Science Internship Program
Science Internship Blog
Students in the sciences at CSUMB are participating in exciting and fulfilling internships and research experiences throughout the year. Find out about their projects here!
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Blake Holloway
Year: Senior
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: Yolo Bypass Fish Monitoring Program Intern
Organization: California Department of Water Resources
Location: West Sacramento, CA
Goal of Project: Long term monitoring program aimed at observing the ecological functions of the Yolo bypass for fish of the San Francisco Bay Estuary.
Project Description: I predominantly conduct fieldwork taking water quality data, chlorophyll sampling, zooplankton tows, fyke trapping, screw trapping, and beach seining. I also collect fin clippings for special interest species and CESA listed species.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Gianni Juarez
Year: Junior
Major: Environmental Studies (ENSTU)
Title: Reserve Stewardship and Research Support
Organization: UC Santa Cruz Fort Ord Natural Reserve
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of Project: Restoration is important work; by the end of the semester, I hope to gain some invaluable knowledge regarding practical skills, proper use of equipment, and a better understanding of the native gilia. I would also like to build connections among peers as well as my superiors.
Project Description: I help with habitat management by planting native species, in particular Gilia tenuiflora, in specific plots of the reserve. On occasion, I also help with the building fences for the next potential plots.
Discovered this Opportunity From my previous biology professor.
Johnali Westmoreland
Year: Junior
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: Intern
Organization: CSUMB Natural History/Biological Collections
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of my project was to reorganize specimens in the Chapman building that have been donated to the school and to display them in cases with appropriate biographies to interpret the specimens.
Project Description: I reorganized specimens in the cases in room E127 in Chapman and wrote biographies for them to be displayed.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Joie DeNike
Year: Senior
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: Student Researcher
Organization: Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
Location: Moss Landing, CA
Goal of Project: To determine the effect of different temperatures (simulating climate change) on the growth, consumption, excretion and metabolic rates of juvenile Blue Rockfish in relation to their role in nutrient cycling within kelp forests.
Project Description: I participate in the care of the Blue Rockfish by feeding, siphoning, performing tank maintenance, assisting with the measurements of metabolic rate and nutrient sampling (in relation to excretion rates), and performing statistical analysis.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Vanessa Medina
Year: Senior
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: Curation Intern
Organization: CSUMB College of Science
Location: Seaside, CA
Goal of Project: This internship is aimed to gain the foundation skills of curation practices, by hands-on experience and self study. This will specifically be done via labeling, cataloging, and identification of the collection. Further understanding of this field will be done so by being involved with the management of maintaining a collection through CSUMB.
Project Description: For my internship, I have spent most of my time organizing specimens, updating records, reading scientific literature, and logging weekly journal entries. During the first half of my internship, I primarily worked with dry mollusk specimens, while in the second half, I had the opportunity to handle wet specimens.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Mariel Moore
Year: Junior
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: Volunteer Diver
Organization: Aquarium of the Bay
Location: San Francisco, CA
Goal of Project: Opaleye fish dietary improvements and feeding techniques to in hope reduce the development of gallstones.
Project Description: I helped with the hands-on dive-related work, like attempting to hand feed the Opaleye and set down any materials to aid in feeding them. We tied algae like sea lettuce and Turkish towel to weighted milk crates and I set them on the bottom of the tank and observed. I also helped with collaborating these ideas on feeding techniques for the Opaleye fish.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Kato Vandepoele
Year: Senior
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: Sea Otter Research Intern
Organization: Monterey Bay Aquarium
Location: Monterey, CA
Goal of Project: The Sea Otter Research and Conservation team seeks to study the Southern Sea Otter through observational studies, rehabilitation, and necropsies.
Project Description: I assist with observational studies. We utilize spotting scopes to record total otter counts of the peninsula, along with what activity the otters are doing. I also used these high-powered telescopes to observe an individual otter and collect foraging data, timing how long their dives take, recording what prey item they come up with, and how large that item is.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Kailey Parker
Year: Senior
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: Research Intern
Organization: California State University, Monterey Bay
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of Project: To understand the most common behaviors seen in foraging gull species in the Monterey Peninsula, and to prove if gulls engage in kleptoparasitism (the term used for when an animal steals food or prey from another animal).
Project Description: I go to different survey sites throughout Monterey Bay and collect data. I write down the date, time, weather conditions, sea conditions, and the species being observed. I take data on all the species observed as well as focal survey data on specific individuals.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Amanda Sanchez
Year: Senior
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: Intertidal Research Intern
Organization: BIO 494: California State University, Monterey Bay
Location: Monterey, CA
Goal of Project: We aim to quantify various relationships between epibiont cover and basibiont locations, size, and cover type in the rocky intertidal
Project Description:
-Take photo transects of intertidal sites along the Monterey Peninsula
-Conduct field surveys to collect data regarding epibionts on mollusk shells in the intertidal
-Create figures
-Keep records in a designated field notebook
-Read compiled literature on the topic,
-Produce a poster presentation including our introduction, methods, and results regarding our research question.
Discovered this Opportunity: From Dr. Gerick Bergsma

Emily Ferman
Year: Senior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Title: Curation Intern
Organization: California State University, Monterey Bay
Location: Monterey, CA
Goal of Project: The goal is to identify, label, and catalogue specimens, specifically mollusks, for inclusion to the CSUMB biological species collection.
Project Description: I work on identifying the taxonomy of different types of mollusks using multiple resources. After identification the information is added to the catalogue and the specimen are labeled and added to the collection.
Discovered this Opportunity: From taking a winter class BIO 356 - Zoology Specimen Preparation

Brendan Huynh
Year: Senior
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: Intertidal Research Intern
Organization: California State University, Monterey Bay
Location: Monterey, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of the project is to get a better understanding of the relationship between epibionts and their basibiont hosts. The focus will be on mollusks as the basibiont host within the rocky intertidal.
Project Description: I will take part in collecting data, statistical analysis, and any subsequent presentations.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Alejandro Fuentes
Year: Senior
Major: Agricultural Plant and Soil Sciences (AGPS)
Title: Biological Science Aid
Organization: USDA-ARS
Location: Salinas, CA
Goal of Project: The goal is to find a pathogenic fusarium isolate to use for future experiments with our celery plants.
Project Description: I will be setting up the experiment, isolating the organism from diseased tissue (not dead), plant crowns of celery in Komada's media, streak 1 % water agar, identify the organism and morphology in the microscope, re-infect plants with organism to perform Koch's populate and at the evaluate the plants.
Discovered this Opportunity: Hartnell College

Miles Shelter
Year: Senior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Title: Curation Intern: R.G. Pisano terrestrial arthropod collection donation
Organization: CSUMB Biological Collection
Location: Seaside, CA
Goal of Project: This internship gives me the opportunity to make more resources available to fellow students and address an overflow of useful specimens that were being left to degrade in storage. By adding these specimens to the collection, we are able to make use of a donated collection for educational purposes, as intended by the donor.
Project Description: One part of my job is cleaning pinned specimens that range in age and condition, identifying them as close to species level as I can manage, providing them with appropriate archival labels, and adding them to the collection’s catalog of pinned insects. I then organize these specimens into order groups and place them in collection drawers to be added to the teaching collection. The other part of my work is pinning the unpinned specimens that remain in the envelopes they were donated in.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Sierra Koop
Year: Senior
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: Curation Intern
Organization: CSUMB
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of this project is to build up the biological collection for CSUMB by cataloging donated specimens
Project Description: I was charged with identifying and cataloging mollusks from our collection, identifying the shells down to their scientific name and common name, and properly labeling them as such
Discovered this Opportunity: BIO356: Zoology Specimen Preparation

Shulammite Feng
Year: Freshman
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: Biological Collection Intern
Organization: CSUMB College of Science
Location: Seaside, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of our project is to expand CSUMB's Biological Collection by reviewing and identifying the specimens that have been graciously donated to us. Biological collections stand as incredible tangible records of the variability and abundance of species. However, they can unfortunately be overlooked by many as people prefer to rely on photographs for simpler ways of identification. But tangible collections have something that photographs don't: genetic material. Samples of DNA can be utilized in endless ways for scientific studies, and continue to prove as a useful resource for conducting research. By expanding our collection, we actively foster encouragement for contributions and support towards Scientific collections.
Project Description: As an intern, I work to record, identify, and organize our donated specimen. The identification process often requires me to familiarize myself with new and different species every time I clock in for my shift. When observing an insect unfamiliar to me, I utilize resources that can educate me well enough to understand the reasoning behind its taxonomic ranking and therefore make an identification.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection
Noe Cardenas
Year: Junior
Major: Agricultural Plant and Soil Sciences (AGPS)
Title: Laboratory Technical Assistant
Organization: University of California Cooperative Extension, UCANR
Location: Salinas, CA
Goal of Project: To analyze canopy from crops to be used on Crop Manage, which is a software for irrigation and fertilizer recommendations used by UCNAR.
Project Description: 1. Image Processing: Once the images are captured, I might assist in processing them to ensure they are of high quality and suitable for analysis. This could involve tasks like image cropping, resizing, and adjusting brightness or contrast.
2. Data Analysis: I analyze the canopy images to extract relevant information such as crop health, density, and growth stage. This often involves using image analysis algorithms or software to quantify various parameters.
3. Interpretation and Reporting: After analyzing the images, I interpret the results and generate reports that provide actionable insights for farmers. This could include recommendations on irrigation, fertilization, or pest management based on the crop's condition.
4. Integration with CropManage Platform: If CropManage has a digital platform, I might help integrate the canopy image data into the system so that farmers can easily access and utilize the information.
Discovered this Opportunity: Hartnell College Internships

Jocelyn Ayala
Year: Junior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Title: SPCA Wildlife Intern
Organization: SPCA Wildlife Rehabilitation Center: SPCA for Monterey County
Location: Salinas, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of the program is to rescue, rehabilitate, and release wild animals.
Project Description: I am an active part of the rehabilitation process, and this includes administering medications, aiding in limb wraps and casts, and cleaning enclosures. I also assist in administering vaccines and diagnosing ailments. My position also involves taking and analyzing lab work.
Discovered this Opportunity: SIP Website

Danielle Drygas
Year: Senior
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: BIO394– Biology Intern
Organization: California State University Monterey Bay
Location: Monterey, CA
Goal of Project: To asses how position in the mid-intertidal zone influences the percent cover of epibionts.
Project Description: I lay transects and quadrats, record counts of mollusks (in addition to any other organisms present within quadrats), maintain data sheets, digitize data sheets, and analyze and visualize data sets.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Luis Ramirez
Year: Senior
Major: Agriculture Plant & Soil Science (AGPS)
Title: Biological Science Aid (BIO SC AID)
Organization: United States Department of Agriculture- Agriculture Research Station (USDA-ARS)
Location: Salinas, CA
Goal of Project: To develop research/findings for the Western Flower Thrips and its virus transmission, Infectious Necrotic Spot Virus
Project Description: Field Scouting and Pest monitoring to compile data. Also work inside greenhouses to overlook plant development and assist with any necessities a plant may require to grow strong and healthy.
Discovered this Opportunity: I learned about the opportunity through a friend who recommended me to the lead researcher from the Entomology lab.

Graham Piercey
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Science, Technology, and Policy
Title: Grassland Bird BLM Intern
Organization: California State University Monterey Bay, Department of Biology and Chemistry, with Dr. Gerick Bergsma
Location: Seaside, CA
Goal of Project: To determine how the presence of Coyote brush (Bachharis pilularis) affects the abundance and behavior of local grassland birds in Fort Ord National Monument.
Project Description: Hiking out to record data on bird count, behavior, and species.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Balin Castillo
Year: Junior
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: Curation Intern
Organization: California State University, Monterey Bay Biological Collection
Location: Seaside, CA
Goal of Project: Identification, labeling, and cataloging marine gastropod shells to the lowest taxonomic branch possible.
Project Description: Identifying and sorting shells as well as labeling and bagging shells while adding information into a
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Aaron Wickware
Year: Junior
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: Sea Otter Care Intern
Organization: Monterey Bay Aquarium
Location: Monterey, CA
Goal of Project: The Sea Otter Research and Conservation (SORAC) team are key contributors to the restoration of the wild Southern Sea Otter population. Through the surrogacy program, the SORAC team is able to rescue stranded sea otter pups and provide care for these animals. Sea Otter pups are set to be raised by the local exhibit sea otters to be raised and re-released back into the wild where it can contribute to the wild population. The over all goal of the program is to replenish the Southern Sea Otter Population by providing care and by researching these creatures.
Project Description: As a SORAC Care intern my daily tasks are to perform hands on husbandry skills to provide care for stranded sea otters, and sea otter surrogates, this includes daily food preparation, maintenance of the enclosures, data collection, handling and safely moving otters, and being on watch for stranding reports.
Discovered this Opportunity: Through a professor that I had, who was previously in the internship.

Miguel Martinez
Year: Senior
Major: Agriculture Plant and Soil Science (AGPS)
Title: Biological Science Aid
Organization: USDA-ARS
Location: Salinas, CA
Goal of Project: To compare lettuce cultivars on their resistance to impatiens necrotic spot virus.
Project Description: PCR, ELISA, DNA or RNA extraction
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Jose Manuel Gonzalez
Year: Senior
Major: Agriculture Plant and Soil Science (AGPS)
Title: Scout Intern
Organization: Green Valley Farm Supply
Location: Gonzales, CA
Goal of Project: Get as much experience as I can to grow as a person and meet new people in the industry.
Project Description: The tasks performed were soil, petiole, tissue, and water samples. post-thinning evaluation in lettuce and broccoli, Mealybug pheromone traps monitoring, herbicide, and fungicide backpack sprays, gather PCA jobs recommendation to later be applied in the field by the sprayers.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection
Katie Lampkin
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Studies (ENSTU)
Title: Water Conservation Intern
Organization: Marina Coast Water District
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of Project: To evaluate the best conservation practices and approaches to reducing excessive water use and addressing leaks to reduce water waste.
Project Description: Evaluating consumption data to identify excessive usage or leaks and perform other duties related to various conservation programs.
Discovered this Opportunity: SIP Website

Jose Jaime
Year: Senior
Major: Agriculture Plant and Soil Science (AGPS)
Title: Biological Science Technician
Organization: USDA-ARS
Location: Salinas, CA
Goal of Project: Dress soil-borne pathogens in strawberry cultivars.
Project Description: Doing the molecular biology in the lab.
Discovered this Opportunity: School

Suzette Segoviano-Quiroz
Year: Senior
Major: Agriculture Plant and Soil Science (AGPS)
Title: Biological Science Aid
Organization: USDA-ARS
Location: Salinas, CA
Goal of Project: My professional experience is being conducted at the USDA-ARS in Salinas, as a biological aid in the entomology lab, which is under the supervision of Daniel Hasegawa. In the last years we have seen negative impacts of INSV on lettuce in the Salinas Valley, resulting in high crop loss. The objective of my internship project is to improve our understanding of how INSV impacts our lettuce production in the Salinas Valley and to better enhance our management.
Project Description: My area of interest is field work. This includes going out and helping setting up field trials. I also help evaluate and record data from these trials. I am also involved in helping others with their projects, including my own. I am also helping monitor and identify insects. Some housekeeping duties I am part of are insect colony maintenance, planting seeds, watering plants, washing dishes, and keeping greenhouse areas and tools clean.
Discovered this Opportunity: From Dr. Jose-Pablo Dundore-Arias

Marcela Quiroz Hernandez
Year: Senior
Major: Agriculture Plant and Soil Science (AGPS)
Title: Test Plot I
Organization: Driscoll's, Inc.
Location: Watsonville, CA
Goal of Project: With Driscoll's we are part of the first commercial substrate tabletop strawberry system in Watsonville. Tabletop systems could be an option of the future for growers. We are doing various trials with water use, nutrition, sprays, plant density, plant variety to learn what is the best way to grow strawberries.
Project Description: I collect harvest information and based on that i create harvest yield, harvest cost and harvest speed reports to report back to my agronomy team. I also have to write journals for trials of specialty varieties. Im in charge of sending payroll and employee safety program at Sheehy ranch. I do weekly scouting with the agronomy team and aid with the IPM program. Im also in charge of creating weekly spray updates and PURs when we apply. Being a certified product application i also help in supervising spray jobs.
Discovered this Opportunity: Driscoll's website

Marc Guzman
Year: Senior
Major: Agriculture Plant and Soil Science (AGPS)
Title: Research Aide
Organization: USDA
Location: Salinas, CA
Goal of Project: To find which lettuce varieties have a higher total polyphenol content and then test how well those plants do with disease pressure.
Project Description: I helped maintain the plants up until harvest and then helped run the trials where we actually checked polyphenol content.
Discovered this Opportunity: CSUMB Job Fair

Alex Rodriguez
Year: Junior
Major: Agriculture Plant and Soil Science (AGPS)
Title: Garden Intern
Organization: Olivewood Gardens and Learning Center
Location: National City, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of this project is to practice and learn gardening skills in an organic urban farm, learn organic growing techniques, and understand local health concerns.
Project Description: I participated in overseeing the production of fruits and vegetables in the garden. The tasks in this project include pruning and weeding plants in growing beds, routinely watering fruit trees and garden areas, managing compost bins, and harvesting.
Discovered this Opportunity: Social Media

Jesus Morales
Year: Senior
Major: Agriculture Plant and Soil Science (AGPS)
Title: Food Safety Intern
Organization: Taylor Farms
Location: Salinas, CA
Goal of Project: Create safety criteria, put them into action, and make sure they are followed, particularly those that pertain to chemical safety and knowledge. The process of ensuring that every food meets the requirements for human consumption in terms of health and safety. It is important to keep appropriate cleaning supply stocks of sanitation aids, chemical cleaners, sanitizers, and other sanitation equipment. Regular training and education should be provided to employees to ensure they have the necessary knowledge and skills to handle chemicals safely. Additionally, conducting regular inspections and audits can help identify any potential hazards or non-compliance with safety protocols, allowing for timely corrective actions to be taken.
Project Description: The tasks I usually performed varied by day and depending on who I was with that week or day. Most of my internship involved sampling a variety of vegetables and leafy greens for diseases. Other days consisted of the approval of documents sent over from farms and ranchers in order for us to harvest the produce. Additionally, I was responsible for conducting field inspections to ensure compliance with quality and safety standards. This involved assessing the overall health of crops, identifying any signs of pest intrusions, and recommending appropriate measures for prevention. But that wasn't all; I was also involved in cheating harvesting crews and making sure they followed all safety protocols and company standards.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/Personal Connection

Jorge Flores
Year: Senior
Major: Agriculture Plant and Soil Science (AGPS)
Title: Farm Assistant Intern
Organization: Rijk Zwaan USA & Canada: Gonzales Research Trial Station
Location: Gonzales, CA
Goal of Project: The development of vegetable varieties and the supply of seed production for global distribution. I worked closely with the research and development team along with the crop coordinators that facilitated the sales of seeds.
Project Description: I participated in the evaluation/plantings of trials to produce resistant vegetable varieties impacted by local/global pathogens, improving the nutritional value of fresh foods, and being at the forefront of supplying food to the world. Seed supply was collected in a greenhouse setting where plant hybrid seeds were harvested for the pipeline of advancing genetic material to produce a commercial (marketable) vegetable seed.
Discovered this Opportunity: SIP website

Ulisses Peralta Diaz
Year: Senior
Major: Agriculture Plant and Soil Science (AGPS)
Title: Biological Science Aid
Organization: USDA-ARS
Location: Salinas, CA
Goal of Project: Western flower thrips research
Project Description: Set up fields, data entry, and rearing thrips
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Erick Quezada
Year: Senior
Major: Agriculture Plant and Soil Science (AGPS)
Title: PCA (Pest Control Advisor) Student Intern
Organization: Green Valley Farm Supply Student Internship
Location: Gonzales, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of the project is to prepare students in the field of agriculture to gain a skillset and knowledge needed to become a successful PCA
Project Description: I am responsible for monitoring agricultural fields of pests and recording data for pesticide recommendations, and I also carry out the duties of collecting plant/soil samples for testing.
Other tasks involve ride-a-longs with licensed PCAs, company training, fertilizer/pesticide warehouse duties, and auto-thinning post-evaluations.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Justin McClintock
Year: Junior
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: Lab Technician Intern
Organization: Monterey Bay Analytical Services (MBAS)
Location: Monterey, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of the laboratory is to provide accurate and precise results to the community ensuring water quality and safety.
Project Description: I work in the laboratory helping out with a variety of lab work as well as performing some analyses as well.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/Personal Connection

Ashley Rawlins
Year: Junior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Title: Curatorial Intern
Organization: CSUMB Biological Collection
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of our project is to identify, preserve, and catalog specimens donated to the school in order for them to be used as educational aids in courses offered by the College of Science.
Project Description: I primarily work on identifying mollusks and echinoderms before cataloging them. After being cataloged, they are officially added to the university's biological collection!
Discovered this Opportunity: From Dr. Gerick Bergsma's Zoology Specimen Preparation course (BIO 356)

Sarah Moloney
Year: Junior
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: Curatorial Assistant
Organization: CSUMB Biological Collection
Location: Seaside, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of my project is to provide accurate identifications of preserved specimens donated to or collected to contribute to educational resources for classes at Cal State Monterey Bay. In addition to identifications, the upkeep, storage, and organization of these specimens both digitally and physically in order to be able to use them long-term is also a goal of this project.
Project Description: I work mainly in the identification, organization, and upkeep of dry marine shells, but have also aided in wet preserves and their preparation, preservation, upkeep, and organization.
Discovered this Opportunity: Through the CSUMB Zoology Specimen Prep course offered in the winter semester

Juliana Schuster
Year: Senior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Title: Pinned Insect Identification Intern
Organization: CSUMB Biological Collection
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of Project: Gathering donated pinned insects and cleaning, identifying and cataloging them into our system, as well as organizing them for future classes.
Project Description: I identified and cataloged the pinned insects from our collection as well as formulated an identification guide for the order Coleoptera.
Discovered this Opportunity: From Dr. Gerick Bergsma
Alexandra Daikos
Year: Junior
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: Curatorial Intern
Organization: CSUMB Biological Collection
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of the project was to identify, catalog, and organize the pinned/jarred specimens that were donated to the school's biology department.
Project Description: For this project, I spent most of the semester identifying the species of bugs and cataloging them within our system. From there I organized them by the lowest division of classification that I could so that storing them would be much easier.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/Personal Connection

Diana Pereyra
Year: Senior
Major: Kinesiology (KIN), Biology (BIO) Minor
Title: Pacific Rehabilitation and Pain Intern
Organization: Pacific Rehabilitation and Pain
Location: Monterey, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of the project is to be able to gain knowledge in opioid use as the Pacific Rehabilitation and Pain Clinic mainly prescribes opioids and some benzodiazepines. I am pursuing a career in medicine so gaining more knowledge on all things medicine and the science behind it will be greatly beneficial.
Project Description: I help patients make sure they are prescribed what they need, I also shadow the physicians and the owner of the practice, Dr.Deldar, which is when I learn the most as each patient has a different case.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/Personal Connection

Shaundae Parker
Year: Senior
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: Animal Care Intern
Organization: Wildlife Center of Silicon Valley
Location: San Jose, CA
Goal of Project: Wildlife Rehabilitation (birds, reptiles, mammals, etc.)
Project Description: Animal care for rehabilitation: feeding (preparation,feed-force feeding, tube feeding, etc.)/ habitat maintenance (cleaning, enrichment, etc.)/ medication (preparation,administration-oral, ophthalmic, topical, etc.)
Discovered this Opportunity: Google

Olivia Equinoa
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Studies (ENSTU)
Title: Herpetology Monitoring Intern
Organization: UCSC Fort Ord Natural Reserve
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of this project is to track and collect information on what types of herptiles are present on the reserve, where they are on the reserve, and how many there are in a given area. Monitoring this gives us data to compare to past years and to have as a frame of reference for future years. Additionally, the data collected in this project can be useful in understanding how conservation and restoration work at the reserve is affecting the herptile population(s) at the reserve, which can also be used to inform other projects.
Project Description: As a herpetology monitoring intern at FONR, my primary purpose is to collect data on the amphibians and reptiles found on the reserve. My responsibility is to check the pitfall traps and coverboards for herptiles, take their body as well as substrate temperature, measure their weight and snout to vent length, and log this data into ArcGIS Field Maps.
Discovered this Opportunity: From meeting Joe Miller (the reserve director) while working with the Nature Detectives program.

Ulysses Baza-Lezama
Year: Senior
Major: Agriculture Plant and Soil Science (AGPS)
Title: Mentor
Organization: Olinga
Location: Soledad, CA
Goal of Project: Grow cut flowers from seed to harvest.
Project Description: Exposing the youth to agriculture and its importance in Monterey County
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/Personal Connection
Francis "TJ" Howell
Year: Senior
Major: Agriculture Plant and Soil Science (AGPS)
Title: Ranch Hand
Organization: Brubeck Ranch
Location: Soquel, CA
Goal of Project: Grow cut flowers from seed to harvest.
Project Description: All aspects of production from seed to harvest. Site evaluation, Irrigation design, irrigation installation, logistical planning, plant propagation, plant management, etc.
Discovered this Opportunity: Cabrillo College

Adrian Rodriguez
Year: Senior
Major: Agriculture Plant and Soil Science (AGPS)
Title: Viticulturist Technician
Organization: Constellation Brands
Location: King City, CA
Goal of Project: To successfully produce wine grapes.
Project Description: Scouting, berry counts, tissue sampling, cluster counting, etc.
Discovered this Opportunity: CSUMB Website

Daniel Ayala Jr.
Year: Senior
Major: Agriculture Plant and Soil Science (AGPS)
Title: Mushroom Grower
Organization: Monterey Mushrooms Royal Oaks Facility
Location: Watsonville, CA
Goal of Project: To assist the growing manager as much as possible with daily tasks, grower scheduling, safety trainings, inventory, budgets, and training to become assistant manager.
Project Description: I worked on scheduling growers to different departments of the growing team. Provide safety trainings to employees. Maintain and follow crops to be sure the yield is at optimum levels. Work with grower trainees and develop a succession plan for them.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Kiara Gable
Year: Senior
Major: Agriculture Plant and Soil Science (AGPS)
Title: Biological Science Aid
Organization: United States Department of Agriculture- ARS Entomology Lab
Location: Salinas, CA
Goal of Project: The Salinas Valley is referred to as the “Salad Bowl of the World” and is responsible for most of the country’s lettuce production. Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) is a major pathogen of lettuce and is transmitted by the insect, western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis). INSV was first documented in the Salinas Valley in 2008 and since 2018, has caused significant losses and is a primary challenge for the industry. The losses caused by INSV to lettuce growers in 2020 ranged from $50 million to $100 million (Vegetable Growers News). Our research demonstrated that INSV can infect numerous weed and crop species. This virus has a large host range of about 600 species of plants, including ornamental plants like fuchsias, dahlias, and gazanias, various weeds, and vegetable crops such as lettuce, tomatoes, and peppers (Smith, 2020). Research has shown that this cryptic insect transmits a virus that is unable to be treated or prevented at this time. Based on our findings this information can tell us which host crops are the best host for western flower thrips and if there are other vectors out there for INSV. This data can also show us specific locations and seasons that western flower thrips may prefer.
Project Description: I collected plant samples from 21 different locations spanning 50 miles in the Salinas Valley were divided into three regions: North, Middle, and South. I identified lowering plant species at each location, and 10 flowers were collected from each plant. An additional 10 flowers were collected to obtain the wet biomass. 70% ethanol was used to wash the flowers to obtain the thrips, which were then counted. The average number of thrips per 10 flowers was recorded. 25% of the total number of thrips from each plant species were used for reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT- PCR). The remaining thrips will be used for morphological identification. RT-PCR was performed to determine the presence of INSV from our thrips samples.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection
Edwin Legawiec
Year: Senior
Major: Agriculture Plant and Soil Science (AGPS)
Title: Marketing Intern
Organization: Latitude 36 Foods
Location: Salinas, CA
Goal of Project: The objective of my internship was to update the company’s marketing materials, renew its social media presence, and create a catalog of assets that could be strategically released to ensure Latitude’s continued visibility.
Project Description: I collaborate with multiple teams to ideate, render, and release promotional graphics. I'm constantly in contact with different departments to establish important and relevant messaging points. I'm responsible for maintaining the company's presence on all social media platforms. I've been asked to attend marketing events, like the International Floral and Produce Association's conference in Orlando, to be able to network and gain insight on the latest trends in the agriculture industry.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Amber Phillips
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Studies
Title: Education Intern
Organization: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI)
Location: Moss Landing, CA
Goal of Project: My goal was to present GO-BGC background information to educators, instruct them on how to use GO-BGC data visualization tools, and develop new lesson plans for educators to incorporate real-time float data into their classrooms.
Project Description: I am responsible for the entire project. I conduct all the background and present day research on the Adopt-A-Float program. I present information to workshop attendees. I develop lesson plans.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Kai Larrieu
Year: Senior
Major: Agriculture Plant and Soil Science (AGPS)
Title: Assistant Farm Manager
Organization: El Dorado Farms LLC
Location: Buellton, CA
Goal of Project: This farm we recently taken over by the owner I am working for I have helped them develop organic best management farming practices.
Project Description: I have helped the farm optimize weed management strategies, composting program, and nursery protocol.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Tobias Osborne
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Studies
Title: GIS Technician
Organization: Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve
Location: Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, Watsonville, CA
Goal of Project: The goal was to gain the skills to manage the digitizing of historic T-sheets using ArcMap.
Project Description: I conducted a detailed classification of estuary habitats by creating polygons within ArcMap.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection.

Vanica Phan
Year: Senior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Title: Student Intern
Organization: Monterey County Public Health Laboratory
Location: Salinas, CA
Goal of Project: The goal is to enhance, protect and improve the health and safety of the population.
Project Description: My day to day tasks involve decontamination of lab equipment and working surfaces, specimen processing, data entry, media making, inventory upkeep, housekeeping, and assist the scientists as well as the front office assistants when needed.
Discovered this Opportunity: on the Science Internship Program website.

Stefano Rincon
Year: Sophomore
Major: Biology (BIO)
Title: Volunteer Internship
Organization: UC Santa Cruz Fort Ord Natural Reserve (UCSC FONR)
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of the project was to allocate 20,000 Sand Gilia, a plant native to Fort Ord Natural Reserve.
Project Description: I worked on planting the 20,000 Sand Gilia along with the responsibilities of maintenance and teaching new volunteers how to properly plant these endangered plants.
Discovered this Opportunity: CSUMB Marine Science Newsletter.

Sam Boulton
Year: Junior
Major: Environmental Studies (ENSTU)
Title: Wildlife Research Analyst
Organization: CAL Fire
Location: Monterey, CA
Goal of Project: To aid CAL Fire in their wildfire data analysis.
Project Description: Utilized both statistical and spatial analysis tools from Fire Family Plus 5, FAMIT, California RAWS to ARC GIS Pro and Online.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection.

Neijus Hassan
Year: Senior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Title: Student Events Host
Organization: Step-up Tutoring
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Goal of Project: Increased student participation through hosting engaging and educational life science student events. Helped students retain information on different topics by developing presentation slides and google document presentations, creating and hosting Kahoot quiz games.
Project Description: I host student events. I create lesson plans that have activities and lectures for the students, I bring in different tutors to help create lesson plans or to participate in a student event.
Discovered this Opportunity: from a Counselor.

Ariana Chavez
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Science, Technology & Policy (ESTP)
Title: Restoration Intern
Organization: UC Santa Cruz Fort Ord Natural Reserve (UCSC FONR)
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of Project: By planting endangered Sand Gilia plants, Gilia tenuiflora ssp. arenaria, on the reserve, the goal is to restore a seed bank for this native plant.
Project Description: I was part of the team that was planting the sand gilia seedlings on the reserve, watering and monitoring the planting sites. Thousands of sand gilia were planted during this project.
Discovered this Opportunity: on Social Media
Hope Lovich
Year: Junior
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: Field-Naturalist, Recording Ecology Data
Organization: Adventures by the Sea
Location: Monterey Bay, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of the project is to compare what specific species are more likely to come out at a certain temperature dependent on water, weather, and air temperature. I used this data and created a journal of data that the company, Adventures by the Sea, can use to show guests so they can know more information on what they will see and the weather. From the data I collected from this project, I can compare past years of data of water temperature to contrast how much it has increased and how climate change has affected species specifically in the Monterey Bay.
Project Description: I recorded the water temperature data, location, air temperature, wave height, sunrise, and sunset. After I recorded this data, I observed all the animals I specifically saw out on the days I worked, this includes observations from both land and sea. I also asked the guests when they came back from kayaking what animals they saw and when I went on tours to guide and observe, I also recorded what I saw. With the data I completed, I was able to compare it, this means keeping track of when specific species are more likely to come out at a certain temperature with both water, weather, and air temperature. This information can now be used even in the future when guests ask what they will see and what the temperature ranges are.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection
Shelby Yelland
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: Education Intern
Organization: So Cal Healthy Hideaway
Location: San Diego, CA
Goal of Project: Educate patients on the science behind medical services provided by my internship, and how pain might be improved if they utilize the proper instrument.
Project Description: I create a document featuring all of the services provided by my internship and how they aid in relieving pain. I also assist the doctor in reading/understanding infrared images.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Ramon Jesus Fragoso
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: Intern
Organization: Greenfield Science Workshop and Salinas Science Worksop
Location: Greenfield, CA; Salinas, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of the Community Science Workshop is to inspire kids and communities with the wonders of nature and the physical world through a free public space full of tools, materials and fascinating exhibits.
Project Description: My tasks throughout my internship include the setup/breakdown of our workstations and pop-up as needed, as well as my main task of teaching students how to build projects, both facilitator-led and student-led.
Discovered this Opportunity: Internship Search
Mabel Acosta
Year: Junior
Major: Agricultural Plant and Soil Sciences (AGPS)
Title: Sales Intern
Organization: Wilbur-Ellis
Location: Salinas, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of the overall internship was to gain experience on what to expect as a Sales team member (being a Pest Control Advisor and selling products) and to recognize if this is a possible career path interest.
Project Description: I worked on scouting artichokes for PCAs, setting and counting traps for different pests, and job shadowing sales team members.
Discovered this Opportunity: Indeed Jobs

Sandra Galvez
Year: Senior
Major: Marine Science
Title: Tour Guide, Researcher
Organization: Kayak Connections
Location: Moss Landing, CA
Goal of Project:
- Understanding its histories and or species ID list
- Increasing my species ID knowledge
- Summarizing the natural marine environment of Elkorn Slough by guiding tours
Project Description:
- Research guiding in the Elkorn Slough
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection
Heidi C. Humel
Year: Senior
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: Fieldwork, public outreach, and data collection intern
Organization: Marine Life Studies
Location: Moss Landing, CA
Goal of Project: Marine mammal research, documentation and conservation
Project Description: Deck hand and data collection
Discovered this Project: CSUMB Service Learning
Corina Reed
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy (ESTP)
Title: Habitat Restoration Intern
Organization: Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Fort Ord National Monument (FONM)
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of the project is to go through each restoration site completed since 1996 and write recommendations for further work or study. Several sites are expected to be retired, having been successfully restored and no longer need to be checked on in the following years. Some recommendations of sites we have looked at so far have been to spread straw to reduce erosion and runoff throughout the site, set up a watering schedule, create basins to capture rain water, block off illegal trails, removal of plant species, and bringing in a specialized employee to help create a plan for a specific issue.
Project Description: I have helped go through the restoration site project binders, maps, and data since 1997 in the office with my supervisors. This including going through original project notes and pictures and comparing them to any recent notes taken to see what our team should complete. I have also assisted in updating a map of all 200+ restoration sites on the mapping software program ArcMap. I have completed field work ranging from taking preliminary data, such as hiking the site and taking pictures, to collecting data, such as laying out transects and taking plant samples back to the office. Lastly, I have also assisted in writing and creating figures for site reports that my supervisor completes.
Discovered this Opportunity: From completing Service Learning through FONM a previous semester.

Gabriella M. Ulloa
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Studies (ENSTU)
Title: SBNMS Education & Outreach Virtual intern
Organization: NOAA: Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
Location: Remote, virtual
Goal of Project: Use Storytelling to Amplify More Voices and Engage More Communities in Marine Conservation
Project Description: Some of my roles and responsibilities included the following:
● Research and draft multimedia content in English & Spanish
● Survey social media activity to identify emerging trends and recommended
opportunities for further social media engagement relevant to the sanctuary’s
diverse audiences
● Create visually appealing templates and content for emails, newsletters, and
other outreach tools
● Research and identify communities to include in our outreach and engage as
partners in our mission
Discovered this Opportunity: SIP Website

Alicia Del Toro
Year: Senior
Major: Marine Science
Title: Research Intern
Organization: Monterey Bay Whale Watch
Location: Monterey, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of this project is to collect data on the different sightings of whales around the area. Along with collecting data on interactions, behaviors, and abundance of the marine mammals around the Monterey Bay, we collect weather data as well. This project also photo-identify different individuals and logs what time of the year they are present which aids in our knowledge of their movements, population estimates, residency patterns, association patterns, and life history parameters.
Project Description: Every week, I am on a whale watching trip collecting data about the marine mammal's location, behavior and abundance as well as weather conditions. I then enter the data that was collected and upload the photos of the whales in order to photo-identify them.
Discovered this Opportunity: I asked classmates if they knew of any internship opportunities around the area.

Angela Steele
Year: Senior
Major: Human Communication, minor in Environmental Studies (ENSTU)
Title: Community Engagement Intern
Organization: California State University Agricultural Research Institute (CSU ARI)
Location: Remote
Goal of Project: The purpose is to gauge the public's understanding of local agricultural issues and what they think of them.
Project Description: Research background information, draft survey questions, collaborate with Dr. Robinson to draft IRB proposal, finalize survey questions, and finalize the survey.
Discovered this Opportunity: I learned about this opportunity from Dr. Robinson when I was speaking with her about UROC last Spring.

Krista Martinez Kisso
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy
Title: Engineering Intern
Organization: Harris & Associates, Stormwater Program
Location: Salinas, CA
Goal of Project: To ensure municipal compliance with the National Pollutant and Discharge Elimination System Permit
Project Description: I perform inspections, research permit sections, create documentation, organize data and documents
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Nina Bangert
Year: Junior
Major: Biology
Title: Green Team Associate
Organization: Blue Strike Environmental; AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am Sustainability
Location: Pebble Beach, CA
Goal of Project: Many events are not sustainable, especially when it comes to trash, recycling and compost. Blue Strike Environmental takes care of waste separation and collection at the event itself.
Project Description: I was working on building the structures itself, setting up removable trash cans along the course and later on when there was actual visitors I drove around on a golf cart, making sure that people are actually recycling, and that none of the trash bags are overflowing. It was also part of the job to help out other workers at the event and make sure their recycling, bottles and so on were taken care of.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Mayra Ortiz
Year: Junior
Major: Biology
Title: Greeter/Guide
Organization: Monterey Bay Aquarium
Location: Monterey, CA
Goal of Project: Learn about the habitats and answer any guest questions.
Project Description: As a greeter, I greet all guests and hand them a map of the aquarium. As a guide, I take guests to a specific exhibit and answer any questions they may have regarding that specific exhibit.
Discovered this Opportunity: Service Learning Fair at CSUMB

Erwin M. Calderon
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: Green Business Program Intern
Organization: Ecology Action, Green Business Program
Location: Santa Cruz, CA
Goal of Project: To get businesses to go sustainable.
Project Description: I work on outreach and promotions.
Discovered this Opportunity: Service learning.

Eliza Skorulis
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: Research and Communications Intern
Organization: Upwell
Location: Monterey, CA
Goal of Project: Upwell's goal is to "Protect endangered sea turtles by reducing threats at sea, including fisheries bycatch, ship strikes, pollution, climate change and other detrimental human activities.”
Project Description: Communicating the work and research conducted by Upwell to a range of audiences through a variety of media platforms. Researching current policies and news related to conservation and create informative posts on social media. I also conduct interviews and literature reviews, write blog posts and review formal scientific posters used by the organization.
Discovered this Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection.

Ashley Morris
Year: Sophomore
Major: Biology
Title: Research Intern
Organization: Monterey Bay Whale Watch
Location: Fisherman's Wharf, Monterey, CA
Goal of Project: Through interning for Monterey Bay Whale Watch I am helping create a large database of collected information about the different species seen here in Monterey Bay.
Project Description: As a research intern I attend the daily whale watching trips going out and fill in a data book collecting information about the different species seen along the trip. I also take pictures of the species for identification purposes.
Discovered the Opportunity: The Currents

Ekaterina Patrice
Year: Junior
Major: Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy
Title: Avian Survey Intern
Organization: University of California, Santa Cruz Fort Ord Natural Reserve
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of Project: This project aims to understand the relationship between lichen cover and avian abundance, biodiversity, and foraging behavior, and links to a larger study investigating how epiphytic lichens create habitats that affect arthropod and bird communities.
Project Description: I conduct point count surveys and avian foraging surveys throughout a designated section of the reserve.
Discovered the Opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Sarah Munro-Kennedy
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy
Title: Research Intern
Organization: CSUMB, Gulf Foraging Ecology with Dr. Gerick Bergsma
Location: Monterey Bay, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of this project is to examine the foraging behavior of gull species that frequent Monterey Bay, documenting interspecific and intraspecific interactions both onshore and offshore.
Project Description: I travel to 16 designated sites along the Monterey Peninsula to document onshore gull foraging behavior. My tasks include being able to quickly and reliably identify gull species and hybrids in order to conduct avian scan surveys, document behavioral focal sampling, and document incidental foraging observations. Gerick has being extremely supportive and has encouraged me to create my own project. I am now also looking specifically at the Western Gull. I have designed an ethogram and am documenting their offshore foraging behavior by joining Monterey Bay Whale Watch on trips, and their onshore foraging behavior at the same 16 sites as above. I will be presenting my findings at the UROC showcase, as well as future seabird conferences.
Discovered the Opportunity: from my professor, Dr. Gerick Bergsma.

Tiffany Brown
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: Rescue and Response Intern
Organization: The Marine Mammal Center
Location: Moss Landing, CA
Goal of Project: The goal for the Marine Mammal Center is to advance global ocean conservation through marine mammal rescue and rehabilitation, scientific research, and education.
Project Description: As an intern, I got to participate in marine mammal rescues via boat, dock, or land, animal husbandry skills (tubing, restraining and weighing), preparing food (thawing fish and making a "fish smoothie", pulling up medications, making subcutaneous fluid bags, animal husbandry charting, cleaning dirty pens, answering the rescue public hotline, putting wax sealant on our Zodiac boat, preparing animals for transport to main hospital in Sausalito, and helping during the release of animals.
Discovered the opportunity: The Marine Mammal Center's website
Cristina Vance
Year: Senior
Major: Marine Science
Title: UROC Student Researcher
Organization: Oak Woodland Arthropod Project
Location: Fort Ord Natural Reserve
Goal of Project: The goal of this project is to find if there is a difference in diversity of beetles between high and low lichen areas
Project Description: I collect arthropod samples and sort through them in the lab.
Discovered the opportunity: SIP website

Cassandra Tice
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: Habitat Restoration Intern
Organization: Fort Ord National Monument (BLM)
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of Project: Restore, maintain, and monitor plant habitats on Fort Ord National Monument.
Project Description: A big part of my internship is habitat restoration, which includes planting native species, removing non native plants, watering, and general upkeep of restored sites. In addition, we hold public planting events, collect data on goat grazing, collect seeds and wildflowers, conduct land surveys, maintain trails, and more.
Discovered the Opportunity: SIP website

Kourtney Burger
Year: Junior
Major: Marine Science
Title: Research Intern
Organization: Monterey Bay Whale Watch
Location: Monterey, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of this project is to collect vital data on whales and other marine animals in Monterey Bay and the surrounding area as well as ID-ing the whales. We use this data to see trends in the whales' behaviors and migratory habits.
Project Description: My job is to go out on whale watching trips and collect important data, such as location, weather, and behaviors of different animal sightings. I also photograph the whales to get ID shots so we can identify what whales we are seeing in the bay and when they are here.
Discovered the opportunity: Asking local companies if they had internship opportunities.

Devon Denhart
Year: Junior
Major: Marine Science
Title: Undergraduate Researcher
Organization: University of Pittsburg, Chapman Lab
Location: Pittsburg, PA
Goal of Project: We worked on finding out if when expressed in the same cells, T-box factors can compete for binding to DNA.
Project Description: I was in charge of all the flies we were working on and I conducted all the needed cross-breeding. I was the lead dissector for fly embryos and wings.
Discovered the opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Bridget Rittmann
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Science, Technology and Policy
Title: Insect Curation Assistant
Organization: CSUMB Biology Collection
Location: Seaside, CA
Goal of project: Update the specimen collection catalog for CSUMB's School of Natural Sciences. Focusing mainly on insects and other arthropods.
Project Description: Identifying, cleaning, and repairing insect specimens that have been donated or collected by the university. Some specimens are over 80 years old!
Discovered the opportunity: From my professor, Dr. Gerick Bergsma

Zarian Williamson
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: Clinical Intern
Organization: Monterey County Health Department
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of project: The goal of this project is to provide primary and preventive healthcare to the Marina community, while helping aspiring healthcare professionals by allowing them to work and interact with patients in a clinical setting.
Project Description: Working with the clinic's physician's assistant to assist patient diagnosis, evaluate patient treatment, and learn from health professionals.
Discovered the opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Ashley Kinsey
Year: Freshman
Major: Biology
Title: Wildlife Intern
Organization: SPCA for Monterey County
Location: Salinas, CA
Goal of project: The goal of the SPCA Wildlife Rehabilitation center is to rehabilitate injured, orphaned, and sick wildlife and release them back into the wild once healthy.
Project Description: I help with animal husbandry, basic veterinary skills, diet preparation and force feeding, capture and restraint, baby animal rearing, species identification, necropsy and anatomy identification, record keeping, and public education.
Discovered the opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection.

Aleks Ljubisavljevic
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: Assistant Curator of Biological Collections
Organization: CSUMB School of Natural Sciences
Location: Seaside, CA
Goal of project: The goal of my internship is to identify and catalog donated specimens so classes can use them for educational purposes. I have worked on donations that included items from all departments of biology and geology including rocks and minerals, fossils, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and invertebrates. Currently, I am working on researching, identifying, and accessioning a researcher’s donation of shells from all over the world.
Project Description: My job is to retrieve boxes of mollusc shells that have been in storage for years and then do extensive taxonomic and biological research to determine their taxonomy all the way to species. For specimens with location info, it is easier to narrow the identification down to species. However, some specimens have no info at all so they could be from any part of the world, making my job a little more challenging, but a lot more fun. I also keep the collection catalog organized and updated for use by faculty and staff.
Discovered the opportunity: From my professor.

Kyle Zentner
Year: Sophomore
Major: Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy
Title: Volunteer Intern
Organization: Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of project: Reintroduce, maintain, and restore native species and their environments.
Project Description: I plant native species in specified habitats, collect data on goat grazing and their grazing trends, and sample plots to determine biodiversity within a given quadrate. Smaller tasks include cleaning and managing tools, and providing demonstrations on tasks safety.
Discovered the opportunity: at a Service Learning tabling event.

Shaylea Stark
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy
Title: Research Intern
Organization: UCSC Fort Ord Natural Reserve with Robert Cooper
Location: Seaside, CA
Goal of project: This project is looking at how hydroperiod and density of larvae per pond affects Native California Tiger Salamanders and hybrid salamanders. The goals are to determine management strategies to keep the hybrid salamanders from expanding thought all of the native salamanders’ range in California.
Project Description: Checking pit-fall traps and identifying species found in buckets and taking data. I also help with seining for larvae and site maintenance which includes filling in gopher holes, fixing the fences surrounding the ponds, and weed removal.
Discovered the opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection.

Andrew Hernandez
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Studies
Title: Habitat Restoration Intern
Organization: Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of project: The goal of the project in the Fort Ord National Monument is to determine the efficacy of goats in grazing coastal prairies to remove invasive annual grasses and allow for the resettlement of native bunch grass species.
Project Description: My role is to collect data for use by the Bureau of Land Management and the CSUMB Environmental Science capstone class using transects and quadrats to determine invasive annual grass and native bunch grass percent cover in the National Monument before and after a period of grazing by a resident herd of goats.
Discovered the opportunity: Through Service Learning with the Bureau of Land Management.

Miya Fukutomi
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: Wildlife Intern
Organization: SPCA Wildlife Center
Location: Salinas, CA
Goal of project: The SPCA Wildlife Center is a wildlife hospital that works to rehabilitate and release orphaned and injured native wild animals.
Project Description: As an intern I get to participate in animal husbandry skills, basic veterinary, diet preparation and gavage feeding, capture and restraint, neonatal care, help with patient intake and release.
Discovered the opportunity: I began volunteering with the SPCA for my service learning credit. I applied for the internship program that summer.

Megan Rodenbeck
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy
Title: Fort Ord Restoration Project Intern
Organization: Bureau of Land Management: Fort Ord National Monument
Location: Marina, California
Goal of project: I am working with staff to complete several different restoration projects in annual grasslands, oak woodlands, and maritime chaparral habitat and to inform the public about plant and animal communities on Fort Ord.
Project Description: I am currently developing interpretive habitat signs for the Fort Ord Creekside parking lot so that the community has information prior to hiking.
Discovered the opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Isabella McCrory
Year: Junior
Major: Marine Science
Title: UCCE Research Intern
Organization: UC Cooperative Extension
Location: Yuba City, California
Goal of project: In this UC Davis experiment, we plan on demonstrating possible weedy rice management strategies. We surveyed rice farmers and their management strategies, as well as their crops for the weedy rice. We ran a series of seed bank analyses to determine how much weedy rice seed the soil from the different farmers contained.
Project Description: I worked at the UC Davis experiment site. The site is a rice field, where we planted all weedy rice. I tended to the crop as needed by putting up bird tape and managing crop irrigation. I also acted as a lab help while doing seed bank analyses. I sifted soil after it had been sitting in a saline solution for 24 hours and kept at the appropriate temperature. Once all the seeds were removed from the soil, I then went on to determine the rice seed type.
Discovered the opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection

Kelvin Lim
Year: Junior
Major: Environmental Studies
Title: Fort Ord National Monument Intern
Organization: Fort Ord National Monument
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of project: To restore Fort Ord back to its primitive time.
Project Description: Work on restoration sites, conduct transects to determine the amount of species living in a certain area.
Discovered the opportunity: Service Learning Class.

Madyson Slaven
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: Intern
Organization: Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of project: The goal of this internship is to help with land restoration and conservation projects along with community out reach though community events.
Project Description: There are a lot of projects that are worked on, therefore we are doing different tasks nearly everyday. Some things we do are public planting events, restoration site maintenance, closing of illegal trails on fort ord national monument, and much more.
Discovered the opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection.

Tiffany Rivera
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy
Title: Canvasser
Organization: Ecology Action, California Green Business Program
Location: Santa Cruz, CA
Goal of project: Helping local businesses get certified in 6-weeks through California Green Business Program.
Project Description: I assess which areas of operation need the most improvement (e.g., waste reduction, pollution prevent, energy) by weekly phone calls to registered businesses. Visit registered businesses to provide supplies they may need to implement the measures necessary to get certified. Recruit other businesses in the area to sign up for our 6 week program.
Discovered the opportunity: From a Friend/ Personal Connection.

Natasha E. Craft
Year: Senior
Major: Marine Science
Title: Research Assistant
Organization: Moss Landing Marine Laboratory
Location: Moss Landing, CA
Goal of project: The project is on the seasonal variability in storage compounds of "Pterygophora californica" and the effects of biomass loss.
Project Description: Once the Pterygophora californica samples have been collected, they are brought into the lab, then measured and weighed, then we cut off specific parts; holdfast, bottom stipe, middle stipe, top stipe, and lastly specific blades that are organize and prepared to be dehydrated and grinded.
Discovered the opportunity: on the SIP website.

Karla Jasso
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: Fort Ord Restoration Project Intern
Organization: Bureau of Land Management
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of the project: The Fort Ord Restoration Project focuses on the restoration of maritime chaparral and oak woodland habitats by reintroducing native plant species in these habitats.
Project Description: As an intern for the Bureau of Land Management, I had the opportunity to restore habitats by watering, weeding and monitoring native plant species that were reintroduced to several restoration sites in Fort Ord National Monument. I also collected data for the Goat Grazing Project through transects and analyzed it using R.
Discovered the opportunity: through a professor.

Marina Hernandez
Year: Junior
Major: Marine Science
Title: COAST Scholars-In-Training
Organization: Moss Landing Marine Laboratory
Location: Moss Landing, CA
Goal of project: "Saving Up: Resource Storage In Stalked Kelp" is a research project that tracks adaptive capabilities of this brown algae. Growth cycles are analyzed in controlled as well as treated specimen in order to determine nutrient localization.
Project Description: Primary tasks include sample processing, data collecting, and organizing.
Discovered the opportunity: through a professor.

Axel Kent
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Science, minor in Statistics
Title: Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Summer Undergraduate Researcher
Organization: Corbett Lab at the UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute
Location: Santa Cruz, CA
Goal of project: We were interested in measuring how commonly other bacteria species co-occur (double infection) with Wolbachia. Discovering double infection statuses may imply an endosymbiotic interaction between bacteria species, which occurs to enable reproductive manipulation within hosts. This may offer insights into how reproductive manipulators can be used as biological control agents and how co-infections of reproductive manipulators may affect arthropod biology.
Project Description: I built a bioinformatic pipeline using Python, UNIX, and National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) tools to investigate double infection statuses of specific bacteria species within Wolbachia infected hosts.
Discovered this opportunity: on the SIP website.

Carolina Soehnchen
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: Research Assistant
Organization: Städtisches Klinikum Dessau
Location: Dessau, Germany
Goal of project: Research influence of Fatty acids on Sebocytes (SZ95), differentiation to sebocytes, specifically Lipogenesis.
Project Description: I perform the experiments in the lab, do cell culture, as well as analyze the results of the experiments.
Discovered this opportunity: From a friend/personal connection.

Thomy Tran
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: Habitat Restoration Intern
Organization: Bureau of Land Management on Fort Ord National Monument
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of the project: My goal of the project was to learn various methods and techniques involved with habitat restoration of grasslands, oak woodland, and riparian corridors. I learned how to apply these skills to the different habitats on Fort Ord National Monument.
Project Description: With this project, I worked on data analysis of goat grazing transects, watering, invasive weed removal, and seed collection.
Discovered this opportunity: on the SIP website.

Eessa Vanderspek
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Studies
Title: Restoration Volunteer
Organization: Bureau of Land Management
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of project: Restoration of habitats in Fort Ord National Monument.
Project Description: Worked on range of projects from planting oaks to working at community planting events.
Discovered this opportunity: in an email from my professor.

Adam Tarver
Year: Junior
Major: Biology
Title: Research Assistant
Organization: Hopkins Marine Station
Location: Pacific Grove, CA
Goal of project: Examining the impacts of climate change within giant kelp forest grazing communities with a particular focus on studying how the interactions between species in benthic communities might alter with ocean acidification/hypoxic conditions.
Project Description: Culturing kelp in the lab, microscopically analyzing kelp cultures, using software to estimate kelp growth, using animal husbandry skills to maintain stocks of marine organisms, data entry, taking water samples/readings, treating water samples with mercury poisoning for analysis, in addition to working in the lab independently in order to complete a range of other jobs associated with my supervisors research.
Discovered this opportunity: SIP Website

Kinnedy Houston
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: Emergency Medical Scribe
Organization: Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital
Location: Salinas, CA
Goal of project: Assist physicians with patient charts and learning medical terminologies and mechanisms.
Project Description: Documents patient charts and the reason for their visit.
Discovered this opportunity: From a friend/personal connection

Olivia Boisen
Year: Junior
Major: Biology
Title: Intern
Organization: Laboratory for Applied Electrochemistry
Location: Chapman Science Building, CSUMB
Goal of project: The goal of the NOAA CCME Educational Partnership Program is to fund students from underrepresented communities to conduct research on improving coastal intelligence.
Project Description: I am currently conducting experiments on quantifying the cross sensitivity of glass pH electrodes in high salinity solutions.
Discovered this opportunity: CSUMB Science Internship Fair

Melanie Praytor
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: Teacher Intern
Organization: MEarth
Location: Carmel Valley, California
Goal of project: MEarth is an environmental education nonprofit with roots in Carmel Valley, California, that is growing the next generation of environmental leaders through education, collaboration, partnerships and community action. We educate and inspire through environmental stewardship.
Project Description: I will be assisting with outdoor science classes and labs at Carmel Middle School.
Discovered this opportunity: From a Friend/Personal Connection

Sara Bricker
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Studies
Title: Restoration Projects Volunteer Intern
Organization: Bureau of Land Management
Location: Fort Ord National Monument
Goal of Project: As a volunteer intern for Bureau of Land Management (BLM), I will be restoring native habitats including: oak woodlands, grasslands and riparian corridors on Fort Ord National Monument (FONM). The projects are highly variable, but I expect to plant oak saplings and build protective tree cages, collect and plant willow and sycamore cuttings, assist at native planting events and work with Return of the Native staff to propagate collected seed for future planting. There is a possibility I will also work with data collection, input, and analysis for monitoring goat and sheep grazing projects on FONM.
Project Description: I work laboriously to ensure proper planting of native plant species in FONM native habitats. Also, I assist with data input of goat grazing projects on FONM.
Discovered this opportunity: E-mail blast

Jen Becker
Year: Junior
Major: Environmental Studies
Title: Dive Intern
Organization: Clearwater Marine Aquarium
Location: Clearwater, FL
Goal of Project: To educate the public on preserving the environment
Project Description: Cleaned habitats, completed reef surveys, and provided daily educational dive presentations.
Discovered this opportunity: Internet

Clover Stubbert
Year: Junior
Major: Biology
Title: Wildlife Rehabilitation
Organization: SPCA Wildlife Center
Location: Salinas, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of the project is to care for animals that were found injured. These animals can be anything from owls, to raccoons, to opossums to pelicans and everything in between. The end goal of it all is to nurse the animals back to health so they can be released back into their natural habitat.
Project Description: I personally worked on animal care and rehabilitation. This included daily care of the patients such as feeding and medicating as well as basic medical procedures such as physical exams. Another part of the internship was the opportunity to go out on rescues to pick up injured animals. The best part of the internship was being able to release the animals once their were ready.
Discovered this opportunity: SIP website

Rosalinda Vizina
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Science, Technology, and Policy
Title: Entomological Collections Intern
Organization: CSU Monterey Bay
Location: Seaside, CA
Goal of Project: CSU Monterey Bay acquired a large collection of wet and dry insect specimens that were badly stored and in need of intense rehabilitation. Much of this collection is from as early at the 1920’s, and have been sitting in giant barrels for the past few decades.
Project Description: During this internship, my task is to go through all specimens, make sure all insects are identified and labeled properly, restore/repair specimens exposed to dermestid infestations, water damage, and mold. Next task was to digitize the collection and inventory all specimens to be stored in the university’s database. After my internship, my work will be assessed and specimens selected to have in the university's natural history teaching collection.
Discovered this opportunity: From a friend/personal connection

Sarah Petty
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: Lab Intern
Organization: Constellation Brands
Location: Gonzalez, CA
Goal of Project: Apply general chemistry knowledge and skills to test and analyze wine quality/behavior over time.
Project Description: Tested monthly samples for consistency in chemistry.
Discovered this opportunity: From a friend/personal connection

Christopher Terry
Year: Junior
Major: Biology
Title: Fecundity Intern
Organization: Southwest Fisheries
Location: Santa Cruz, California
Goal of Project: The project was examining the reproductive strategies of Chili Pepper Rockfish and Petrale sole for use in fishery management.
Project description: I collected fecundity data for Petrale sole by counting eggs and with that data, calculating spawn density. I also prepared samples of Petrale ovarian tissue to be made into histological samples, and collected egg samples for use in fecundity data.
Discovered this opportunity: SIP website

Cristal Martinez
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: Wildlife Intern
Organization: SPCA Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Center
Location: Salinas, California
Goal of Project: The SPCA Wildlife Center is primarily a wildlife hospital that works to rehabilitate and release orphaned and injured native wild animals.
Project Description: My job is to continue to provide treatment and care to wildlife patients. I have gained skills in animal husbandry, diet preparation, gavage feeding, blood and fecal sampling, animal capture and restraint, record keeping and public education. I have been an Intern since April, I was a Mammal intern then and am currently a Seabird Intern but, I still get to work with the variety of patients the center currently has. Based on this amazing experience, I have decided to change my career aspiration, and will strive to become a Wildlife Technician, in the hopes to make a personal difference to native wildlife.
Discovered this opportunity: SIP Website

Brenda Hernandez
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: Veterinary Assistant
Organization: Romie Lane Pet Hospital
Location: Salinas, California
Project Description: I support animal doctors and technicians in their daily tasks by cleaning and maintaining equipment, feeding, exercising and grooming patients, preparing and sanitizing surgery suites, restraining and handling patients, and clerical and administrative work.
Discovered this opportunity: Friend/personal connection

Skylar Kensinger
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: Undergraduate Researcher
Organization: Corbett Lab at UCSC
Project: BD2K Summer Up
Location: Santa Cruz, California
Goal of Project: Investigate somatic mutation rate in tRNA and flanking regions
Project Description: I created a Python script that compared genomic mutation data with tRNA mutation data in order to calculate expected tRNA mutation frequency.
Discovered this opportunity: Friend/personal connection

Gabriella Kalbach
Year: Senior
Major: Marine Science
Title: Research Experience for Undergraduates
Organization: NOAA/PMEL Acoustics Lab
Project: Analyzing the continental shelf soundscape: application of a glider for passive acoustic monitoring
Location: Newport, Oregon
Goal of Project: Gliders were developed as an oceanographic tool, and their advantages and disadvantages for acoustics are not fully recognized. This was one of the major goals of my internship, so I spent a significant amount of time evaluating the glider’s effectiveness. There is also a lack of acoustic datasets for the Northeast Pacific continental shelf region which we had targeted, allowing this project to provide baseline data for future studies. Baseline acoustic data is necessary because studies have shown the oceans are getting louder due to vessel traffic, and the Northeast Pacific is a hotspot for whale migrations, and whales uses acoustics for navigation, foraging, and communication.
Project Description: To complete these goals, I had to develop many new skills. I became familiar with identifying marine mammal vocalizations and coding in Matlab. I studied the history of acoustic research and learned about frequency and decibel ranges for many sources for ocean sound. I gained confidence in creating spectrograms and interpreting all the details they show.
Discovered this opportunity: NSF Website

Nathan Morrison
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Studies
Title: Plant Sciences Lab Assistant
Location: Davis, CA
Goal of Project: We wanted to restore native grassland diversity to improve surrounding ecosystems by sampling, analyzing, and implementing solutions.
Project Description: I was in charge of sampling, building equipment, field set-up, and analyzing data.
Discovered this opportunity: Friend/Personal Connection

Jacob Michael Green
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: UROC Undergraduate Researcher
Location: Seaside, CA
Goal of Project: Bioinformatics has revolutionized the way science studies organismal stress responses through generating transcriptomes. These Omics methodologies allow us to measure differential gene expression in response to an environmental and anthropogenic stressor. Unfortunately, many assemblers have been created leading the paradox of choice as well as each having an intrinsic bias in its statistical decision making process that may lead to incomplete transcriptomes. Our project seeks to analyze the efficiency of three assemblers: Trinity, Transabyss, and Oases in creating a transcriptome from a non-model larval organism, Sebastes auriculatus.
Project Description: The project was born out of my experience in Dr. Cheryl Logan's and Dr. Nate Jue's classes in the spring. In Cheryl's class we measured the differential gene expression in brown rockfish larvae in response to sub-lethal hypoxia and ocean acidification. We found that using different transcriptome assemblies to reference our gene expression to drastically changed our results. From this class I questioned the assemblies that we were using since only one program was used: Trinity. In Dr. Nate Jue's class we used multiple assemblers to create a transcriptome for the hemi-clonal fish Poeciliopsis monacha. We found that by using three assemblers and a program called evigene to merge these assemblies, we could produce a more complete transcriptome near the scale of model organisms. The development, methods, and analysis will all be carried out by myself.
Discovered this opportunity: UROC

Duncan Miller
Year: Junior
Major: Marine Science
Organization:San Diego River Park Foundation (SDRPF)
Title: RiverWatch Intern
Location: San Diego, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of RiverWatch is to promote a greater awareness of the water quality of the San Diego River and encourage to the public an outreach effort focused on community involvement and education along with river habitat restoration to contribute to a stronger, safer and more sustainable River Park System.
Project Description: As a RiverWatch intern, I am responsible for preparing and programming the water quality monitoring equipment, guiding volunteers in the field and conducting a monthly water quality assessment of the East and West sections of the San Diego River. This field assessment, known as RiverWatch, is completed in small teams made up of core volunteers and interns. The fieldwork includes collecting and testing of the water and sometimes the soil. While in the field, I take part in recording and reporting both quantitative data (such as water temperature and oxygen content) and qualitative data (such as presence of butterflies or invasive plant species). In addition to my RiverWatch efforts, I conduct research on SDRPF projects in Mission Valley and East County.

Blake Hansen
Year: Senior
Major: Math
Organization: The Jue Lab
Title: UROC Undergraduate Researcher
Location: Seaside, CA
Project: Cancer Systems Biology
Goal of Project: Our goal seeks to understand the metabolic properties of cancer in hope of developing new cancer treatments/strategies.
Project Description: I use genomic data from the NCBI to generate genome-scale metabolic models, which we can use to stimulate cell metabolism in various conditions. To accomplish this, I spend many hours reading primary literature and programming in programs like UNIX and Python.
Discovered this opportunity: From a friend or personal connection.

Annalyn Roberts
Year: Senior
Major: Marine Science
Organization: Crandall Lab
Title: UROC student researcher
Location: Seaside , CA
Goal of Project: I am looking at gene flow of the Pisaster sea star along the coast of California. I also had the opportunity to travel to Stellenbosch, South Africa to attend a workshop for Diversity of the Indo-Pacific Network (DIPnet).
Discovered this opportunity: From a friend/ Personal connection.

Judith Rutherford
Year: Senior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Organization: UCSC Fort Ord Natural Reserve
Title: Camera Trapping Intern
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of our project is to set up camera traps across all of the UCSC Fort Ord Natural Reserve, both fenced and unfenced areas, to capture photographs of wildlife. From there we will be able to sort through the dates, times and locations of the different species captured to build a database. Using our database combined with the GIS data we collect we will then be able to learn more about how wildlife in our area utilize the reserve examining things like patterns in behavior, habitat preferences and even population size or range. The Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) and Black-tailed Jack Rabbit (Lepus californicus) were thought to be species that lived on the reserve from anecdotal evidence but using our camera traps we were able to prove that they live on the reserve after just a few weeks.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: My job is to prepare the cameras, set them up on the reserve using the ArcGIS application, retrieve photos from the cameras once a week, move cameras to their new locations, sort, identify and label capture photos, analyzing our data and training new interns.

Megan Passaglia
Year: Senior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Organization: Crisp Vision Optometry
Title: Optometric technician Location: Monterey, CA
Goal of Project: Through my internship at Crisp Vision Optometry, I have learned to pre-test patients and have gained valuable work place experience. Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: I prepare files for new and returning patients and pretest them when they arrive. I have learned how to record the test results and how to interpret them and what they mean for the patient.

Fabiola Larios
Year: Junior
Major: Environmental Studies (ENSTU)
Organization: CSUMB Campus Planning
Title: Native Plant Restoration/Plant Pathogen Intern
Location: Seaside, CA
Goal of Project: The overall goal of this project is to restore native plants species to an ecosystem located south of CSUMB while monitoring the spread of a pathogen. It was discovered in 2015 that stickey monkey plants--a native species--that were outplanted on the site were infected with a pathogen. In order to assess which plants are infected, we record data of each individual plant in the Fall and monitor the plants in the Spring to see which plants appear suspect of carrying the pathogen. Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: Duties as an intern include data collection with the use of GIS and GPS, seed collecting, weeding out invasive species, and outplanting native plants.

Jessica Jimenez
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy (ESTP)
Organization: Dauphin Island Sea Lab
Title: Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Intern
Location: Dauphin Island, Alabama
Goal of Project: The purpose of this project was to conduct an exploratory data analysis on a long term fisheries data set. The results of this study will aid management in decision making processes for catch limit and size of important commercial and recreational fish species. Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: I used statistical methods to analyze spatial distributions and abiotic covariates of important commercial and recreational fish species in Mobile Bay, Alabama. I looked for patterns in species composition, richness, diversity, and evenness, then compared those components to abiotic factors and mapped out the spatial patterns in ArcGIS. I was able to present my findings in a final poster session at the annual REU symposium. Is there anything else about yourself that you would like us to know? My major is ESTP with a concentration in applied ecology and I am also obtaining a minor in statistics. I am part of the marine science club and have participated in volunteer activities with them. The volunteer experiences and good academic GPA has given me the opportunity to participate in two REU programs and work a summer position with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Richard Canes
Year: Senior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Organization: Two Girls Ranch
Title: Farms operations intern
Location: Gonzales, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of this project is to develop and grow mushrooms through inoculating oak logs with mycelium plugs.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: I work on inoculating the oak logs and helping with the structure to cover the logs.
Angelica Carmona
Year: Senior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Organization: Avian and Exotic Clinic of Monterey
Title: Veterinary Assistant
Location: Del Rey Oaks, CA
Goal of Project: To assist in treating and maintaining the health of Avian and Exotics.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: My duties as an intern include restraining avian and exotic animals for exams and treatments (such as nail trims or administering medications). I also assist in the general upkeep of the hospital and communicating with clients about their pets health.

Rebeca Zelaya
Year: Senior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Organization: Crisp Vision Optometry
Title: Optometric Technician Intern
Location: Monterey, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of the project is to help maintain the Monterey office, one of two very busy optometry offices.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: I help in maintaining patients' charts, by being able to differentiate between medical and routine vision patients. I also assist the optician in dispensing glasses and contacts to patients, and slowly learning the basic logistics of having your own optometry.

Grace Lloyd
Year: Junior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Organization: Monterey County Public Health Laboratory
Title: Laboratory Intern
Location: Salinas, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of the lab is to work with other departments and the community to prevent and control disease and infection. The purpose of this is to improve the health of the community.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: I help manage the front office, run inventory in the labs, help maintain a clean work space, and assist in running PCRs, DNA extractions, API tests, and any other testing that they may do.

Mike Kristy
Year: Senior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Organization: California Department of Food and Agriculture Fertilizer Research and Education Program
Title: Biogeochemical Undergraduate Student Assistant
Location: Seaside, California
Goal of Project: The general purpose of the project is to quantify nitrous oxide emissions from farming under different watering and fertilizing methods in order to reduce nitrous oxide emissions.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: My role in this project is to take nitrous oxide samples from local field sites, process the samples using gas chromatography and input them into a database for future analysis.

Taylor Bratton
Year: Sophomore
Major: Marine Science
Organization: Coastal Watershed Council
Project: First Flush, River Health Days
Title: Science Communications Intern
Location: Santa Cruz, Ca
Goal of Project: The Coastal Watershed Council focuses on the health of the San Lorenzo River in Santa Cruz. Through water quality monitoring and community outreach programs, they are working to foster community engagement and environmental stewardship of an invaluable asset to Santa Cruz.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: I film the projects they work on in the field and create videos to inspire community involvement and citizen science.

Mitchel Weinstock
Year: Junior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Title: Dental Intern
Location: Camarillo, Ca
Goal of Project: I worked directly under a dentist, periodontist, and oral surgeon in assisting them around the office/ lab and also watched their procedures. It was a great experience and I got to learn a lot about each job.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: The most common task I did was making retainers from scratch. It had many steps to go from a thick plastic disk and a mold of someones mouth to the actual retainer. It could take up to an hour to make a single retainer. However, it was extremely rewarding when it was done right, but heart crushing when it cracked. I would have to start all over again and if the mold broke also then the patient had to be called back to the office to take another impression for a mold.

Karina Abou-Chakra
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy (ESTP)
Organization: Marina Coast Water District
Title: Conservation Intern
Name of Project/Program: Conservation Department
Location: Marina, CA
Goal of Project: Water is a finite, precious resource that sustains life. This program encourages and assists the community in using water wisely through public outreach and rebate programs.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: Data Analysis: Organize water consumption and production data into Excel tables, charts, and graphs for presentations and state reporting. Assist in the documentation and record-keeping of staff’s field activities, findings and correspondence with customers. Process applications for rebate and landscape incentive programs. Solicit, schedule, and conduct water-use surveys of residential, commercial and industrial, and large landscape customers. Process statistics and documents related to these surveys. Public Outreach: Assist in conducting effective water conservation and water-use surveys for customers. Communicate clearly and concisely with customers regarding rebate process and application status. Produce informational materials to advertise rebate programs, water-wise landscapes, and community outreach events. Assist in the design, writing of articles, and production of outreach materials to include flyers, brochures, e-flyers and materials for the District website.
Additional information: I was previously the Sustainable Programming Commissioner and Environmental Senator of Associated Students which allowed me to sit on the Water Task Force at CSUMB. While in these positions, I strive to serve as a beneficial liaison between the water district and university.

Brady Swanson
Year: Senior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Organization: Carmel Lavender
Title: Beekeeping Intern
Name of Project/Program: Bee Experience
Location: Carmel Valley, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of the Bee Experience project is to guide others through the process of "suiting up" getting as close and personal to the honeybees as they wish.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: I assist in Leading Guided tours of the apiary, record keeping, data collection, feeding, hive maintenance.

Chris Laurel
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Studies (ENSTU)
Organization: California State Parks
Title: Natural Resources Intern
Name of Project/Program: Natural Resources Management
Location: Newport Beach, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of California State Parks is to "provide for the health, inspiration, and education of the people of California by helping to preserve the state's extraordinary biological diversity, protecting its most valued natural and cultural resources, and creating opportunities for high-quality outdoor recreation." The natural resources department where I worked, is responsible for a variety of park management activities such as habitat restoration, ongoing maintenance, and information regarding geographic information systems (GIS), exotic species control, marine areas, and watershed management.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: Some tasks that I was able to perform included learning the techniques to effectively manage specific invasive plants found within Crystal Cove State Park, bird surveying techniques, and trail camera monitoring.

Year: Senior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Organization: SPCA for Monterey County
Title: Wildlife Rehabilitation Intern
Location: Monterey, CA
Goal of Project: The goal of this project is to effectively rehabilitate wild animals and release them back into their natural habitats.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: I intake animals, record data, distribute food, water, and medication to the captive animals, clean enclosures, force feed animals, clean and wrap wounds, secure/ handle animals, prepare meals for the animals, etc.

Philip Engelgau
Year: Senior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Organization: Catala Lab / Boyce Thompson Institute
Name of Project/Program: Plant Genome Research Program
Location: Ithaca, New York
Goal of Project: Although a new class of sugar transporters has been characterized in the leaves of rice and Arabidopsis, little is known of the class' role in sink tissues such as developing fruit. The goal of the project was to characterize this new sugar transporter in tomato fruit and to investigate the role hormones may play in the regulation of the transporter's genes. Research in this area may give insight with regards to improving the sugar content and flavor of an economically and culturally significant crop.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: My part in this project involved the extraction and quantification of sugars from wild type tomatoes and from transgenic plants with the expression of the sugar transporter down-regulated. I also performed RNA extractions and ran qPCR to determine how various hormones affected the expression of the transporter genes.
Elysha Iverson
Year: Graduate Student
Major: Applied Marine and Watershed Science
Organization: SPCA for Monterey County
Title: Wildlife Rehabilitation Intern
Location: Salinas, CA
Goal of Project: Through this internship I was able to:
- Work with Wildlife professionals in the area.
- Gain hands-on experience with reptiles, birds and mammals I may work with in the field.
- Learn about the anthropogenic factors that impact wildlife well-being in the county.
- Learn about zoonotic disease that is common to wildlife I may see in the area.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: Hands-on care of multiple species of wild birds, mammals and reptiles. Care of dehydration, parasites, disease, traumatic injury and being orphaned. Preparation of appropriate food, hydration and enclosures. Appropriate pairing in enclosures with different species based on natural history and rehabilitation guidelines.

Nana Yeboah
Year: Senior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Organization: A & O Specialty Pharmacy
Title: Pharmacy Intern
Goal of Project: The pharmacists plan, warn, instruct, and judge the value of medications in a careful and thoughtful manner; they most importantly, monitor the health and progress of their patients. I have the qualities and the characteristics of a Pharmacist, so that is the career that not only suites me, but defines me.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: As an intern, I work under the supervision of licensed pharmacists to gain the practical experience that will enable me to meet the needs of patients and customers in the real world.
Additional Information: I want a career as a Pharmacist so that I can be worthy of reliance and trust. Most people might think that the task of a Pharmacist is to smile and hand prescription drugs to old people—but on the contrary, they serve their community. As a profession, I want to contribute to the growth and prosperity of others; and I truly believe that being a Pharmacist will improve the community.

Sarah Schmidt
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Studies (ENSTU)
Organization: International Student Volunteers
Title: Volunteer
Name of Project/Program: Nancite Beach Sea Turtle Monitoring
Location: Nancite Beach, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Goal of Project: A long term study on sea turtles at a major nesting site beach in Costa Rica, monitoring olive ridley, leatherback and pacific green sea turtles.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: I patrolled a private beach in shifts at night for turtles. I measured and tagged the turtles as well as counted their eggs and recorded data. During the day, we helped turtle hatchlings safely make it into the ocean.
Additional Information: I am the president of the Environmental Studies Club on campus.

Alixandra Rachman
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy (ESTP)
Organization: International Student Volunteers
Title: Volunteer
Name of Project/Program: Nancite Beach Sea Turtle Monitoring
Location: Nancite Beach, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Goal of Project: Nancite Beach in the Santa Rosa National Park is famous for being a beach that receives thousands of olive-ridley turtles each year to lay eggs. During a few days each year, they come onto the beach by the thousands, which we call an arribada. While olive-ridley sea turtles are considered the most abundant sea turtles, their population has declined around 30% due to the lack of nesting sites left in the world. Along with this, 1 in 1000 olive-ridley sea turtle hatchlings make it to adulthood. Nancite is a beach that is closed off to all public access, except for researchers and volunteers. Keeping the beach private is important to the safety of future populations from human influences. Staff and volunteers strive to monitor sea turtle populations in order to obtain information in order to be able to implement conservation programs.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: This past summer, myself and 13 others worked closely with olive-ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivaceato) to preserve the population and restore their habitat at Nancite Beach in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Every night, we were assigned to one of two patrol shifts, 8PM to 12AM or 12AM to 4AM. While on patrol, we would look for one of two signs of turtles. The first was if we saw the tracks of a turtle, walking from the ocean to the shore to lay its eggs. The second sign was the turtle itself on the shore. If we saw an olive-ridley on patrol, we tagged their flipper (if she was one that hadn't been recorded before), measured their carapace length and width, counted their eggs as she was laying them, and measured its distance from vegetation. We also got the chance to release over 400 baby turtle hatchlings. Over the past few years, staff at the Nancite site have been tracking and recording exactly where olive-ridley nests are located. When we release baby turtle hatchlings, we must count them and state how many have survived out of the total number that were laid. Other than this, we did several beach cleanups and worked on trail restoration
Additional Information:I have also done previous research with UROC on the bioreactor on campus. I'm so grateful to have had this experience. Putting your entire soul into something bigger than yourself is one of the most rewarding and life-changing experiences. These are so many people that helped me grow and learn so much about myself, others, and the world around me.

Blanca Rios
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Studies (ENSTU)
Organization: Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency
Title: Laboratory Technician
Name of Project/Program: Waste Water Treatment
Location 1: Marina, California Intern/UROC/REU/Other: Intern
Goal of Project: To ensure that tertiary treated wastewater is held to the highest possible standard and quality; satisfying both state mandate and customer expectation.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: I analyze tertiary water samples for chlorine residual and to ensure the correct amount of chlorine is being discharged into the basins. I perform 5-day biochemical oxygen demand, which entails the preparation of seeded samples and, after 5 days, checking dissolved oxygen levels. I also analyze the bacteria content in culture tubes, following various incubation periods.
Additional Information: My internship commenced in June 2015, and I was selected for promotion to my current position of laboratory technician in January 2016. I am also serving as treasurer of the new CSUMB Environmental Studies club.

Bethany Schulze
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy (ESTP)
Organization: UCSC Fort Ord Natural Reserve
Title: GIS Intern and Research Associate
Name of Project/Program: GIS trail mapping, Woodrat and small rodent data analysis
Location 1: Marina, California Intern/UROC/REU/Other: Intern
Goal of Project: GIS trail mapping: Map current trails at the reserve with a Trimble GPS and categorize the trails according to their condition and accessibility in order to guide management decisions. Many trails have become overgrown, making navigating the reserve difficult, and therefore need to be re-evaluated. Woodrat and small rodent data analysis: Estimate population for various species, find greatest distance traveled by individuals, create density maps according to each species. Investigate other factors, e.g. localized diversity.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work:
- Data collection planning and implementation
- Spatial analyses using ArcGIS
- Teaching a UCSC student how to collect and edit data for spatial analyses-Statistical analyses using R.

Jennifer Interiano
Year: Senior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Organization: Monterey County Public Health Laboratory
Title: Health Intern
Name of Project/Program: Organic Garden
Location 1: Salinas, California Intern/UROC/REU/Other: Intern
Goal of Project: The mission of the Public Health Laboratory is to work with other staff such as epidemiologists, public health nurses, infectious disease specialists, infection control nurses, and hospital clinical laboratory scientist in an effort to prevent and control emerging infections.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: I am able to shadow the microbiologists when they are conducting experiments such as testing for rabies from a brain specimen. I also help with testing for the presence or absence of bacteria in water samples. I am able to utilize the textbooks in the library of the laboratory if I need to conduct research on a topic. The books found in the laboratory have a focus in microbiology, clinical mycology, infectious diseases and other chemical based texts. I do help with data entry as well. Many tasks are completed on a day to day basis and there are usually different tasks that vary each day.
Additional Information: I am a tour guide here at CSUMB. I enjoy sharing information about our campus to prospective students and their families. (It's also good exercise) I am part of the TrioSSS -Stem HS program on campus. I am a first generation student. It humbles me to be a part of a great campus that has helped me gain many opportunities.
Courtney Narwoc
Year: Senior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Organization: Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve
Title: Water Quality Intern
Name of Project/Program: Water Quality Monitoring
Location 1: Watsonville, California Intern/UROC/REU/Other: Intern
Goal of Project: The goal of the project is to monitor the water quality at various sites throughout Elkhorn Slough by taking monthly readings of parameters such as pH, turbidity, salinity, chlorophyll, dissolved oxygen level, etc. This data is then quality assessed and uploaded to the National Estuarine Research Reserve System database.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: Each week I "swap out" one of our sondes (water-monitoring devices) at a specified location around the slough. My specific tasks involve calibrating and deploying a fresh sonde, retrieving the sonde that has been in the water, post-calibrating it, and quality assessing the sonde's data before uploading it to the National Estuarine Research Reserve System database. Each sonde is in the water at its location for a month, and we've developed a schedule so that each week there is a different sonde to swap out at one of the locations.

Rebecca Ortega
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Studies (ENSTU)
Organization: MEarth
Title: Garden Assistant and Educator
Name of Project/Program: Organic Garden
Location 1: Carmel, California Intern/UROC/REU/Other: Intern
Goal of Project: MEarth is an environmental educational non profit working towards educating and inspiring environmental stewardship in the next generation.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: The goal of my position a MEarth is to enhance the current curriculum for the Friday Eco-Literacy courses which we teach to 6th grade students. We teach them organic and sustainable gardening techniques through hands on activities. I have helped to design a new course teaching the kids about pollinators which will continue after my time as an intern.
Additional Information: I am currently working on incorporating a hive on campus and hope to have it implemented by the end of this spring semester.

Cristina Robles-Beilby
Year: Senior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Title: Student Intern
Name of Project/Program: Teacher's Assistant
Organization: Seaside Middle School
Location 1: Seaside, California Intern/UROC/REU/Other: Intern
Goal of Project: The goal was to provide assistance at a school that is under-funded and under-represented, while also proving a role model to students and assisting them in any way they needed.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: I helped the teacher perform daily tasks in the classroom from grading papers, to assisting with curriculum
Katherine Bennett
Year: Senior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Title: Student Intern
Name of Project/Program: Ocean Friendly Car Wash Program
Organization: Save the Whales
Location 1: Monterey, California Intern/UROC/REU/Other: Intern
Goal of Project: The Ocean-Friendly Car Wash Program, modeled after the Sacramento River-Friendly Car Wash Program, aims to facilitate partnerships between commercial car washes and nonprofit organizations in the Monterey Bay. The ultimate objective of this program is to encourage Monterey Bay locals to bring their cars to commercial car washes where water is recycled, instead of washing cars in city streets where polluted water enters storm drains and is carried to the ocean. The local pilot car wash for this program is El Estero Car Wash, which provides discounted car wash vouchers to fundraising non-profit organizations which can be sold to locals at a higher price. By reducing the amount of detergents and other pollutants making their way into storm drains, Save the Whales ultimately hopes to encourage a healthier marine ecosystem in the Monterey Bay.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: My responsibilities as a primary organizer of the Ocean-Friendly Car Wash Program are:
- To compile a list of commercial car washes in the Monterey Bay
- To draft a letter that will be sent to these commercial car washes to encourage their participation in the Ocean-Friendly Car Wash Program
- To attend meetings with Save the Whales and MontereySEA in order to discuss the logistics and progress of the program
- In addition to my role as an organizer of the Ocean-Friendly Car Wash Program, I will be conducting community outreach activities for Save the Whales including:
- Tabling events designed to educate the public about alternatives to toxic household chemicals, pollution, and watershed ecology
- Storm drain labeling
- Labeling of non-toxic household chemicals in stores such as Home Depot and Orchard Supply
Ashley Inghram
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Studies (ENSTU)
Title: NatureConnect Intern
Name of Project/Program: MEarth - Environmental Education
Organization: MEarth Location 1: Carmel, California Intern/UROC/REU/Other: Intern
Goal of Project: MEarth is a non-profit environmental education center right next to Carmel Middle School. It works with students from all over the Monterey Peninsula in order to grow the next generation of environmental leaders through education.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: I work with all parts of the project. MEarth has four different programs that they run throughout the week with both students and the community. I mostly focus on working with the students, in their science classes when they come to MEarth and do labs on the property.

Alex Liebert
Year: Junior
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: Intern
Name of Project/Program: Navy Marine Mammal Foundation
Organization: Navy Marine Mammal Foundation
Location 1: San Diego, CA. Intern/UROC/REU/Other: Intern
Goal of Project: The goal of this internship was to learn how to communicate with the marine mammals in order for both sides (Human and animal alike) to work together.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: I worked with sea lions and dolphins to perform husbandry duties and assist in preparation to become active naval members
Additional Information: Alex is Vice President of recognition and service of NRHH

Jesse Suggs
Year: Junior
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: UROC student researcher
Name of Project/Program: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI)
Organization: MBARI Location 1: Moss Landing, CA. Intern/UROC/REU/Other: UROC Student Researcher
Goal of Project: the goal of my internship is to begin to retrace the bio-accumulation of methyl mercury down the food web by analyzing the mercury concentrations of different mesopelagic prey organisms across depth and time.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: I specialize in preparing and cataloging samples for mercury analysis.

Madison Heard
Year: Junior
Major: Marine Science (MSCI)
Title: UROC student researcher
Name of Project/Program: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI); Barry Lab
Organization: MBARI
Location 1: Moss Landing, CA. Intern/UROC/REU/Other: UROC Student Researcher
Goal of Project: The goal of this project was to understand the life cycle of abalone when exposed to potentially stressful conditions linked to climate change. Instead of a single stressor experiment, this novel study incorporated a combination of both low pH and low oxygen to understand how abalone embryos developed between fertilization and the trochophore stage.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: Along with an undergrad team, we spawned 14 adult abalone, collected the gametes, fertilized approximately 2 1/2 million embryos and allowed development until the trochophore stage (~25 hours post fertilization). I worked with a dissecting microscope to sort which stages the embryos had developed to.
Additional Information: This Fall I will be presenting the research I did with abalone at the 2015 SACNAS Conference in Washington, D.C. I am currently working with Dr. Corey Garza at CSUMB in the Marine Landscape Ecology Lab where I am scanning the sandy seafloor through video analysis to analyze habitat associations. I am interested in continuing research in marine ecology, however, another passion of mine is education. In the future, I aim to incorporate marine science education in my college experience.

Noah Luecke
Year: Senior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Title: UROC student researcher
Name of Project/Program: Plant Pathology Laboratory
Organization: CSUMB
Location 1: Seaside, CA Intern/UROC/REU/Other: UROC Student Researcher
Goal of Project: Plant pathogens affect our environment in a large way. In 2012 Phytophthora tentaculata was detected in California and has been devastating native plant nurseries and created a potential hazard for our natural ecosystem. My project has been to assist in the development of molecular techniques for detection as well as trying to find ways understand the potential effect this pathogen could have in our backyard
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: As a part of a team I was learning a great deal of the molecular technique including DNA extraction, PCR, real-time PCR, RPA, and ELISA. I have designed a few experiments focusing on the epidemiology of the pathogen as well as its resistance to chemical treatment.
Additional Information: While working the the plant pathology lab I am also working at Return of the Natives as a greenhouse assistant and volunteering with the Citizens for a Sustainable Marina assisting in the restoration of a park. I am the Plant Pathology Club President and a member of the Surf Club. I volunteer with Return of the Natives during their park cleanup events and have assisted with projects with the Watershed Geology Lab on campus.

Jordan Collignon
Year: Junior
Major: Math
Title: UROC student researcher
Name of Project/Program: VERUM 2015
Organization: Valparaiso University
Location 1: Valparaiso, IN Intern/UROC/REU/Other: UROC Student Researcher
Goal of Project: My project is a combination of Mathematics and Ecology. What my group and I spent all summer doing was creating simulations involving the reintroduction of the Passenger Pigeon. If the Passenger Pigeon is reintroduced into the wild today, my group's project is to determine under what conditions can we reintroduce the Passenger Pigeon into a natural environment and survive.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: I am part of a group of three where each member chooses the task they want to perform each day. Some of the tasks my group works on are as follows:
- Using Netlogo to create modeling codes for our simulations
- Looking up and analyzing research articles to find ideas for our modeling code such as mathematical methods
- Creating presentation slides or pages of the technical report using a LaTeX program
- Using MATLAB to represent the data from our simulations graphically

R Moyner
Year: Junior
Major: Biology
Title: UROC Scholar
Name of Project/Program: CSUMB's Ecosystem Electronic Lab (EEL) - SquidPod Technician Stanford University's Hopkins Marine Station - Research Assistant
Organization: Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University & Ecosystem Electronic Lab at CSUMB
Location 1: Hopkins - Pacific Grove, Ca
Location 2: CSUMB - Seaside, Ca Intern/UROC/REU/Other: Intern
Goal of Project: On the California coast, the primary source of hypoxic events is wind-driven upwelling, where winds drive the offshore advection of surface waters causing vertical transport of cold, nutrient rich and low DO water onto shallow continental shelf. Little is known about the impacts of hypoxia on fish behavior. My research uses laboratory experimentation and field observations to quantify these effects. In the field I built a custom underwater camera system (SquidPod) to independently control a GoPro and monitor fish movements, co-located with other sensors. In the laboratory, I am conducting an experiment measuring the startle response in juvenile rockfish across a range of oxygen levels and exposure durations.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: I work on building the SquidPod and making it operational. I also conduct the startle responses at Hopkins.

Michael Fung
Year: Graduate Spring 2015
Major: Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy
Title: Wildlife Technician Intern
Name of Project/Program: South Fork American River Watershed Fire Strategy Wildlife Surveys and Habitat Restoration Project
Organization: USFS
Location: Camino, CA
Intern/UROC/REU/Other: Intern
Goal of Project: The goal of this project is to implement the Cohesive Fire Strategy on a large scale landscape for the purpose of restoring and maintaining resilient landscapes to wildland fire; create fire adapted communities and improve responsiveness to wildfires. It is associated with the South Fork American River Watershed Cohesive Fire Strategy Project, Eldorado National Forest (which was selected this year for implementation. The watershed is a HUC 8 and covers 253,403 acres.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: We conduct night surveys on California spotted owls in designated PAC for timber management throughout Eldorado national forest. We use government vehicle suitable for off highway road to routes (paved, unpaved, overgrown w/ vegetation, unmarked) with previous years data. GPS and topographic maps are essential tools for us to get to the call locations. We use protocol designed by Fish and Wildlife to find the presence of owl by mimicking the owl call at each designated call point. If owls were found, we will conduct daytime survey the next day to record their actual location. In addition, we survey Goshawk and Cooper hawks at certain days.
Additional Information: I'm a recent grad. Working with the Forest is quite an amazing experience. I'm always outdoors visiting new parts of the forest that my car probably won't be able to handle. Even though the internship is short lived, I'm grateful for the opportunity and experiences from this internship.

Julio Martinez
Year: Senior
Major: Biology (BIO)
Title: UROC Scholar
Name of Project/Program: Screening of bacteriocin activity within Pseudomonas syringae sensu lato to determine if there is a correlation between phylogenetic relatedness and killing activity
Organization: United States Department of Agriculture
Location: Salinas, CA
Intern/UROC/REU/Other: UROC Scholar
Goal of Project: Bacterial plant pathogens present challenges to agricultural food production worldwide. Current methods to control these pathogens are inefficient and cause negative environmental impacts; therefore it is important to find other methods to advance the control of these pathogens. Bacteriocins, which are protein-based toxins produced by bacteria that are inhibitory towards other bacteria, present opportunities to develop efficient pathogen control strategies.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: Under my mentor supervision, I conducted a comprehensive screening of multiple strains of P. syringae to determine if there is a correlation between relatedness and bacteriocin activity. Pseudomonas syringae (a pathogen responsible for a number of economically important disease in crops) is an ideal species for this research, as the phylogenetic diversity across this species has been well characterized.
Additional Information: I am a son of migrant field workers. My father cuts and picks lettuce and my mother works picking raspberries, in the fields of Salinas, Ca. I was born in Oaxaca Mexico, but I now live in the east side of Salinas. I am an ESL (English Second Language) student and a first-generation college student at California State University, Monterey Bay. I am studying biology to pursued a career in plant pathology (management of plant diseases) or in Food Safety (protecting public health and preventing food-borne illness).

Esther Haile
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: Summer Research Biologist
Name of Project/Program: Western Snowy Conservation
Organization: Point Blue
Location: Moss Landing, CA
Intern/UROC/REU/other: UROC Researcher
Goal of the project: Western Snowy Plovers have been listed as a threatened species since 1993. The main goal of this project is to provide protection of nesting habitat for the plovers and to monitor the plovers recovery.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: I do beach surveys of Snowy Plovers, looking for nests, chicks, and adults as well as what their behaviors are. I'm also working on a personal project to see how avian predators affect the fledgling rates of plover chicks.

Elizabeth Alger
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: Summer Research Assistant
Name of Project/Program: Plant Genomics at MSU
Organization: Day Lab at Michigan State University
Location: East Lansing, Michigan
Intern/UROC/REU/other: Intern
Goal of the project: In order to cause disease in plants, many bacterial plant pathogens use the type III secretion system (T3SS) to inject plants with virulence proteins, termed type-III effectors (T3Es). We are currently studying the interaction between Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato strain DC3000, and Arabidopsis thaliana. Specifically, we are investigating whether or not there is a significant difference between the translocation of the virulence protein AvrRpt2 into wild type and mutant Arabidopsis lines. To do so, we are currently working to optimize the calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclase (Cya) reporter system by collecting Arabidopsis samples at various time points. This project is also working towards a new detection method using a 13-residue amino acid glycogen synthase kinase (GSK) tag.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: I spend most of my time developing new plasmids that contain the tagged protein of interest and then transforming those plasmids into various bacteria. I have been using some of these bacteria to test the GSK tag with our test protein, pep1. I have also been working on optimizing the Cya reporter system, which is the current method used to detect effector protein translocation. The transformed bacteria have different translocation rates and therefore require different dilution factors for detection.
Additional Information: I recently co-authored two disease notes for publication, one for identifying Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato on kale and another for identifying Xanthamonas translucens on chive. These will be my first publication as an undergraduate.

Taylor Eddy
Year: Senior
Major: Marine Science
Title: UROC Summer Researcher
Name of Project/Program: Juvenile rockfish energetics
Organization: Hopkin's Marine Station - Micheli Lab
Location: Pacific Grove, CA
Intern/UROC/REU/other: UROC Researcher
Goal of the project: I am studying the seasonal and inter-annual variability in juvenile rockfish condition in terms of both size (weight at length, predominantly protein) and energy stores in form of lipids. I am also assessing in which tissues lipids are stored. I will be relating this to environmental conditions and availability of kelp forest – versus oceanic – derived food resources using stable isotopes. The overall aim of the project is to develop indicators of physiological condition of juvenile rockfish. Understanding the how body mass and energy stores (in the form of lipids) vary with growth provides a powerful tool to assess the physiological condition of juvenile rockfish. Furthermore, comparing these indicators to environmental conditions such as temperature and upwelling events or the availability of food resources will help us to gain an understanding of how natural events (ie. El Niño and La Niña events) and anthropogenic changes may affect the success of juvenile rockfish in kelp forests.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: Under the guidance of my mentor, I am performing all of the tasks of the project including developing methods, preparing samples for stable isotope analysis, lipid extracting tissues and analyzing the results.

F Sanchez
Year: Junior
Major: Biology
Title: Research Assistant
Name of Project/Program: Mussel bed disturbance and spatial distribution; Hummock image-based classification
Organization: CSULA's Benthic Ecology Lab
Location: Bamfield, British Columbia
Intern/UROC/REU/other: UROC Scholar
Goal of the project: We are looking at disturbance factors on mussel bed structures, such as predation and wave impacts, in order to evaluate the spatial distribution and abundance of mussel beds. From this, we seek to evaluate the eruption of mussel hummocks to determine if they are an indicator of mussel bed thinning that leads to exfoliation. Additionally, using GIS and photography, I seek to find a way to auto-classify hummocks from mosaics of our field data using pixel color and object-based analysis.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: The entire CSULA Lab (including myself) is involved in the field surveying of mussel beds. We travel to our individual sites through boats, and our surveying tasks consist of transect setup, hummock identification, GIS data collecting, and recording transect tags for reference. After field work I use our GIS data to develop photo mosaics using software tools, in order to begin the classification hummocks.
Additional Information: I am a volunteer at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, part of the Pay It Forward Scholarship Program, and an officer of the Otter Student Union.

Jesse Yamagata
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Title: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Name of Project/Program: Fungicide Resistance in Erysiphe necator
Organization: Dr. Miles' Plant Pathology Laboratory
Location: Seaside, CA
Intern/UROC/REU/other: UROC Scholar
Goal of the project: I am currently studying fungicide resistance in Erysiphe necator by developing molecular tools to identify the mutation responsible for fungicide resistance in this pathogen.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: To complete this project I am sampling in the Monterey Bay region, DNA extractions from those environmental samples, PCR/qPCR, and gel electrophoresis. Additional Information: Along with this project I have just finished co-authoring a Disease Note identifying Phytophthora cinnamomi on blueberry plants in California. It is in the process of being published and is en route to be accepted in the next month. This will be my first publication as an undergraduate.

Dylan Brimer
Year: Senior
Major: Environmental Studies
Title: CSU STEM VISTA Summer Associate
ame of Project/Program: SIP and Camp SEA Lab
Organization: Americorps
Location: Seaside, CA
Intern/UROC/REU/other: Internship
Goal of the project: My goal is to help develop the SIP program at CSUMB, and to help educate children about marine life.
Particular task(s) or parts of the project in which you work: I work with CSUMB’s SIP doing a variety of tasks. At Camp SEA Lab, I am a naturalist and help teach different programs relating to the environment and marine life.