Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center

Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activity Spring Showcase

CSUMB's Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activity Showcase is a forum for both graduate and undergraduate students to share their research, scholarship, and creative work(s) within CSUMB and the surrounding community. Students, under the guidance of one or more faculty members within their department, or multiple departments for interdisciplinary projects, are eligible to submit a project a project to be considered for the showcase. All faculty-mentored research projects are welcomed!

See the House of Representatives establish National Undergraduate Week in 2011!

2025 Spring Showcase

Applications for the Spring Showcase that will take place on Friday, April 18th, 12-4pm in the Tanimura and Antle Family Memorial Library are now closed. Students will be notified in the next week about next steps. 

Be sure to save the date! Students from across all disciplines will share any research or creative work, completed projects and “works in progress”. The CSU SRC Competition delegates will also be presenting in preparation for the statewide competition.