

Collection Development Policy

Collection and access policy

To the extent possible and economically feasible, the CSUMB Library acquires and provides access to resources in electronic format rather than print. The Library acknowledges that the print format remains an essential information resource in many disciplines, but prefers electronic formats and access to information rather than ownership of materials. This approach to collection development provides convenient, timely, and cost-effective access to materials which have high relevance and high probability of use. To supplement the locally held print, media and electronic collections, the Library provides a rapid document delivery/interlibrary loan service. For details, please consult the Collection Development & Access Policy.

Scope of the collections

Electronic resources

Most full-text journals and news sources to which we subscribe are available online. Consult the Articles & Databases page for a guide to available electronic journals and databases. The Library also has a collection of ebooks available via OneSearch.

Print collection

  • Utilize OneSearch, to locate books in the collection.
  • Consult the Journals List for titles of journals, magazines and newspapers to which the Library subscribes, including over 50,000 online full-text titles.
  • CSUMB students, faculty and staff may use CSU+ Resource Sharing or ILLiad Interlibrary Loan to request that the Library obtain materials not owned or accessible locally.

Media collection

Refer to the Video, Audio & Images page for information about our media collection.

Subject selectors

Each librarian is responsible for building and managing the collections in specific subject areas. For more information about the Library's collection in a specific subject area, or to recommend titles for addition to the collections, please contact the selector for the area in question. There is also a list of the selectors alphabetically by subject.


The Library accepts donations of materials which support the curricula or academic programs. Donated materials will be evaluated title-by-title for possible addition to the collections by the appropriate subject selector. The Library reserves the right to retain or dispose of donated materials (sell, recycle or donate to another library). CSU systemwide policy does not allow the library to appraise the value of donated materials. The Library will acknowledge in writing the receipt and general description of donated materials.

The Library may accept backruns of periodicals (journals, magazines and newspapers) which support the core curricula or academic programs if they fill significant gaps in existing subscriptions. The Library accepts gift subscriptions to periodicals only in unusual circumstances, for reasons such as continuity and legality. The Library does not accept donated materials if the donor requires that the materials be kept separately and not integrated into the collections. For details, please consult the Collection Development & Access Policy.

The Library accepts donations of money to purchase library materials which support the curricula. Such donations will be referred to the Library Dean.