CSUMB Faculty and Students Present at 18th CSU Symposium on University Teaching at CalState LA
Twelve CSUMB faculty members and several CSUMB and Alisal High School students presented at the 18th CSU Symposium on University Teaching at CalState LA on March 13 and 14, 2015. This annual conference highlights exemplary efforts to improving teaching and learning from across the California State University system. The theme for the conference was "grit" or "academic tenacity": perseverance and passion for long-term goals (see the TED Talk by Angela Lee Duckworth). Twenty of the 23 CSU campuses were represented at the symposium with CSUMB having a very strong showing with 5 oral presentations and 1 poster presentation. A list of CSUMB speakers and presentation titles are below.
Presentation speakers and titles
Patrick Belanger (Humanities & Communication) & Ajit Abraham (Humanities & Communication): Motivation, Resilience, and Concrete Student Experience
Linda Bynoe (Gear-Up) & Jennifer Colby (Liberal Studies): Dynamic Linking for Teacher Learning
Jennifer Fletcher (Humanities & Communication), Natasha Oehlman (UROC), & Olga Blomgren (Humanities & Communication & Communication Across the Disciplines): Fostering Resilience, Persistence, and Self-Reflection in Today’s Students
Ondine Gage (Liberal Studies): One shot: Engaging Teachers in Linguistics by Supporting Literacy, Diversity, and Resilience
Kevin Grobman (Psychology): Grit and Resilience After Poor Test Performance in a College Class
Frauke Loewensen (World Languages & Cultures) & Rafael Gomez (World Languages & Cultures): Purpose Drives Perseverance: Creating Space to Reflect on Learning
Miguel Lopez (Liberal Studies), Isela Villanueva (CSUMB graduate), Maria Martha Ramirez (CSUMB student, Psychology), and Lauren Ramirez (CSUMB Student, Liberal Students), Ixel Cervantes (Alisal High School student) and Leah Bracenas (Alical High School student): (Re)imagining Grit: A Urban Perspective on the Lives of Academically "Successful" Latinas