Teaching, Learning & Assessment

Travel Grant Announcement Fall 2015

TLA and the Travel Grant Committee are pleased to announce the recipients of the travel grants for fall 2015. Faculty members will present topics on the scholarship of teaching and learning at conferences across the United States. We look forward to sharing their great academic adventures in the upcoming travel blogs. In the meantime, check out the 2014/15 Travel Grant Blogs.

Another round of TLA Travel Grants will be offered in spring 2016, pending available funding. Check back for more details.

Name Presentation Sponsor Location
Cristine Chopra Ten Years Later: The Impact of a Doctoral level Cultural Immersion Experience on Educational Leadership UCEA San Diego, CA
Jennifer Fletcher The Art of Adaptation: Teaching Texts Rhetorically NCTE Minneapolis, MN
Kenny Garcia Business Librarianship (Em)powered: Valuing Critical Information Literacy over Profit CARL Costa Mesa, CA
Miguel Lara Peer ­Led Hackathon: An Intense Learning Experience AECT Indianapolis, IN
Sean Senechel Student's Owning Own Learning MIT Boston, MA
George Station Sociocultural Implications of Networks DLRN Stanford, CA
Joanna Wong Education Students’ Experiences With and Beliefs About Language Use: Toward More Expansive Language Ideologies AERA Washington, DC
Gabriela Zapata The Role of Digital, Multiliteracies­ Based Instructional Material on the Development of Spanish Heritage Speakers’ Literacy Skills AAAL Orlando, FL
  • UCEA - University Council for Educational Administration
  • NCTE - National Council of Teachers of English
  • CARL - California Academic & Research Libraries
  • AECT - Association for Educational Communications & Technology
  • MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • DLRN - Digital Learning Research Network
  • AERA - American Education Research Association
  • AAAL - American Association of Applied Linguistics