Teaching, Learning & Assessment


Thursday, March 10, 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. (program starts at 5 p.m.)

Alumni and Visitors Center


  • Eduardo Ochoa, CSUMB President
  • Bonnie Irwin, CSUMB Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Special guests

  • Becky Rosenberg, former Director for the CSUMB Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment
  • Ken Rand, Hartnell College

CSUMB contributing authors

  • Olga Blomgren
  • Maria Boza
  • Jennifer Fletcher (co-editor)
  • Rebecca Kersnar
  • Sunita Lanka
  • Natasha Oehlman
  • Becky Rosenberg (former TLA Director)
  • Daphne Young

Lightning talks & teaching demonstration

The CSUMB Office of Inclusive Excellence and Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment are co-hosting a book launch for Fostering Habits of Mind in Today's Students: A New Approach to Developmental Education. This special event will celebrate the tri-campus, cross-disciplinary collaboration that produced the book and will feature lightning talks and a teaching demonstration. The book -- a contributed volume co-edited by Jennifer Fletcher (CSUMB), AdelaNajarro (Cabrillo College), and Hetty Yelland (Hartnell College) and including chapters by several CSUMB faculty -- offers a collection of lesson exemplars designed to foster students’ holistic intellectual growth by targeting such dispositional capacities as engagement, persistence, motivation, curiosity, and self-efficacy. Contributors include faculty from both two-year and four-year colleges who have implemented a habits-of-mind-based approach in English, math, and General Education courses. Please see the following review from John C. Bean for more information about the book: "Innovative, engaging, and cheerful, this highly readable book invokes the spirit of Mina Shaughnessy in its positive regard for developmental writers. The authors make a powerful case against a 'deficit-based' view of developmental instruction in favor of a long view that values each learner’s unique gifts, intellectual capacity, and potential for growth. The theoretically grounded and effectively scaffolded chapters are loaded with class tested assignments for teaching the 'habits of mind' needed for college and job success. A collaborative effort of fifteen veteran teachers of developmental English and math, this must-read book will help any teacher create a transformative classroom that promotes engagement, curiosity, motivation, risk-taking, self-efficacy, and persistence." - John C. Bean, author of Engaging Ideas: The Professor’s Guide to Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom_and Professor of English (Emeritus) , Seattle University_

Book cover: Fostering Habits of Mind