All Forms
125% Calculator
Excel table to provide an estimation of staff or faculty work to comply with CSU 125% policy
2024 Health Benefit Summary
2025 Health Rates Comparison Chart
Academic Personnel Calendar (2024-2025)
This PDF shows the process and deadlines for RTP, evaluations, leaves, and FERP for the 2023-2024 academic year
Academic Workday Calendar (2024-2025)
Accident Insurance Benefits Guide
Acknowledgement & Missed Premium AR Agreement
A form that acknowledges you received the benefits information and authorizes appropriate payroll deductions
Additional Employment Decision Tree
Document to help departments determine course of action for employment
Additional Employment Policy
Additional employment policy
Additional Employment Pre-Approval Form
Form must be submitted when staff or faculty are requesting additional employment
Additional employment pre-approval form routing (faculty)
Routing process for AEP form for faculty
Additional employment pre-approval form routing (staff)
Routing process for AEP form for staff
Additions and Deletions Worksheet
How to add or remove health, dental or vision coverage for an employee or dependent
Adobe digital signature job aid - Reader (Windows)
Job aid for Windows users to create, export, and import digital signatures for forms using Adobe Acrobat Reader XI.
Adobe digital signature job aid (Mac)
Job aid for Mac users to create, export, and import digital signatures for forms using Adobe Acrobat Pro X.
Adobe digital signature job aid (Windows)
Job aid for Windows users to create, export, and import digital signatures for forms using Adobe Acrobat Pro X.
Affidavit of Marriage or Domestic Partnership
In lieu of a marriage/domestic partnership certificate, use this affidavit form to certify your relationship for benefits.
Affidavit of Parent-Child Relationship
A form to enroll a dependent child, other than an adopted, step, or recognized natural child, in a health plan.
Anthem Claim Form
Anthem Member Claim form
APC CBA Evaluation Article
Article 18 of the APC collective bargaining agreement on performance evaluations
APC Evaluation Form (instructions on page 3)
Performance evaluation form for APC employees. See procedures on page 3.
Applicant Authorization & Release Form
Applicant authorization and release form
ASIFlex Card FAQs
FAQs for the flexible spending plan (FSA) card, also known as the ASIFlex card
ASIFlex Card Reference Guide
Reference guide for the FSA/ASIFlex debit card.
ASIFlex Eligible OTC Expenses
A quick list of eligible OTC expenses
ASIFlex HCRA Expense Planning Worksheet
ASIFlex Quick Guide 2020
Assignment of Work
Outline of order of work for faculty as per Article 12.29.
AY faculty payment schedule and benefits coverage
Dates for pay periods, paydays and benefit coverage
Background Check Form
Background check form
Beneficiary Information Update
How to update your beneficiaries for various benefits
Benefits and Leaves Program Summary
A chart indicating which employee classifications are eligible for which benefits and leaves programs
Calculation of Daily Rate
This memo provides updated formulas to calculate faculty daily rates for Special Consultant or Grant appointments.
California Casualty Information (Auto/Home/Renter's Ins.)
California Law Prohibits Workplace Discrimination and Harassment (DFEH 162)
California law prohibits discrimination and harassment
CalPERS Beneficiary Designation
Designate beneficiaries for CalPERS retirement
CalPERS beneficiary designation
CalPERS Reciprocal Self-Certification Form
CalPERS form for reporting other retirement systems
CalPERS Reciprocal Self-Certification form
CalPERS Retirement Plan 24/25 FY Contribution Formulas
Retirement formulas and contributions for different classifications
Campus Housing Flyer
This flyer describes CSUMB's employee housing
Candidate Evaluation Spreadsheet (template)
Spreadsheet to assist Talent Selection Committees in evaluating completeness of application.
Candidate Recommendation Form
Use this form when appointing new and returning temporary faculty employees
Catastrophic Leave Request
Catastrophic leave donation request
Chair-Dean Relationship
Handout of tips for creating a strong chair-dean relationship
Classification and Compensation Request Form
Classification and Compensation Request Form
Coach Evaluation Process Overview
A flowchart of the process for coach evaluations
Coast to Coast - CSU Systemwide Wellness Challenge
Community resources
A guide to local businesses, services, schools and more
Compensation guidelines - Staff
Compensation guidelines have been developed to provide a consistent framework for the effective and responsible administration of the staff classification and compensation programs to promote the recruitment, motivation and retention of a highly qualified work force.
Computer Vision Confirmation Form
Computer vision confirmation form
Confidentiality Agreement
Talent selection committee guidelines on confidentiality
Confidentiality/FERPA Form
A summary of confidentiality requirements
CSU Conflict of Interest Handbook
Critical Illness Benefits Guide
CSU Conflict Of Interest Disclosure Category Descriptions
CSU Contract Restrictions - Public Contract Code
Public contract code restrictions for CSU employees
CSU Employee Photography Release Form
CSU Employee Profile Brochure
CSU Employee Profile Photography Contest Invitation 2020
CSU General Benefits Eligibility Criteria
A listing of all CSU benefits and criteria to be eligible
CSU Voluntary Benefits Plans
Information for employees who are not eligible for core benefits through the CSU.
CSUEU (2,5,7,9) CBA Evaluation Article
Article 10 of the CSUEU collective bargaining agreement addresses performance evaluations
CSUEU & SUPA Evaluation form
Performance evaluation form for CSUEU and SUPA represented employees
CSUMB Equal Opportunity Policy Statement
CSUMB Policy Statement
CSUMB Department Chair Handbook
CSUMB Statement on Non-discrimination and Harassment Prevention in Employment and Education
CSUMB's statement on non-discrimination and harassment prevention in employment and education
Data Classification Information
Provides examples of Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 data classifications. Please note that the classifications are not limited to the examples provided.
DCRA / HCRA Enrollment Form (2025)
DCRA / HCRA Reimbursement Form
DCRA / HCRA reimbursement form
DCRA Expenses
Listing of eligible daycare expenses
Declaration of Health Coverage
Declaration of health coverage
Dental Benefit - SmileWay - Basic
Dental Benefit - SmileWay - Enhanced
Dental Claim Form
Dental Claim Form
Dental Group Numbers
Dental Plan Enrollment Form
Dental Plan Enrollment Form
Department chair best practices
Handout of department chair best practices
Department Chair Feedback Form
Form for providing feedback and evaluation of department chair
Designated Position-Disclosure Categories List
Diversity recruitment resources - HERC
A compendium of diversity resources compiled for the campuses participating in the Northern California Higher Education Recruitment Consortium.
Diversity recruitment resources - Part 2
A list of diversity resources by topic
Domestic Partner Tax Dependent Certification Form
E-verify notice in English
Federal law requires all employers to verify the identity and employment eligibility of all persons hired to work in the United States.
E-verify notice in Spanish
La Ley Federal le exige a todos los empleadores que verifiquen la identidad y elegibilidad de empleo de toda persona contratada para trabajar en los Estados Unidos.
Emeritus faculty award procedures
Explanation of process for awarding emeritus status
Empathia EAP Combined- CSU Monterey Bay Website Guide
Employee Action Request Form
Employee Benefits Summary
Employee Data Sheet
Employee data sheet
Employee Report of Accident, Incident, Illness
Employee Report of Accident, Incident, Illness
Employment Eligibility Verification (Form I-9)
Employment eligibility verification (Form I-9) **Form must be downloaded and opened using Adobe or similar PDF program; May not load in browser.**
Employment eligibility verification (Instructions)
Instructions on how to complete the Form I-9
Equal Opportunity is the Law (poster)
Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law
Executive Order 115 (EO115) Complaint Form
Executive Order 116 (EO116) Complaint Form
Executive Order 929
Reporting Procedures for Protected Disclosure of Improper Governmental Activities and/or Significant Threats to Health or Safety
Executive Order 930
CSU Drug-Free Workplace Policy
Executive Order 1083
Revised 7/21/2017 - Accessible version
Executive Order 1096
Systemwide Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation, Sexual Misconduct, Dating and Domestic Violence, and Stalking against Employees and Third Parties and Systemwide Procedure for Addressing Such Complaints by Employees and Third Parties (revised October 5, 2016)
Executive Order 1096 Complaint form
Executive Order 1096 Complaint form
Facts about sexual harassment (DFEH 185)
Facts about sexual harassment
Faculty Benefits Eligibility
A brochure describing how faculty, coaches and lecturers become eligible for benefits
Faculty outside employment disclosure form
Use this form to disclose outside employment, per Article 35 of the CBA
Faculty Recruitment Plan
Use this form to plan out your recruitment efforts and expenses
Faculty Return to In-Person Office Work
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)
Families First Coronavirus Recovery Act (FFCRA) Request Form
Family care and medical leave
Summary of your rights and obligations under the Fair Employment and Housing act
Faculty and Staff Fee Waiver Application
Faculty and Staff Fee Waiver Application
Fee Waiver Career Development Plan
A Career Development Plan must be completed at least once prior to the first semester of study under the Fee Waiver Program.
Fee Waiver Career Development Plan
Fee Waiver Career Development Plan Update
Fee waiver career development plan update
Dependent Fee Waiver Transfer Application
Fee waiver transfer for dependent
Fee Waiver Application for Non-Matriculated Student
Fee waiver application for non-matriculated student
FERP Application
Application to submit for consideration for Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP)
Final Pay Warrant Designation
Final Recruitment Report Checklist
Detailed checklist itemizing the required documents that must be submitted to UP after a tenure-line faculty recruitment
FlexCash Brochure
FlexCash Enrollment Form
FML Certification
Certification of healthcare provider for those employees eligible for a Family Medical Leave
Family Medical Leave (FML) frequently asked questions
FMLA monthly tracking form
FMLA monthly tracking form
For MPPs Only - Outside Employment Disclosure Requirements for MPP and Executive Employee
The CSU Policy for disclosure of outside employment
Form 700
Form 802 (Completed)
Signed and completed from 802 for Gifts to Agency
FPPC 2019/2020 Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests Reference Pamphlet
FPPC Frequently Asked Questions-Form 700 Disclosure
FPPC Limitations and Restrictions on Gifts, Honoraria, Travel and Loans Fact Sheet
FPPC Statement of Economic Interest-Form 700
FSA / ASIFlex debit card request
Application form for flexible spending account debit card (ASIFlex card)
Graduate Assistant Classification Standards
The classification standard for graduate assistants
Grant-related instructional faculty
Grant-related instructional faculty standards
HIPAA Privacy Notice
How medical information may be used and disclosed and how you can access this information
Hourly intermittent Voucher
Use this voucher to submit intermittent hours worked
Important Information about COBRA Coverage
Explanation of COBRA benefits
Independent Contractor Review Request Form
Independent Study Agreement
Use this form to request approval for an independent study
Information form
Information form containing citizenship information, authorization to receive pay warrants, emergency contact
Instructional Student Assistants
The classification standard for Instructional Student Assistants
Interfolio basics
Slideshow of Interfolio for faculty who would like to use Interfolio for RTP
Interfolio reviewers
Slideshow of presentation for individuals who will be reviewing RTP materials submitted through Interfolio
Job action form
Used to request a job change including a stipend or bonus
Job announcement template for tenure-line faculty
Use this template to create a new faculty job announcement
Labor law notices combined (Federal and California)
Official physical notices are posted in Human Resources - Tide Hall
Labor law notices (Contractor)
Official physical notices are posted in Human Resources - Tide Hall
Lecturer Annual Evaluation Form
The form to use when annually evaluating lecturers
Lecturer Cumulative Evaluation Form
The form to use when cumulatively evaluating lecturers
Lecturer Evaluations Criteria, Procedures and Calendar
These procedures supplement Article 15, Evaluation, of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)
Lecturer Peer Evaluation Form
Use this form to complete peer evaluations and classroom visitation
Lecturer Self Evaluation Form
Lecturers are not required, but highly recommended to complete a self-evaluation form
Letter from President Ochoa - Economic Impact of COVID-19 on CSUMB
Life Services Toolkit
Brochure summarizing the services provided by our life insurance benefit.
Market Salary Increase Application
Use this form to apply for a market salary increase
Application for market salary increase
Market Salary Increase Guidelines
How to apply for a market salary increase
Medical Leave Certification
Monitoring Additional Employment
Guidelines and job aids for monitoring and calculating additional employment up to 125%
Moving Into the Chair Role
Handout illustrating the difference between faculty and chair role
MPP Compensation Guidelines
Guidelines for MPP salaries
MPP Evaluation Form
Performance evaluation for MPP employees
MPP Evaluation Narrative Cover Sheet
Narrative cover sheet for MPP performance evaluations
MPP Outside Employment Disclosure Form
The disclosure form for MPPs
MPP Outside Employment FAQs
FAQs about the outside employment policy for MPPs and executives
MPP Position Justification
MPP Reconsideration Procedure
This procedure applies to MPP employees who request reconsideration of certain personnel decisions
Naming Conventions
Example of file naming conventions for Interfolio users
Nepotism Agreement Form
Agreement regarding employment relationship of immediate family members
Nepotism policy
Nepotism policy
New Employee Benefits Enrollment Worksheet
New employee enrollment worksheet
New Employee Paperwork Checklist
Check off all the items you will need to complete and bring on you first day
New health insurance coverage options and your health coverage
New health insurance coverage options and your health coveragw
New Hire Notice - Injuries Caused by Work
Explanation of what you are entitled to if you are injured at work. These are the pre-designation of physician forms.
Non-Faculty Special Consultant Guidelines
Explanation of the special consultant classification and procedures for assigning non-faculty special consultants
Non-Telecommuting Workers Leave Request Form
Notice of Workers Compensation Carrier
Notice of workers compensation carrier
Notice to Employees Posted by Order of the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB)
OptumRx Digital Tools Brochure
OptumRx Prescription Reimbursement Request Form
OSHA's Form 300A-U.S. Department of Labor Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses
Other Temporary Employee Appointments
Use this form for coaching faculty, librarians, and other bargaining unit employees.
Outside Employment Disclosure Form for Senior Management Employees
The disclosure form for Vice Presidents and above
Part-time faculty employment disclosure
Use this form to disclose total employment appointments within the CSU
Part-time faculty hiring process
Narrative outline of the steps for the applicant, Department, College, and Human Resources to follow when hiring new part-time, temporary faculty
Part-time faculty hiring process (overview)
Flowchart for hiring process of new part-time, temporary faculty
Part-time faculty paperwork checklist
Checklist outlining all required paperwork for new part-time, temporary faculty
Part-time faculty request to recruit and reference check form
Use this form to track the recruitment process and recommendations of part-time faculty positions
Payment Processing Form (Job Code 2403)
Payment Routing Process (Job Code 2403)
Flowchart for payment process for 2403 Payment Processing Form
Peer Review of Teaching Guidelines for Remote Classroom Observations
Performance evaluation procedures for MPPS
Performance evaluation procedures for MPPs
Performance evaluation procedures for represented and confidential staff
Performance evaluation procedures for represented and confidential staff
Performance evaluation process refresher
PPT presentation outlining the performance evaluation process for managers
Performance evaluation worksheet
An optional tool to assist you in rating the “Dimensions” section of the Evaluation
Person of Interest (POI) Form
A person of interest (POI) is a non-employee affiliate of CSUMB needing access to computers, facilities, training, or buildings.
Personal Data Form
Personal data includes legal name, addresses, etc
Policy acknowledgment checklist
An acknowledgment of having read the policies and notifications
Position description template - instructions
Job description instructions
Position Description Template - MPP
Job description template for MPP positions
Position Description Template - Staff
Job description template for staff positions
Positive Energy Ritual Form
Post-Retirement Employment Policy
Post-retirement employment policy
Post-tenure evaluation form
Tenured faculty members use this form for evaluating contributions after receiving tenure.
Pre-retirement reduction in timebase
Article 30 in the CFA collective bargaining agreement
Predesignation of a Personal Physician
Predesignation of personal physician
President's Academic Delegations
Listing of the authorities delegated by the President
President's Award Eligibility, Criteria, & Procedures
Attachment for Nomination Form with eligibility guidelines, criteria, and procedures for submission
President's Award Nomination Form
Form used to nominate staff, faculty, or MPP for the 2020 President's Award
The Professional Leave Salary Calculation
Promissory Note (Faculty)
Complete this promissory note prior to taking leave with pay
Questions to ask to help create a diverse applicant pool
Listing of questions to aid diversity in faculty searches
Quick reference list for use while evaluating employee performance
This quick reference provides dos and don'ts for evaluating employee performance.
Range elevation Application
Application for range elevation
Reconsideration Request Form
The form to request a reconsideration meeting regarding personnel actions for MPP employees
Recruitment - Committee Chair Job Aid
Step by step instructions for recruitment committee chairs
Recruitment - Committee Job Aid
Step by step instructions for using the recruitment system
Recruitment procedures for academic administrators
Step by step recruitment procedures for academic administrators (MPP)
Recruitment procedures for tenure-line faculty
Step by step recruitment procedures for tenure-track faculty for searches take place after AY 17-18
Recruitment summary form (Faculty)
Provides the detailed account of recruiting activities of the Talent Selection Committee for faculty searches.
Report an Issue
Report Improper Activity - Brochure
Whistleblower Brochure - Report Improper Activity
Report Improper Activity - Poster
Whistleblower Poster - Report Improper Activity
Request for Formal Leave of Absence
Request, modify, or cancel medical, personal, or professional leaves and leaves without pay
Request to Recruit for Tenure-Line Faculty
Use this form to request to recruit a new faculty or academic administrator position
Request to recruit (RTR)
Request to recruit (RTR) to initiate talent search for Staff and Management (MPP)
Resident director
Resident directors are appointed by the director of international programs and provide academic, administrative and fiscal supervision of an overseas study center
Resignation/Separation Form
Form for separating employees
Resources for Employees Affected By Layoff
Right to work notice in English
If you have the right to work, don't let anyone take it away
Right to work notice in Spanish
Si usted tiene derecho a trabajar, no deje que nadie se lo quite.
Rights of Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking
All employers are required to provide a Notice of Rights of Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking to all new employees and to existing employees when they request it.
RTP Clinical Faculty Standards
General FAQ about the 2011 FTP policy
RTP Library Standards
Standards and Criteria for Retention, Promotion and Tenure CSU Monterey Bay Library Faculty
Sabbatical and DIP Leave Application
Application for Sabbatical and DIP Leave
Sabbatical and DIP Leaves Terms and Conditions
Terms and conditions for sabbatical and DIP leaves. To be signed by the faculty member applying for leave.
Salary Table
Unit 3 Salaries at a Glance
Sample narrative for tenure track position
Tenure-line and academic MPP narrative template
Statement of Economic Interests Form 700 Instructions
Selected candidate narrative
Staff and management hiring narrative template
Self-evaluation form
Self evaluation form
Seven habits of successful chairpersons
Handout illustrating seven habits
Sexual harassment and sexual assault nontolerance
Skillchoice - Business catalog
Catalog for Skillchoice Business
Skillchoice - Desktop catalog
Catalog for Skillchoice Desktop
Skillchoice - IT catalog
Catalog for Skillchoice IT
Special Conditions of Employment
Special Conditions of Employment
Special Consultant Agreement
Special Consultant Agreement
Special consultant guidelines
Guidelines for special consultant employees
Student Assistant Classification Standard
Student Assistant Classification Standard
Student Assistant Guidelines
CO Tech letter HR2014-08
Student Employee Supervisor FAQs
Frequently asked questions for supervisors of student employees
Student Employee Time Adjustment Report
Job aid to adjust a student employee's time after payroll has been processed.
Student Employee Timesheet - Entry
Student employee job aid for completing timesheet entries in CMS.
Student Employment Guidelines
Step-by-step instructions on the student employee hiring process and how to complete the Student Employment Packet
Student Employment Packet
All forms that departments will need to complete when hiring student employees. Packet is multiple pages and will require scrolling to view forms for Unit 11 and non-Unit 11 employees. Please review the Student Employment Guidelines for help with completing this packet.
Student feedback on instructor and course
Students who are not completing electronic course evaluations may submit this feedback form
Student Trainee LAEP Certification Standards
Student Trainee On-Campus Work Study Classification Standards
Substitute Faculty Appointment Form
Use this MS Excel file to appoint substitute faculty
SumTotal--How to Register for a Curriculum
SumTotal--How to Self Assign a Training Course
SumTotal--How to Self Assign Defensive Driving
SumTotal--Printing Certificates
SUPA CBA evaluation article
Article 29 of the SUPA collective bargaining agreement on performance evaluations
Supervisor on-boarding checklist
On-boarding checklist for new employees which provides tasks and timeline for completion
Supervisors Report of Incident, Accident or Illness
Supervisors Report of Incident, Accident or Illness
Table of Responsibility for faculty leaves
Table of Responsibility for faculty medical and disability leaves
Teaching Associate classification
The classification standard for Teaching Associates
Teamsters & Confidential Evaluation form
Performance evaluation form for Teamsters & confidential employees
Teamsters CBA Evaluation Article
Article 12 of the Teamsters collective bargaining agreement
Technical Letters
Technical letters from the Chancellor's office summarizing and updating the features and provisions of the FERP program
Temp agency requisition form
Temp agency requisition form
Tenure-line faculty recruitment manual
Outlines the full process and procedures for tenure-line faculty, including hyperlinks to all documents and policies.
The Standard Enrollment Postcard - CSU
The Standard Insurance Co Beneficiary designation
The Standard Insurance Co beneficiary Designation
Time off to vote poster
Poster with information regarding time off for voting purposes
Transgender Rights in the Workplace
Travel Assistance Brochure
Unconscious bias workshop flyer
Flyer for workshop on 9/30/16 for faculty on unconscious bias and micro-aggressions
Unemployment insurance for academic employees
Technical letter HR/Benefits 2005-10 describing unemployment insurance benefits for academic employees
Unit 11 Summary of Appointments
Summary of Unit 11 appointments by Department and Classification filled in academic year 2018-2019
Use of university and private vehicles guidelines
CSU guidelines for use of vehicles
Veteran self-identification form
The university collects this information to measure the effectiveness of our outreach efforts.
Voluntary self-identification form
The university collects this data to assist in monitoring our diversity efforts.
Voluntary self-identification of disability
The university collects this information to monitor the effectiveness of our outreach efforts.
VSP Vision Evidence of Coverage (Basic)
Evidence of coverage booklet for coverage details
VSP Vision Evidence of Coverage (Premier)
VSP Vision Premier Enrollment Form
Form for enrollment in VSP Premier plan
VSP Vision Reimbursement Form
Vision reimbursement form
WC Medical Referral Form & Provider Contact Info
WC Medical Referral Form & Provider Contact Info
Where to file complaints
Overview of variety of complaint issues and possible actions that can be taken (not all-inclusive)
Whistleblower information - Blow the whistle on government fraud, waste and abuse memo
What to report and how to report it
Work Schedule Form
Work-Related Injury and Incident Procedures
Quick reference for what to do immediately following a work-related injury or incident
Workers Compensation Fact Sheet
Answers to your questions about permanent disability