Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activity Spring Showcase
CSUMB's Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activity Showcase is a forum for both graduate and undergraduate students to share their research, scholarship, and creative work(s) within CSUMB and the surrounding community. Students, under the guidance of one or more faculty members within their department, or multiple departments for interdisciplinary projects, are eligible to submit a project a project to be considered for the showcase. All faculty-mentored research projects are welcomed!
See the House of Representatives establish National Undergraduate Week in 2011!
2025 Spring Showcase
Applications for the Spring Showcase that will take place on Friday, April 18th, 12-4pm in the Tanimura and Antle Family Memorial Library are now closed. Students will be notified in the next week about next steps.
Be sure to save the date! Students from across all disciplines will share any research or creative work, completed projects and “works in progress”. The CSU SRC Competition delegates will also be presenting in preparation for the statewide competition.
Submissions must include:
- Your name, major, and your faculty mentor's name and departmental affiliation
- Project Title
- Project Abstract: 250 word limit
- Your abstract may include: 1) a short review of relevant literature, 2) a description of the process you used during your research, 3) any results that you have obtained so (not all abstracts will be able to include results because the research is ongoing --- this is fine), and 4) a discussion or conclusion.
- Check out our Abstract Format Guidelines for more support
- Your choice of presentation format: poster, oral presentation, creative or multimedia presentation, or CSU Student Research Competition (by invitation only).
- Any audiovisual equipment or disability accommodation needs (optional).
- Poster presentation of research (poster board presentation of research). Posters should be 42 inches x 36 inches.
- 10-minute Oral Presentation with 5 min Q&A -- individual and small groups (2-3); visuals recommended.
- Short Creative/ Multimedia Presentations (film, creative writing); 10 minute short film showings, readings of creative writing, or other creative works.
- CSU Research Competition Delegate Feedback Session (by invitation only to CSU delegates).
Oral Presentation Guidelines
Slide decks (Google, ppt) is the preferred format for the oral presentation.
Oral presentations will take place in person on April 18.
For the CSU Research Competition delegates, all will be required to give a 10-minute oral presentation followed by a 5-minute Q&A. Presentations will also take place on April 18.
Poster Presentation Guidelines
Posters will be displayed on the first floor of the library beginning April 8th and should be 42 inches x 36 inches. Landscape or portrait formats are acceptable.
If necessary, see UROC poster guidelines for information on how to convert your poster into a PDF appropriately.
Oral Presentations
Session 1 took place in the Tanimura & Antle Library Room 1173
Time Presenter(s) Mentor Title 12:05 René Aguilera & Nicolle Leon Steven Machek The Impact of MultipleAcute Turkesterone Doses on Serum Growth Hormone, Resting Metabolic Rate and Substrate Utilization 12:20 Brielle Liske Arun Jani Carbon and Nitrogen Mineralization from Oat and Fava Bean Residues in Community Garden Beds 12:35 Damaris Ispache Dr. Arun Jani Paper circular chromatography: A qualitative tool for soil health assessments 12:50 Nelsy Montes-Romero Ignacio Navarro Assessing Health Information Materials to Improve Health Literacy in Minority Communities: Inter-rater Reliability Analysis of a CLAS Standards Rubric 1:05 Kiley Appleby & Amanda Gutierrez Jennifer Lovell Is there a healthy way to be addicted to your phone? 1:20 Alo Wilson, Moncerat Navarro Carpio, Mikayla Castillo, & Jourdan Garnier Christine Rosales Envisioning Collective Action: Seaside Community Action Teams 1:35 Kyle Parker & C Mazariegos Jennifer Dyer-Seymour The Assessment of Student Writing in Advanced Research Methods in Psychology 1:50 Mackenzie Caprino Cheryl Logan Correlating Thermal Tolerance with Symbiont Community Type of Galápagos Pavona clavus 2:05 Alora Skustad Sherry Palacios Surf’s Up: The Integration of Surfing and Science 2:20 Moana Bullock Sherry Palacios Environmental Microplastic Biodegradation and Feeding Bias in an Invasive Crustacean (Procambarus clarkii) at the Terrestrial-Marine Interface Session 2 took place in the Tanimura & Antle Library Room 1180
Title Presenter(s) Mentor Title 12:05 Oscar Murillo-Espinoza Jim Brown Arithmetical structures on canoe paddle graphs 12:20 Alyssa Walter Salvador Jorgensen Phenology of Cryptic White Shark Mating Inferred From Mating Scars 12:35 Marina Jimenez & Ilia Borromeo Alison Haupt Exploring the Recovery of the Pismo Clam (Tivela stultorum) in the Monterey Bay 12:50 Connor Quiroz John Olson The California Red-legged frog, Rana draytonii, Habitat: Defining and Predicting their Current and Future Ranges 1:05 Margaret Falknor Eric Martin Testing the Reliability of a Modified Spider Test for Pickleball 1:20 Matt Ritchey Eric Martin Neuromuscular Fatigue in Pickleball 1:35 Jissel Antonio Chrissy Hernandez Uniendo Nuestras Voces: A Study of Collective Experiences of Oppression in Schools 1:50 Maria Corral Cervantes & Aislynne Chappell Jennifer Dyer-Seymour Unveiling the Connection Between Parents' Education and First-Generation Psychology Alumni's Choice of Higher Education or Workforce 2:05 Sarina Regis & Katelyn Huie McKenzie Floyd Trend identification in x-ray diffraction peaks of historic cartridge cases from Fort Ord, CA Poster Presentations
Tanimura and Antle Library, 1st and 2nd Floor. Poster Session 1: Odd Poster Numbers, 2 - 3 p.m.; Poster Session 2: Even Poster Numbers, 3 - 4 p.m.
Poster # Presenter(s) Mentor Title 1 Aline Tuzan Corin Slown Understanding the state of Marine Science education and the impact of outreach on Elementary students and their choices later in life. 2 Riley Moulton, Paola Cabezas, & Hailey Christian Frank Macabenta Investigating the role of bantam microRNA in promoting Drosophila muscle precursor homeostasis 3 Michael Torrisi Salvador Jorgensen An examination of the ontogenetic shift of White Shark prey preference from fishes to pinniped marine mammals 4 Martin Gil, Josie Wrinkle, & Lilah Wise Alison Haupt Annual Urchin Recruitment Along the Monterey Coast 5 Clark Lee Salvador Jorgensen Integrating Machine Learning to Identify Copepods on Sharks 6 Anne Hansen Sherry Palacios Shining a light: Measuring Light Absorption and Irradiance through Eelgrass, Zostera marina, Meadows 7 Curtis Bireley Arun Jani Evaluating Diverse Baby Greens Germplasm For Drought Tolerance And Nitrogen Responsiveness 8 Aubriana Bernhardt Arun Jani Sustainability Indexing: An Ecosystem Perspective on Agricultural Sustainability 9 Alex Rodriguez Arun Jani Testing Plant-Based Carbon Nanoparticles on Arugula for Improved Yields and Nitrogen Recovery 10 Samantha Kozlo & Annabelle Norman Arlene Haffa & Stephanie Kortman Characterizing Nitrous Oxide-Producing Archaea in Soil : Genomic Analysis of Sustainable Practices 11 Amira Colon Alana Unfried National Trends in Undergraduate Statistics and Data Science Courses from a Stratified Sample 12 April McCoy Maria Bellumori The gut microbiome: effects on and links with ADHD and Parkinson’s disease 13 Ella Johnston Babita Gupta Exploring College Students’ Awareness of the Environmental Impact of Cloud Computing Technologies and their Sustainability 14 Jamie Booth, Genelle Watkins, & Bibi Narebor Exploring The Identities And Social Interactions of Black Students at CSUMB 15 Nathan Salow Jill Yamashita The Relationship between Extraversion and Face Recognition 16 Diana Mendoza Danielle Burchett Exploring the Potential for Bias Against Individuals with Thought Dysfunction in the Assessment of Symptom Overreporting 17 Madison Loewen McKenzie Floyd Trend identification of historical bullet casing chemical compositions on Fort Ord, CA 18 Neahkanie Hunt-Conley Robert Majzler The Effectiveness of Reentry Programs: Monterey County 19 Esme Schwerin & Michelle Katuala Mrinal Sinha Latinx Educational Success: Identifying Obstacles 20 Autumn Day Justin Matthews Face-ism and Gaze Among Neuroscience Faculty Representations 21 Casey Johnson Jill Yamashita Dynamic Superiority Effect on Short-term Memory 22 Saba Shah Rob Weisskirch How parents assess the risks of technology use in their children 23 Sofia Campos & Jhoana Morales-Lopez Jennifer Dyer-Seymour Exploring the Chance Events that Influence the Career Paths of First-Generation and Continuing-Generation Psychology Alumni 24 Yeritzi Victoria Rebecca Pozzi Bilinguals and their tip of the tongue (TOT) rates. 25 Nicholas Zuniga, Efrain Ramirez, Elizabth Anaya, Natalie Gilbert, & Dennah Eritzian Jennifer Lovell Get off your screen - go outside! Students explore how to utilize class break for well-being 26 Liberty Allen, Alison Jensen, Sofia Campos, & Heaven Smith Jennifer Dyer-Seymour What do CSUMB Psychology Alumni have to say to current undergrads? Take a piece of advice from a former otter. 27 Melanie Abarca, Kimberly Smith Jennifer Lovell Screen-time Solutions: Assessing the Link Between Screen-time Wellness and Academic Self-efficacy 28 Psychology 355/Bilingual Cognition Fall 2023, Yeritzi Victoria, Dolores Marquez, Sara Jew, Samantha Ulloa, Reina Yorba-Rico, Edward Nelson, and Harmony Perna Renee Penalver The Impact of Bilingualism on False Memory and Source Memory 29 Psychology 355/Bilingual Cognition Fall 2023, Yeritzi Victoria, Dolores Marquez, Sara Jew, Samantha Ulloa, Reina Yorba-Rico, Edward Nelson, and Harmony Perna Renee Penalver The Impact of Bilingualism on False Memory and Source Memory 2023
The Spring Showcase took place on April 21, 2023 from 12:00 - 4:00 p.m. in person at the Tanimura & Antle Library. Please view our Spring Showcase Program for student research abstracts.
Oral Presentations, 12 - 2:20 p.m.
Session 1 will take place in the Tanimura & Antle Library Room 1173
Time Presenter Mentor Title 12:05 Christian Martinez Alison Haupt The Spawning Patterns of the Purple Urchins 12:20 Anne Hansen Sherry Palacios Starting at the Source: Increasing Accessibility of Seagrass Ecology through Source-to-Source Compiling 12:35 Emily Vidusic Alison Haupt A comparison of Multiple Methods to Measure Purple Sea Urchin Population Densities within the Monterey Peninsula Intertidal 12:50 Ellery Charleton John Olson Macroinvertebrate Comparison in the Dry Salinas River at Sites With and Without Arundo 1:05 Katie Hermann Gerick Bergsma Follow the Feeder: A Look at Western Gulls' Foraging Relationships with Sea Otters Session 2 will take place in the Tanimura and Antle Library Room 1176
Time Presenter(s) Mentor Title 12:05 Gabriel Morales Juan Jose Gutierrez Resilience Demonstrated Through Community Cultural Wealth: How Latino Students Persist in Higher Education With the Case of California State University, Monterey Bay 12:20 Leila Ashman, Samantha Camacho, Stela Apostolova Christine Rosales A Rhetorical Analysis of White Supremacist Moves to Innocence 12:35 Berenice Lemus Shaowen Hua Developing and Assessing a Framework for Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Monitoring Concerning RPA in Audit Tasks 12:50 Adam Dean Nathaniel Jue The Effects of Soil Microbiome on the Nutrient Content of Tomatoes 1:05 Malcom Tunnell, Lyrik Hampshire, Audrey Jones, Anastasia Swann, Giles Johnson Nathaniel Jue, Dennis Kombe The Effectiveness of University Student Resources for Black Students at CSU Monterey Session 3 will take place in the Tanimura and Antle Library Room 1180
Time Presenter(s) Mentor Title 12:05 Angelica May Amita Jenny Lin Social Impacts of Co-Branding and Public Service Announcements Messaging 12:20 Devon McCauley Kelly Medina-Lopez Adoption as Ongoing Settler Colonialism: A Genealogy of Severance and Domination 12:35 Kimberly Smith, Rosa Acevedo Duran Jennifer Lovell Understanding Youth Mental Health Needs Through Participatory Action Research 12:50 Kiki (Vasiliki) Iden Alana Unfried Modeling the Majority: Bridging Practicality with Purpose 1:05 Isaak Haberman Alison Haupt Disparities in Drivers of Subtidal and Intertidal Sea Urchin Reproductive Capacity 1:20 Paige Siegel Alison Haupt Mapping the Stars: Understanding the Spatial Variability of Sea Stars along the Monterey Peninsula 1:35 Pepper St. Clair Simon Titen Analysis of Antibiotic Pressure on Conjugation Efficiency of Antimicrobial Resistance Genes in E. Coli 1:50 Alexandra Yokomizo John Olson Revealing How Wildfires Can Affect River Sediments and Chemistry During Droughts and After Precipitation 2:05 Mikaela Kirkpatrick, Jherrica Phillips Eric Martin Effect of Extended Run Time on Load-Voltage Relationship in S-Type Load Cells 2:20 Savannah Saldana John Olson Effects of Arundo donax Removal on Aerial Invertebrates Along the Salinas River, Monterey County, CA Poster Presentations
Tanimura and Antle Library, 1st and 2nd Floor. Poster Session 1: Odd Poster Numbers, 2 - 3 p.m.; Poster Session 2: Even Poster Numbers, 3 - 4 p.m.
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Department of Psychology
Poster # Presenter(s) Mentor Title 1 Nevan Bell Jennifer Lovell Exploring Positive and Negative Experiences of Campus Policing Among Students, Staff, and Faculty 2 Monica Gutierrez, Diana Mendoza Danielle Burchett The Importance of Reproducibility and Replicability in Psychological Assessment Research 3 Grace Quinowski Danielle Burchett Examining the Initial Elevation Phenomenon with MMPI-2 and MMPI-2-RF Items Administered in a Forensic Inpatient Setting 4 Kaitlyn Wilyard, Vanessa Cruspero Christine Rosales Colleges are Not Meeting Students Basic Needs College of Education
Department of Education and Leadership
Poster # Presenter(s) Mentor Title 5 Jamie Booth, Liyah Marie, Bibi Narebor, Rosa Gonzalez Mojarro, Leahana Venezuela, Cottrell Ealy Dennis Kombe Black Student Experiences at Different Types of Higher Education Institutions College of Health Sciences and Human Services
Kinesiology Department
Poster # Presenter(s) Mentor Title 6 Michiel Breen, Nia Howard Steven Machek, Kent Adams Wrist Wrap Type and Sex Impacts on Bench Press Muscular Endurance and Associated Perceptual Indices 7 Alyssa Chappel, Stephanie Mercado, Tianna Wehby Maria Bellumori One Year Effects Of Rock Steady Boxing Exercise in Parkinson's Disease 8 Citlaly Jauregui, Rene Aguilera Steven Machek, Kent Adams Wrist Wrap Type and Sex Impacts on Grip Strength, Pushup Power, and Associated Subjective Stability 9 Tianna Wehby Sara Powell Identifying Implicit Bias of Kinesiology Students Related to Special Populations in Physical Activity Settings College of Science
Department of Applied Environmental Science
Poster # Presenter(s) Mentor Title 10 Aleah Adame, Tobias Osborne, Madison Moreno Victoria Derr Sustainability Literacy Assessment 11 Michelle Cone Daniel Fernandez Ground Truthing of MODIS GA V6 Satellite Fog Data with Standard Fog Collectors along the Central California Coast 12 Emily Donahue Simone Baumann-Pickering Fish Choruses in Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary 13 Nicole Lucha, Elise Vasquez Stefanie Kortman Comparing Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Fumigant and Alternative Soil Pathogen Management Practices in Commercial Strawberries, Watsonville, California 14 Connor Quiroz Peter Kourtey Causing a Stir in Northern Pitcher Plants (Sarracenia purpurea) 15 Hayli Stewart, Danijela Jozinovic Daniel Fernandez Comparative Mesh Measurements of Fog Water Collection Department of Biology and Chemistry
Poster # Presenter(s) Mentor Title 16 Curtis Bireley, Damaris Ispache Arun Jani Evaluating Small-Seeded Fava Bean Genotypes for Biological Nitrogen Fixation and Biomass Production 17 Aubriana Bernhardt Arun Jani Baby Greens Root Growth and Morphological Response to Carbon Nanoparticles 18 Nicholas Weinman Arun Jani Carbon Nanoparticle Added to Arugula for Improved Nitrogen Recovery 19 Sean Gleavy Arun Jani Carbon Nanoparticle Addition to Fertilizer Improve Lettuce Yields and Nitrogen Recovery 20 Alma Leon Maria Laura Habegger Does Head Dimorphism Lead to Higher Bite Force in Mahi Mahi (Coryphaeana hippurus) Males? 21 Zachary Vayder, Anastasia Swann, Monica Urias Liz Alter The Genetic Mysteries in Chelaethiops Fishes of the Congo River 22 Conor Rickard Arlene Haffa Assessing How Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Compost Impact Soil Metagenomics School of Computing and Design
Poster # Presenter(s) Mentor Title 23 Cameron Oakley Sam Ogden Exploring Mitigation Strategies for Common MANET Network Layer Attacks Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Poster # Presenter(s) Mentor Title 24 Monica Aguayo, Samantha Fischer, Amira Colon, Lily Vang Alana Unfried Building a Sampling Protocol and a National Database for Educational Research in College-Level Statistics and Data Science Courses 25 Sierra Fishman Alana Unfried MASDER Project E-SOMAS Instrument 26 Cody Leporini Alana Unfried Automation of Personalized Reports: Effective Communication Through Data Visualization 27 Micah Ford Kendall Alana Unfried The Elusive Random Sample: Study Showing Convenience Sampling Leaves a Number of Groups Underrepresented Communication Across the Disciples
Poster # Presenter(s) Mentor Title 28 Olivia Equinoa, Dana O'Donnell Kristjan Bondesson Exploring Student Experiences with Non-Traditional Grading Practices in Writing Courses Koret Scholars
Poster # Presenter(s) Mentor Title 29 Alexandra Aboukhater Jill Yamashita Bilinguals and Monolinguals Facial Recognition 30 Sofia Christofi, C Mazariegos Jennifer Dyer-Seymour Are Students Ready for the Workplace? Student and Employer Perceptions on Essential Skills 31 Neahkahnie Hunt-Conley Sriya Shrestha The Effectiveness of The Prison Industrial Complex and Reentry Programs: Is Abolition the Answer? 32 Alison Jensen Kevin Grobman Sex Education, Moral Foundations, & the Current Culture Wars 33 C Mazariegos, Sofia Christofi Jennifer Dyer-Seymour Do They Get The Job?: Undergraduates' Perceptions of Skills and Qualifications on Resumes 34 Kyle Parker, Maria Navarro Jennifer Dyer-Seymour How Have Students' Perceptions of their Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Changed During the Covid-19 Pandemic? 35 Nathan Salow Jill Yamashita Examining Face Perception using Extraversion 36 Sydney Utley, Alo Wilson, Uriah Toussant Chrissy Hernandez Community-Based Curriculum Development: Localization of Ethnic Studies in Salinas Union High School District McNair Scholars
Poster # Presenter(s) Mentor Title 37 Damaris Ispache Arun Jani Evaluating Diverse Fava Bean Genotypes for Above and Below-ground Biomass Production and Nitrogen Accumulation Potential in the Salinas Valley
38 Rosa Acevedo, Kimberly Smith, Aliyah Castillo, Sherlyn Flores-Magadan Jennifer Lovell Desires and Challenges for Seeking Mental Health Support Among Latinx High School Students
39 Jhoana Morales, Maria Fernanda Corral Cervantes, Sofia Campos Jennifer Dyer-Seymour Alumni Study
40 Kimberly Smith, Rosa Acevedo Duran Jennifer Lovell Comparing Adolescent Mental Health between 2020 and 2022: A Youth Participatory Action Research Project
41 Yeritzi Victoria, Sara Jew, Sam Ulloa, Thuytien Nguyen, Selena Achi Renee Penalver The Impact of Social Interaction on Communities of Color Experiencing Cognitive Decline
42 Yeritzi Victoria, Melissa McGinnis Danielle Burchett The Importance of Examining the Comparability of Psychological Tests Across Languages
43 Efrain Ramirez, Ingrid Romero, Monica Gutierrez Danielle Burchett The Importance of Identifying Invalid Data in Psychological Assessment Research
Apple Scholars
Poster # Presenter(s) Mentor Title 44 Elliot Shabram Samuel Ogden Rethinking Mobile Ad-hoc Networks With Security and Privacy In Mind 45 Skye Cardoza Cheryl Logan Assessing the Potential for Rapid Adaptation to Climate Change in Rockfish 2022
Oral Presentations, 1-3:20 p.m.
Session 1 will take place in Suite 2159. Moderated by Dr. Jessica Bautista & Dr. John Banks.
Time Presenter Mentor Presentation Title 1:02 Matt Dunham Alana Unfried Pilot 2: Further development and psychometric analysis of the Student Survey of Motivational Attitudes Towards Statistics 1:15 Michael Haidar Glenn Bruns Understanding Representation Space of Memories via Deep Learning 1:28 Korina McKinley* Chrissy Hernandez The Localization of History and Civics in Salinas Ethnic Studies Classrooms 1:41 Summer Alinaeem Joe Miller Assessing small mammal species diversity and richness given habitat type at Fort Ord Natural Reserve: Tiny creatures big impacts Break 2:00 Maggie Seida Steve Moore ROV Lighting for Underwater 3D Modeling 2:13 Alexandra Yokomizo John Olson Revealing how wildfires can affect river sediments and chemistry during droughts 2:26 Annie Jones Sara Salazar Hughes Greenwashing Settler Colonialism: the Case of Israel’s 2018 UN Climate Change Report 2:39 Jace Innis Sherry Palacios Deep learning ocean conditions to predict shellfish toxicity in the Philippines 2:52 Emily Locke-Paddon JP Dundore-Arias Characterization and Control of Pythium Wilt 3:05 Morgan Raimondo JP Dundore-Arias Optimization of Methods for Assessing Pathogen Inhibition Activity of Soilborne Streptomyces from the Salinas Valley Session 2 will take place in Suite 2178. Moderated by Natasha Oehlman.
Time Presenter Mentor Title 1:02 Jocelyn Chavez-Diaz Lamar A. Graham Bilingual Heritage Speakers and Their Formed Ethnic Identity in the United States 1:15 Nyah Edington Dennis Kombe Kin Folk vs Skin Folk 1:28 Brianna Saucedo* Angeline Nariswari Consumer Financial Vulnerability and Predatory Lending 1:41 Lucas Bugarin Rebecca Pozzi "Nobody uses that here": Case studies of students' development of sociolinguistic competence in Argentina Break 2:00 Nevan Bell** Jennifer Lovell Campus Perceptions of Policing and How to Improve Sense of Safety 2:13 Gagandeep Choongh** Jenny Lin Respect the Culture: A Case Study on Conducting Cross-Cultural Research 2:26 Rachel Frese** Maria Bellumori Rock Steady Boxing Exercise Both Maintains and Improves Physical Function in People with Parkinson's Disease. 2:39 Erika Hernandez-Gonzalez* ** Jenny Lin Green skepticism: Examining the role of social media influencers on consumer attitudes towards green brands 2:52 Ellre Villanueva-Anchera & Lauren Frey** Nicole Reichhart The Effects of Near-Peer Mentorship on Aspiring Physician Assistant Student Confidence 3:05 Spencer Winter** Zurine De Miguel Speckled Sanddab Cell Proliferation During Adult Neurogenesis *Denotes Koret Scholars
**Denotes CSU Student Research Competition Delegates
Poster Presentations, 3 - 4 p.m.
1st Floor - College of Science
Presenter(s) Mentor Title Alyssa Walter Kayla Roy Shell Loss in Red Abalone Ánh Cao Victoria Derr Green Technologies in Green Schools Aleah Adame Joe Miller Analyzing the Effects of Urbanization on Species located on UCSCs’ Fort Ord Natural Reserve Gabriela Lopez Alana Unfried Is the MASDER national sample from Fall 2021 S-SOMAS representative of the population of all introductory statistics students in the US? Keyoni McNair Joshua Gross Understanding Computer Science Students through their Non-Computer Science Interest Zachary Vayder, Bryan Gopez, & Lizbeth Navarro-Aceves Liz Alter Genetic diversity in fishes (log suckers in the genus Garra) of the lower Congo River Christian Morris Lipika Deka A generating function for the number of tableaux of a specific modular major index, given only the λ and gcd(n, m) of a SYT. Monica Urias Josh Beasley & Jennfer Duggan Monitoring movement and habitat preference of local amphibians along trails in the Fort Ord National Monument and the UCSC Fort Ord Reserve Nicholas Romero Sherry Palacios Remote sensing survey of phytoplankton size class in the California Current Ecosystem at different ENSO phases Taylor Trivino Larry Crowder The Policy Safety Net of Highly Migratory Marine Species within Ecuador Annabelle McCarthy Jennifer Duggan Oak Titmouse Nesting Success when using Nest Boxes in Urban Greenspaces Isaiah Woodard Gerick Bergsma Effects of Baccharis pilularis occupation on grassland bird habitat use within Fort Ord National Monument Connor Rickard Dan Fernandez Prediction of Evening Fog Based on Daily Weather Variables, Marina California Daniel Jacoby, Aaron Helman, & Austin Folster Joshua Gross Demonstrating Computational Complexity by using Draculog to Examine Energy Efficiency 2nd Floor - College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; College of Business; College of Health and Human Services
Presenter(s) Mentor Title Jennifer Berberian* Vanessa Lopez-Littleton Advancing Critical Consciousness to Erase Anti-Black Racism for Equity Advocates Kyle Parker* & Maria Navarro* Jennifer Dyer-Seymour Exploring A Post-Pandemic World: Assessing CSUMB Students' Competencies During COVID-19 Megan Dearie* Jennifer Dyer-Seymour Students' Perception of How Much They Have Learned is Associated with Professors' Explanation of Learning Outcomes Sofia Christofi* & Cecilia Mazariegos* Jennifer Dyer-Seymour Do They Get the Job?: Undergraduates’ Perceptions of Job Applicants’ Qualifications on Resumes. Brenda Alfaro* Babita Gupta Social Media Technologies and Sustainable Environment: Exploring the Awareness of College Students About the Impact of their Social Media Use on the Environment Rosa Acevedo Duran & Kimberly Smith Jennifer Lovell Concerns and Hopes for Interracial Dialogue Among Campus Leaders Amanda Young Vanessa Lopez-Littleton The 2nd Annual Monterey County Youth Summit: Race to Equity: Journey to Radical Self-Love Joseph Ruiz, Brooklyn Greene, & Zah-Rah Latour Vanessa Lopez-Littleton Disparities Experienced by African American Communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic Priscilla Amao* & Alexa Noriega Mrinal Sinha How students use Community Cultural Wealth to excel in academia Lesley Rocha* Sharon Hua/Jenny Lin Can female CEOs win the game in a big boy’s industry? Exploring the effect of industry’s gender stereotype on female CEO appointments Stephanie Stephens Vanessa Lopez-Littleton Community Cookbook Saray Garcia & Angelica May Amita Jenny Lin/Angeline Nariswari Should Brands Make Sustainable Claims? The Role of Green Identity and Locus of Control Nikole Babcock Shannon Snapp A Theory of Safety Spectrum: How LGBTQ+ Young Adults Navigate Personal Risk in App-Based Hookups Gennelle Watkins Vanessa Lopez-Littleton Overcoming Organizational Apathy to Erase Anti-Black Racism in a Nonprofit Organization *Denotes Koret Scholars
Oral Presentations - Moderated by Eric Barajas
Student Presenter(s) Presentation Title Krissi Alari A Tutorial of Bland Altman Analysis in A Bayesian Framework Daniella Spina Revising the U.S. Fisheries Management Policy Framework to be More Compatible with Evolving Technologies in Service of Sustainable Fisheries Kevin Pilotzi Comparing Positions for Handgrip Dynamometry Annabelle McCarthy Oak Titmouse Nesting Success when using Nest Boxes in Urban Greenspaces Charles Scrivner Spectral Convolution of PHYDOTax Inversion Algorithm for Lower Resolution, Satellite-borne Visible Spectral Radiometry. Morgan Raimondo and Gloria Greenstein SARS-CoV-2 Biochemical Properties and Interactions that may disrupt cellular signaling and the reoxidation of cytochrome P450 Isaiah Woodard The impacts of grazing management on avian community composition and behavior in the James K. Herbert Wetland Prairie Preserve Xenia Enriquez and Korina McKinley The Localization of History and Civics in Salinas Ethnic Studies Classrooms Koret Scholar Presentations - Moderated by Dr. Jessica Bautista
Student Presenter(s) Presentation Title Darchelle Burnett Comparison of Afro Indigenous to African American and Native American student research models in Higher Education Monica Urias Women, Children, & Sustainability: How climate change and global sustainability affect women's beliefs, feelings, and concerns about their participation in raising children Hana Jacinto Second Language Auditory Discrimination in Japanese by English Native Speakers Xochitl Saldana Hooking up as a pathway for sexual identity development Michael Haidar Using EEG recordings and convolutional neural networks for document retrieval Arlene Diazleal Student-Parent Tailored Resource List Megan Dearie and Rodi Edil Psychology Students Awareness of MLO’s in Framing Desired Skills and Knowledge Darchelle Burnett, Juday Young, Cobey Davis, and Marcus Garrett Faculty-Student Relationships: An Indicator of Black Student Belonging and Engagement at a Minority Serving Institution? Jennifer Lopez Abolitionist Practices in Social Work Stephanie Stephens Findings from the Everyone’s Harvest Research Team Asgton Stephenson A biological link between SARS-CoV-2 infection and depression Paula Beltran and Jennifer Berberian Advancing Critical Consciousness to Erase Anti-Black Racism for Equity Advocates Poster Presentations - Moderated by Dr. Corin White and Dr. Heather Haeger
Student Presenter(s) Presentation Title Angelica May Amita A Preliminary Analysis of Messaging in Anti-Domestic Violence Ads Daniel Jacoby, Aaron Helman, and Ed Garcia The Relationship between Computational Complexity and Energy Efficiency of Common Algorithms Siana Fields, Brooklyn Greene, Zah-Rah Latour, and Anthony Mckay “I still managed to get through it”: COVID-19, Resiliency and the Black Student Experience Nevan Bell and Courtney Crouse Students’ Perceptions of a Digital Wellness Group Project During COVID-19 Gretchen Wichman The Influence of Salinity on Leaf Breakdown Rates in Tidal Streams Samuel Perrello Spatial Time Series Analysis of Kelp Canopy Extent Around the Monterey Peninsula from 2013-2020. Heba Fayez SARS-CoV-2 Biochemical Properties and Bait-Prey Proteins Interaction Clyde Sumagang and Jamiel Capatayan Analogies in Computer Science Education Keyoni McNair Gauging Student Interest with a Computer Science Success Interest Survey CSU Student Research Competition Delegate Presentations - Moderated by Natasha Oehlman
Student Presenter(s) Presentation Title Claudia Rocha “WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS!” Using Youth Participatory Action Research as a Tool to Advocate for Latinx Youth During the COVID-19 Pandemic Paul Dommert Understanding the Psychology of Transformation: A Mixed Methods Investigation into the Dynamics of Significant Psychological Change Erika Hernandez-Gonzalez and Gagandeep Choongh Safety or Value? A Construal Level Theory Perspective on How to Better Serve Consumers Melissa-Ann Lagunas Connectedness to Nature and Well-being Among First-generation College Students, Faculty, and Staff Courtney Crouse and Nevan Bell Project-Based Learning as an Intervention for Digital Wellness During The COVID-19 Pandemic Rosalba Saavedra Relationship Between Walking Speed and Key Vital Signs in Young Adults Gerhard Gross and Ethan Quaranta Assessing the Vulnerability of Monterey Bay Area Seniors to COVID-19 Amelia Parker and Jesus Orozco Higher education is not immune to messaging mishaps: A qualitative rhetorical analysis of COVID-19 messaging on U.S. campuses 2020
CSU Student Research Competition Delegates
- Selina Espinoza & Dr. Jennifer Lovell, Department of Psychology: Cannabis Use and Perceptions Among Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Jessica Folck & Dr. Arlene Haffa, Department of Biology and Chemistry: Electrocardiographic Parameters of Southern Sea Otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) Sedated with Fentanyl and Midazolam
- Nicholas Heyer & Dr. Judith Canner, Department of Mathematics and Statistics: Development of New Genomic Tools and Discovery of Novel Alleles in Human-Specific Paralogs of NOTCH2NL Genes, Associated with Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Sarah Ricks & Dr. Jenny Lin, College of Business: Social Media Use of Mothers in India: Empowering Mother's Spending on Children's Education
Oral Presentations
- Ryan Solymar, Maggie Seida, Ethan Switzer, & Dr. Steve Moore, Department of Marine Science: 3D models of maritime heritage sites created from ROV video.
Poster Presentations
- Rosalba Saavedra, Kevin Pilotzi, Claire Ebersole, Dr. Eric Martin (Department of Kinesiology), & Dr. Steven Kim (Department of Mathematics & Statistics): Relationship Between Walking Speed and Key Vital Signs in Young Adults.
- Timothy Hanneman & Dr. Chandrika Satyavolu, School of Computing and Design: Controller Placement in Software Defined Networking
- Natassia Aleman-Teweles & Dr. Jennifer Dyer-Seymour, Department of Psychology: Social and Cognitive Development in Play: Observing Family Experiences at a Children's Museum.
- Brandon Garcia & Dr. Jennifer Dyer-Seymour, Department of Psychology: Observing Gender-Typed Play Differences in a Children's Museum.
- Emma Teall & Dr. John Olson, Department of Applied Environmental Science: A key to progress: Advancing bryology taxonomy.
- Ekaterina Patrice, Katharine Tinsman, Emily Tate, Logan Van Nevel, & Dr. Steve Moore, Ecosystem Engineering Lab, CSUMB: The effects of sand grain size on the presence and abundance of market squid (Doryteuthis opalescens) egg capsules.
- Sarah Munro-Kennedy & Dr. Gerick Bergsma, Department of Biology and Chemistry: Disrupting each other: Larus occidentalis and humans.
Oral Presentations
- Danielle Layne, Kinesiology - Reliability and Concurrent Validity of an Inertial Measurement Unit and Linear Encoder for Kinematic Measurement of Barbell Back Squats. Faculty Mentor: Dr. George Beckham
- Hadley Giebeler, Marine Science - Role of Vortex Rings on Thrust Production in Squid Paralarvae Jetting. Faculty Mentor: Diana Lip, Hopkins Marine Station
- Tracey Ramirez, Mathematics, Statistics - Enhancing STEM Leadership. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Alana Unfried & Dr. Corin Slown
- Madison Bashford, Marine Science - Temperature effects on Swimming Kinematics of Foraging Behavior in the Northern Anchovy, Engraulis mordax. Faculty Mentor: Jody Beers
- Kasie Talbot, Mathematics - Sex Difference in Countermovement Jump Performance Controlling for Maximum Strength. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Steven Kim & Dr. George Beckham
- Parker Smith, Marine Science - Engaging and Training Undergraduates in Modern Electrochemistry. Faculty Mentor: Dr. John Goeltz
- Avery Calhoun - Habitat Sustainability Model for Buckwheat on the Santa Lucia Preserve. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Christy Wyckoff, Santa Lucia Conservancy
CSU SRC Oral Presentations
- Yollette Merritt, History, SPED - The Unknown History of the 19th Century California Underground Railroad. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Debian Marty
- Nick Prew, Business Administration - The Impact of Cold Sensations on Message Effectiveness. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jenny Lin
- Rebekah Newman, Psychology, Human Development minor - Increased Citizenship and Professional Development: Undergraduate Psychology Students Experiences with Service Learning. Faculty Mentors: Dr. Jennifer Lovell & Dr. Christine Valdez
- Shelby Delcambre, Rosalba Saavedra, Kinesiology, Nathan Sanders, Statistics - 6th Vital Sign App: Testing Validity and Reliability. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Eric Martin
- Katrina Conen, Psychology - Impact of MMPI-2 versus MMPI-2-RF Booklet Administration on the Internal Structure and Predictive Utility of MMPI-2-RF Scales in a Forensic Inpatient Setting. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Danielle Burchett
- Bryan Sierra-Rivera, Biology - The Role of Antibiotics in Modulating Secondary Metabolite Production of Streptomyces grown in Co-Culture. Faculty Mentor: Dr. John Goeltz
- Jennifer Hatch, Psychology, Human Development minor - Cognitive Symptom Trajectories among Forensic Inpatients Diagnosed with Psychotic Disorders with or without Comorbid Mood Disorders. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Danielle Burchett
Poster Presentations
- Karen Baker, Tatiana Magana, Courtney Allen, Constant Braggs, Jorge Cabrera, Madeline Oviedo, Psychology - How Cultural Factors Impact Student Definitions of Health. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jennifer Lovell
- Leah Martin, Alex Ferreira, Molecular Biology - The Investigation of the Role of Lac1/Lag1 in Early G1 Events in the Cell Cycle of the Yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Aparna Sreenivasan
- Annalyn Roberts, Marine Science - Gene Flow of Pisaster Ochraceus along California's Pacific Coast. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Eric Crandall
- Julian Gonzalez Gutierrez, Kinesiology - Systematic Review Article: Isometric mid-thigh pull performance in Rugby Players. Faculty Mentors: Dr. Eric Martin & Dr. George Beckham
- Madalyn Price, Josh Bowman, Joe Huerta, Andy Soto, Environmental Science, Environmental Studies - An Analysis of Water Quality along the Salinas Valley Watershed. Faculty Mentor: John Silveus
- Tiffany Rivera, Environmental Science Technology & Policy - Evaluating Quantum Chemistry Methods to Predict Redox Potential for Quinones. Faculty Mentor: Dr. John Goeltz
- Alexandria Cervantes, Mathematics - Some People are Just Naturally Good at That: Values and Beliefs towards Communication in Photonics and Optics. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kelly Martin
- Taylor Chille, Psychology - Impact of Unscorable Responding on MMPI-2-RF Scores in a Forensic Inpatient Setting. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Danielle Burchett
- January Cornelius, Collaborative Health and Human Services - Thinking Outside the Box: Creating an Educational Pathway for Students to serve as Community Health Workers for Diabetes Prevention in the Latino Community. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kim Judson
- Gina Dabbah, Biology, Statistics minor - Commercial IgM ELISA Kit Utility for Diagnosis of Acute Dengue and Chikungunya Disease in Kenya. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Desiree LaBeaud
- Skylar Kensigner, Molecular Biology - Investigating Somatic Mutations in tRNAs and Flanking Regions. Faculty Mentor: Bryan Thornlow
- Kailey Hansen, Rene Nunes, Environmental Studies, Environmental Science Technology & Policy - Influence of Temperature on Denitrification of Mesophilic Bacterial Communities in Wood Chip Bioreactors. Faculty Mentor: Zane Morensen
- Selena Velasquez, Psychology - The Best Time to be Creative. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kevin Grobman
- Marisol Figueroa, Marine Science, Statistics minor - Influence of Ocean Acidification and Dissolved Oxygen Availability on Swimming Speeds in Larval Gopher Rockfish (Sebastes carnatus). Faculty Mentor: Neosha Kashef
- Ruben Chavarin, Environmental Science Technology & Policy - A Comparison of Water Testing between IDEXX Colilert TM and Membrane Filtration. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Donna Ferguson
- Seaenna Correa-Garcia, Juan Cueto, Janet Gonzalez, Grace Kim, Rene Nunez, Marine Science, Environamental Science, Molecular Biology, Environmental Science Technology & Policy - Difference in Water Quality between upper and lower sections of Carmel River. Faculty Mentors: John Silveus & Timothy Thomas
- Nathan Morrison, Environmental Studies - The Effects of Disturbing Surface Nitrogen Fertilizer Application during Instrument Installation in a Broccoli Trial. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Arlene Haffa
- Ivie Foster, Mariah Daniel and Carissa Borrego, Marine Science and Environmental Science - Correlation between Discharge Levels and Water Quality Parameters from 2017-2018. Faculty Mentors: John Silveus and Timothy Thomas
- Sarcee Munoz-Renteria, Raquel Hernandez, Ann Batoon, Andrea Cedillo, Environmental Studies, Environmental Science Technology and Policy - Effects of Agricultural Runoff within the Elkhorn Slough. Faculty Mentors: John Silveus and Timothy Thomas
- Parker Smith, Marine Science - Proton-couples Electron Transfer and Substituent Effects in Catechol-based deep Eutectic Solvents: Gross and Fine Tuning of Redox Activity. Faculty Mentor: Dr. John Goeltz
- Chelsey Bucher-Hebert, Psychology - Modes of Processing Traumatic Experiences: Self Compassion Buffers Feelings of Guilt. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Christine Valdez
- Lauren Kashiwabara, Marine Science - Differences in Pterygophora Californica Stipe Ring Morphology: Annual Ring Analysis and Indications of Oceanic Oscillations and Climate Change. Faculty Mentor: Lindsay Cooper
- Kendall Whitney, Psychology - Examination of a Combined Response Inconsistency (CRIN) Scale for the MMPI-2-RF: Basic Properties in Normative and Forensic Inpatient Samples. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Danielle Burchett
- Nyalok D. Nhial, Psychology - Examining Correlates of Service Use by Race of Homeless Youth. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kimberly Tyler
- Zane Mortensen, Applied Marine and Watershed Science - An Evaluation of Bacterial Pesticide Reduction Capabilities Facilitated by Wood Chip Bioreactors
- Natalie Brown & Derek Hall, Kinesiology - Does Fitness Level Predict Skill Level? Faculty Mentor: Dr. Eric Martin
- Erika Perez, Humanities & Communication - Daily Assaults on Minority Individuals: Microaggressions within the LGBTQ+ Community. Faculty Mentor: Shar Gregg
Oral Presentations
1:00 - 1:15 Malachi Alexander, Mathematics Faculty Mentor: Dr. Alison Lynch Title: HEXIGONAL MOSAIC KNOTS 1:15 - 1:30 Nicolasa Villalobos, Psychology Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jill Yamashita Title: DOES MOOD INFLUENCE THE GENERATION EFFECT? 1:30 - 1:45 Mathew Tomberlin, Computer Science Faculty Mentor: Dr. Krzysztof Pietroszek Title: GAUNTLET: TRAVEL TECHNIQUE FOR IMMERSIVE ENVIRONMENTS USING NON-DOMINANT HAND 1:45 - 1:55 Julia Karo, Marine Science Mentor: Elan Porter Title: ALEPISAURUS FEROX: A BIOLOGICAL SAMPLER OF RARE MICRONEKTON IN THE NORTH PACIFIC SUBTROPICAL GYRE --------2:00 - 2:30 BREAK-------- CSU Research Competition Delegates: 2:30 - 2:45 Katrina Conen & Jayme Luna, Psychology Faculty Mentor: Dr. Danielle Burchett Title: IMPACT OF USING RAW VERSUS UNIFORM T-SCORES IN MINNESOTA MULTIPHASIC PERSONALITY INVENTORY-2 RESTRUCTURED FROM DESCRIPTIVE AND INFERENTIAL RESEARCH 2:45 - 3:00 James Vongsaroj, Kinesiology Faculty Mentor: Dr. Brian Cook Title: EXAMINING TEMPERAMENT IN EXERCISE DEPENDENCE AND EATING DISORDERS 3:00 - 3:15 Kellen Murray, Kinesiology Faculty Mentor: Dr. Brian Cook Title: INSPIRATION OR THINSPIRATION: EXAMINING PREVALENCE AND ASSOCIATIONS AMONG PROBLEMATIC INTERNET USE, EXERCISE DEPENDENCE, AND EATING DISORDER RISK IN WOMEN 3:15 - 3:30 Sarah Coffin, Psychology Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jennifer Dyer-Seymour Title: SEEING THROUGH THE EYES OF AN ALBATROSS: PERSPECTIVE-TAKING AT THE MONTEREY BAY AQUARIUM 3:30- 3:45 Cecilia Garcia, Biology Faculty Mentor: Dr. Henrik Kibak Title: RNA INTERFERENCE (RNAi) CONTROL OF WHITEFLY, BEMISIA TABACI MEAM1
Poster Presentations
1:00 - 1:30 Poster set-up 1:30 - 3:30 Poster Presentations 3:30 - 4:00 Poster take-down Presenters: Haley Cline & Ashley Tedesco, Psychology Faculty Mentor: Dr. Danielle Burchett Title: AN EXAMINATION OF THE IMPACT OF CONTENT-BASED INVALID RESPONDING ON MMPI-2-RF SUBSTANTIVE SCALE CRITERION VALIDITY IN A FORENSIC INPATIENT SAMPLE Nigel Hardy, Computer Science Faculty Mentor: Dr. Krzysztof Pietroszek Title: VR BIO-HYBRID GROWTH SIMULATION Alexandria Cervantes, Mathematics Faculty Mentor: Dr. Alison Lynch Title: MODELING EVOKED ASTROCYTE CALCIUM DYNAMICS Jordan Collignon, Mathematics Faculty Mentor: Dr. Lipika Deka Title: PROPAGATION OF LEAD IN THE HUMAN BODY Mikaela Bogdan, Environmental Science Faculty Mentor: John Silveus Title: POST-SOBERANES FIRE WATER QUALITY MONITORING OF THE BIG SUR AND CARMEL RIVER WATERSHEDS Zane Mortensen, Environmental Science Faculty Mentor: John Silveus Title: EFFICACY OF BIOREMEDIATION OF AGRICULTURAL RUNOFF USING BACTERIAL COMMUNITIES IN WOODCHIP BIOREACTORS Ryan Pugh, Mathematics Faculty Mentor: Dr. Alison Lynch Title: EARLY UNDERGRADUATES' EMERGING CONCEPTIONS OF CONVICTION AND PROFF Parker Smith, Marine Science Faculty Mentor: Dr. John Goeltz Title: ELECTROCATALYTIC CONVERSION OF CO2 USING MOLECULAR MANGANESE CARBONYL BASE CATALYST Rosa Garza, Mathematics Faculty Mentor: Dr. Lipika Deka Title: ULTRASOUND NERVE SEGMENTATION Megan Pentecost & Kaylie Low, Environmental Science & Environmental Studies Faculty Mentor: John Silveus Title: MONITORING WATER QUALITY IN THE LOWER SALINAS VALLEY WATERSHED AND ASSESSING THE IMPACTS OF AGRICULTURE RUNOFF Kyle Starling, Steven Villaneda, Selena Romero, Andrew Stuck, Kinesiology Faculty Mentor: Dr. Maria Bellumori Title: IMPROVEMENTS IN QUALITY OF LIFE FOLLOWING A SPEED-BASED GROUP EXERCISE PROGRAM
The following formats will be accepted for both completed projects and “works in progress” (work that is in the middle stages of data collection or formulation or early draft sketches or creative works).
Oral Presentations, Lightning Talks, and Multimedia Presentations
- Madison Heard, Marine Science - Effects of Climate Change on the Larval Development of Haliotis rufescens. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Corey Garza
- Luis Canett, Social & Behavioral Sciences - The Cultural and Economical Effects of Deindustrialization on Mining Towns in Northern Spain. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Juan Jose Gutierrez
- Alison Aceves, Marine Science - The Discovery of Mixotrophy in the Winter-Bloom Forming Dinoflagellate Heterocapsa rotundata. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Corey Garza
- Steven Villandea, Kinesiology - The Impact of Student Stress on Athletic Performance Over the Duration of an Academic Term. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Erin Martin & Dr. George Beckham
- Courtney Nawroki, Biology - CSUMB and Natividad Family Medicine Residency Collaboration: Social Determinants of Health, East Salinas Surveys Inform Community-Oriented Primary Care. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Henrik Kibak
- Tiffany Roman, Psychology - Can the Amount of Time Spent Eating Predict a Child's Health in the Future? Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Dyer-Seymour
- Elizabeth Snider, Psychology - Of course I tease my children. Thank you, captain obvious. What happens to social interactions when families use friendly sarcasm. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Dyer-Seymour
- Elizabeth Hensley & Karina Ruiz, Human Communication - Tell It Like It Is: Oral History in the Field and at CSUMB. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sam Robinson & Kristen LaFollette
- Mia Sosa, Zane Mortensen, Alexandra Ball, Teresa Munoz, & Justin Vivar, Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy, Environmental Studies, and Biology - A Controlled Study of Denitrifying Bioreactors. Faculty Advisors: John Silveus & Dr. Arlene Haffaa
- Lydia Selzer & Veronica Jones, Kinesiology - Examination of Cardiovascular Risk Factors Among University Employees Participating in a Workplace Walking Program. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Lisa Leininger
- Catrin Wendt, Marine Science - Designing Underwater Video Systems to Study a Remote Mesophotic Coral Reef Ecosystem. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Steve Moore
- Jesse Yamagata, Aidan Shands, Juan Cerda, & Noah Luecke, Biology - Molecular Diagnostic Techniques Used to Detect Plant Pathogens. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Timothy Miles
- Zane Adamo, Film/Cinematic Arts & Technology - Quand la magie arrive (When the magic happens). Faculty Advisor: Meghan O'Hara
Poster Presentations
- Lauren Tuosto, Psychology - The Basis for an Individual’s Moral Reasoning: Personal Beliefs vs.Group Affiliation. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kevin Grobman
- Jennifer M. Bennett, Kimberly A. Hudson, Grace J. Lee, Psychology - Associations Between Writing Skills, Strategies, and Grades in Psychology Undergraduates. Faculty Advisor: Drs. Danielle Burchett, Justin L. Matthews, Shannon D. Snapp
- Meredith Flores, Collaborative Health and Human Services - Why has Education Attainment in Monterey County Worsened During the Last 25 years?: A Demographic Study. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ignacio Navarro
- Lydia K. Selzer, Kinesiology - Examination of Exercise Self Efficacy in Staff, Faculty, and Partners Enrolled in a University Workplace Health Promotion Program. Faculty Advisors: Drs. Lisa Leininger & Brian Cook
- Kayla Marshall, Stella Ornelas, Brittany Smith, Kaitlin Wilkerson, & David M. Glassmire, Psychology - MMPI-2 and MMPI-2-RF Overreporting Validity Scale Scores for Forensic State Hospital. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Danielle Burchett
- Jessica Amstadter, Joshua Olmeda, Alexus Campos, Victoria Covert & Kimberly Eleazar, Kinesiology - Examination of Cardiovascular Risk Factors among University Employees Participating in a Workplace Walking Program. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Lisa Leininger
- Veronica N. Jones, Kinesiology - Validation and Accuracy of Fitbit Charge: A Pilot Study. Faculty Advisor: Drs. Lisa J. Leininger & Brian J. Cook
- Ana Karen Corral, Justin J. Lane & Laura E. Munoz, Psychology - Faces (and Bodies) in the QueerCrowd: An Archival Analysis of Photographic Depictions of LGBTQ+ People in Queer Print Media. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Justin Matthews
- Victoria Clardy, Kinesiology - Reaction Time in College Athletes. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Maria Bellumori
- Brandan Lockwood & Donald Dong, Computer Science - PINThought: Authentication using Mobile Brain Computer Interface. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Krzysztof Pietroszek
- Steven Villaneda, Kinesiology - Physical Function in Older Adults and a Speed-Based Exercise Intervention. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Maria Bellumori
- Teresa Munoz and Justin Vivar, Molecular Biology - Characterizing Microbes from the Molera Constructed Treatment Wetland for Their Use in Denitrifying Bioreactors. Faculty Advisors: Dr. Arlene Haffa, Charmaine Robinson, John Silveus and Dr. John Skardon
- Katherine Hadley, Psychology/Kinesiology - Self-Efficacy, Perceived Competence, and Outcome Expectancy as Predictors of Strength Gains in a Strength and Conditioning Technique Course. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jo Morrissey
- Josua Shallow & Matthew Johnson, Computer Science - Designing a Large-Size Multi-Touch 3D Interactive Tabletop. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Krzysztof Pietroszek
- California Biordi, Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy - Polymorphic Horizontal Bioreactor Channel Design. Faculty Advisor: Dr. John Skardon
- Ana Lorena Saldivar, Psychology - Relationships Between Familial Socialization and Educational Success of Latino Men. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Mrinal Sinha
- Jordan Colligñon, Mathematics - Using an Agent-based Model to Simulate the Reintroduction of the Extinct Passenger Pigeon. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Lipika Deka
- Joshua Olmeda, Alexandra Flores, & Julian Echeverry, Kinesiology - Assessing Explosiveness Using a Range of Medicine Ball Weights for the Backwards Overhead Medicine Ball Throw. Faculty Advisor: Dr. George Beckham
- Alixandra Rachman, Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy - Efficiency of Three Carbon Substrates in a Vertical Up-Flow Denitrifying Bioreactor. Faculty Advisor: Dr. John Skardon
- Brian Zimmerman, Computer Science - Low-Cost Latency Compensation in Motion Tracking for Smartphone-Based Head Mounted Displays. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Krzysztof Pietroszek