banks, J.E. and A.N. Laubmeier. 2023. Compatibility of biological control and pesticides mediated by arthropod movement behavior and field spatial scale. Biological Control 177: 105125
Stark, J.D., Qiao, M., and J.E. Banks. 2022. Toxicity of chlorantraniliprole and it’s formulated product, Altacor®, to individuals and populations of Ceriodaphnia dubia Richard. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 109: 996–1000.
Banks, J.E., Reyes-Gallegos, E., and L. Njoroge. 2022. Insect diversity and abundance measured two decades after farmland conversion to forest using different human-assisted restoration strategies in Gede, Kenya. The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 98(1):34-47.
Stark, J.D., and J.E. Banks. 2021. A tale of two metrics: The EPA risk quotient approach versus the delay in population growth index for determination of pesticide risk to aquatic species. Ecotoxicology, In Press.
Stark, J.D., McIntyre, J.K., and J.E. Banks. 2020. Population viability in a host-parasitoid system is mediated by interactions between population stage structure and life stage differential susceptibility to toxicants. Scientific Reports 10: 20746.
Banks, J.E., Laubmeier, A.N, and H.T. Banks. 2020. Modelling the effects of field spatial scale and natural enemy colonization behaviour on pest suppression in diversified agroecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 22(1):30-40
Banks J.E., Njoroge L., Jackson C., Reyes-Gallegos E.,* Ochieng J. 2019. A list of coleoptera recorded in Mixed Forest habitat in Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, Kenya. Version 1.4. A Rocha Kenya.
Haeger, H., Banks, J.E., and C. Smith. 2020. What we know and what we need to know about undergraduate research. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research, To Appear.
Banks, J.E., Banks, H.T., Myers, N., Laubmeier, A.N., and R. Bommarco. 2020. Lethal and sublethal effects of toxicants on bumble bee populations: a modeling approach. Ecotoxicology 29: 237-245.
Banks, H.T., Banks, J.E., Catanacci, J., Joyner, M.L. and J.D. Stark. 2020. Correctly modeling plant-insenalliant-herbivore-pesticide interactions as aggregate data. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 17(2): 1743-1756.
Stark, J.D., and J.E. Banks. 2019. Comparative toxicity of the semi-natural insecticide Spinetoram (Delegate™) to three Cladoceran species. Biopesticides International 15(1): 1-4
Banks. H.T., Banks, J.E., Cody, N.G., Hoddle, M.S., and A.E. Meade. 2019. Population model for the decline of Homalodisca vitripennis (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) over a ten-year period. Journal of Biological Dynamics 13(1): 422-446.
Curtsdotter, A., Banks, H.T., Banks, J.E., Jonsson, M., Jonsson, T., Laubmeier, A., Traugott, M., R. Bommarco. 2019. Ecosystem function in predator-prey food webs -- confronting dynamic models with empirical data. Journal of Animal Ecology 88(2): 196-210.
Banks, J.E., Ackleh, A.S.,Veprauskas, A., and J.D. Stark. (2019). The trouble with surrogates in environmental risk assessment: a daphniid case study. Ecotoxicology 28: 62-68.
Haeger, H., Fresquez, C., Smith, C.*, and J. E. Banks. (2018). Navigating the academic landscape: How undergraduate research experiences can shed light on the hidden curriculum. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research 2(1): 15-23.
Banks, J.E., Fresquez, C., Haeger, H., Quinones-Soto, S., and L. Hammersley. (2018). Alliance for change: Broadening participation in undergraduate research at California State University. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research 1(4): 5-11.
Rocconi, L. M., Taylor, A. N., Haeger, H., Zilvinskis, J. D., & Christensen, C. R. (2018). Beyond the numbers: an examination of diverse interactions in law school. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 12(1): 27-37.
Laubmeier, A.N., Wootton, K., Banks, J.E., Bommarco, R., Curtsdotter, A., Jonsson, T., Roslin, T., and H. T. Banks. (2018). From theory to experimental design - Quantifying a trait-based theory of predator-prey dynamics. PLoS ONE 13(4): e0195919.
White, C. V., & Herman, M. A. (2018). Transcriptomic, Functional, and Network Analyses Reveal Novel Genes Involved in the Interaction Between Caenorhabditis elegans and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 8, 266. DOI: 10.1128/mBio.02051-18.
Laurie, M. T., White, C. V., Retallack, H., Wu, W., Moser, M.S., Sakanari, J.A., Ang, K., Wilson, C., Arkin, M. R., & DeRisi, J. L. (2018) Functional Assessment of 2,177 U.S. and International Drugs Identifies the Quinoline Nitroxoline as a Potent Amoebicidal Agent against the Pathogen Balamuthia mandrillaris. mBio, 9 (5) e02051-18.
Banks, J.E., Fresquez, C., Haeger, H., Quinones-Soto, S., and L. Hammersley. 2018. Alliance for Change: Broadening participation in undergraduate research at California State University. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research (SPUR), 1(4): 5-11.
Bruce Albrecht; Virendra Ghate; Johannes Mohrmann; Robert Wood; Paquita Zuidema; Christopher Bretherton; Christian Schwartz; Edwin Eloranta; Susanne Glienke; Shaunna Donaher; Mampi Sarkar; Jeremy McGibbon; Alison Nugent; Raymond A. Shaw; Jacob Fugal; Patrick Minnis; Rabindra Palikonda; Louis Lussier; Jorgen Jensen; J. Vivekanandan; Scott Ellis; Peisang Tsai; Robert Rilling; Jullie Haggerty; Teresa Campos; Meghan Stell; Michael Michael Reeves; Stuart Beaton; John Allison; Greg Stossmeister; Samuel Hall; Sebastian Schmidt. (2018). Cloud System Evolution in the Trades--CSET Following the Evolution of Boundary Layer Cloud Systems with the NSF/NCAR GV. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS), In Review
Viral Shah, Lyatt Jaeglé, Felipe D. Lopez-Hilfiker, Ben H. Lee, Joel A. Thornton, Jason C. Schroder, Pedro Campuzano-Jost, Jose L. Jimenez, Hongyu Guo, Amy P. Sullivan, Rodney J. Weber, Jaime R. Green, Marc N. Fiddler, Solomon Bililign, Teresa L. Campos, Meghan Stell, Michael Reeves, Andrew J. Weinheimer, Denise D. Montzka, Steven S. Brown. (2018). Chemical Feedbacks Weaken the Wintertime Response of Particulate Sulfate And Nitrate To Emissions Reductions Over the Eastern U.S. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, In Review
Pamela A. Wales, Ross J. Salawitch, Julie M. Nicely, Daniel C. Anderson, Timothy P. Canty, Sunil Baider, Barbara Dix, Theodore K. Koenig, Rainer Volkamer, Dexian Chen, L. Gregory Huey, David J. Tanner, Carlos A. Cuevas, Rafael P. Fernandez, Douglas E. Kinnison, Jean-Francois Lamarque, Alfonso Saiz-Lopez, Elliot L. Atlas, Samuel R. Hall, Maria A. Navarro, Laura L. Pan, Susan M. Schauffler, Meghan Stell, Simone Tilmes, Kirk Ullmann, Andrew J. Weinheimer, Hideharu Akiyoshi, Martyn P. Chipperfield, Makoto Deushi, Sandip S. Dhomse, Wuhu Feng, Phoebe Graf, Ryan Hossaini, Patrick Jöckel, Eva Mancini, Martin Michou, Olaf Morgenstern, Luke D. Oman, Giovanni Pitari, David A. Plummer, Laura E. Revell, Eugene Rozanov, David Saint-Martin, Robyn Schofield, Andrea Stenke, Kane A. Stone, Daniele Visioni, Youshuke Yamashita, and Guang Zeng. (2018). "Stratospheric Injection of Brominated Very Short-Lived Substances Inferred from Aircraft Observations of Organic Bromine and BrO in the Western Pacific" [Paper #2017JD027978], Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, In Review
Haeger, H., Fresquez, C., & Banks, J.E. (2018). Navigating the academic landscape: how undergraduate research experiences can shed light on the hidden curriculum. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research 2(1): 15-23.
Banks, H.T., Everett, R., Murad, N., White, R., Banks, J.E., Cass, B., and J. Rosenheim. (2018). Optimal design for dynamical modeling of pest populations. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 15(4): 993-1010.
Veprauskas, A., Ackleh, A.S., Banks, J.E., and J.D. Stark. (2018). The evolution of toxicant resistance in daphniids and its role on surrogate species. Theoretical Population Biology 119: 15-25.
Banks, J.E., Stark, J.D., Vargas, R.I., Veprauskas, A., and A. Ackleh. (2017). Protecting assemblages of biocontrol species: Modeling a surrogate species approach. In Mason, P.G., Gillespie, D.R., and C. Vincent (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods. CABI International, Oxfordshire, UK, pp. 175-177.
Langelier, C., Zinter, M. S., Kalantar, K., Yanik, G. A., Christenson, S., O’Donovan, B., White, C., et al. (2017). Metagenomic Sequencing Detects Respiratory Pathogens in Hematopoietic Cellular Transplant Patients. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med.197, 524–528.
Banks, J.E., Vargas, R.I., Ackleh, A.S., and J.D. Stark. (2017). Sublethal effects in pest management: a surrogate species perspective on fruit fly control. Insects 8(3): 78 (Special Issue: Arthropod Pest Control in Orchards).
Banks, J.E., Jackson, C.H.W., Gagic, V., Baya, A., and D. Ngala. (2017). Differential responses of bird species to habitat condition in a coastal Kenyan forest reserve: implications for conservation. Tropical Conservation Science 10: 1-13.
Hudson, L. N., Newbold, T., Contu, S., Hill S. L. L.,...Banks, J.E., …and Purvis, A. (2017). The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project. Ecology and Evolution 7: 145-188.
Banks, H.T., Banks, J.E., Bommarco, R., Laubmeier, A.N., Myers, N.J., Rundlöf, M., and K. Tillman. (2017). Analysis of nonlinear delay systems with applications in bumblebee population models. Communications in Applied Analysis 21(3): 449-476.
Banks, H.T., Banks, J.E., Bommarco, R., Curtsdotter, A., Jonsson, T., and A.N. Laubmeier. (2017). Parameter estimation for an allometric food web model. International Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 114(1):143-160.
Banks, H.T., Banks, J.E., Bommarco, R., Laubmeier, A.N., Myers, N.J., Rundlöf, M., and K. Tillman**. (2017). Modeling bumble bee population dynamics with delay differential equations. Ecological Modelling 351:14-23.
Walker, B. L. E., Unruh, H. (2017). A Practical Guide to Funding Your Research: Humanities, Social Sciences and the Arts
Banks, J.E. & Gutiérrez, J.J. (2017). Undergraduate research in international settings: synergies in stacked high-impact practices. CUR Quarterly, 37(3): 18-26
Haeger, H., & Fresquez, C. (2016). Mentoring for inclusion: the impact of mentoring on undergraduate researchers in the sciences. CBE – Life Sciences Education, 15_(3).
Haeger, H., & Deil-Amen, R.(2016). Cooling out and leveled aspirations among low-income university STEM students_._ In T. I. K. Youn, Research in Social Problems and Public Policy: Paradoxes of the Democratization of Higher Education, 22 (pp. 69-96). Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing.
Oehlman, N., Haeger, H.,Clarkston, B., and J.E. Banks. (2016). Maximizing the function of ePortfolios. Peer Review, _Advancing Equity and Student Success through ePortfolios, 3_(3).
Haeger, H., BrckaLorenz, A. & Webber, K. (2015) Participation in undergraduate research at minority-serving institutions. Perspectives on Undergraduate Research and Mentoring Special Issue: Inclusion of Students from Historically Underrepresented Groups in Undergraduate Research.
O'Donnell, K., Bothello, J., Brown, J., Gonzalez, G., and Head, W. (2015). Undergraduate Research and Its Impact on Student Success for Underrepresented Students. In M. Malachowski, J.M. Osborn, K.K. Karukstis, and E.L. Ambos (Eds.) Enhancing and Expanding Undergraduate Research: A Systems Approach (pp. 27-38). New Directions for Higher Education, no.169.
Head, W. & Brown, J. (2012). California State University, Monterey Bay: Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center. In: J. Kinkead and L. Blockus (Eds.) Undergraduate Research Offices & Programs: Models & Practices (pp.95-122). Council on Undergraduate Research.
How broad is the impact: examining the impact of undergraduate research on college completion. Haeger, H., & Smith, C. Poster presented at the National Alliance for Broader Impact Summit, Tucson, AZ.
Identifying and breaking down barriers to participation in undergraduate research. Haeger, H., Armstron-Land, M., & Smith, C. Presented at the National Alliance for Broader Impact Summit, Tucson, AZ.
Measuring the impact of undergraduate research on college graduation: a multi-institution, quasi-experimental study. Haeger, H., & Smith, C. Poster presented at the CUR Undergraduate Research Programs: Building, Enhancing, Sustaining conference, Columbus, OH.
Fostering faculty buy-in for meaningful and measurable assessment of UR and CUREs. Haeger, H., Slown, C. & White, C. Presented at the CUR Undergraduate Research Programs: Building, Enhancing, Sustaining conference, Columbus, OH.
Enhancing conscientious discussions in STEM classrooms. Haeger, H. BrckaLorenz, A. & Priddie, C. Presented at the AAC&U Diversity, Equity, and Student Success: Assessing and Advancing Inclusive Excellence Conference, Pittsburg, PA.
Creating more inclusive environments for undergraduate researchers. Haeger, H. Presented at the AAC&U Diversity, Equity, and Student Success: Assessing and Advancing Inclusive Excellence conference, Pittsburg, PA.
An examination of inclusivity and support for diversity in STEM fields. Haeger, H., BrckaLorenz, A. & Priddie, C. Presented at the American Educational Research Association annual conference, Toronto, ON, Canada.
What we know and what we need to know about undergraduate research. Haeger, H., Smith, C. & Armstron-Land, M. Presented at the American Educational Research Association annual conference, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Faculty Grantsmanship at HSIs: Strategies to Align Research Initiatives with Student Success. Unruh, H., Walker, B. Presented at the Association of Hispanic Serving Institution Educators conference, Riverside, CA.
New strategies for assessing the impact of high-impact practices. Haeger, H., Dong, W., Philips, P. L. & King, J. Presented at the American Association of Colleges & Universities annual meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Scaffolding Course Based Undergraduate Research (CUREs): A Model for Faculty Development. White, C., Slown, C., & Haeger H. Poster presented at the AAC&U Transforming STEM Education Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Cultural symbiosis: social and cultural impacts of study abroad programs in rural Costa Rica. Haeger, H., Banks, J.E., Gomez, F. Presented at Association for the Study of Higher Education annual conference, Tampa, FL.
Experiments in Course-Based Undergraduate Research: CSUMB’s Spring Research Intensives. Unruh, H. - panelist (with Dr. Jennifer Duggan, CSU Monterey Bay; Dr. Gerick Bergsma, CSU Monterey Bay; Dr. Corin White, CSU Monterey Bay; and Samantha Gatreaux, CSU Monterey Bay) Council on Undergraduate Research Biennial Conference, Washington, D.C.
Strategies and Tools for Promoting a Grant-Seeking Culture in the Arts and Humanities. Unruh, H. - Panelist (with Paige Belisle, Harvard, moderator; Jim Izat, Texas A&M; Anne Pascucci, Christopher Newport University; Barbara Walker, UC Santa Barbara; and Stefanie Walker, National Endowment for the Humanities) National Organization for Research Development Professionals (NORDP) annual conference, Arlington, VA.
Diversifying the professoriate: designing systems to interrupt inequality. Haeger, H., BrckaLorenz, A., & Wise-Brown, J. Presented at the AAC&U Diversity, Learning, and Student Success: Assessing and Advancing Inclusive Excellence Conference, San Diego, CA.
High stakes, high impact: models of support for high-stakes writing in undergraduate research. Oehlman, N. & Haeger, H. Presented at the Council on Undergraduate Research Biennial Conference, Washington, D.C.
Undergraduate research assessment 101 and beyond: framework and toolkit. Haeger, H., Altman, J. & Chiang, T. M. Presented at the Council on Undergraduate Research Biennial Conference, Washington, D.C.
More than compositional diversity: creating more inclusive research environments. Haeger, H., Armstrong-Land, M., Smith, C. & White, C. Presented at the Council on Undergraduate Research Biennial Conference, Washington, D.C.
Scaling up without watering down: increasing access to undergraduate research without losing the impact. Haeger, H., Dong, W., Unruh, H., Henderson, J., & Philips, L. Presented at the High-Impact Practices in the States conference at California State University Dominguez Hills.
Uniting scholarship and practice of undergraduate research. Boettcher, A., LaPlant, J., Geary Schneider, C., Kinzie, J., & Haeger, H. Presented at the American Association of Colleges & Universities annual meeting, Washington, D.C.
Is it worth it? Undergraduate Researchers Reflect on High-Stakes Scholarship and Fellowship Writing. Natasha Oehlman & Heather Haeger. Poster presented at the AAC&U Conference on Transforming STEM Higher Education, San Francisco, CA.
Faculty Mentoring to Maximize Impact in High-Impact Practices. Heather Haeger & Carla Fresquez. Poster presented at the AAC&U Conference on Transforming STEM Higher Education, San Francisco, CA.
Revealing value: New directions for assessing the impact of undergraduate research. American Association of Colleges & Universities annual meeting, San Francisco, CA
Where in the world is undergraduate research?! Developing international research experiences for undergraduates. John Banks. Council on Undergraduate Education (CUR)biennial conference, Tampa, FL
High impact practices in undergraduate education. John Banks. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences(SLU), Uppsala, Sweden
Collaborative Mentoring: Working across departments to enhance student success. Megan Bassett. Council on Undergraduate Education (CUR) biennial conference, Tampa, FL.
Intersecting Impact: Aligning Meaning-Making for New Majority Students in High Impact Practices. Heather Haeger, Andrea Monroe, Seth Pollack & Holly Unruh. Round table session, AAC&U’s 2016 Annual Meeting: How Higher Education Can Lead—On Equity, Inclusive Excellence, and Democratic Renewal, Washington, D.C.
Shedding light on the hidden curriculum through undergraduate research. Heather Haeger, Bridgette Clarkston, & John Banks. American Association of Colleges and Universities, Conference on Diversity, Learning, and Student Success, Philadelphia, PA
Sticky Situations: Play & active learning strategies for engaging in ethical decision making. Heather Haeger, Carla Fresquez, Megan Bassett, & John Banks. Council on Undergraduate Research Biennial Conference, Tampa, FL.
Modeling Critical Reading and Writing Strategies: Using 'Think Alouds' to Support Learning Across the Science Curriculum. Natasha Oehlman. Alliance of Hispanic Serving Educators 8th Annual HSI/Title V Best Practices Conference, CSU Channel Islands
Writing and Mentoring Together: Supporting Professional Writing Practices Through Modeling with Undergraduate Researchers. Natasha Oehlman & Aparna Sreenivasan. Council on Undergraduate Education Biennial Conference, Tampa, FL.
Creating Tomorrow's Ocean Science Leaders. Brigette Clarkson. Monterey Area Research Institute's Network for Educators Annual Oceans Colloquium 2015
CSU Monterey Bay's HSI-STEM & Articulation Program. Holly Unruh and William Head. CSU Joint Campus Meeting 2015
Space and Place: Creating space for diverse students in research through reflective writing. Heather Haeger, Natasha Oehlman & Elidia Mendoza. Association of American Colleges and Universities conference on Diversity, Learning, and Student Success (AAC&U) conference 2015
Building, visualizing and activating your social capital: digital tools for making the most out of the undergraduate research experience. Heather Haeger, Natasha Oehlman & Colin Gremillion. Association of American Colleges and Universities conference on Diversity, Learning, and Student Success (AAC&U) conference 2015
Brown, J., Khuder, S.S., Abdallah, S.L., Muturi, H.T., & Najjar,S.M. CEACAM1 is a key regulator of IRS1 phosphorylation and FAS activity. CSUPERB. (January, 2015). Santa Clara, CA.
Golbek, M., Sheng, Y., Shankar, R., and Hartland, T. Submerged Obstacles and Linear Wave Propagation. JMM (January 2015). San Antonio, TX.
Martinez, J., Haffa, A. Assessing Nitrate Reduction in a Woodchip Bioreactor for Pollutant Removal. CSU Program for Education Research in Biotechnology. (January, 2015). Santa Clara, CA.
King, E.E., Laurel, B.J., Copeman, L.A. The Role of Condition and LipidStorage on Settlement Timing in a Pacific Flatfish Species, Association for the Society of Limnology and Oceanography Aquatic Sciences Meeting. (February,2015). Granada, Spain
Carrillo, E., Ragle, M., and Zahler, A. Tissue Specific Alternative Splicing in C.elegans: How are 3' Splice Sites Chosen? ERN (February 2015). Washington D.C.
Valdez, A., Nguyen, A., and Hoffman, G. Identification of MicrobialCommunities on Sea Stars with Wasting Disease. Emerging Researchers National Conference. (February, 2015). Washington, DC.
Rodriguez, J., Rusin, S., Kettenbach, A. Investigation of Plk1 functions by mass spectrometry-based proteomics. Emerging Researchers National Conference (February, 2015). Washington, DC.
Smith, J., Lindholm, J., and Knight, A. Into the Deep: Distributions of Demersal Fishes in the La Jolla and Scripps Submarine Canyons. Currents Symposium (April 2015). Monterey Bay, CA.
Barber, T., Keister, J., McLaskey, A., Olson, B., and McElhany, P. Effects of Ocean Acidification on Early Life Stages and Development of Krill, Euphausia Pacifica. Sanctuary Currents Symposium. (April, 2015). Seaside, CA.
Becerra, B., Cleavitt, N., Battles, J. Comparison of SeedlingRegeneration and Light Availability in a Clear Cut and Reference Forest Standin Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH. Sanctuary Currents Symposium (April, 2015). Seaside, CA.
Carrillo, E., Ragle, M., Zahler, A. Creating a Dual Reporter System to Investigate Tissue Specific Alternative Splicing in C.elegans. Beta BetaBeta Biological Honor Society District Convention. (April 2015). Seaside,CA.
Makukhov, A., Tobosa, L., Bernardi, G., Fennie, H.W., Hamilton, S., and Logan, C. Relationship Between Standard Fish Length and Otolith Length inJuvenile Sebastes Mystinus. Sanctuary Currents Symposium. (April, 2015). Seaside, CA.
Cervantes, M., and Stanfield, E. Improving Molecular Models for Identification of Toxic Cyanobacteria.Sanctuary Currents Symposium. (April 2015). Seaside, CA.
Bedell, L., Boyer, K., Brundige, K., Burns, T., Casillas, E., Fabian,D., Fletcher, Z., Godat, E., Hansen, B., Hernandez, C., Jacky, M., Jarell, T.,Joachim, M., Kent, N., Lietdke, C., Madden, L., Mendez, S., Hilario, T.P.,Reid, C., Samper, N., Ahmadi, L.S., Thurston, S., Villalobos, C., Aiken, E.,and Lindholm, J. Using Deep Sea Video Imagery to Predict Demersal FishAssociations and Habitat Complexity in the Gulf of the Farallones NationalMarine Sanctuary. Sanctuary Currents Symposium. (April, 2015). Seaside, CA.
Astorga, M., Boye, L., Bornw, N., Burns, T., Cruz, G.O., Moraes, R.S., Estrella, J., Facchini, H., Fitch, I., Foulks, I., Frick, D., Kochman, B., Lebbano, B., McDivitt, K., Ramirez, S., Wheeler, C., Wolf, M., and Zehner, G.Analysis of Major Geomorphic Events in the Monterey Canyon with a 13 Year TimeSeries. Sanctuary Currents Symposium. (April, 2015). Seaside, CA.
Thomas, I., Meagher-Robinson, K. Rhodoliths and Tanaidaceans: Is there a Correlation (April, 2015). Sanctuary Currents Symposium. Seaside, CA.
Aiken, E., Bodwell, J., Fremont, A., Hascall., Joachim, M., Larwood, V., Norman., Smith, J., Thurston, S., Yamaguchi, A., and Lindholm, J. LandscapeEcology of Nearshore Biological Communities Along the California Coast: Preliminary Results from Diver-Operated Video and Visual Census Surveys.Sanctuary Currents Symposium. (April, 2015). Seaside, CA.
Bedell, L., Boyer, K., Brundige, K., Burns, T., Casillas, E., Fabian,D., Fletcher, Z., Godat, E., Hansen, B., Hernandez, C., Jacky, M., Jarell, T.,Joachim, M., Kent, N., Lietdke, C., Madden, L., Mendez, S., Hilario, T.P.,Reid, C., Samper, N., Ahmadi, L.S., Thurston, S., Villalobos, C., Aiken, E.,and Lindholm, J. Using Deep Sea Video Imagery to Predict Demersal FishAssociations and Habitat Complexity in the Gulf of the Farallones NationalMarine Sanctuary. Sanctuary Currents Symposium. (April, 2015). Seaside, CA.
Mendoza, E., Dominguez, C., Hamm, S., Holland, N., McGrath, S., Mendoza, V., Zuniga, M., Dyer-Seymour, J. Can Certain Movies Make Us Understand People Better? WPA (May 2015). Las Vegas, NV.
Snider, E., Dougherty, D., Acheson, A., Liang, Y., Charles, N., Mathias, C. Girls' Pubertal Trajectories, Stress, Affective and Internalizing Symptoms. WPA (May 2015). Las Vegas, NV.
Snider, E., Dougherty, D., Acheson, A., Liang, Y., Charles, N., Mathias, C. Girls' Pubertal Trajectories, Stress, Affective and Internalizing Symptoms. WPA (May 2015). Las Vegas, NV.
Brown, J., Khuder, S., Abdallah, S., Muturi, H., and Najjar, S. CEACAM1 is a key regulator of IRS1 phosphorylation and FAS activity. CSUPERB (January 2014). Santa Clara, CA.
Orozco, B., and Leininger, L. Examination of a Worksite Walking Competition on Perceived Stress and Physical Activity Participation. HICE (January 2014). Honolulu, HI
Bucher, B., Mabe, R., Gross, L., and Williams, D. Modeling Illicit Drug Use: How does Methamphetamine Use Spread Through Urban and Rural Populations? JMM (January 2014). Baltimore, MD.
Sommers, L., Stanton, T., and Shaw, W. Measuring Open Water Fraction and Floe Size Distribution in The Arctic Ocean Ice Pack Using High-Resolution Satellite Images. JMM (January 2014). Baltimore, MD.
Carrillo, E., Long, Y., Abad, M., and Jackman, J. Investigating the Role of Dictyostelium discoideum TLP2 (DdiTLP2) in Cell Growth and Mitochondrial Function References. TriBeta (June 2014). Orange, CA.
Aceves, A., Jacobson, K., and Weitkamp, L. Evaluating the habitat use of yearling Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Columbia River estuary using trophically transmitted parasites. SACNAS (October 2014). Los Angeles, CA.
Becerra, B., Cleavitt, D., and Battles, J. Comparison of Seedling Regeneration and Light Availability in a Clear Cut and Reference Forest Stand in Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH. SACNAS (October 2014). Los Angeles, CA.
Machuca, B., van Hees, K., and Ebert, D. Then and Now: A 40-Year Trophic Ecology Comparison of Coastal Sharks and Rays in Elkhorn Slough, California. SACNAS (October 2014). Los Angeles, CA.
Phan, B., Miller, S., Ponte, M., and Hamilton, S. Effects of Primary Production on Reproductive Strategy in Two Species of Surgeon Fish at Different Southern Line islands. SACNAS (October 2014). Los Angeles, CA.
King, E., Laurel, E., and Copeman, L. Energetics and settlement dynamics in larval northern rock sole (Lepidopsetta polyxystra). SACNAS (October 2014). Los Angeles, CA.
Golbek, M., Sheng, Y., Shankar, R., Hartland, T., and Brandao, M. Submerged Underwater Obstacles and Linear Wave Propagation. SACNAS (October 2014). Los Angeles, CA
Martinez, J., and Haffa, A. Assessing Nitrate Reduction in a Woodchip Bioreactor for pollutant Removal. SACNAS (October 2014). Los Angeles, CA.
Rodriguez, J., Rusin, S., and Kettembach, A. Investigation of Plk1 functions by mass spectrometry-based proteomics. SACNAS (October 2014). Los Angeles, CA.
Sommers, L., Donohue, K., and Rosburg, K. Revisiting Antarctic Circumpolar Current Estimates. SACNAS (October 2014). Los Angeles, CA.
Braddock, A., Fennie, H., and Hamilton, S. The Effect of Ocean Acidification on Investigatory Behavior of Two Juvenile Rockfish Species. SACNAS (October 2014). Los Angeles, CA.
Taj, S., Schultz, B., and Haffa, A. Production and Characterization of a Novel Protease from Marine Microbe Erythrobacter sp. NAP1. SACNAS (October 2014). Los Angeles, CA.
Cerda, J., Lieberman, D., Lieberman, M. Distribution and demography of the tooth snail, Nerita scabricosta, in the intertidal of Cabo Blanco. SACNASNational Conference (October, 2014). Los Angeles, CA.
Thurston, S., Malone, D., and Carr, M. Climate Change, Coastal Upwelling and the Replenishment of Coastal Fish Populations. SACNAS (October 2014). Los Angeles, CA.
Valdez, A., Seberg, H., Garner, C., and McSteen, P. Mapping of the Sos2 Mutant in Maize. ERN (February 2014). Washington D.C.
Carrillo, E., Long, Y., Abad, M., and Jackman, J. Investigating the Role of Dictyostelium discoideum TLP2 (DdiTLP2) in Cell Growth and Mitochondrial Function. ERN (February 2014). Washington D.C.
Takata, M., Jorgensen, S., Kanive, P., Chapple, T., Block, B., Anderson, S., and Groth, L. Are We Connected? The Link Between White Shark Groups in the Northeastern Pacific. Currents Symposium (April 2014). Monterey Bay, CA.
Alger, E., Weng, X., Juenger, T. Investigating Panicle Architecture Variation in the Grass Panicum halli. WSN (November 2014). Tacoma, WA.
Carilli, P., Beers J., and Somero, G. The Effects of Hypoxia on the Physiology of Juvenile Blue Rockfish Sebastes mystinus. WSN (November 2014). Tacoma WA.
Brown, J., Herron, B., and Kay, D. Geographic Distribution of Transient Thyroid Abnormalities Across New York State. ABRCMS (November 2014). San Antonio, TX.
Smith, M., Rodriguez, K., and Cate, J. Phosphorylation: Effects on Stability and Cell Proliferation in Neurospora crassa and Human Cells. ABRCMS (November 2014). San Antonio, TX.
Aceves, A.K., Jacobson, K.J. and Weitkamp, L.A. Marine and brackish-water parasites suggest habitat use in the Columbia River estuary by yearling Chinook salmon. Western Society of Naturalists Conference. (November,2014). Tacoma, WA.
Boyer, K.A., Traylor-Knowles, N. Evolution of the AP-1 TranscriptionFactor and its Identification in the Coral Acropora digitifera. Western Society of Naturalists Conference (November, 2014). Tacoma. WA.
Valdez, A., Nguyen, A., and Hoffman, G. Identification of Microbial Communities on Sea Stars with Wasting Syndrome. Western Society of Naturalists. (November, 2014). Tacoma, WA.
Haile, E., Eyester, C. In the Mud: Post Restoration Benthic Community in the Moss Landing Area Salt Ponds. Western Society of Naturalists Conference.(November, 2014). Tacoma, WA.
Braddock, A.M., Fennie, H.W, Hamilton, S.L. The Effect of OceanAcidification on Investigatory Behavior of Two Juvenile Rockfish Species. Western Society of Naturalists Conference. (November, 2014). Tacoma, WA.
Machuca, B., van Hees, K., Ebert, D. Then and now: A 40 year trophic ecology comparison of coastal elasmobranch species in Elkhorn Slough, California. Western Society of Naturalists. (November, 2014). Tacoma, WA.
Villalobos, C., Schoo, K., Keister, J., McLaskey, A., Olson, B. andLove, B. The effects of ocean acidification on copepod respiration rates. Western Society of Naturalists. (November, 2014). Tacoma, WA.
Sommers, L., Donohue, K., Rosburg. Revisiting Antarctic Circumpolar Current Estimates. American Geophysical Union.(December, 2014). San Francisco, CA.
Aiken EA, Lonhart SI, Lindholm JB. Native crab, Cancer gracilis, may affect the spread of the invasive bryozoan Watersipora subtorquata. Sanctuary Currents Symposium (April 2013). Seaside, CA.
Duarte, A., Sreenivasan A., Jeness M.,Murphy S.A. Analyzing Substrate Specificity in Arabidopsis thaliana ABC transporter ABCB19. CSU Program for Education in Research and Biotechnology (CSUPERB), Anaheim, California, January 5th, 2013.
Fuller, T.F., Hughey, J.R. Molecular Investigation of the Invasive Sponge Hymeniacidon sinapium in Elkhorn Slough. Eighth International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions (August 2013). Vancouver, BC, CA.
Fourby, S., Machuca, B.J., Milbrandt, L., Lieberman, D. An experimental study of color change in two tropical damselfish species in relation to time of day and stress. The Society of the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (Fall 2013). San Antonio. Texas.
Fuller, T.F., Tepolt, C.K. Identifying Genes Under Selection in the Invasive Green Crab, Carcinus maenas. SACNAS National Conference (October 2013). San Antonio, TX.
Lawson, M. C., Clerkin P. J., Ebert, D. A. Sex Ratios of Deep-Sea Chondrichthyans with Notes on Sexual Maturity and Reproductive Strategies. SACNAS National Conference (October 2013). San Antonio, TX.
McCollough, R.M., Knight, A., Lindholm, J.B. Distribution of prawns across benthic habitats in Southern California. Western Society of Naturalists (November 2013). Oxnard/Ventura, California.
Moreno, A.R., Canner, J., Haffa, A. The Impact of Global Commercial Harvest on the Global Ocean Iron Cycle. Sanctuary Currents Symposium (April 2013). Seaside, CA
Orozco, B.Z. & Leininger, L.J. The Effect of a Worksite Health Promotion Program on Attitudes Towards Exercise. Southwest Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine (October 2013). Newport Beach, CA.
Sayad, B., Ramirez, M., Beavers, K. (2013). Addressing university students’ perceptions and levels of trust in human sexuality classrooms. California State University, Monterey Bay, Seaside, California.
Sigala, A., Tan, J., Kornfeld, K., Investigating the Role of Aging in Population Dynamics. Annual biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) (November 2013) Nashville Tn.
Smith, J.G., Waltz, G.T., Barnes, C.L., Needles, L.A., Starr, R.M., Wendt, D.E. The relationship of environmental conditions on the catch rates of nearshore fish species along the Central California Coast. Western Society of Naturalists (November 2013). Oxnard, CA.
Sommers LA, Stanton TP, Shaw W. Measuring Open Water Fraction and Floe Size Distribution In The Arctic Ocean Ice Pack Using High Resolution Satellite Images. SACNAS National Conference (October 2013). San Antonio, TX.
Sowul, K., Garza, C. Diver Based Versus Time-Lapsed Photographic Estimates of MPA Design Efficacy. Western Society of Nationalists Conference (November 2013). Oxnard, CA.
Snyder, A., Smith, D.P., Kvitek, R., Latham, B. Employing LiDAR and RTK GPS to Evaluate a Small Beach Nourishment in Southern Monterey Bay. American Geophysics Union Fall Metting (December 2013). San Francisco, CA.
Srednick, G.S., Garza, C.D. A Latitudinal Examination of Metacarcinus magister (Dungeness crab) Megalopae Recruitment through abiotic factor analysis on the Central California Coast. SACNAS National Conference (October 2013). San Antonio, TX, Western Society of Naturalists Annual Meeting (November 2013). Oxnard, CA
Takata, M., Jorgensen, S., Kanive, P., Chapple, T., Block, B., Anderson, S., Groth, L. Are We Connected? The Link Between White Shark Groups in the Northeastern Pacific. Western Society of Naturalists (November 2013). Oxnard, CA.
Tobosa, L.R. and Hurst, T.P. The effects of ocean acidification on growth rates of larval northern rock sole (Lepidopsetta polyxystra). Western Society of Naturalists (November 2013). Oxnard, CA.
Valdez, A., Seberg, H., Garner, C., McSteen, P. Mapping of the Sos2 Mutant in Maize. CUR Conference (October 2013). Washington, D.C.
Villalobos, C and Pierson, J. Hypoxic impacts on egg respiration rates of the copepod Acartia tonsa. Western Society of Naturalists (November 2013). Oxnard, CA.
Walkiewicz, J.A., Bassett, M.K., Lindholm, J.B., Distribution of Brachiopod (Brachiopoda) beds on the continental shelf of central California through ROV video imagery. Western Society of Naturalist Conference (November 2013). Ventura, CA.
Callaghan, M.E., Miner B. Should I Stay or Should I Go? Predator induced hatching-plasticity in nudibranch species. (February 2012). Salt Lake City, UT.
Diaz MF and Benbow ME. The Metabolic Diversity of Blow Fly (Lucilia sericata) Associated Bacteria. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Emerging Researchers National 2012. (February 23rd to February 25th) Atlanta, GA.
Diaz MF, Sreenivasan A, and Benbow ME. Examining the Carbon-level Metabolic Profile of Blow Fly Associated Bacteria. 2012 Beta Beta Beta Biology Honor Society District Convention (April 7th) Seaside, CA.
Diaz MF, Sreenivasan A, and Benbow ME. Examining the Carbon-level Metabolic Profile of Blow Fly Associated Bacteria. 2012 Beta Beta Beta Biology Honor Society National Convention (May 16th to May 20th) San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Jordan, W. Periodicity of 3-Element Subtraction Games. Joint Mathematics Meetings (January 2012). Boston, MA.
Kelly, S. (2012). Geomorphic change in the upper Carmel River: effects of the 2008 Basin Complex Fire. Utah State University, Logan, Utah.
Kramp, H., Lindholm, J., Knight, A. (2012). Distribution and Habitat associations of spotted ratfish (Hydrolagus colliei) in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. California State University Monterey Bay, Seaside, California.
Lopez EK, Gedan KB. Filtration capabilities of four bivalve species in the Chesapeake Bay. Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (February 2012). Salt Lake City, UT.
Pacheco, S., Sinha, M., Mangiagli, J. (2012, March) Teaching Across Difference: Two (and a Half) Generations of Feminist Oriented Research, Palm Springs, CA
Pillay, Rahul. Rationality With Cooperation: The Prisoner’s Dilemma. Capstone thesis. CSU Monterey Bay, 2012. Print.
Powell, M. N., Park, H., Greenfield, P. M., Manago, A., Individualistic and Familistic Values Within Families of Emerging Adults. Western Psychological Association Conference (April 2012). Burlingame, CA.
Ramsay, E.G., Worden, S., Graham, M. Rockweed: Limpet Paradise? Does adult Rockweed, Pelvetiopsis limitata, affect limpet abundance in the high intertidal overtime? Western Society for Naturalists Conference (November 2013). Oxnard, CA.
Roncase, E.J., Jenness, M., Murphy, A.S. The Identification of Regulatory Phosphate-Binding Sites on the Auxin Transport Protein ABCB19 in the Model Plant Arabidopsis thaliana. 2012 Beta Beta Beta Biology Honor Society National Convention (May 2012). San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Sayad, B., Lepore, G., Kirby, D., Ramirez, M. (2012). Putting Pleasure Back into Sexuality Education: Demonstration of a Sexual Health Curriculum. 2012 Western Region Meeting, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Los Angeles, California.
Vernon M. D., Los Huertos M. Investigating Nitrous Oxide Production: Using Nitrification and Denitrification Assays in Crop Specific Soil. National Society for Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences (March 2012). Atlanta, GA
Molecular Investigation of the invasive sponge Hymeniacidon sinapium from Elkhorn Slough. Timothy Fuller at The Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science on October 26, 2011 in San Jose, CA.
Effects of low oxygen on Pacific staghorn sculpins and Olympia oysters. Jenna Van Parys at The Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science on October 26, 2011 in San Jose, CA
Genetic identification of the tuna species via high-resolution melting analysis. Brynn Perales at The Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science on October 26, 2011 in San Jose, CA.
The addition of variable weight loads in warm-up has no effect on vertical jump. Joseph Berning and co-presented by Sarah Whiteford and Marcus Lawrence at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting in Denver, CO on May 31, 2011.
Effect on an overload warm-up on spring cycling power. Sarah Whiteford at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting in Denver, CO on May 31, 2011.
Developing a method to quantify jellies, prey of the critically endangered leatherback turtle, Dermochelys coriacea. Erin Frolli at the International Sea Turtle Society Symposium in San Diego, CA on April 12, 2011
Different habitat use may skew abundance measurements of native and invader blue mussels in the California hybrid zone. Mark Callaghan at the Annual Sanctuary Currents Symposium in Seaside, CA on April 9, 2011
Fish associations with small-scale topography in unconsolidated sediments. Larissa Clary at the Annual Sanctuary Currents Symposium in Seaside, CA on April 9, 2011
Fish observations at a shallow lagoon in Elkhorn Slough via an inexpensive camera system. Alin Gonzalez at the Annual Sanctuary Currents Symposium in Seaside, CA on April 9, 2011
Assessing invasiveness of the non-native kelp Undarie pinnatifida in Monterey Harbor. Sarah Jeffries at the Annual Sanctuary Currents Symposium in Seaside, CA on April 9, 2011
A comparison of cyanobacterial abundance and potential toxicity in two California coastal lakes. Kevin Johnson at the Annual Sanctuary Currents Symposium in Seaside, CA on April 9, 2011
Assessing salmonid passage through culverts in the Coast Dairies, CA. Sara Kelly and Colin Nicol at the Annual Sanctuary Currents Symposium in Seaside, CA on April 9, 2011
Habitat Associations of spotted ratfish, Hydrolagus colliel, in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Heather Kramp at the Annual Sanctuary Currents Symposium in Seaside, CA on April 9, 2011
Relationship between intertidal habitat complexity and ochre sea star, Pisaster ochraceus, abundance. Maren Mitch at the Annual Sanctuary Currents Symposium in Seaside, CA on April 9, 2011
Queretaro, Mexico: Emergence of violence and complex social system in La Sierra Gorda. Enrique Villa at the National Conferences on Undergraduate Research in Ithaca, NY on March 30, 2011
College students' attitudes about sexuality: An analysis of homophobia being a function of masculinity. Jesse Mangiagli at the Association for Women in Psychology in Philadelphia, PA on March 3, 2011
A comparison of cyanobacterial abundance and potential toxicity in two California coastal lakes. Kevin Johnson at Emerging Researchers National Conference in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics is hosted by the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, DC on February 24, 2011
Application of microfluidic chips to neuronal development. Jena Cleveland at the California State University Program for Education and Research in Biotechnology in Orange County, CA on January 6, 2011
Different habitat use may skew abundance measurements of native and invader blue mussels in the California hybrid zone. Maren Mitch at the California State University Program for Education and Research in Biotechnology in Orange County, CA on January 6, 2011
Effects on body size on pectoral fin growth of black surfperch, Embiotoca jacksonl, from Central California. Anthony Basilio at the Western Society of Naturalists Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA on November 11, 2010
Phylogenetic analysis of the bettle genus Trichiotinus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) using morphological and molecular data. Mark Callaghan at the Western Society of Naturalists Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA on November 11, 2010
Developing a method to estimate abundance of moon jellies, Aurelia spp., in surface waters off Central California. Erin Frolli at the Western Society of Naturalists Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA on November 11, 2010
Top-down effects of Carcinus Maenas in Bodega Bay, CA: Is there evidence of preference in feeding towards native species? Seth Keotke at the Western Society of Naturalists Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA on November 11, 2010
Baseline Survey of macroinfaunal invertebrate community at potential wave energy site off the Oregon coast. Elizabeth Lopez at the Western Society of Naturalists Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA on November 11, 2010
Relationship between intertidal habitat complexity and ochre sea star, Pisaster ochraceus, abundance. Maren Mitch at the Western Society of Naturalists Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA on November 11, 2010
College students' attitudes about sexuality: An analysis of homophobia being a function of masculinity. Jesse Magligali at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students in Charlotte, NC on November 10, 2010
Synthesis of tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor-1 and some analogs. Debbie Torres at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students in Charlotte, NC on November 10, 2010
Effects on body size on pectoral fin growth of black surfperch, Embiotoca jacksonl, from Central California. Anthony Basilio at the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science National Conference in Anaheim, CA on September 30, 2010
Phylogenetic analysis of the beetle genus Trichiotinus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) using morphological and molecular data. Mark Callaghan at the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science National Conference in Anaheim, CA on September 30, 2010
Pupal size during dispersal of the secondary screwworm, Cochliomyia macellaria (Diptera: Calliphoridae): Implications for forensic entomology. Michael Diaz at the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science National Conference in Anaheim, CA on September 30, 2010
Fish observations by school children: Recommendations for underwater camera deployment in Elkhorn Slough. Alin González at the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science National Conference in Anaheim, CA on September 30, 2010
Assessing anadromous fish passage through culverts in the Coast Dairies, CA. Sara Kelly at the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science National Conference in Anaheim, CA on September 30, 2010
Baseline Survey of macroinfaunal invertebrate community at potential wave energy site off the Oregon coast. Elizabeth Lopez at the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science National Conference in Anaheim, CA on September 30, 2010
Relationship between intertidal habitat complexity and ochre sea star, Pisaster ochraceus, abundance. Maren Mitch at the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science National Conference in Anaheim, CA on September 30, 2010
Production of Southern California earthquake center virtual display of objects (SCEC-VDO) displaying seismic risk of the eleven shakeout areas within California. Sarah Moreland at the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science National Conference in Anaheim, CA on September 30, 2010
Identification of Psedomonas cannabina pv. Alisalensis previously isolated from diseased crucifers in Australia. Isael Rubio at the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science National Conference in Anaheim, CA on September 30, 2010
Irrigation water is an unlikely source of inoculum of Psedomonas cannabina pv. Alisalensis. Stacy Mauzey at the Annual American Phytopathological Society Conference in Nashville, TN on August 7, 2010
Entrepreneurial migrants in the City of Marina. Enrique Villa at the National Conferences on Undergraduate Research in Missoula, MT on April 14, 2010
Variable effects of Ulva spp. on dissolved oxygen dynamics. Ryan Fura at the Sanctuary Currents Symposium in Monterey, CA on April 10, 2010.
Variable effects of Ulva spp. on dissolved oxygen dynamics. Elizabeth Johnson at the Sanctuary Currents Symposium in Monterey, CA on April 10, 2010.
Distribution of the blackeye goby, Rhinogobioips nicholsi, around temperate reefs along the Central Coast of California. Megan Kelly at the Sanctuary Currents Symposium in Monterey, CA on April 10, 2010.
Bathymetric features as predictors of elephant seal rookeries. Jessica Riggin at the Sanctuary Currents Symposium in Monterey, CA on April 10, 2010.
Matching data to user needs: An evaluation of three approaches to the collection of subsea videographic data. Katie Wrubel at the Sanctuary Currents Symposium in Monterey, CA on April 10, 2010.
Traditional and technologically-enhanced books: Infant/toddler's emergent literacy in low-income families. Amy Napoli at the Fordham Conference on Human Development in Bronx, NY on April 8, 2010.
Variability in effects of temperature and nutrients on kelp fertilization success: Is there a phylogenetic constraint? Sarah Jeffries at the XX International Seaweed Symposium in Ensenada, Baja, CA, Mexico on February 22, 2010.
Habitat selection of California Central Valley juvenile chinook salmon, Oncorhychus tshawytscha: Effects of temperature and food availability. Ryan Bassett at the annual Western Society of Naturalists Conference in Monterey, CA on November 12, 2009.
Development of watershed simulation model using the tarsier environmental modeling framework with application to the Carmel watershed in California. Jonathan Frame at the annual Western Society of Naturalists Conference in Monterey, CA on November 12, 2009.
Effects of physical dimensions on burn characteristics for 20 pines. Elizabeth Johnson at the annual Western Society of Naturalists Conference in Monterey, CA on November 12, 2009.
Diet of California sea lions, Zalophus Califronianus, in Monterey Bay during different oceanographic conditions. Lisa Webb, Chandra Baughman, and Erin Frolli at the annual Western Society of Naturalists Conference in Monterey, CA on November 12, 2009.
Matching data to user needs: An evaluation of three approaches to the analysis of subsea videographic data. Katie Wrubel at the annual Western Society of Naturalists Conference in Monterey, CA on November 12, 2009.
The addition of variable weight loads in warm-up has no effect on vertical jump. Kyle Winchell and Marcus Lawrence at the annual South West Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine Conference in San Diego, CA on October 22, 2009.
Effect of weighted jump warm-up on vertical jump in Division II male basketball players. Marcus Lawrence and Kyle Winchell at the annual South West Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine Conference in San Diego, CA on October 22, 2009.
No postactivation potentiation in Division II cross country runners after weighted vest jumps. Marcus Lawrence and Kyle Winchell at the annual South West Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine Conference in San Diego, CA on October 22, 2009.
Spatial distribution of tidal scour at Elkhorn Slough, CA: Impacts for estuary management. Alexis Hall at the annual Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science Conference in Dallas, TX on October 18, 2009.
Comparing individual growth rates of the common intertidal mussel, Mytilus californianus, along the Central Coast of California. Alison Jones at the annual Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science Conference in Dallas, TX on October 18, 2009.
Distribution of the blackeye goby, Rhinogobioips nicholsi, around temperate reefs along the Central Coast of California. Megan Kelly at the annual Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science Conference in Dallas, TX on October 18, 2009.
Tethered EGF increases early passage primary human mesenchymal stem cell proliferation and conservers multipotency in 3D β–TCP scaffolds. Adan Romero at the annual Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science Conference in Dallas, TX on October 18, 2009.
More money, more problems: Variations on the coin game puzzle. Tori Widowski at the Annual Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science Conference in Dallas, TX on October 18, 2009.
Matching data to user needs: An evaluation of three approaches to the analysis of subsea videographic data. Katie Wrubel at the annual Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science Conference in Dallas, TX on October 18, 2009.
Effect of overload spring cycling on subsequent power output. Marcus Lawrence at the annual National Strength and Conditioning Association Conference in Las Vegas, NV on July 7, 2009.
Comparison of geospatial classification techniques for classifying the spatial extent of Mytilus californianus, a key indicator species in rocky intertidal environments. Xerónimo Castañeda at the Benthic Ecology Conference in Corpus Christi, TX on March 4, 2009.