Service Learning Institute

Steps to Service Learning

Use the pages in the left-hand menu to view the details of each step in the process.

CalState S4 / MySLP

Use the following link to log into our partner database, CalState S4 (also known as MySLP).

  • 1. Browse

    In this mode, you are searching for opportunities.  You have guidance from your service learning course professor; you have your interests and availability and transportation in mind.

    2. Connect

    With opportunities and partner sites in mind, armed with your skills, interests, availability, and transportation needs, you follow the “Opportunity Application Instructions” to reach out to partner organizations about their opportunities.  You are determining if it’s a good fit for you and waiting to receive the “green light” from the community partner.

    3. Register

    After completing the two steps above and getting the “green light” from the partner site; you can register your placement in the CalState S4/MySLP system. You will need to start in a very specific place in the system in order to enter the “place” pathway.

    4. Serve

    While serving, you will represent yourself and CSUMB professionally and positively.  You will log your hours in CalState S4/MySLP, communicate any absences or schedule changes with supervisors, and keep everyone’s safety top of mind.

  • Service Learning Semester Timeline for Students, printable and accessible version.

    Semester Timeline- Spring 2025 - partners web
  • As you begin your service relationship with a community agency, you are probably eager to get involved and make a difference in the lives of people with whom you'll work and the agencies with which you'll serve. We expect that you will view yourself as a representative of CSUMB in the community. As such, we ask that you carefully read through and abide by the following guidelines created to assist you in having the best and most productive experience possible:

  • CSU policies

    The California State University Chancellor's Executive Order No. 345 requires each campus of California State University to maintain a working and learning environment free from sexual harassment for its students, employees, and those who apply for student or employee status.
    The following federal and state statutes prohibit sexual harassment as a form of sex discrimination:

    • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended)
    • Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972; Government Code Section 12940; and the California Education Code, Section 200 et seq.


    All members of the university community are responsible for ensuring that their conduct does not sexually harass any other member of the university community. This same responsibility extends to employees of third parties doing business with the University and to campus visitors. University administrators and supervisors have the further responsibility of preventing and eliminating sexual harassment within the areas they oversee. If administrators or supervisors know sexual harassment is occurring, receive a complaint of sexual harassment, or obtain information indicating possible sexual harassment, they must take immediate steps to ensure the matter is addressed, even if the issue or alleged problem is not within their assigned area of responsibility.

    Faculty, staff, and students are expected to inform an appropriate administrator (i.e., deans or vice presidents) or other university officers (i.e., director of Human Resources) if they have reason to believe sexual harassment is occurring. Program administrators and department heads/chairs are responsible for taking appropriate steps to disseminate this policy statement to students and employees in their respective areas. All faculty, staff, and administrators will be held accountable for compliance with this.

    Definition of sexual harassment

    Sexual harassment is defined by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as follows:

    Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:

    • Submission to such conduct is either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a person's employment or academic advancement.
    • Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for affecting an individual's employment or academic standing.
    • Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with a person's work or academic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work, learning, or social environment.

    Not "just flirting" types of sexual harassment

    • Verbal or physical contact with the intention of sexual relations may be quid pro quo (i.e., "in exchange" for favors such as promotions, employment perks, better grades, etc.). The power of the person in authority (employer, supervisor, professor, etc.) to sexually harass increases in direct correlation to the lack of organization of the potential victim group - i.e., women laborers in the informal sector, temporary workers, students, women in institutions for the mentally/ physically handicapped, etc. are most vulnerable.

    • Sexual harassment by colleagues

    • Sexual harassment by clients - particularly in professions where women's role is "sexually packaged" - such as air hostesses, workers in beer bars, etc.

    • Sexual objectification of an individual through sexual relations not intended (harassment on the road etc.). This can include negative comments like "you're fat/ ugly," etc.

    • Hostile, anti-woman environment (pornography in public places, foul language, etc.). This may not be directed at any woman employee in particular, but the effect on women is one of discomfort.

Virtual Drop-In Sessions

Drop-in sessions are for questions, placement support, and CalState S4/MySLP help.

Student Drop-In Hours

Attend to get assistance from experienced, friendly students!

Spring 2025

Mon & Wed, 5-6 p.m.; Tue & Thu, 12:30-1:30 p.m.