


Services to CSU alumni/emeriti/retired

The library offers the following services to current members of all CSU Alumni Associations, other CSU Emeriti and Retired CSU Faculty:

  • May consult and photocopy from Library books, periodicals, microforms, and reference materials
  • May borrow up to ten (10) books at a time for a three (3) week loan period
  • May renew items twice via the internet by accessing your library account, by telephone at 831-582-3733, in person, or by email to
  • May request searches on books not found on the shelves that are owned by CSUMB Library.

Provision of library services to members of CSU Alumni Associations, and CSU Emeriti and CSU Retired Persons are available after in-person registration at the Circulation Desk which includes verification of current status.

The library does NOT provide the following services to CSU Alumni, CSU Emeriti, CSU Retired Faculty:

The library cannot, by contract, provide remote access to licensed library databases or ebooks to alumni or retired staff/faculty, however CSUMB emeriti faculty are eligible for such access.

Responsibilities and privileges

The card provided to CSU Alumni, CSU Emeriti, CSU Retired Faculty, will serve as the library borrowing card. By presenting their library card and a photo id, when using Library services, the borrower agrees to comply with all CSUMB Library regulations. This card is non-transferable. Abuse of library privileges may result in loss of borrowing privileges. Repeated non-compliance with library regulations may result in cancellation of library privileges. Any person who steals or mutilates library material is subject to prosecution under the provisions of Federal, State, and Municipal laws, and the California Education Code.

Return of material

Items borrowed are due back to the library by closing time on the due date. Items are to be returned to the Library Circulation Desk or book return bins. The library is not responsible for items improperly returned. All items returned after the given date or recall date, are subject to the fees established by the CSUMB Library. See the library's Overdue, Recall and Replacement Fees Policy.

This policy is subject to change.