Teaching, Learning & Assessment


Facilitator responsibilities

  1. Meeting number: Schedule a minimum of 6 meetings for at least 1.5 hours/meeting.
  2. Meeting times: After the first meeting, notify TLA (tla@csumb.edu) of all meeting dates and times for the reminder of the semester. TLA will create calendar invitations for you, unless you request otherwise.
  3. Sign-in sheet: Have all co-op participants sign-in for each co-op they attend and return the sign-in sheet to TLA as soon as reasonable after each co-op meeting (either via campus mail or hand deliver to the TLA office in Tide Hall).
  4. Deliverable determination: Determine (with input from co-op participants) deliverable each co-op member will submit to TLA (e.g. revised assignment, new assessment rubric, new class activity, assessment activity and results, etc.). A single, collaboratively produced deliverable is acceptable if all co-op participants contribute a roughly equal amount of effort.
  5. Deliverable description: Notify TLA by the 3rd co-op meeting what deliverable each co-op member (or the collective) will submit. Deliverables should advance teaching, learning and assessment at CSUMB.
  6. Deliverable due date & stipend: Inform co-op participants that deliverables are due to TLA by Friday, May 22nd. Stipends will processed upon submission of the deliverable. Co-op facilitators are also expected to submit a deliverable.
  7. Co-op Evaluation: Administer the TLA co-op evaluation and return evaluations to TLA.
  8. Presentation: Present co-op results at the TLA/CAT Summer Institute on Thursday, May 28.

Participant responsibilities

To receive the co-op stipend, participants are required to do the following:

  1. Attendance: Participate in a majority of the co-op meetings.
  2. Sign-in: Sign attendance sheet provided by co-op facilitator(s) at each meeting.
  3. Deliverable submission: Submit deliverables to TLA (tla@csumb.edu). Please indicate co-op title in the email title.
  4. Deliverable due date & stipend: Submit deliverable by Friday, May 22nd (stipends will processed upon submission of the deliverable).