Childcare Center
Since March 2009 CSUMB has partnered with Early Development Services (EDS) to provide quality, licensed, affordable childcare to the campus community. EDS has served the City of Seaside for nearly 13 years and is an NAEYC accredited agency. More information can be found on the EDS website.
The Center can serve 48 children. The Center is open year-round except for certain holidays and 3 teacher in-service days. Each classroom environment is set up to allow the children to choose their own activities. Children participate in large and small group activities designed for their developmental levels. Art, block play, books, music, puzzles, games, manipulatives, and outdoor play are available
The University Corporation oversees the Childcare Center ensuring the physical grounds are up to standard and the center meets compliance requirements.
The center is located at 5004 3rd Ave, Marina, CA 93933, and a campus map can be found here.
For additional questions please email:

The Childcare Center serves students, staff and faculty, then community members. Students have first priority, then staff and faculty are next in line, followed by community members. There is an active waitlist that is monitored closely to notify parents when a spot is open for their child.
The Childcare Center offers subsidized services as well as private pay options for those that are above the subsidized limit. See the breakdown Here.
The center can currently serve 48 children.
- Classroom enrollment allowability (based on funding)
- Infant: 9 subsidized, 3 private pay
- Toddler: 9 subsidized, 3 private pay
- Preschool (potty trained): 14 subsidized, 6 private pay
Currently the center serves 12 children ages 18 months to 3 years, and 24 children ages 3-5 years old (5 before August 31st). For 18 months to 3 years there is a 1:4 teacher child ratio. For children ages 3 years to 5 there is a 1:6/8 ratio.
The infant room is open and can serve 12 children ages 6 weeks to 18 months.
All the staff at Early Development Services have been carefully chosen for their knowledge, experience, and/or natural love of young children. They have been given thorough training on our philosophy and program. All EDS employees, including support staff, are fingerprinted, and checked for criminal background as required by law. All teachers and support staff are legally mandated child abuse reporters. If a staff member reasonably suspects that a child is the victim of child abuse or neglect, he/she is required by law to report it. Many staff members are college educated as well as certified in First Aid and CPR.
Hours of Operation/Schedule:
The center is open 12 months a year, Monday through Friday 7am to 5:30pm. They are closed the following holidays:
- MLK day
- Presidents Day
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth Day
- Fourth of July
- Labor Day
- Veterans day
- Thanksgiving day & Day after
- Winter Break (Week between Christmas day and New Years Eve)
There are also 3 teacher service days in August, which the dates are TBD yearly. They are closed one day in April and October announced yearly. The 3rd Wednesday of each month they close at 2:30pm.
Days of closure will not change the monthly amount you are billed. Early Development Services averages the cost of childcare throughout the entire year, including days the center is closed.
Registration Process:
There is a portal through the EDS website where parents can fill out an application to be on the waitlist. The portal can be found here.
The waitlist fluctuates based on room availability for specific ages. The number received when the form is filled out is not reflective of your number on the waitlist.
The transfer window for our other locations opens in May and June, during this time families at a different center (Seaside/Salinas) can request a transfer if we have the age appropriate space for their child and they are a CSUMB student or staff/faculty.
Waitlist order is as follows:
Subsidized pay employee
Nonsubsidized (private pay) employee
Community memberThe components of a quality infant/toddler curriculum are based on:
- Close, caring relationships with a primary caregiver
- Predictable routines and environments
- Home/Center connections
- Hands-on exploration and play in a safe, opportunity filled environment
The caregiver’s team with other caregivers and parents to provide consistent routines that are individualized for each child.
Infants and toddlers learn about their world through their senses, so caregivers plan environments and activities that encourage children to touch, taste, smell, listen, and interact in any way that meets that child’s need.
Early Development Services preschool program is a time to learn, gain social skills, and explore the world around them. Our preschool curriculum revolves around the children, their interests, and their abilities. Using careful observations, teachers identify what sparks the children’s interests, then set the environment and activities to expand the children’s interest and knowledge. Through the staff’s careful observations, they decide on learning goals, and subtly guide the children towards them using their interests as a utensil for education.