Department of Social Work
Faculty Publications, Presentations & Editorial Contributions
Dr. Julie Altman was recently named an International Editorial Advisor to the British Journal of Social Work, published by Oxford University Press. As such, she is responsible for the Journal’s solicitation and review of manuscripts from U.S. based academics and social work professionals. This accomplishment is not to be underestimated as the British Journal of Social Work is one of the highest impact journals for our discipline. Altman also serves on other editorial boards, to include the journals of Child Welfare and the Journal of Teaching in Social Work.
Altman, J.C., & Pakelee, E. (2018, May). Using hope to engage child welfare clients in services. Paper presented at the First International Conference on Work with Involuntary Clients, Prato, Italy.
Altman, J.C., & Gohagan, D. (2018, May). New possibilities for child welfare client engagement. Paper presented at the First International Conference on Work with Involuntary Clients, Prato, Italy.
Mirick, R.G., Altman, J.C., & Gohagan, D. (2018). Work with involuntary clients in child welfare settings. In Rooney, R.H. & Mirick, R. (Eds.) Strategies for Work with Involuntary Clients (3rd Ed.). NY: Columbia.
Blanchard, B. R., & Medina-Martinez, C. K. (2018, May). Health Center Initiatives for LGBT Inclusion and Diversity: Health Centers in 2018 Building the Next Generation of Academic
Physicians: The 6th Annual LGBT Health Workforce Conference, New York, NY
Bunkers, K., Bradford, N. E. & Rotabi, K. S. (2018). Lost in translation: Cultural interpretations of family in East Africa and implications for children’s care: Examples from Ethiopia and Uganda. Brown Journal of World Affairs, XXIV (11), 119-131. Available online.
Fronek, P. F., Common, R., Rotabi, K. S. & Statham, J. (in press). Identifying and addressing risk in the implementation of alternative care policies in Cambodia. Journal of Human Rights and Social Work.
Goswami, L. & Rotabi, K. S. (2018, June). Regulating Commercial Global Surrogacy: Voices of Women in Gujarat, India. International Conference on Social Work Profession in Emerging Economies, Asian Pacific Islanders Social Work Association Conference, Hue, Vietnam.
Kalantry, S., Rotabi, K. S., Hale, B. & Hancock, R. (2018, March). Comparative perspectives on surrogacy law (invited panel). Cornell Law School: Berger International Speaker Series, Ithaca, NY.
Mónico, C., Rotabi, K. S. & Abu Sarhan, T. (in press). International aid, relief and humanitarian assistance. In C. Franklin (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Work Online. New York, NY: Oxford University.
Rotabi, K. S., Mandayam, G., Manohran, A. & Mehendale, A. (2018). Building an effective child protection system in India: Integrating a rights-based perspective in social work education within a strategy of developing professional association. Journal of Human Rights and Social Work.
Roby, J. L. & Rotabi, K. S. (2018, July). Developing social work standards in Cambodia: The participatory process to indigenize based on global and regional standards. Social Work, Education and Social Development Conference. Dublin, Ireland.
Rotabi, K. S. (2018, June). Deinstitutionalization of Children from So Called “Orphanages” and Case Management Systems. International Conference on Social Work Profession in Emerging Economies, Asian Pacific Islanders Social Work Association Conference, Hue, Vietnam.
Rotabi, K. S. & Manoharan, A. (2018, June). Strengthening child protection systems: Developing social work education standards and the need to build national professional association in India. International Conference on Social Work Profession in Emerging Economies, Asian Pacific Islanders Social Work Association Conference, Hue, Vietnam.
Stewart, L.M., Stutz, H., Lile, W. (in press). The continuum of dependent family care: A theoretical explanation and model. Special Issue of Community, Work and Family.
Stewart, L.M., Connery, C.C., Rodriguez, G. (June, 2018). Employees caring for dependents with disabilities decision-making strategies to obtain workplace support. Paper presented at at the 2018 Work-Family Researcher Network Conference, Washington, D.C.
Stewart, L.M. (June, 2018).The dependent care continuum: Advancing understanding beyond typical life course experiences. (Organizer, Panelist). Panel discussion conducted at the 2018 Work-family Researchers Conference, Washington, D.C.