College of Health Sciences and Human Services


Programs & Events

Spring 2025



  • Wednesdays, 12-1pm 
    February 5 - April 30 
    Meeting House, Building 98 (corner of Divarty & Gen Jim Moore)

    SIGN UP and receive a Google calendar invite!

    Be welcomed to yoga class by our certified therapy dog, Blue! He will remain on leash throughout the class, but you are welcome to visit with him anytime before/during/after class! 

    All abilities and experience levels welcome! Basic Needs' own Robyn DoCanto will instruct participants through a gentle flow perfect for a midday refresher. 

    A few yoga mats will be available, but please bring your own if you have one.

  • January 31 - April 25 

    SIGN UP and receive a Google calendar invite! 

    Yoga: 12:15 - 1:15p.m. 

    Mindfulness: 1:30 - 2p.m.

    Join us on Fridays to utilize your Well@Work hours with a refreshing program designed to bring yoga, mindfulness, and wellness activities into your workday! Robyn DoCanto will lead sessions to usher ourselves into the weekend by practicing yoga, and through meditation, mindfulness, journaling and a variety of workshops. Take a break, recharge, and improve your focus and well-being with intention setting. Whether you're looking to reduce stress or boost energy, everyone is welcome to participate. Come and prioritize your wellness with us! 

    You are welcome to join either or both sessions on any Friday. Please bring a yoga mat, water, journal, pen, and an open mind and heart. 

  • Mondays, 12pm
    Location TBD

    Wednesdays, 7am
    Meet at Otter Sports Center Parking Lot

    Join us for a run, walk, or roll done at your own pace!

    There are no set workouts, feel free to walk, jog, or a little of both!

    All abilities and experiences levels welcome. We are here for accountability and fun! 

    Our typical route is appx. 3 miles, but anyone is welcome to turn back whenever they need. 

  • Fill out the interest form to be paired with a PAL! 

    Are you interested in becoming more active? 

    Our PALs have been trained to help individuals set goals, overcome barriers and will share all the wonderful resources available to you here at CSUMB. 

    What is having a PAL like?

    • PALs will reach out to you to meet appx. 3-5 times per semester
    • Meetings can range from 15 minutes-1 hour, as needed
    • Meetings can be in-person on campus or on Zoom
    • Work with your PAL will include goal setting and accountability check ins!
    • Three of the meetings can be held at the Otter Sports Center to help you learn some workout routines!

    This is also a wonderful learning opportunity and if you are interested in being involved in EIM-OC in the future, so we encourage you to participate!


  • Tuesdays & Thursdays 
    February 11 - April 10 
    Valley Hall, Suite C 

    SIGN UP and receive a Google calendar invite!

    Do you want to learn how to lift weights safely and properly? 

    Do you want to take a pause in your workday and do something for yourself?

    Want to feel stronger and energized? This class is for everyone! 

    This class is designed for all abilities and experience levels. Instructors will teach fundamental lifts in a supportive environment, supported by trained KIN students! 

    Wear closed-toe shoes and clothes you can move in! 

KIN 415 Class


Help plan and implement EIM-OC programming by enrolling in KIN 415: Exercise is Medicine On Campus!
Questions? Email Dr. Leininger:

Follow @csumb_eim for updates and the latest happenings!