Teaching, Learning & Assessment

AAC&U 2019 Scaling Professional Development

Session title: Scaling professional development to increase student success: why & how

Presentation slides

POD/ACE Center for Teaching and Learning Matrix

Abstract: The California State University System (CSU) — the largest and most diverse four-year public university system in the nation — is reclaiming the narrative of higher education by transforming classroom experiences for faculty and students in ways that invigorate faculty teaching and provide students with the real-world learning and self-efficacy skills they need to be successful in their personal, professional, and civic lives. Participants will learn how the CSU system level Institute for Teaching and Learning and the CSU Faculty Development Council, consisting of representatives from all 23 campuses, collaborate to create and scale professional development programming in complex, resource-limited environments. Participants will compare replicable approaches developed at two campuses, explore the challenges of assessing the impacts of professional development on faculty and student success to narrate the value of higher education, and use this information to better understand, plan, and assess similar efforts at their own institutions.


Emily Magruder, Director, Institution for Teaching and Learning California State University, Chancellors Office

Catherine (Cat) Haras, Senior Director, Center for Effective Teaching & Learning, California State University, Los Angeles

Dan Shapiro, Director, Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment, California State University, Monterey Bay