Teaching, Learning & Assessment

TLA Mini-Grants

TLA Mini-Grants promote student learning by supporting, recognizing, and sharing small-scale assessment projects in courses and co-curricular learning experiences.

Application due date

Application are no longer being accepted (due date was April 21)

Report due date: May 22, 2017

Mini-Grant Report Template

Submit TLA Mini-Grant Reports by the above deadline to tla@csumb.edu. Please use the above template. We will not be able to fund projects if reports are incomplete or submitted past the deadline.


Eligibility: Full- and part-time lecturers and tenure-line faculty.

Purpose: Promote student learning by supporting, recognizing, and sharing small-scale assessment projects in courses and co-curricular learning experiences.

Description: TLA will provide small grants of $200 for completing and reporting on small-scale assessment projects (see Learning Assessment Techniques for examples).

Recognition: Exemplary projects will shared with the CSUMB community (with permission of grantees).


Also recommended

Contact TLA Director Dan Shapiro at dshapiro@csumb.edu